I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 108 Punching Guo Pinsheng, Kicking Qian Qiuyuan, Standing Three

Chapter 108 Punching Guo Pinsheng, Kicking Qian Qiuyuan, Standing at Thirty
The charts of Yueting Music are updated in real time and refreshed every second.

Therefore, on the day "Chengdu" was released, such a situation occurred: "Chengdu" was not on the list one second, and it jumped out at No. 97 on the list the next second.Refresh, jump directly from 97th to 41st!Refresh it again and it will be at number 9.

It took only half an hour from the release to the 9th place.

Fans, singers, and songwriters were all dumbfounded.

"Is this rate of rise in the ranking a rocket?"

"Happiness is awesome!"

"Li Yan, Li Qingyao, Tang Mi and other big stars forwarded it. This is the rhythm of building a good relationship with Xiaoyao? Xiaoyao's face!"

"The release of the works of D-level creators just created a battle for A-level creators."

"Xiaoyao: This is the network!"

"Xiaoyao: Bullshit! This is strength!"

Guo Pinsheng paid attention to the new song list originally to see if Qian Qiuyuan's "Blooming Bloom" could reach the top of the list and replace "Summer Wind". As a result, he witnessed the rapid rise of "Chengdu" on the list.

"This is on the list too fast!" Even Guo Pinsheng was surprised by the speed of this song's list.

I just blinked...and it went from 9th to 5th!

Currently "Summer Wind" ranks first, Qian Qiuyuan's "Blooming Bloom" ranks second, his "Midsummer" ranks third, and his other work ranks fourth.

"Don't come here!" Guo Pinsheng shouted in his heart.

He crazily hoped that "Chengdu" would stay in the fifth position and never move again.

Of course that's impossible.

Guo Pinsheng soon watched "Chengdu" rush to fourth, third, and then second.

When "Chengdu" ranked higher than "Blooming"!
Guo Pinsheng actually had a dark feeling in his heart!
"Look, Qian Qiuyuan is also Xiaoyao's defeated opponent." In an instant, he gained a wonderful balance in his heart.

His decency is back.

Even the smile on his face instantly became decent and elegant.


Qian Qiuyuan took a shower, came out of the bathroom whistling and wiping his hair.

I am in a very good mood.

The melody the whistle blows is my own "Blooming".

What should I do if I like the song I wrote more and more?Hey, I'm so damn talented!
He drank a glass of water slowly, and then dried his hair with a hairdryer.After blowing my hair, I didn’t forget to look in the mirror to appreciate the newly developed chest muscles... The fitness has also begun to bear fruit!It won't be too far to get out of the singles, right?

"Should it be number one now?" He muttered in a low voice, picking up his phone.

As time went by, he couldn't help but scroll through the list for a few minutes, and he felt dazed.So in order to get rid of this state, he forced himself to take a shower first, and then put his phone on the bed.

He was soaking in the bathtub, drinking red wine, humming a little song, washing his hands... temporarily put the matter of the list aside.

He soaked in this bath for more than an hour.

He was deliberately delaying time to get himself out of the state of constantly swiping his phone.

Cell phones are great things.

Also bad stuff.

Qian Qiuyuan is like a student party who wants to study hard. As long as he swipes his mobile phone, he is easy to get addicted... Then he realizes that he has wasted a lot of time, so he is annoyed, remorseful, and scolds himself!Why are you so undisciplined?Then he threw the phone aside and vowed never to watch short videos again.The next day I got up and lay in bed and brushed all morning...

Full of anticipation, Qian Qiuyuan slid open his phone and opened the new song list of Yue Ting Music.

Go straight to the top of the list.

Dominating the list one rewards himself to watch a movie tonight... He has chosen all the movies.Indulge...and relax.

Um? ! ! !

When he saw the number one list, his eyes froze for an instant, and then his pupils dilated and contracted rapidly!
"What the hell?" he exclaimed!

No.1 is not "Blooming Bloom"!
It's not "Summer Wind" that has dominated the charts for a week!
It's an unfamiliar work - "Chengdu"!
"What kind of monster is this?" Qian Qiuyuan was a little confused.

I just went to take a bubble bath for an hour and a half or two hours, and the chrysanthemum was stabbed.

And it's the kind that pierces directly.

"Blooming" not only did not rush from No.2 to No.1!
Also dropped from No.2 to No.3!
The disappointment of expectations created a huge gap in his heart.

