I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 112 This is heaven, I want to accompany one

Chapter 112 This is Paradise, I Want to Be With One

The film industry exploded?
Wang Hou and Xu Feifan hurriedly poked their heads in front of Wang Jia's mobile phone screen.

What caught my eye was the popular Weibo page.

N0.3 "Thirty Years Standing" will be released soon, Tian Linguang will act as the screenwriter, and Xiaoyao will create the theme song

NO.6 Big Fish Studio's first TV series starts, the script is written by Ye Youshen, and Jiang Chuxue plays the female lead

"It didn't blow up much, did it? I was taken aback." Xu Feifei said.

"Look carefully." Wang Jia said, "Xiaoyao! Big Fish Studio! Night Tour God! Jiang Chuxue! Are you blind?"

"The two Weibo hits are both related to Big Fish Studio! The comments below are blown up."

When Wang Jia said this, Xu Feifei really felt a little bit.

Wang Hou's heart at the moment is: Fuck, Zhou You even wrote the theme song for "Standing at Thirty".He said: "Fortunately, our pilot film will be released tomorrow, so we don't have to fight with them on the hit list."

These guys bring the promotion to Big Fish Studio.

Wang Hou reached out and took Wang Jia's cell phone.

Read the comments.

"Xiaoyao has made another move. "Chengdu" and "Summer Wind" are still dominating the new song charts. Will there be a new song?"

"For Zhou You's new song, I have to watch this movie."

"Ye Youshen is still working on scripts? Waiting for your new book!! Hurry up and write me a novel! I have read "The Devotion of Suspect X" many times, there is a shortage of books."

"Xiaoyao, Yeyoushen, "Legend of Sword and Fairy"! These are all produced by Big Fish Studio. Today's Weibo contains a lot of fish."

"High fish content +1"

For a while, Dayu Studio, "Legend of Sword and Fairy", and "Thirty Standing" received great attention.

"Legend of Sword and Fairy" adopts the mode of filming and broadcasting at the same time, so its publicity and promotion must be advanced. Now it is necessary to show up in front of fans and audiences at all times. Only when it is actually broadcast can it gain considerable popularity and popularity. .

Jiang Chuxue is an artist under Tang Mi Studio.

Therefore, Tang Mi also forwarded Dayu Studio's Weibo, on the one hand to build momentum for "Legend of Sword and Fairy", and on the other hand to promote his own artist Jiang Chuxue.

"Although Big Fish Studio is small, its business covers all aspects of the entertainment industry." Wang Hou said.

Because I accidentally broke the mysterious veil of Xiaoyao.

Now the prince even suspects that Ye Youshen is Zhou You's vest.

Otherwise, why is this big fish studio so secretive?And if that's the case... With Zhou You's talent, why bother to make wedding dresses for others?Maybe, um, very likely!Big Fish Studio is all his!He is the boss behind the scenes.

It's terrifying to think carefully.

The more the prince thought about it, the more shocked he became.

"Although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs." Wang Jia said, "I have a hunch that Big Fish Studio may become an entertainment giant comparable to Jiahua Entertainment, Shining Star Media, and Spotlight Entertainment in the future."

"Happiness is getting too much attention recently." Xu Feifei said, "Punching Guo Pinsheng, trampling on Qian Qiuyuan... I don't know which big boss will be sacrificed for the theme song of "Thirty Years Standing"."

"Don't forget that there will be "Blue Lotus" in our trailer tomorrow." Wang Jia said.

"It's going to explode!" Xu Feifei became excited.



Guo Pinsheng sees that it is a hot hit, and Xiaoyao is about to release a new work?

This guy is never finished.

The number one and number two on the new song list are both occupied by you, what else do you want to do?Do you still want to occupy the third place on the new song list?

Generally speaking, if the creator's work occupies the top of the list, they will temporarily stop, after all, releasing a song is likely to kill him.

But this Xiaoyao didn't seem to think so.

He sings too closely!

It's understandable that the newcomer has just debuted, but it's only number seven today!You fucking released two songs, and another song will be released soon after "Standing at Thirty".

The donkeys in the production team didn't dare to roll like that.



Qian Qiuyuan frowned slightly when he saw that "Standing at Thirty" chose Xiaoyao's work as the theme song.

He is the creator of Spotlight Entertainment.

"Standing at Thirty" is a recent focus project of Spotlight Entertainment.

Tian Linguang, one of the Four King Kong, acts as the screenwriter.

