I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 111 Born Like Summer Flowers, Is This Your MV?

Chapter 111 Born Like Summer Flowers, Is This Your MV?
Bayi Town is also known as Lariga.

The climate is mild and humid, surrounded by mountains and green forests.

It is an important supply stop during their journey around them.

Depart from Xincuo at 2:11 in the morning and drive to Bayi. The whole journey takes [-] hours, and it is already [-]:[-].

A girl with a red scarf on her head flew past the red wild horse on a motorcycle at an extremely fast speed.

"We were overtaken by motorcycles." Li Yan said.

"It's not the first time." Zhou You said.

Uncle Duoji drives more steadily, not as frizzy as young people drive. This kind of slow and leisurely feeling is just in line with Zhou You's intentions. Why do you drive so fast?Not in a hurry to reincarnate.

After entering Bayi Town, Uncle Duoji had already slowed down.

Bayi Town is not big.

But I met many travelers along the way.

Everyone should choose to stay here temporarily.

The man and woman on the motorcycle speeding past just now should also be a pair of travelers, the kind of lovers.Although the girl wore a big red scarf, she looked like a local girl in Weizang.

But the bags of luggage strapped to the back of the motorcycle speak volumes.

"That Wei Zang girl is quite pretty." Li Yan said.

"Have you seen all this?" Zhou You was surprised. When he was in Jinguancheng, he had said more than once that the girls in Jinguancheng were pretty.

Now in Weizang, his eyes are not idle.

"The back view." Li Yan said.

"Maybe it's the killer from behind." Zhou You poured cold water on him.

"No," Li Yan continued, "Things like intuition can't lie."

When Zhou You heard Li Yan's words, he unconsciously raised his head and ran to the front, leaving Zhou You and the others with a motorcycle with a handsome back.

Girl with big red scarf hugs young man on motorcycle.

A corner of the scarf was blown by the wind and fluttered.

For some reason, Zhou You immediately had an image of a girl from the earth—Li Ziqi!Well, strictly speaking, it's the photo of Li Ziqi's profile picture.

It gives people an indescribable oriental charm and exotic mystery.

"This back view is really not bad." Zhou You said, "But I don't think she is a Wei Zang girl."

"How to say?" Li Yan said.

"It's also intuition." Zhou Youdao, "No matter what the physique and appearance of the young man, he is more like a Yuzhou person... The motorcycle license plate is a Yuzhou license plate. A Yuzhou person is driving a Weizang girl on a motorcycle by herself... No matter how I think about it, I think strangeness."

"Maybe he is going to see his father-in-law?"

"That's even more unreasonable. Who made himself so embarrassed to meet his parents?"


While speaking, the motorcycle turned to the left and disappeared from sight.

Neither Zhou You nor Li Yan expected that they would discuss so much about a motorcycle that surpassed them.I was somewhat curious about the men and women on the motorcycle.

There was no result in the discussion, so Li Yan had no choice but to conclude: "Weizang's girl is quite beautiful."

In your eyes, where is the girl not beautiful?

In Jinguancheng, he kept saying that he wanted to find a daughter-in-law in Jinguancheng, "Why, have you changed your mind now? To marry Weizang?"

"The son-in-law is pretty good, okay?" Li Yan said, "He eats soft food, has a beautiful wife, and lives in the picturesque U-Tsang. He's a winner in life."

"Then you have to find a girl with hundreds of cows at home," Zhou You said jokingly, "then you can herd the cows if you have nothing to do."

"Very good idea." Li Yan was really moved.

Talking and joking, the red mustang has already driven into the gas station.

From Jasa to Basong Co, and then from Xin Co to Bayi, the total mileage ran nearly 600 kilometers, and the fuel was running out, so I had to fill it up here!

While refueling at the gas station, I saw the overtaking motorcycle again.

They're here to cheer too.

A girl with a red scarf got off the back of the motorcycle and waited.

This tour caught a glimpse of her profile.

A pretty girl indeed.

There is a feeling of half-covering the pipa.

But she was a little pale.

Looks like it's not in good shape.

"It's really not Miss Wei Zang." Li Yan said.

But that's all.

After refueling, it was almost time for dinner.

Zhou You and his group went to a restaurant called "Zhiwei Restaurant" for lunch.

Coincidentally, I met this motorcycle couple again.

The girl with the red scarf on her head seemed to have noticed Zhou You and Li Yan, she whispered something to the boy, and then the boy turned his head to look at Zhou You and Li Yan.

"Sit at the same table with them?" Li Yan said, "I have met three times, which is also a kind of fate."

