I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 107 Drawing, Childhood, Broadcasting

Chapter 107 Drawing, Childhood, Broadcasting

Zhou You is very curious about the secret base of the children such as Cidan.

Who didn't have their own secret base in childhood?
"I really envy their carefree happiness." Li Yan said, "I miss my childhood."

"What is the most memorable thing in childhood?" Zhou You was curious about how Li Yan grew up.

"Why do you ask this?" Li Yan looked at Zhou You.

"I heard that asking about the good memories of each other's childhood can quickly heat up the relationship between a man and a woman in an ambiguous period." Zhou You said suddenly.

"Student Zhou You, thank you very much for your appreciation, but I won't consider falling in love with you until I am admitted to Kyoto University." Zhou You was not serious, and Li Yancai responded not serious.

The conversation between the two was quite interesting.

In the end, Li Yan talked about his childhood, "When I was young, I liked to go to my grandmother's house. My grandmother's house is in the countryside. I clamored to go there during the winter and summer vacations, because there I could move crabs and bare buttocks in the small river ditch. Taking a bath, rolling in the straw pile after harvesting the millet, and catching locusts, and then stringing them up with dogtail grass..."

This is also my childhood!

Childhood on Earth in previous lives.

"What about you?" Li Yan asked Zhou You.

"My childhood was lackluster." Zhou You searched the original owner's memories, and most of the memories were scenes of going to school, practicing the piano... and fighting with his sister Zhou Lingyu. "The most impressive thing is being beaten and cried by my sister."

"Sister Ni is so fierce?" Li Yan asked gossip.

"Maybe it's the suppression of the blood." Zhou Lingyu's words "dear brother" came to Zhou You's mind, and every time she called Zhou You that way, her eyes would smile like crescent moons.Then he said, "Lend your pocket money to my sister? My mother gave you the pocket money, and I will pay you back with interest."

Not less pocket money was cheated.

When he called my dear brother, besides cheating pocket money, he also had all kinds of tricks: dear brother, help me peel an apple... dear brother is thirsty... dear brother, buy me a pack of spicy sticks... dear My younger brother and mother told you to buy soy sauce...

"What a poor child." Li Yan sighed after listening to Zhou You's narration, "But it's also very warm. I always wanted to have a sister."

"That's easy." Zhou You said, "You can buy my sister with a little money, and she is happy to have another younger brother who contributes pocket money."

The two of them had already followed Cidan to the village while they were talking.

Cidan and several other children's homes are here.

The houses in the village are very Tibetan-style.

Most of the people also wear the traditional costumes of U-Tsang.

A lazy cat is basking in the sun lying on the wall made of stone.

When he saw someone coming, he ignored them, and just squinted his eyes halfway and let out a "meow", as if greeting a guest from afar.

"Brother, I'll go home and talk to my parents." Cidan said.

"Okay." Zhou You and Li Yan nodded.

Then Cedan broke up with a few children and ran home quickly.

After a while they ran back again.

One of the seven or eight-year-old boys ran all the snot out of his nose, sucked it, and sucked it back, and then the snot had a mind of his own, and then flowed out bit by bit, and he sucked it back...

After gathering again, three little boys and a little girl took them to the secret base.

Out of the simple and honest village,
Cidan took Zhou You and Li Yan to walk a long way around Basongcuo Lake, away from the village and the usual route of tourists.

A green wetland gradually appeared in front of my eyes.

There is a small stream flowing down from the snow mountain.

The water quality is crystal clear.

Elegant white cranes scattered on the green wetland, walking gracefully and slowly.

by the creek,

There were brown and white horses looking down to drink.

On the emerald green grass, black cows are dotted on it.

It is very close to the snow mountain.

Looking up, you can see the majestic snow-capped mountains.

There are long clouds and mists floating in the mountains.

Surrounded by clouds and mist, it is like a fairyland.

In the blue sky, white clouds float leisurely, as if time slowed down.

Basongcuo is different from other sacred lakes in that it is completely surrounded by lush virgin forests.

The surrounding green hills are like Daisy, like a pure paradise.

"Wow!!! It's so beautiful here." Li Yan couldn't help admiring, "Like a painting!! I am willing to live and die here."

"There are still our friends here." Tedan said mysteriously.

"Friend?" Zhou You was surprised.

"I'll call them over now." After Cidan finished speaking, he whistled a few times.

Then, in the primeval forest, there were rustling sounds, and then something jumped and shook in the forest, and after a while, a Tibetan macaque jumped out of the forest.

