I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 109 So beautiful that you don't have a heart, sing a fire in a city, don't look do

Chapter 109 It's so beautiful that you don't have a heart, sing a fire in a city, don't look down on D-level


As Zhou You shouted in his heart, four golden cloud pattern cards appeared in front of his eyes.

After traveling around and pointing out soldiers and generals, the first card was finally selected.

The first card was enlarged, flipped over, and a brilliant golden light bloomed.

【Congratulations on winning the song "Childhood"】

When I was with the children of Cidan today, I thought of this song, and I got it unexpectedly.

Tiredness hits after completing the lottery.

The night in Basongcuo was very quiet.

The clear starlight sprinkled down.

Zhou You bathed in the starlight and fell asleep.


The next day, when the first ray of sunlight came in through the window, Zhou Youyou woke up.

It was such a comfortable sleep last night.

It's far from the city.

Couldn't hear any noise at night.

In the morning, you will not be woken up by various horns and mechanical sounds.There is no extra light after turning off the lights, only the faint natural soft starlight.

Isn't this what it was like when I was a child living in the countryside?
It's a pity that sleeping in such a peaceful environment is too luxurious now.

[Sleep until you wake up naturally, life point +1]

Zhou You stretched on the bed, feeling every cell in his body wake up in the fresh air, then he lay quietly for a while, then checked the time on the phone next to him, it was already eight o'clock.

There are several micro-special push notifications on the lock screen interface.

Zhou You clicked in and found that the fans who had been persuaded had sent Weibo updates.

He is still holding on.

Zhou You flipped through Wu Yan's homepage, and found that he posted several updates every day.

Get up in the morning and weigh yourself, go for a run, or work out in the gym, or try out new outfits today.

Judging from the photos he posted, his clothes are much better.

In the past, with black-rimmed glasses and plaid shirts, you wouldn’t take a second look at him in a crowd.

Now that he has taken off the black-rimmed glasses that sealed his appearance, he looks more fashionable and handsome in his outfit, and his face seems to be a little thinner.

[The weight has dropped to 147 catties, and I have lost 4 catties! !make persistent efforts!Picture: digital photo of electronic scale]

[I bought a guitar and planned to follow the video for self-study.Do you have a recommended instructional video? 】

Then a bunch of people in the back sent a video link of guitar teaching.

"I've lost 4 catties!! So fast!"

"Punch in today's follow-up practice. Picture: Screenshot of morning jogging mileage"

"Brother Yan is getting more and more handsome."

"He actually went to learn music!!! The lyrics sung by Zhou You may be sung for real...you are really serious."

"Hahaha, if you become a top-notch singer, you will die."

"Just for fun, why take it seriously?"

There is a lyric in "Sunshine Otaku" "Next, you need to know how to play the piano, write songs and nunchucks"... Wu Yan didn't learn the piano, he went to learn the guitar.

All Wu Yan's actions now are following the lyrics.

I feel like this is cultivating a boyfriend...

His clothing has improved a lot. If he loses weight and has some talent, it shouldn't be difficult to find a girlfriend.

At that time, Wu Yan will really get out of the singles, so it will be considered a merit... Zhou You thought about it.

Exit Wu Yan's Weibo homepage, put down the phone and get up.

At this time Li Yan also got up,
He opened the window,

A gust of cool, fresh air rushed towards his face, and he took a deep breath, as if this breath of air instantly made him drunk.

"It's so comfortable to live here." Li Yan said, "When you open your eyes, you can see the green mountains and green waters. I would like to get up two hours early every day for this kind of scenery! I don't even have the desire to open the windows when I wake up in Jinghai, because all I see are houses. A house is a fucking house."

In Li Yan's words, Zhou You could hear his deep dislike for the metropolis of Jinghai.


Who would want to go to a big city if they could live in such an environment?

Zhou You and Li Yan simply ate the breakfast provided by the homestay.

Today they are going to a very small place.

A new fault more than 30 kilometers away.

After breakfast they drove off.

The red mustang bumps along the dirt road.

Basongcuo Lake Island is just a very small point of Basongcuo. Outside of this point, there are countless charming scenic spots hidden.

Xincuo is one of them.

Relaxing and soothing music was playing in the car, chatty Li Yan was chatting with the driver, Uncle Duoji, he still liked to talk about Uncle Duoji's two daughters so much, and Uncle Duoji was also willing to talk about his two daughters.

The vibe in the car is relaxed.

And when the vehicle traveled 26 kilometers and arrived at the Santong Ranch, the vision in front of it instantly widened, and the scenery outside the window also changed instantly.