Where did the song "Chengdu" come from?
Previously in the top ten... NO! !He's pretty sure he hasn't seen the song in the top fifty.

Suddenly it was No. [-]!
Is there something wrong with the system?
Is there someone else on the list?

These two possibilities are very small... Qian Qiuyuan clicked on "Chengdu" which is the number one on the list to view it with surprise, doubt, puzzlement, and inquiring emotions and mood.

Be the first to follow creators and singers.

Lyrics and music are all free.

Sing around.

"It's them again!" Qian Qiuyuan probably knew the situation when he saw the word "Xiaoyao".

Although this Xiaoyao had just been promoted to a D-level composer, his song "Summer Wind" overwhelmed Guo Pinsheng's obstinate monster.

This guy has some strength.

But it's not going to be number one in the airborne list, is it?
Zhou You has been quite popular recently, but compared with the first-line singer Zhang Heng, his popularity and popularity are far behind.

Both he and Zhang Heng failed to airborne to the top of the list, and they both had to struggle to make it to the list, and then they were stuck at No.2 for a long time...

What is the reason for this song "Chengdu"?
In order to find out the situation, he opened the dense comments under the song.

Only then did he suddenly understand that the "Traveler", which Zhou You and Li Yan participated in the recording, was broadcast today, and many people in the comments said that Li Yan recommended it, Li Qingyao recommended it, and when they saw Mi Mi's Wei Te, they immediately came over up...

The popularity of the show itself, coupled with the spontaneous promotion of Li Yan and others, has just made the popularity of this song soar.

"So that's how it is." Qian Qiuyuan heaved a sigh of relief.

It's not that "Chengdu" is so good, but that it happened to be popular.

This kind of popularity comes and goes quickly. When the popularity passes, the ranking of the song will also drop quickly, returning to the place where it should stay.

"Tomorrow will almost be over. "Blooming" still has a chance to hit the top of the list." Qian Qiuyuan thought so, and then listened to "Chengdu" again, feeling like that.

Compared with folk songs and rock, it's almost meaningless.

Generally speaking, the performance of rock songs on the list will be several degrees higher than that of folk songs, and "Blooming" still has a great chance of winning.

The comment section is all talking about how beautiful "Traveler" is, it's funny to decompress, and your stomach hurts from laughing... Regardless of the ranking on the list, take a look at this travel variety show.

So Qian Qiuyuan put down his phone,

picked up the tablet,
Looked up "Traveler".

Ms. Wang "destroys flowers with hot hands", the ear picker digs leisurely, the bear rolls around and smells smelly... Seeing the smell of matcha and mustard, he completely broke his defenses!

Then "Chengdu" sounded at the end of the film, and suddenly, a different emotion rose in his heart; suddenly, he seemed to be able to resonate with this song... "This song is really good." I have gradually agreed in my heart .


Yasong was wrong.

"No. [-]! No. [-]!" Li Yan was more excited than Zhou You when he saw "Chengdu" on the new song chart, "Zhou You, aren't you excited?"

Zhou You was extremely calm on the sidelines.

It's like it wasn't his song that was on the top of the list.

"What's so exciting?" Zhou You said.

"No. [-] on the list!" Li Yan said, "Press Li Qingyao on your body, step on Zhang Heng! Just lay down all the golden boys and girls! Isn't it so cool to burst, so cool to scream?"

Pressing down on Li Qingyao, lying on the side of a golden boy and a jade girl, what kind of talk are these...Zhou You said angrily, "Did Teacher Cang teach your Chinese?"

"Who is Teacher Cang?" Li Yan didn't understand.

Yes, there is no teacher Cang in this world... "A very powerful life mentor."

Li Yan let out an oh, and then said: "You should be used to it, after all, the previous few songs were all No. Big feeling."

"Mr. Xiaoyao is awesome!"

Li Yan sighed there alone.

This time it was Teacher Xiaoyao who punched Guo Pinsheng and kicked Qian Zhuangyuan (Qian Qiuyuan)... His Chinese teacher knew how to guide movements.

While he was enjoying himself there, suddenly a phone call came in.

He immediately changed his face.

He took a deep breath and connected the phone: "Hello, Dao Ye."

Ye Chen on the other end of the phone could hear the smile in Li Yan's voice, "Li Yan, aren't you recording a show?"

"It's gone," Li Yan said, "Does Director Ye have any instructions for calling so late?"

"Recently, I have a good notebook in my hand. The male number one is quite suitable for you. I don't care about your schedule." Ye Chen said.