It squeaked.

Jumped onto Cidan's shoulder, "It's called Badan, our friend." Cidan introduced.

"He's not afraid of you at all." Zhou You was very surprised.

"It was injured a year ago and almost died. We rescued it and then became friends," Cidan said.

Afterwards they played with Tibetan macaques.

Zhou You tried to touch the Tibetan macaque, but it didn't resist, as if it had a natural trust in humans.

Humans and animals live in harmony!

It's wonderful.

on the lawn,
When the cows were full, they lay down and lazily enjoyed the sunshine.

He didn't take the human beings around them at all.


I'm too lazy to talk to you.

In the following time, several boys took off their clothes and went down to play in the stream, catching fish, and their laughter interweaved into the most beautiful music between heaven and earth.

They invited Zhou You and Li Yan to play together.

So in the clear and transparent stream, Zhou You and Li Yan became kings of children, playing and laughing together, as if they had become the children they used to be.

Hearty and cheerful laughter echoed in the mountains.

Echoes can still be heard.

When you are tired from playing, find a grassland with a higher terrain, or sit, or lie down, with a piece of grass in your mouth, watching the mountains, water, clouds, and sunsets...

"No one knows why. The sun always sets on the other side of the mountain. No one can tell me whether there are any gods living in the mountain. For many days, I always face the sky alone in a daze..."

Zhou You inadvertently thought of this song "Childhood".

It reminds me of my childhood, which is as beautiful and picturesque as the scenery here.

The scenery here is like a world of communication.

[Lying on the grass quietly in a daze, life point +1]

The sun is gradually setting.

The tip of the white snow mountain was dyed orange.

It is not a golden mountain in sunshine.

But it was also a spectacle.

It's getting late,

After bidding farewell to Tibetan macaques and cattle, Zhou You and others followed Cidan back to the village.

Zhou You paid each of the four children a "guide fee" of 50 yuan.

The smiling faces of the children are brighter than the sun.

50 yuan can buy a two-way happiness!

Great value.

The joy of children is so simple.

Most grown-ups can't be happy anyway.

Getting ready to say goodbye.

But Cidan pulled Zhou You and Li Yan, "Brother, go to my house for dinner."

"Thank you Cidan, we won't go." Zhou You said.

It's not good to take the liberty to go to Cidan's house for dinner.

"When I went out, I told my parents, they prepared your meals. Let's go!" Cidan pushed Zhou You forward.

It's hard to be affectionate, but Zhou You and Li Yan went to Cidan's house as guests.

The father and mother of the second day warmly entertained Zhou You.

Made a big dinner.

Tibetan pork, matsutake roast chicken, Bahe fish, highland barley noodles, highland barley wine...

Drinking highland barley wine with Cidan's father, he asked how many cows his family raised.Cidan's father said: "My family is relatively small, in my thirties."

This is like when a classmate on earth said, "In order for me to go to college, my family sold a cow." Everyone thought her family was poor, but when I asked, she had hundreds of cows in her family.


Time quietly flowed to eight o'clock.

Qian Qiuyuan, who is far away in Beijing, has been paying attention to the ranking of "Blooming" on the new song list.

From the release of the song at ten o'clock in the morning to now, "Blooming Bloom" has rushed to the second place on the new song list.

It surpassed "Midsummer", which was originally ranked second.

Guo Pinsheng had already been trampled under his feet.

"It's just a matter of time before we get to the first place." Qian Qiuyuan was full of confidence.

It is not yet eight o'clock in the evening, and there are more than four hours before twelve o'clock.According to the current growth trend of the data, it is expected to rush to the top of the list before twelve o'clock!

Tomorrow at the latest!
You can burst the happy chrysanthemum.

At this time, netizens are also discussing this matter.

""Blooming" is too fierce."

"Xiaoyao Chrysanthemum tightened immediately."

"Guo Pinsheng has already been killed, and I feel that it will be easy for "Blooming" to dominate the rankings for a while."

"After all, Qian Qiuyuan's qualifications are there."

Everyone is very optimistic about "Blooming".

Only Guo Pinsheng was very depressed, Xiaoyao stepped on me, and Qian Qiuyuan stepped on me...they can't get along with me, right?Ranked first? "Blooming Bloom" is still not ready... "Summer Wind" is still very strong.

The respectable teacher Guo Pinsheng admitted for the first time that "Summer Wind" is excellent.

For the first time, I also hope that "Summer Wind" will continue to stay at the top of the list.