"Yes." Zhou You had no objection.

Zhou You and two walked towards the couple, seeing Zhou You and the others approaching, the young couple was quite surprised.

Li Yan was somewhat socially obsessed, so he went up and said, "Hello, everyone, can I sit with you?"

The girl looked at Zhou You and Li Yan, then at the camera, and finally nodded, "Yes."

Her eyes dodge a little.

At the same time, a little nervous.

On the other hand, the boy looked excited and excited, "Hello, you." The boy was probably also nervous, and he was a little hesitant to speak.

In fact, there are still many vacant seats in the restaurant, and the couple don't know why they are sitting here.

Zhou You and Li Yan sat down.

Li Yan's tuberculosis attribute was activated, "Li Yan, Zhou You, what do you call the two of you?" When introducing Zhou You, he turned his body slightly in Zhou You's direction.

"Tao Yiran." The girl said.

"Lin Hao. Shuangmulin, Ri Tianhao." Lin Hao held Tao Yiran's hand and said, "We are your fans... I didn't expect, I didn't expect to see a living big star."

Lin Hao was nervous and excited after a brief moment of surprise and astonishment.

Both Zhou You and Li Yan were stunned by Lin Hao's language skills.

Ri Tianhao, Lin Ritian...good names!Zhou You said, "It's an interesting self-introduction, but haven't we always been alive?"

Lin Hao: "No... I mean, I met a real big star!"

Li Yan: "We were not fake before, were we?"

Lin Hao: "That's not right... the words don't convey the meaning. It's because I saw a real person in reality."

After exchanging a few humorous words, the atmosphere gradually became more relaxed.

Li Yan asked: "Are you going to mess with Sa?"

Lin Hao: "Yes."

Li Yan: "Why do you think of riding a motorcycle to mess with Sarah?"

Lin Hao suddenly stopped talking, and after a while he said: "Because I still want to come, I will accompany her..."

Li Yan: "I see that your girlfriend's complexion is not very good, is it serious?"

Zhou You and Tao Yiran didn't talk to each other the whole time.

Zhou You has been observing Tao Yiran.

A very iconic girl, she doesn't look weak and weak, she always has a smile on her face.He didn't let go of the hand he held with Lin Hao.

But she always felt weak.

Hearing this, Lin Hao glanced at Tao Yiran, Tao Yiran nodded, and Lin Hao said, "He's sick."

Li Yan: "It looks very serious...can you go to a nearby hospital?"

Lin Hao shook his head, "It's useless."

"What's wrong?" Zhou You finally said the first sentence.

"It's okay." The girl smiled, looking very optimistic.

Zhou You didn't continue to ask, "I don't feel well, I suggest you don't hold on. The altitude here is only 2800 meters... If you continue to move forward, the altitude will reach [-] to [-] meters, and problems will arise."

"En." Tao still nodded.

In the following time, Zhou You and the others did not talk about Tao Yiran's physical condition.

The other party is unwilling to mention it.

Then stop asking.

The four ordered dishes at one table, and Wang Hou, Uncle Duoji, Wang Jia, Xu Feifan and others sat at another table.

What Zhou You eats most is matsutake.

Matsutake is also a characteristic of Bayi Town.

This reminds Zhou You of the "butter fried matsutake" in "A Bite of Tongue".Melt the ghee in a black pottery pot, put the cut raw matsutake slices, the hot oil makes the moisture on the surface of the matsutake disappear quickly, and the aroma is completely revealed.

Then there is the classic quotation from the tip of the tongue: .High-end ingredients often only require the simplest cooking methods.

I have eaten a lot of charcoal-grilled matsutake before traveling around.

This thing is ridiculously expensive!

After all, this "noble of wild fungi" can only survive in high-altitude mountains without pollution.It is a very rare and rare ingredient.

It is not yet possible to cultivate artificially.

Therefore, the matsutake in the market are all wild.

In the virgin forest, it usually takes a mile to pick a matsutake, which shows how hard-won this kind of food is.

While eating food, Zhou You and others talked about what they had seen and heard along the way.

Zhou You and Li Yan originally wanted to invite Lin Hao and Tao Yiran to go with them, but they learned from the chat that they set off from Jinguancheng on a motorcycle.

Just after passing Bomi and Lulang, the next stop is Basong Co, and then arrive at Jalan Sa.

And Zhou You and others set off from Jasa, passing through Basongcuo, and the next stop is Bomi.

The direction is just the opposite.

Li Yan talked to Lin Hao and Lin Hao about how to play in Basongcuo and Resa, and the young couple listened very carefully.The haggard girl's eyes sparkled.