Tian Linguang, who has a tendency of perfectionism, is very picky about the background music and theme song of "Thirty Years".Ding Hai and Lao Lang chose Qian Qiuyuan's two songs and both were rejected... I didn't expect to choose Xiaoyao's work in the end!
Qian Qiuyuan immediately sent a message to Xiaoyao on the Xiaguo Music website, "Brother, yes! He even wrote the theme song for "Thirty Years", and was favored by the very picky Tian Linguang."

Xiaoyao replied immediately: "The manager said that they invited the song, so they gave it at will."

I gave it casually... why does it feel like you just wrote casually, and then returned the draft.

People say no?
Qian Qiuyuan: "Bull! (Thumbs up emoji)"

Qian Qiuyuan then sent a message: "Brother has released so many songs recently, is it for scoring points and improving rank?"

Xiaoyao: "For money, by the way, score points to increase the level."

Qian Qiuyuan was taken aback.

Shouldn't it be a way to earn money by scoring points and increasing levels?

Qian Qiuyuan: "999"

Happy: "???"

Qian Qiuyuan: "666 is turned upside down~ Brother is a strange person, 666 is no longer enough to express admiration for brother. We must come up with a trick to turn the dragon and the phoenix!"

On the other side, the tourists are already numb... First make a 69, and then come to the upside down, "Brother, you are driving too fast, please show your driver's license."


The next day, after a good rest, Zhou You and Li Yan went shopping in Bomi.

If it is March and April, they will definitely be able to see the peach blossoms blooming all over the mountains and plains, and witness the grand scene of "the peach blossoms are shining brightly".

Too bad it's already July.

The flowering period of wild peach blossoms has passed long ago.

But they also had a harvest, seeing a lot of small blue fruits on the wild peach trees.

"Is the peach from the wild peach tree edible?" Li Yan asked the simple local U-Tibetan people.

The down-to-earth Uncle Wei Zang told Li Yan enthusiastically: "It can be eaten, and we usually use it to feed livestock."

Li Yan wanted to say that he wanted to eat...but he was offended.

The fruit of the wild peach tree is not ripe until September.

So Zhou You and Li Yan didn't see the peach blossoms, and even the idea of ​​eating wild peaches fell through...According to the local people, the wild peaches in Bomi can reach 500 million kilograms every year, because they are wild, and they can be picked easily...Think about it They all feel good.

Later, I heard that there is also a scenic spot called "Gang Spruce Forest" nearby.

It is a virgin forest.

With curiosity in mind, Zhou You and Li Yan drove here.

But a little disappointed, because here, apart from enjoying the fun of hiking, there is nothing else...

The forest floor is soft to step on.

There are many pine cones falling on the ground.

Zhou You was looking forward to jumping a squirrel from a tree... but obviously such expectations were in vain.

The sun shines through the trees.

Birdsong can be heard in the forest.

But the most creepy thing is that the howling and roaring of wild beasts can be heard from a distance.Li Yan said: "I don't think we should go any further...I feel like we will meet a big black bear!"

Zhou You is not afraid, but he feels that it is almost the same after walking so far.

Turn around and walk back.

They came across a white German Shepherd.

This is the ranger's dog.

Li Yan greeted Bai Demu, "This is Xiaobai."

Li Yan waved to Demu.

Demu gave him a look as if he was mentally retarded, but didn't go over.

If you don't come, I'll go... So Li Yan walked towards Demu, but Demu backed away.

And Zhou You just waved to the German Shepherd, and the white German Shepherd wagged his tail and ran to Zhou You's side.

Zhou You reached out and stroked it.

It turned out to be extremely enjoyable.

Li Yan was very envious when he saw this scene. He came over, squatted down, and wanted to lick the white German shepherd.

As a result, Demu ran away with a look of disgust.

Li Yan: "Hey~~ What's going on, you can touch it, but I can't?"

Zhou You: "It doesn't want to talk to you."

Li Yan: "Do I look like a bad guy?"

Zhou You: "Not at all."

Li Yan: "Then why does he get close to you and ignore me?"

Zhou You: "Have you heard of Goubuli?"

Li Yan: Huh? ! ! ! !

Goubuli was actually myself.

Although they didn't encounter very good scenery along the way, Zhou You and Li Yan were quite happy.

In the afternoon they drove away from Bomi.

Go to Ranwu Lake.

The section of the road to Ranwu Lake runs along the Longzangbo River.To the north is a long line of snow-capped mountains, and the slopes are covered with patches of spruce!

Along the way, the green water is like a belt, the blue waves are like a mirror, and the snow-capped mountains are reflected in the clear, holy and ethereal.

Among the green mountains and clear waters, the glaciers and forests complement each other, the scenery is bright and the scenery is unmatched!

"It's so beautiful!!" Li Yan sighed, "It's so beautiful that the soul is out of the body!"