Qian Qiuyuan won Xiaoyao, where will I save my face?

Qian Qiuyuan also lost, it's really not me, but the opponent is too strong.

Guo Pinsheng had many plans in mind.


On the other hand, the time came to 8:00 pm.
The first episode of "Traveler" was broadcast on time.

In the dormitory for college girls, the house girl Xu Wenjun slid off the bed and surrounded Yanyan's computer with three roommates including Yanyan.

The laptop was pushed back against the cabinet wall, freeing up an area on the table.

and there,
At the moment, there are two large boxes of takeaway crayfish.

There are also two large boxes of skewers.

Slightly drunk fruit wine.

The four girls watched "Traveler" while eating crayfish.

Fans were not surprised that Zhou You and Li Yan's first stop was Jinguan City.Because before, some netizens photographed them playing skewers in Jinguan City.

It has long been known.

"Traveling leisurely and on vacation is very suitable for staying in Jinguancheng." Yanyan said while peeling crayfish.

At this time in the show, Zhou You and Li Yan had already put down their luggage at Tingzhu Pavilion, and as the night was getting late, the two came to Ms.

While waiting for their seats, they were invited by anchor Yueyue to sit at a table.

"It looks delicious." Xu Wenjun said when he saw the skewers coming up.

"It looks very spicy." Yanyan said.

Then, after tasting a bunch of squid in the show, she perfectly followed Yanyan's words, "It's not spicy." Zhou You also said it wasn't spicy.

The two began to feast on each other.

There are more bullet screens in the program.

"It looks delicious."

"Drooling across the screen."

"Want to eat!!!"

"The instant noodles that have just been soaked are not fragrant in an instant."

Soon Li Yan and Zhou You perfectly interpreted "not spicy".

The two of them were so hot that they crazily drank water and milk, and ate ice powder.

The fans were instantly happy.

Soon time came to the next day.

Li Yan walked with a limp, and through Zhou You's few words, the clever viewers made up the unbroadcast scenes.

"Hahaha, it's not spicy, it's not spicy! There is blood in some areas."

"Li Yan is soft everywhere, but his mouth is hard!"

"Hahaha I laughed so hard!! I wanted to challenge this Chuan Chuan at first, but let's forget it now... I'm afraid! Just looking at the chrysanthemum is already hot."


Li Qingyao locked herself in the room and watched the first issue of "Traveler" immersively.

Seeing the oily stewed skewers, she wanted to challenge it.

But what she likes the most is Zhou You, Li Yan, Wu Xing, and Li Jingwen drinking tea and picking ears in the tea house in Shaocheng Park.

Very leisurely.

At the same time, Wu Xing and Li Jingwen actually appeared on the show, which made the audience very happy.

"Ahhhh!! CP went from "Journey of Heart" to "Traveler""

"Keep sweetening for me!!"

"I beg you to marry on the spot."

However, the most effective part of the program is the scene where the ear-picking master took out a pile of earwax for Li Yan, and he held it in his hand and admired it.

"Wow~~~ This pile of earwax is easy to decompress."

"Wow~~~ It looks delicious."

"Wow~~~ Gold Mine!!"

"Hahaha, I laughed so hard!!"

Li Qingyao, who seldom smiles, saw this laughing until she was rolling on the bed, her stomach ached, hey~ my ears started to itch, and I really wanted to pick them out, so I started looking for ear picks...

The audience followed Zhou You and Li Yan to visit Jinguan City.

eat and drink.

Funny decompression.

And the part that relieves stress and heals the most, and is most popular with audiences, is undoubtedly the section at the Giant Panda Breeding Base.

Fat Dasangs are funny and cute.

Li Yan loves to dub.

The green stinky smell pulled by Fat Dasang was unreservedly presented to the audience... Of course, there is also the funny dialogue between Zhou You and Li Yan.

One says matcha flavor, and the other may also be wasabi flavor.

The barrage exploded directly.

"The two of them really, I cried to death."

"My stomach hurts from laughing."

"Help~~ Why is this show so funny?"

"I was quite tired today! Seeing this, I feel instantly relaxed."

"From now on, I quit everything that tastes like matcha tea!"

"What should I do if my head is full of matcha flavor?"

"I was eating a matcha flavored cake and...I was crying!!!"

The program is drawing to a close.

Wang Hou cut the entire Jinguan City journey into a program.

The content is very substantial.

All the jokes were cut into it without missing a beat.

Judging from the broadcast situation, the audience's reaction far exceeded Wang Hou's expectations.

The show is drawing to a close.