The meal took over 40 minutes.

The two took a group photo before parting.

"We're going to continue." Zhou You said, "How about you? Take a rest. Still, your physical condition doesn't seem to be optimistic."

"Well." Lin Hao said, "There is a giant cypress garden in the south of the town. I heard that there are many thousand-year-old giant cypresses there. The largest cypress tree is 18 meters in circumference and 50 meters in height. The tree is over 2500 years old. We want to see it. look."

Hearing what Lin Hao said, Zhou You and Li Yan immediately became interested.

So I adjusted the itinerary and decided to go to Jubai Garden with Lin Hao to see this ancient tree with a history of more than 2500 years.

Jubai Garden is located in the south of Bayi Town, less than six kilometers away from Bayi Town.

After lunch, take a short rest, travel around and others go to Jubai Garden.

Seeing that Tao was still unwell due to the relatively short distance, Zhou You invited the two to ride the red Mustang together, and their motorcycle was temporarily taken care of by the program staff.

The two readily agreed.

The six-kilometer journey is coming soon.

The giant cypress garden appeared in front of my eyes.

From a distance, you can see the huge tower-shaped crown of the giant cypress.

Hundreds of thousand-year-old cypresses grow in the giant cypress garden. Wind horses are wrapped around the ancient trees, and there are mani heaps everywhere in the forest.

But the most striking thing is the "cypress king".

Coming in front of the Cypress King, Zhou You and the others instantly felt their insignificance.

I couldn't help but exclaimed.

"It takes more than a dozen people to hug it, right?" Li Yan gestured with his arms open.

Travel around and back away from the distance, looking at the giant tree from the farthest and widest possible perspective.

Too high!
Can't even see the top.

The giant cypress soars into the sky!


Surrounded by prayer flags.

A pure white hada is hung on it.

At this moment, Lin Hao and Tao still worshiped this sacred tree devoutly, and then circled around the giant cypress.

At first, Zhou You and Li Yan thought that Lin Hao and Lin Hao were going around the giant tree to look up in all directions, but they circled once and continued to circle the second time, as if they were performing some kind of pious ceremony.

"Walking around the giant cypress, is there anything to say?" Li Yan asked curiously.

Lin Hao said while circling devoutly, "It is said that circling the giant cypress once can keep you healthy, and circling it three times can keep your family healthy and good luck. One of the most important purposes of our visit to the giant cypress garden is to seek blessings."

Li Yan: "Are you looking for good health?"

Lin Hao: "Yes."

While talking, Zhou You and Li Yan also joined the ranks of "seeking blessings".

Zhou Youxin said that this is the same principle as the believers in U-Tsang who turn around mountains and scriptures.

"Trees can live for more than 2000 years, and humans can be up to 100 years old," said Li Yan. "In an instant, it seems that humans, the species at the top of the food chain, seem to be very fragile."

"It's already very fragile." Zhou You said, "Life and death may be due to a sudden illness, an unexpected accident."

Zhou You noticed that Lin Hao and Tao Yiran's expressions changed slightly when the disease was mentioned.

Later, Tao still went to the bathroom,
Zhou You finally found a chance to chat with Lin Hao alone, Zhou You asked, "What's wrong with her?"

Lin Hao took out a cigarette and handed it to Zhou You, who said he didn't smoke.Then he lit it on his own, took a deep breath, and exhaled gray-white smoke. It took a long time before he uttered a word, "Cancer."

"Benign?" Zhou You hoped that the situation would be more optimistic.Zhou You's heart trembled instantly when he heard this word.

"Late stage." Lin Hao said, "Time is running out."

"How much longer?" Zhou You asked.

"At most half a year." Lin Hao smoked a cigarette in a few puffs, then extinguished the cigarette butt, patted his body, as if to pat off the smell of smoke, "She's dead."

"She said she didn't want to spend the last few months of her life lying in a hospital bed with tubes all over her body, she wanted to walk decently and be quiet."

"Her greatest wish is to ride a motorcycle with me to U-Tsang."

"Don't look at her weak now, she is actually a cool girl."

While talking, Tao Yiran came out of the bathroom.

She washed her hands, got water in her hands, and sprinkled water on Lin Hao's face as if she was having fun, and said with a sweet smile, "What are you talking about?"

Lin Haodao: "I told Brother You that you like his song "Big Fish" very much."

Tao Yiran: "I also like "Looking for Myself"... Hey, you smoke again!"

Lin Hao: "Only one."

Tao Yiran: "Half a stick is not enough."