"When will it be turned on?" Li Yan asked.

Usually directors call their agents, but Li Yan and Ye Chen are very close, and Ye Chen usually bypasses the agent and communicates directly with him.

"One month at the latest, two weeks at the earliest." Ye Chen said, "I see that you are recording "Traveler". I wonder if the schedule can be staggered."

"I'm afraid it won't work this time..." Li Yan said, "We are in U-Tsang now, and the trip to U-Tsang may take half a month, and we will go to other places in the future."

The notebooks in Ye Chen's hands are generally good.

The screenwriter picks the director.

Ye Chen also picked the book.

A large part of the reason why he agreed to record "Traveler" before was that Ye Chen didn't have a copy... Unexpectedly, Ye Chen found a good script not long after the start of the trip.

It's a pity... But it doesn't matter, he has gained a lot from the journey of "Traveler".

Experience and experience are very helpful for his future filming.

He regards this "Traveler" as part of his relaxation and growth.

He is experiencing life.

Observe all kinds of people.

Then develop your own brand-new perception of performance.

After hanging up the phone, Li Yan let out a long breath.

"What's wrong?" Zhou You asked.

"There is a good Xianxia drama that asked me to play the male lead, but my schedule cannot be missed." Li Yan said, "It seems to be the book of your Dayu Studio, called "Legend of Sword and Fairy"."

"Oh?" Zhou You was surprised when he heard this.

Ye Chen found an actor and found Li Yan here.

Li Yan's image and temperament playing the role of Li Xiaoyao is not a big problem... he can speak coquettishly, he can be serious, but he can also be indecent.

It's just that he is recording "Traveler" now... a pity.

Li Yan can't play the role, so I don't know who Ye Chen will look for next.


next door.

Wang Hou watched the first episode of the program with the production team of "Traveler" and paid close attention to the broadcast data of the program.

"Online for four hours! 2500 million views!! Director! Our first broadcast exploded." Xu Feifei was very excited.

His internship career is really perfect.

Participated in the popular "Heartbeat Journey" in the first month.

Now they are recording "Traveler" together again, and the premiere has exploded.

If these two programs are written on the resume, then Party A's father won't be able to grab them?Zhou You is the strongest rookie king, and I am the strongest intern!

Being taken away by Zhou You.

This old classmate is really my lucky star.

"The stats of "Journey of Heart" were only in the middle of the broadcast." Wang Jia said, "It's too explosive! It's so beautiful!! If this momentum continues, "Traveler" may set another broadcast record."

The prince is also in a good mood at the moment.

His career took off from "Heart Journey".

I thought it was the brightest moment of my life.

But now it seems that the real highlight moment is far from coming.

"This is just the beginning, don't be proud!" Wang Hou said, "We will do our show steadily and steadily. The success of the show has something to do with Zhou You Li Yan's humorous mechanism."

"Yes!!" Everyone said in unison.

You chattered for a while, and then the prince said: "Everyone, work hard! Last month's bonus has come out!"

"Everyone in our group has it! And it's a huge sum!"

As soon as Wang Hou said this, the staff of the program team immediately became excited.


Zhou You lay on the bed looking at the photos taken today for a long time.

Delete some repetitive and unsatisfactory ones.

What he likes the most is the one shot at the secret base of Cidan and other children. There is the Tibetan macaque, the white crane walking gracefully in the wetland, the brown horse drinking water with its head bowed by the stream, and a head or grass grazing. Or Hei Niu lying lazily on his stomach, and of course there is also a group photo of Zhou You Li Yan and the children.

Looking at the smiling faces of the children, their laughter seems to be still in my ears.

There are not only scenery in the journey.

There are also people who are warm and cold.

Zhou You was quite emotional.

After a long time, Zhou You put down the camera and picked up the phone.

There are so many news on Xia Guo Music Network that it explodes.

The song "Chengdu" is on fire!

Zhouyou and "Xiaoyao" are also popular.

There are two A-level songwriters, Guo Pinsheng and Qian Qiuyuan, on the new song list, but Xiaoyao insisted on using "Chengdu" to reach the top of the list.

Quacking and killing!

This also allows more people to discover and realize the value of happiness.

Friends add message 99+ today
Unread private messages 99+
Sure enough, as long as you are capable, you don't need to find friends, but everyone will take the initiative to find you to make friends...

I have a deep understanding of it when I traveled around the earth in my previous life.

When you first started your business, you were so indebted and poor that everyone avoided you, for fear that you would ask them to borrow money.