The talkative Li Yan also shut up instantly.

Looking at the scenery outside the car window, he was speechless.

On both sides are large expanses of tender green grassland, white and brown horses grazing leisurely with their heads down, black mother yaks strolling on the grassland with their calf, and black Tibetan pigs are running happily...

Farther away are mountains of a darker green color.

Several lonely wooden houses are scattered on the green hills and grasslands, quiet and beautiful.

The scenery is picturesque!
"Is this a fairyland on earth?" Li Yan stared out of the window, afraid that he would miss this wonderful scenery in the blink of an eye.

Traveling around is also refreshing.

I'm used to seeing crowds and high-rise buildings in the metropolis... At this moment, there are almost no people here, only animals enjoying the quiet grass, the quiet mountains, the quiet wind, the quiet Air……

Zhou You suddenly had a strange idea that his life was not as good as that of a cow.

Humans are rich.

At the top of the food chain.

Created a brilliant civilization.

But the most brilliant civilization is not worth mentioning in front of the Creator's uncanny workmanship...

"I think it's the cow or the horse." Li Yan said.

"Why not the Tibetan pig?" Zhou You teased.

"It sounds like a curse word." Li Yan smiled.

"Pigs are also happy here." Zhou You said.

"Then it's not bad to be a pig." Li Yan said.

The tender green grass and the leisurely cows and horses retreated. Li Yan said to Uncle Duoji: "Uncle, let's drive slowly."

Dorje: "Yes."

The wonderful scenery made Zhou You even forget to take pictures.

There are pastures and grasslands, the meandering Luozha River, and the lush water and grass... Zhou You thinks that this scenery is even more wonderful than that of Basongcuo Lake.

Raw, pure and unpolluted.

No human destruction and development!
Take a look!
All are world famous paintings.

Taking pictures here requires no skill.

Just click and shoot!
Because random shooting is a blockbuster...

No filter needed.

Filters will only destroy this natural and pure beauty.

Zhou You and the others parked their car at Santong Ranch.

After that, the two put on their backpacks and got out of the car to hike.

Walking among the mountains and rivers, walking through the grassland, Zhou You asked Li Yan: "Is it so beautiful that you lack oxygen?"

"There's no lack of oxygen anymore." Li Yan said, "I'm starting to lose my mind."

"Huh?" Zhou You looked at Li Yan.

"It takes [-] eyes to see the scenery here." Li Yan is indeed a language master taught by Teacher Cang, and his level is very good.

After entering Weizang for a few days, Li Yan gradually got used to it, and the occurrence of high-altitude rebellion became less and less, which may be due to the slightly lower altitude here.

They hiked to a hillside.

This hillside is green and grassy.

The wild flowers all over the mountains are competing to bloom, and the grassland has become a sea of ​​flowers.

There are groups of horses scattered on the hillside.

Zhou You unconsciously raised his camera and took two photos of the horses.

These horses are not afraid of people.

Come straight to you.

Then bow your head to eat grass.

Li Yan even lay directly among the small yellow flowers in the grassland on the hillside, "I don't want to leave ~ let me lie here for the rest of my life."

He lay down in large letters.

Zhou You's mood at this moment is also extremely happy.

lie down.

Looking at the white clouds in the sky.

Looking at the green hills in the distance, such as Dai.

Except for the two of them and the cameraman of the program group, Zhou You has no one else, as if this world belongs to them.

There are no chrysanthemums here.

But Zhou You thought of Tao Yuanming's "picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, and seeing Nanshan leisurely".The ancients knew how to live.

Why were there so many hermits in ancient times?

Probably also impressed by the magnificence and tranquility of nature.

"Let's camp here tonight." Zhou You said.

He didn't want to leave either.

"Okay." Li Yan readily agreed, "The earth is the bed, and the sky is the quilt!! Don't be too carefree."

What kind of words are these tigers and wolves! !It's very visual, isn't it...

The weather is fine today.

Zhou You and Li Yan did not arrange other itineraries.

They were lying or sitting on the grass, with the mountain wind blowing, chatting, being silent, singing... The driver, Uncle Dorji, also came here, and Li Yan asked, "Uncle, can you sing Tibetan songs?"

Dorje: "Every U-Tsang will."

Li Yan: "Teach us to sing a few lines."

Then Dorje let go of his voice and sang.

Duoji's singing voice is exquisite and clear, and the high-pitched decorations are not inferior to professional singers.It's not that he has received professional training, but U-Tibet people face the blue sky, white clouds, snow-capped mountains and holy lakes every day. They are happy and broad-minded, so they naturally sing such high-pitched tunes.