The two of them quarreled like this.

On the way back to Bayi Town after leaving Jubai Garden, Zhou You got up, and a car of people sang songs and went home...

When they returned to Bayi Town, they really had to say goodbye.

Tao Yiran said, "Brother You, I will definitely come when you have a concert."

Zhou You: "I will reserve a VIP seat for you, please don't break your promise."

Tao Yiran: "Yes!"

Zhou You, Li Yan, and the entire program group took photos with Lin Hao and Tao Yiran.Wechat each other on the way back.

Zhou You and Li Yan wanted to provide them with an off-road vehicle, but Lin Hao refused, saying that what she wanted was a motorcycle pilgrimage with me.

When the motorcycle starts,

Tao Yiran put on the red scarf again.

Wave goodbye.

After the motorcycle was riding far enough that the sound of its engine could not be heard, the prince came to Zhou You Li Yan at some point, "What a wonderful child."

Zhou You: "Yes."

Prince: "It's a pity."

Zhou You: "The 20s are the best years of life."

Li Yan: "I suddenly feel that being alive is a very happy thing."

Zhou You felt that Tao was still very brave.

Knowing that your life will end at a certain point is a cruel thing.

But she doesn't seem to care.

After staring at the direction where Lin Hao and Tao Yiran were leaving for a long time, Zhou You and the others turned around and got into the car and set off again.

The journey is so magical.

You will meet all kinds of people.

You will hear all kinds of strange things.

Then suddenly at a certain moment you realize something.


The most important stop on the second leg of their trip is Yanghu Lake.

Via π town and Bomi.

It's a five-hour journey from August [-] to Bomi.

Departure at two o'clock in the afternoon, and it was already seven o'clock in the afternoon when we arrived in Bomi.

No other itinerary was arranged that day, so we stayed at the hotel and had a good rest.

After all, I set off from Xincuo at nine o'clock this morning, except for a few hours in Bayi Town, the rest of the time was on the road.

Everyone has a feeling of "tired boats and cars".

While Li Yan was washing up, Zhou You's consciousness sank into the system.

"Xiao Qi, check the personal information panel."

"Okay, master."

Host: Zhou You

Remaining life points: 11 points

Accumulated life points: 241 points

Number of lucky draws: 1 times

I didn't earn much living points today.

Most of these 11 points were accumulated yesterday, and there was no lucky draw for the tour last night.

"Lucky draw!" Zhou You shouted in his heart.

Four golden cloud pattern cards appeared in front of his eyes.

Draw the second one!
Gold cards zoom in, flip over.

【Congratulations for winning the song "Life is like a Summer Flower"】

This song... The image of the girl Tao Yiran immediately appeared in Zhou You's mind.

Life is as gorgeous as summer flowers, and death is as quiet and beautiful as autumn leaves.

Zhou You found that what he could do was limited.

I can only wish her silently in my heart.

This time the trip is over, let's hold a fan meeting and invite her to come... Her dream of hearing her concert has been fulfilled.

After the lottery draw, Zhou You took out his computer and wrote "Jieyou Grocery Store" for a while with the help of his hand speed.

I haven't written a single word in this book yet.

Write it out slowly.


next door.

Xu Feifan was editing the film under the guidance of Wang Hou.

They are going to cut out the trailer for the second issue of "The Light Chaser".

"Boss, isn't it too extravagant to use "Blue Lotus" directly in the pilot film?" Xu Feifei said, "When the audience is watching the feature film, it will not be so shocking when they hear this song again."

"What I want is this kind of extravagant effect." Wang Hou said, "The lead film is a hit!! It will attract the audience."

Xu Feifei: "But I feel like it was cut into the MV of "Blue Lotus"."

Wang Jia: "It's still a Mustang commercial."

Wang Hou: "What do you know? This is killing three birds with one stone! The second issue was previewed, a MV was made for Zhou You, and the Yema's advertising fee was also paid!"

Wang Jia: "My uncle is awesome."

Wang Hou: "That's necessary... Hey, Jiajia, the two of us are working overtime here to edit the film, and you are playing with your mobile phone and fishing by yourself, making sarcastic remarks from time to time, is it appropriate?"

Wang Jia: "I have cheered you on, my left and right are also very important."

Just as he was talking, Wang Jia suddenly screamed while hugging the mobile phone, "It's terrible! It's terrible! Today's film and television industry exploded! Look."

Wang Jia handed over the phone screen.



The first update, 5000 words.

short?Short I also ask for a ticket: ask for a short monthly ticket, a short recommendation ticket~~~
(End of this chapter)

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