The audience was very disappointed.

At this time,
The screen came to a Qing bar in Jinguan City.

The guests are drinking here.

The resident male singer adjusted the guitar.

Then he hooked the guitar lightly.

The background music played slowly the moment he played the guitar.

It is the guitar prelude to "Chengdu".

"that made me cry
More than last night's wine
make me reluctant

more than your tenderness

Singing wafted from the bar.

The camera chased the musical notes, shuttling through the streets and alleys of Jinguan City.

At night in Jinguan City, the lights are feasting, the traffic is busy, people are in a hurry, or take a leisurely walk, or laugh, or lively, or lonely...

The screen keeps switching.

Complements music and songs.

"Walk with me on the streets of Chengdu

Don't stop until all the lights go out

you will hold my sleeve
I'll put my hand in my trouser pocket
Go to the end of Yulin Road
Sitting at the door of the tavern

Xu Wenjun and his roommates were all about to drag the progress bar and scroll through the cute and round again, but they didn't expect to hear the song "Chengdu" at this time.

Xu Wenjun: "Is there any ending song?"

Yanyan: "It's nice to hear, what song is this?"

Xu Wenjun: ""Chengdu""

Yanyan: "Have you heard of it?"

Xu Wenjun: "No, there was a song title here just now."

When Yanyan was about to search for this song, a good person had already posted the information of this song in the barrage.

Lyricist: Happy
Composer: Happy
Singing: Zhou You

All of a sudden the bullet screen exploded.

"It turned out to be another song written by Xiaoyao!!"

"Good to hear the explosion."

"I want to go to Jinguan City immediately after listening to it."

"'Traveler' is a big production! They even asked Xiaoyao to write an ending song."

"Why do I feel that this is the program team and Xiaoyao traveling together?"

At this time, with the appearance of "Chengdu" at the end of the first issue of "Traveler", "Chengdu" has also quietly launched on the Yueting music platform.

Fans who watched the show went to Yueting Music to play, download and cycle singles.


"Brother Xiaoyao sings really well too..." Ah no, I've been acting together, recently I was reciting the lines of "Legend of Sword and Fairy", and I accidentally confused Brother Zhou You with Brother Xiaoyao, "Zhou You My brother is singing a new song again."

She listened to it several times, if only she could eat and drink with brother Zhou You in Jinguan City.

The food in Jinguancheng looks delicious.

The giant panda is also... why is the smell of matcha in the brain, it is poisonous! ! !

Shaking her little feet on the bed, she forwarded "Chengdu" to her Weibo.Although there are not many Weit fans.But I can let Brother Zhou You see my attitude! !

After listening to "Chengdu", Li Qingyao first shared it with Mr. Shudong, "It sounds good."

Then start editing microtec.

"Zhou You's new song "Chengdu" sounds good" No, isn't it too abrupt to post like this?I'm not familiar with Zhou You...Delete and modify, "it sounds good" seems too simple...Delete and modify, "Xiaoyao teacher's new song, it sounds good~~"

There is cooperation with Teacher Xiaoyao, so posting like this should be no problem.



Yasong was wrong.

Zhou You and Li Yan returned to the B&B after eating at Cidan's house. The warm hospitality of Cidan's house made them feel very happy.

Their simplicity and boldness are not seen in big cities like Jinghai.

Zhou You had no interest in the broadcast of "Traveler".

But Li Yan seemed very keen.

As soon as I got back to the homestay, Li Yan lay on the bed and watched it on his mobile phone, laughing while watching. Director Wang is too good, this episode was edited so well... So it turns out that Zhou You and I are so funny together?
I didn't feel anything at the time.

I saw that "Chengdu" turned out in the end.

"Fuck!! Is this custom made by Teacher Xiaoyao?" Li Yan felt that the song was a bit catchy after listening to it.

Especially after experiencing the life there in Jinguan City.

A different kind of emotion rises from the bottom of my heart following this song.

Very emotional.

"Ms. Xiaoyao's "Chengdu" is absolutely amazing!" Li Yan also tweeted.

Zhou You Tang Mi also forwarded this song.

Li Qingyao, Li Yan, Jiang Chuxue, and Tang Mi's forwarding, combined with the extremely high popularity of "Traveler", "Chengdu" spread rapidly.

On the Yueting Music New Songs List,
The rankings soared rapidly.



The second update, 5000 words.Thousands of words delivered.

Because of your monthly ticket, recommendation ticket... the popularity of this book has soared~~
(End of this chapter)

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