The company starts to make a lot of money, and everyone is shouting around you, hoping to get a little money out of your pocket.

Travel around one by one through the friend application.

Although it is not necessary to provide works to these people, these are all "fish".

Don't care about big fish and small fish, let's build the fish pond first.

As for the private message, I can't read it... I'm too lazy to reply.

Shut down Xiaguo Music Network, Zhou You entered WeChat.

Wechat also received a lot of messages.

There was a message from my sister, a message from Jiang Chuxue, and a message from Chen Luo saying that he had already left for Jinghai.

Zhou You simply replied and did not discuss in depth.

Instead, he seriously replied to Zhang Yao's message.

Zhang Yao: "Brother! It's a blast! It's a blast!! My phone is buzzing after "Traveler" aired! They are all seeking cooperation from Xiaoyao! This is the demand order I sorted out."

After this message is the demand order form file compiled by Zhang Yao.

Travel around and click open.

There are 28 order requirements in it.

And these are all high-quality orders selected by Zhang Yao.

Most of these orders are single collaborations proposed by brokerage companies or artists, and the prices are given to C-level creators, and some are even given to B-level creators.

I really think highly of me.

In addition, there are also demand lists for games, film and television dramas.

Zhou You looked at most of the singer's demand lists, and the existing songs in his hand did not match.As for the match, Zhou You is not optimistic about the singer himself.

So it's all filtered out.

There is only one list of movie theme songs that Zhou You is interested in.

This is an urban movie called "Standing at Thirty".

According to the detailed information provided at the back of the form, Zhou You learned that this movie mainly tells the struggle history of a group of ordinary young people in the metropolis Jinghai.

Some of the protagonists left Jinghai in disgrace, some went from unknown employees to executives, some started from scratch, and some continued to be ordinary... Everyone is clumsily moving forward on their own road.

There are joys and sorrows, successes and failures, the sweetness of love, and the helplessness of reality...

The introduction to this film is not bad.

Moreover, it is a movie invested and produced by "Light Spot Entertainment", one of Xia Kingdom's three major entertainment companies.

Pit products are not bad.

The company is not bad either.

Seeing the movie introduction, Zhou You thinks that "Ordinary Road" and "Horse City" can be chosen as one of the two songs... But for the specific song, you may need to read a more detailed script outline or the movie's related promotional video .

Zhou You searched, and there is information about the movie "Standing at Thirty" on the Internet, and the production team has already released a trailer.

Judging from the content of the trailer, "Ordinary Road" is more in line with the temperament of this movie.

So I immediately sent "Ordinary Road" to Zhang Yao: "I took the theme song of "Thirty Years Standing". You can try this song."

Zhang Yao: "Okay brother! You...have all ready-made ones?"

Zhou You: "In stock. Just in time to use."

Zhang Yao: "Perfect."

Zhang Yao: "By the way, Brother... "The Devotion of Suspect X" is now one of the best-selling novels in bookstores. Editor Hu Liang from Daxia Publishing House asked you to make an appointment for a manuscript. This is a new book. Do you have a new manuscript in hand now?"

Zhou You: "Wait for a while."

Zhang Yao: "Well...how long will I wait? I can reply to Editor Hu."

Zhou You: "It depends."

Zhang Yao: "Oh~~"

He didn't ask any more questions. It seemed that the boss had a new idea. He was recording a program now, so he probably didn't have time to write a book... So he immediately opened Hu Liang's WeChat chat page: "Teacher Ye Youshen said wait."

Hu Liang: "How long will it take?"

Zhang Yao: "I can't tell, one month, two months or even longer... depends on the mood of Teacher Ye Youshen."

Hu Liang: "It's really capricious."

On the other side, after Zhou You finished his conversation with Zhang Yao, he sent a message to Wang Hou, saying that "Ordinary Road" was used for other purposes, and asked him not to use this song in "Traveler" for the time being.Then I glanced at the sales data of "The Devotion of Suspect X" reported by Zhang Yao, and it has sold 165 million copies.

Sales are growing fast.

Lots and lots of small money beckoning to him.

Putting down the phone, he lay down on the bed and sank into the system, asking Xiaoqi to call up the personal information panel.

Host: Zhou You

Remaining life points: 12 points

Accumulated life points: 232 points

Number of lucky draws: 1 times

It's time to draw again!



The first update, 5000 words.

You can ask for tickets again: monthly tickets, recommended tickets, I want~~I want your tickets~~~
(End of this chapter)

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