Wei Zang has a large area and few people.

They face the nature every day, empty and unsupported, all sounds are silent, and their hearts and souls are extremely free and broad.

It is said that among Tibetan songs, none of them describe natural disasters.

Uncle Dorji's singing echoed in the blue sky and white clouds.

Flying among the alpine meadows.

It seems to be a cry from the depths of the soul, a lofty hymn to the heaven, earth, people and gods.

Both Zhou You and Li Yan were dumbfounded.

[Lie leisurely between heaven and earth, life point +1]

[Listen to beautiful Tibetan songs, life point +1]

After Uncle Duoji sang a song, he felt extremely comfortable.Li Yan said, "Uncle, you sing so well."

Dorje: "Speaking of which, when I was young, I sang a U-Tsang love song to Rajen, and we got together."

Rajen is Dorje's wife.

When Lazhen was mentioned, Li Yan immediately began to gossip about Uncle Duoji's love story.

In the following time, Zhou You and Li Yan learned a few lines of Weizang love songs from Uncle Duoji.

Time passed by minute by minute.

They sat here for a day, took a walk occasionally, ate something, and uncle Dorji drank the water from the nearby river directly when he was thirsty.

"Uncle, is this water okay to drink?" Li Yan asked.

"It's very clean." Dorji said, "Try it?"

Li Yan hesitated for a while, held the water in his hands, and took a sip, "It's delicious, sweet. You, take a sip too."

Zhou You didn't hesitate to hold the water to drink.

Sweet and refreshing.

This is no sweeter than Nongfu Spring... This is the real mountain spring!
In the afternoon they pitched their tents and went camping.

Increasingly westward.

Li Yan and Zhou You sat on the hillside, watching the sunset quietly.

"I especially like watching sunsets." Li Yan said, "Every time I see an orange-red sunset and a red-dyed sky, I feel very happy."

"When people are sad, they like the sunset." Zhou You said.This is a line from The Little Prince.

"Happiness in the adult world is temporary, and unhappiness is the norm, isn't it?" Li Yan did not deny it.

The sun is fully down.

The golden edge of the cloud gradually dimmed and disappeared.

The quiet night fell again.



The first thing Qian Qiuyuan did when he woke up was to check the ranking of Yueting Music's new song list.

What frustrates him is that "Chengdu" is still at the top of the list, and its popularity has not diminished.

"Blooming" can always surpass "Summer Wind" and continue to return to the second position... Being the first brother is the best, the second is reluctant, and the third is too fucked!

But "Blooming" is firmly in the third place.

It did not catch up with the trend of "Summer Wind" becoming the second at all.

Xiaoyao's works are too stable on the list.

He has been paying attention to the list all day, and until the evening, the status of "Chengdu"'s first brother has not loosened at all.Qian Qiuyuan recognized...

But he was not convinced by the Internet about "Xiaoyao punched Guo Pinsheng and stomped on Qian Qiuyuan".

I have absolutely no objection to punching Guo Pinsheng.

But it is absolutely impossible to step on Qian Qiuyuan!

This tone has to be contested.

The popularity of "Chengdu" may not go down for a while.

Because a new topic popped up on the Weibo hot list today.

#锦官城巴不巴巴吧I don’t know until I’m here#
This is a promotional video of Jinguancheng released by the Jinguancheng Culture and Tourism Bureau, and the background music is "Chengdu".

Promotional video production is very professional and beautiful.

Paired with "Chengdu", "Jinguancheng" directly made it a hit on Weibo.

"The official website of Jinguancheng is good enough!! The promotional video has been made so quickly."

"Jinguan City welcomes friends from all over the world~~ come quickly! Bashideban."

"I just want to go to Jinguan City, to pick my ears, see giant pandas, and eat stewed skewers! Eat maocai!! Is there a team? I'm single, female, 175, 98 catties...that's impossible .”

"Jinguan City is on fire!!"

"One song set fire to a city!"

After the broadcast of "Traveler", Jinguancheng became popular with the wide spread of "Chengdu".

The restaurant that Zhou You and Li Yan had been to had a sudden boom in business.

The tea house and panda base in Shaocheng Park saw a surge of tourists.



Spotlight entertainment.

The filming and production of "Thirty Standing" has been completed, and the three promotions planned for the film have also been carried out twice.

After the final third promotion, the movie is about to go online.

And there is still a very difficult problem-the theme song has not yet been determined.

"Standing at Thirty" is a work directed by Ding Hai, a well-known director of Guangdian Entertainment.And the screenwriter of this movie is Tian Linguang, one of the "Four King Kongs" of Guangdian.