In front of such a beautiful scenery, Zhou You could not find suitable adjectives to describe it.

He could only ask Uncle Duoji to pull over the car.

Then he got into the cab.

I drove this distance by myself.

Every frame is a scroll.

Blue sky, white clouds, green mountains, snow peaks...

Traveling around has a feeling of driving on heaven.

[life point +1]

[life point +1]

[life point +1]


As time went by, Zhou You enjoyed the smooth driving experience and the immersive experience of the beautiful scenery, and he kept receiving reminders.

Magnificent! !
I can only use this simple and crude adjective to express the shock of Zhou You.

If possible, he hopes to drive on this road forever.

If possible, he hopes to bring this beauty home!
After arriving at Ranwu Lake, Zhou You felt that the scenery along the way was just mediocre!Because Ranwu Lake is really beautiful.


In front of you is a lake that looks blue from a distance and emerald green up close!
The snow-capped mountains are just beside the blue lake.

At the foot of the snow mountain is a verdant and tall coniferous pine forest!
The blue and green collide with the bright white of the snow-capped mountains!
That is definitely a shock beyond the visual limit.

Even a cultural person like Li Yan could only say, "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!!"

Even if you learn a lot at this moment.

In the face of such a spectacle, I have to be shocked to the point of lack of words.

"Heaven!! This is heaven." Zhou You felt his soul float out instantly.

uncanny workmanship!

This is a miracle of nature!

This is the uncanny workmanship of the Creator.

How can this world be so beautiful?
the other side,
Li Yan had already run to the blue lake, facing the majestic and stretching snow-capped mountains, opened his arms, knelt down, and shouted loudly: "It's too much! It's too much!! It's too beautiful!"

Li Yan didn't lose his composure when Basong made a mistake.

Probably the beauty of Basongcuo is the kind of soft, spring-like beauty... green grass, cattle and sheep, mountain breeze, white clouds.like Switzerland.

And the beauty in front of me at this moment!
It is uncanny workmanship.

Wide open.

The majestic snow-capped mountains lie in front of you.

That kind of heroic and majestic momentum.

That icy-eyed aura.

It was really shocking to the depths of the soul.

Yellow sandy beaches, blue lakes, white snow-capped mountains... At that moment, even if you are an atheist, you will definitely sigh that this is a creation of God!

Zhou You used the drone to record all the magnificent scenery of this uncanny workmanship, and packed it to take home.

After wildly admiring and praising, Zhou You and Li Yan stayed here quietly all afternoon.

Can't get enough.

Can't stay enough.

At night they found an open space to pitch their tent.

Just spend the night here.


8 pm.

The leading film (trailer) of the second episode of "Traveler" was released.

The official Weibo of "Traveler" published tweets and links, and Zhou You and Li Yan forwarded them to cooperate with the publicity.

After the first episode of the program was broadcast, "Traveler" attracted much attention.

Therefore, as soon as the pilot film was released, a large number of audience fans poured in.

"First first!"

"I thought the feature film was updated, but this is the end?"

"It's less than 5 minutes...short and weak!"

"That's not enough to get between the teeth."

"Hey, let's see where Zhou You and Li Yan's second stop is."

Although the audience complained about the shortness of the leading film, their hearts were very honest... Short is better than nothing!

Live to see.

Solution greedy.



A major Internet company.

Although it was eight o'clock in the evening, the entire office building was still brightly lit.

The programmers are still typing on the keyboard and coding, and there is no sign of leaving get off work.

Yuan Xu turned his neck on the seat, his neck was already stiff.He barely left his seat this afternoon.I just wanted to finish my work early and go home and lie down.

He has been working overtime for a week.

The company stipulates that after working overtime, you can take a rest day off the next day, and come back to work a few hours later.

There is this regulation, but Yuan Xu can count on his toes the chances of enjoying this kind of treatment.

Too little!
There can be so many times a year.

Because the company always seems to be in a hurry, one project is over, another project is seamlessly connected, and then it is caught in a vicious cycle of endless overtime.

too tired.

Stretching, he turned his head to his colleague Song Tao, who immediately understood.

This is their signal to smoke.

Yuan Xu got up and went to the stairwell, Song Tao followed closely, only a few colleagues followed, and even a post-00 colleague Xiao Meng who had never smoked.

When they came to the stairwell, Yuan Xu and others seemed to have come to heaven.

Or lean against the window, or sit on the stairs.

Yuan Xu took out the unopened Yellow Crane Tower 1916, skillfully unpacked it, and smoked cigarettes for his colleagues.

Finally, I took one in my mouth, pressed the lighter with a click, and lit it.

