I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 113 1 song "Blue Lotus", too much money to spend

Chapter 113 A song "Blue Lotus", too much money to spend

"I just want to accompany one."

Yuan Xu suddenly felt that the post-00s Xiaomeng had suddenly matured.

Everyone in the company is a colleague, either by name or nickname, but Xiaomeng Xiaomeng is the only one... because he looks relatively young.

But when he stretched out his hand for a cigarette, Yuan Xu felt that Xiao Meng had grown up and matured... It might only take a moment for a boy to grow into a man.

Probably lighting a cigarette alone at night.

Possibly by finishing off a bottle of wine.

Probably because of a girl.

But no matter what, the moment Xiaomeng lit his cigarette, he completely integrated into this group of old smokers who "fly through the clouds and fog".

Xiao Meng took a puff, and the smoke swirled in his mouth. He heard that he had to swallow the smoke, wrap it around his lungs, and then spray it out from his nose... So he swallowed the smoke down, and immediately choked and coughed.

"How about Xiao Meng?" Song Tao looked at Xiao Meng with great interest, "Not bad?"

"It's not easy to smoke." Xiaomeng said.

"Get used to it slowly." Song Tao said.

"Yeah." Xiao Meng took another puff, men should have an innate talent in smoking, this time Xiao Meng didn't feel so uncomfortable.

During the puffing and puffing of the smoke, Xiao Meng finally understood the sentence: A cigarette afterward is as happy as a fairy.

"Blue Lotus" enters the ending part.

This is a guitar solo.

This guitar solo is like a carol-like ritual.

Is this a guitar?
This is the soul!

The stairwell was already filled with smoke.

Yuan Xu and others extinguished a pile of cigarette butts.

"One more." Song Tao said.

Yuan Xu crushed the empty cigarette case, "It's gone."

Song Tao: "Damn it, I smoked a pack of cigarettes listening to a song."

Colleague 1: "I don't want to do it in an instant."

Colleague 2: "Resign! Resign now!"

Yuan Xu was also excited, "Go back and report your resignation now!"

So a group of people vowed to return to the office, return to the workstation, wake up the dormant computer, and continue to work overtime...

Who said resignation is coming?Have you said that?

Poetry and distant places...then they all cost money!It's better to go to work honestly, earn a few taels of silver, and live on.


At this time, in many office buildings, on the subway, on the bus, in the rented houses... Many viewers and fans of "Traveler" are playing the second pilot film and listening to the song "Blue Lotus".

Most of them are office workers and students.

When I heard this song, I couldn't help but look surprised on my face.

On the Internet, the lead film of the second phase of "Traveler" was No. 2 on the Weibo hot list.

It is only a matter of time before it hits the top of the hot list.

The lead film has more than [-] comments.

"This song is so good."

"Above!! Now my mind is full of the phrase blue lotus!!! I feel like Ishigami in "The Devotion of Suspect X" is about to roar out his soul!"

"Gives strength and heals."

"I want to resign immediately after listening to it!!"

"Me too! Resign! Must resign!"

"Nothing can stop me from resigning! It's hard to end without resigning."

"I also want to go to U-Tsang. I won't be able to get on this class for a second."

Comments related to "resignation" accounted for half of the country... Ah, it's not Wang Banbi, but Ci Banbi.

In addition, the comments of "accompanying a XXXX" cigarette accounted for half of the country.

And some diabolical fans have their own interpretations of the lyrics.

such as:

The moment you lower your head, you find that it is a gift crab~~
No money to spend~~ (Blue Lotus~~)

Some people say that this song costs cigarettes, alcohol and oil.

The well-known music critic Wang Xiaoer published an article: Listen less to the divine comedy "Blue Lotus" after resignation, and the wings will become harder if you listen too much.

As soon as the article was published, it gained extremely high popularity.

Fans came forward to tease and comment: "You care about me?", "I just like hard ones, can't I?", "Wow, listening to this song will grow wings", "I have resigned and can listen to whatever I want"... …

"Traveler" quickly occupied the top spot on Weibo's hot list.


Qian Qiuyuan is working in retreat at home.

Recently, I became friends with the nice-talking Xiaoyao. I didn't expect that guy to be a fellow driver. Although I haven't met him, we hit it off.

While admiring Xiaoyao's talent, he also wanted to fight Xiaoyao in the ring.

After all, it is very popular on the Internet that Xiaoyao punches Guo Pinsheng and stomps on Qian Qiuyuan... Xianyu has to turn around, and Qian Qiuyuan wants to earn this reputation back.