Tian Linguang is notoriously "picky" in the industry.

Working with him was very difficult.

But the script written by others is good.

Even if the directors endured the torment, they still had to cooperate with him.

After Tian Linguang wrote the script of "Standing at Thirty", he appointed Ding Hai to direct the play. At that time, Ding Hai's first reaction was: "Did I go out today and step on shit?"

Not surprisingly, in the following cooperation, under the background of the screenwriter-centered system, Tian Linguang followed the team throughout the whole process, and every detail must be photographed until he is satisfied.

Finally finished filming and editing.

All the theme songs selected by Ding Hai were rejected by Tian Linguang.

"Old Ding, there is news from Dayu Studio." The music producer Lao Lang excitedly found Ding Hai, "Xiaoyao sent the work over."

"So fast?" Ding Hai was surprised.

Yesterday, the program team held a song selection meeting with Tian Linguang. As a result, Ding Hai and Lao Lang re-screened the music, which was rejected by Lao Lang one by one. "Replace!" Tian Linguang said.

"What do you want to replace it with? There are more than 30 songs out of this." Ding Hai's violent temper is about to come up, if the old wolf didn't pull him, he could have sex with Tian Linguang in the conference room.

"It fits the content and temperament of the story." Tian Linguang said.

"I think they all fit well?" Ding Hai said, "Just one or two lines of lyrics do not match the content, you have to replace them! You can't tolerate any flaws in your eyes! You are too picky!"

"I just can't tolerate any flaws in my eyes, and I'm just too picky." Tian Linguang admitted.

This choked Ding Hai speechless.

This Tian Linguang is really maddening.

The old wolf comforted: "Everyone is trying to make "Thirty Standing" a good one. It is normal to have different opinions. Harmony makes money, and harmony makes money... all the anger will be dissipated."

"We have rejected all the songs that can be selected on the market." Lao Lang said, "Now we can only try to find a creator to customize."

It was against this background that they found Xiaoyao.

I found Xiaoyao yesterday, but I got the work today?This speed is too fast!Ding Hai was very surprised.

"Yeah." said the old wolf wearing a peaked cap, "I just sent it."

"How is it?" Ding Hai asked.

"I haven't heard it yet." The old wolf said, "Let's ask Tian Linguang to listen to it, after all, he has the final say."

"Let's not get hopeful either," Ding Hai said with a sneer, "Tian Linguang can pick bones out of eggs."

Lao Lang contacted Tian Linguang.

Soon Tian Linguang came to the conference room from the creation department.

The three of them just sat down and Tian Linguang said, "Which creator did you find for customization?"

"Happy." The old wolf said.

"Xiaoyao?" Tian Linguang was puzzled, "There are no creators above A level who have this number?"

Here we go again... Ding Hai rubbed his temples.I really want to beat someone up!How could there be such a picky person in this world?
"Xiaoyao is a very popular new creator recently." Lao Lang explained: "The works released in the past month often appear at the top of the list, and their creative ability is very good. You should have heard of the popular song "Chengdu" yesterday."

"I've never heard of it." Tian Linguang said.

"..." The old wolf was silenced by Tian Linguang for a while.

Also...Tian Linguang doesn't use a smartphone, and rarely pays attention to entertainment hotspots. It's normal if he hasn't heard of it... What a weirdo!
"B-level creator?" Tian Linguang asked.

"D grade." Old Wolf said.

Tian Linguang immediately stood up from his seat upon hearing this, "Then I don't need to waste time with you here."

Ding Hai has been suppressing his temper, and now he can't hold it anymore and is about to explode.

Seeing that the firecracker was about to be ignited, the old wolf stopped him immediately, and said with a smile on his face, "Teacher Tian, ​​it's not too late to come to a conclusion after listening to this Xiaoyao's work. The creator's level can't explain anything."

"You were also an E-level screenwriter when you debuted as a screenwriter. The company didn't say that because you were an E-level screenwriter, it threw your book aside and didn't even read it, right?"

"Furthermore, your debut work at that time already had the skills of an A-level screenwriter."

"So don't underestimate this D-level creator."

Tian Linguang was praised high by the old wolf,
Finally sat down again.

"Listen." Tian Linguang said.

Although he sat down again, he didn't have high expectations for this D-level creator.

The old wolf responded, and sent a copy of the printed lyrics sheet to each person.

Then turn on the computer and play "Ordinary Road".



The first update is 5000 words.

Ask for tickets every day: monthly tickets, recommendation tickets, rewards, come to the bowl~~
(End of this chapter)

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