Take a sip, and exhale two streams of off-white smoke from the nasal cavity.

For a while, colleagues swallowed their clouds.

The entire stairwell was instantly filled with smoke, just like the Lingxiao Palace where Monkey King often goes.

After taking a few puffs of cigarettes, everyone's pressure seemed to be released.

After a while, Yuan Xu said, "I'm afraid I'm going to sleep in the company again today."

Song Tao was smoking while swiping his cell phone, squinting his eyes and said, "Be confident, you must sleep in the company."

Yuan Xu: "Damn it, when will the overtime work in this shitty day end?"

Yuan Xu felt that he couldn't bear it anymore.

Large factories have high wages.

But so much overtime.

It is said that programmers are migrant workers in the new era, but Yuan Xu feels that he is not even as good as a migrant worker... His father is on the construction site, tired from work, and still decides to let himself take a break.

But he can't.

If you take one day off, you will lose full attendance, and your performance will also be discounted.

The most important thing is that this leave is not something you can apply for if you want, it has to be approved layer by layer... There is no valid reason, so you should go to work obediently.

It's not that I haven't thought about changing to a job with less overtime.

But is there such a job?

For programmers, it may be to work overtime in another place...

Why!This fucking life.

"Unless you quit, there will never be an end." Song Tao said, "But we don't have the life to fire the boss."

Song Tao, who was swiping his phone while talking, saw the leading film of the second issue of "Traveler" on Weibo.

"Hey, the second leading film of "Traveler" is out," Song Tao said.

"The last issue was Jinguancheng. Damn, after reading it, I had the urge to resign and go to Jinguancheng to find a job." Yuan Xu said, "If I hadn't heard that Jinguancheng had high prices and low wages, I would have Why not. Where did Zhou You and Li Yan go in the second phase?"

"I don't know, I haven't clicked in yet." Song Tao said.

"It's just right, let's watch together." Yuan Xu said and moved closer to Song Tao, his eyes fell on the screen of his mobile phone.

Colleagues who smoke, including Xiao Meng, who doesn't smoke, also join in.

A group of people gathered together.

Song Tao clicked on the leading film of the second issue of "Traveler".

The leading film starts playing.

The first picture is the blazing sun shining on Jasa Palace, sacred and solemn.

A few simple words were matched with the switching of the screen, introducing U-Tsang and Reza City, and then said that Zhou You and Li Yan would start from Reza and travel around U-Tibet.

The picture is shot down from a high altitude with the perspective of a drone.

Slowly focus the audience's attention on the red Mustang.

Zhou You and Li Yan loaded the luggage onto the red Mustang.

Open the door and get into the driver's cab and co-pilot respectively.

The text on the leading film emerged: Their journey of conquest is about to start.

Then the screen cuts to the inside of the red Mustang.

Navigate around and ignite.

Li Yan: "It seems that something is missing?"

Zhou You: "Huh?"

Li Yan: "Music."

Zhou You's voice wakes up the AI ​​intelligence of Mustang, "Xiaomu, play music."

Then "Blue Lotus" started playing.

While the music was playing, Zhou You tapped the accelerator, and the red Mustang gradually accelerated.

Through editing, the red Mustang quickly drove out of Jasa City, and at this time the prelude is over!
The roads, sky, snow-capped mountains, and grasslands of U-Tsang appear in the picture... and the red wild horses are galloping among them.

Pair it with the soul-stirring music.

"Nothing can stop

Your longing for freedom..."

The free road, the magnificent rivers and mountains, and the soul-stirring music immediately make people want to stop.

Yuan Xu felt that the free factor in his body was frantically agitating.

It took him only 0.001 seconds to fall in love with the song.

He raised the cigarette in his hand and smoked harder.

"The free world in my heart

so clear

blooming and never dying
Blue lotus! ! ! ! "

Song Tao was listening to the song, smoking a cigarette, and accidentally burned his hand with the butt of the cigarette.

Song Tao threw away the cigarette butt, and stretched out two fingers, "Brother Xu, have another one. Damn, this song is a waste of cigarettes."

Colleagues also asked for another one, "I heard that I want to quit immediately."

Yuan Xu finished distributing cigarettes to his colleagues and prepared to light another one himself.

At this time, Xiao Meng, a post-00 colleague who does not smoke, said, "Brother Xu, give me one too."

Yuan Xu: "Aren't you a non-smoker?"

Xiao Meng: "I just want to accompany one."



The second update, 5000 words.[-]D update sent.

Hmm... Readers should also want to accompany a monthly ticket or recommendation ticket, right?Yes!You think.I heard.

(End of this chapter)

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