Let the online reviews turn into Qian Qiuyuan punching Xiaoyao and stepping on Guo Pinsheng.

How cool that is.

Driven by this kind of creative motivation, he immersed himself in creation, wrote as many as possible two awesome works, and then made an appointment with Xiaoyao.

I am a little tired after writing all day.

Rest awhile.

Pick up the phone...huh?The lock screen is densely packed with messages.

He immediately opened WeChat.

In the group of "Three Bitches", Lu Yu and Zhai Nan are crazy in the group @贵秋元.

Lu Yu: "@费秋元, Yuanzi Yuanzi! Xiaoyao has released a new song."

Zhai Nan: "@费秋元, bitch! Talk."

The relationship between the "Three Bumblers" is very strong, and they are known as the "Three Musketeers" in the creative world.However, they themselves feel that the three scumbags are more in line with their temperament.

Qian Qiuyuan quickly browsed through the news in the group, and when he saw the link to the "Traveler" trailer posted by Lu Yu, he immediately clicked on it.

"Blue Lotus"

Composer: Happy
Singing: Zhou You

Xiaoyao released a song again?

This is already the third song this month... There is also a theme song in "Thirty Standing", which will be released a few days later.

Does this guy want to blow up the music scene?
He replied, "Bitch, I'm here, I'll listen to this song first", and then Qian Qiuyuan clicked to listen to "Blue Lotus".

"Nothing can stop..."

As soon as the song started, he fell into it.

Beauty, healing, power...the song blooms before the eyes like a poem.


There is also a strong sense of Zen in it.

After listening, Qian Qiuyuan said in the group: "Let me kneel for a while."

Lu Yu: "Kneel down. This is a big mess."

Zhai Nan: "Let's go!! Let the three scumbags go on a trip too!! Write songs, write about you asshole."



After Jiang Chuxue finished listening to "Blue Lotus", she suddenly felt comfortable in her heart, and an inexplicable power rose in her heart.

"Brother Zhou You sings so well." Jiang Ruxue had the urge to go to Wei Zang immediately without filming "Legend of Sword and Fairy".

But it's just an impulse...

Brother Zhou You was driving the car, and I was sitting in the co-pilot, wow! !That must feel great.

After thinking about it for a while, she suddenly thought: "Why is this song called "Blue Lotus"?"

Driven by curiosity, she opened the browser and entered the three words "Blue Lotus".

Results appear quickly.

Blue lotus, scientific name of water lily dicotyledon, plant of Nymphaeaceae, perennial aquatic flower, a total of about 8 species in 100 genera... Among them, the blue water lily with purple-blue flowers is what people usually call blue lotus...

"It's so beautiful." Jiang Chuxue sighed as she looked at the picture of the blue lotus on the webpage.

The petals are star-shaped, the top is darker blue, the base is fading, and the stamens are golden...Holy and beautiful.

The blue lotus is also known as the flower of love, the flower of wisdom, and the flower of life.

Jiang Chuxue believes that "Flower of Life" is more in line with the temperament and image depicted in the song "Blue Lotus".

On the earth, the ancient Egyptians sang and praised the blue lotus as a symbol of life very early: the never-fading blue lotus, like life, is endless.

Brahma, the creation god of Vedicism in the Indian subcontinent, was born in a lotus flower that grew from Vishnu's navel, just as a lotus flower grows from an umbilical stem.

After checking the information on Blue Lotus, Jiang Chuxue felt that she had truly understood the song and the sentence: Nothing can stop you, your yearning for freedom... This is your yearning for the freedom of life!


Ranwu Lake.

Two tents were propped up, and there were yellow and green lights in the tents.

From a distance, the two tents look like two large fireflies in the night.

The lakeside, the starry sky, the tent... very emotional.

Li Yan got out of the tent and came to Zhou You's tent, "Brother You, are you asleep?"

Zhou You: "Fall asleep."

Li Yan: "Still talking while asleep?"

Then the zipper of the tent was pulled open from the inside, and Zhou You poked his head out, "What?"

Li Yan: "Can't sleep."

Zhou You wrapped himself in a piece of clothing and got out. Ranwu Lake was quite cold at night.

Li Yan: ""Blue Lotus" has become popular on the Internet! Now your fans are clamoring to resign."

Zhou You: "I won't take the blame for this."

Li Yan: "How many songs did Teacher Xiaoyao write for you?"

Zhou You: "I have to ask Teacher Xiaoyao about it."

Li Yan: "How did you meet Teacher Xiaoyao?"

Zhou You: "We've known each other since we were young."

Li Yan: "Fat boy..."

Talkative Li Yan chatted with Zhou You, at first Li Yan couldn't sleep alone, and then Zhou You couldn't sleep either.

The two of them didn't know how long they sat in front of Ranwu Lake and chatted.

Finally, when we talked about "Ranwu Lake" itself, Zhou You said: "Ranwu Lake means 'the place where corpses are piled up' in U-Tibetan. It is a famous water burial ground...the soul returns to heaven, and the body returns to the mountain."

Li Yan: "Don't talk about this at night, it sounds creepy."

Zhou You: "Are you afraid?"

Li Yan: "Should men who are seven feet tall be afraid? I just think... such a beautiful scenery, when it comes to water burial, it somewhat spoils the atmosphere."

Zhou You: "Oh~ have you ever heard of ghosts blowing lanterns?" Zhou You said intentionally.

Hearing the ghost words, Li Yan had goosebumps all over his body, "I'm sleepy, sleepy."

Zhou You laughed wildly in his heart, this stubborn guy is just scared... Hey, why do I also have a chill down my spine?In this water burial place, wouldn’t a white-clothed zongzi crawl out... sleep and sleep... Then Zhou Youmeng dreamed that he had entered a tomb under the lake. Princess, he was leaning over to see, brush it!The corpse suddenly sat up!
Zhou You woke up by Ranwu Lake the next day.

I still clearly remember that "tomb robbery dream" last night... Sure enough, I can't say that kind of thing at night.

But Zhou You was not woken up by fright.

On the contrary he slept well last night.

Today's weather is obviously not as sunny as yesterday.

The mountains are surrounded by clouds and mist.

The Gabu Snow Mountain on the southwest coast and the Azagonla Glacier on the south side are half-hidden in the clouds and mist, making it hard to see clearly... The vision and scenery are greatly reduced compared with yesterday.

"It seems to be raining." Li Yan said, "Fortunately, it was sunny yesterday! I saw such a beautiful scenery."

"Well, let's go to the next stop." Zhou You said.

They ride red mustangs.

Today Li Yan wanted to drive on a whim.

Zhou You sat in the co-pilot.

As we walked, the sky suddenly began to rain.

The scenery on both sides and in front is also shrouded in hazy rain and fog... The scenery is much inferior.But rainy days also have the beauty of rainy days?

Zhou You thought that he still had a "Children of the Weather" card, do you want to use it?

Slightly hesitant, Zhou You chose to play it safe.

What if the rain stops at the destination?Or maybe it wasn't raining at all over there.

Sure enough, after walking for a while, his sight suddenly opened up.

The car seemed to rush out of the rain curtain and into a blue sky and white clouds...

It will be a long journey from Ranwu Lake to Yanghu Lake.

The whole journey is more than 800 kilometers.

To drive nearly 15 hours.

Zhou You had to spend the whole day on the road.


In another car.

Wang Hou, Wang Jia, and Xu Feifan sat in a car.

Wang Hou and Wang Jia sat in the back seat, and Xu Feifan sat in the co-pilot.

The car speeds on the winding road.

Wang Jia, the fishing king, browses Weite.

"Uncle, the second issue of our "Traveler" is about to explode." Wang Jia said, "Yesterday's leading film has already received 3000 million views! It's so terrifying, I take a deep breath."

"It's 3000 million in just one night?" Wang Hou was surprised.

The total number of views of the first feature film of "Traveler" is only over 3000 million, and it is the result of several days of accumulation.

Now the second pilot film has 12 million views in about 3000 hours.

The feature film is released.

"The song "Blue Lotus" is too strong." Wang Jia said, "Yesterday, it took only an hour to reach the number one spot on the new song list of Yue Ting Music. Now the top three songs on the new song list of Yue Ting Music are all the works of Teacher Xiaoyao , the music world was shaken."

"Uncle~ How did you convince Teacher Xiaoyao to write a song for the show?"

"Zhou You is on the show." Wang Hou said, Xiaoyao is also on the show... This guy Zhou You is going to be famous.

"Oh~~God!! Xiaoyao only favors Zhou You alone! They can't be..."

Before Wang Jia's story was finished, the prince stopped her immediately, "Don't spread rumors about Teacher Xiaoyao! You two, you have good eyesight, and you took good care of Xiao...Zhou You." He almost stuttered.

"Taking good care of Zhou You means taking good care of Teacher Xiaoyao."

"Understood." Xu Feifei said repeatedly.

The popularity of their show is all due to roaming and leisure.

While talking to Wang Jia and others, Wang Hou sent a message to Zhou You, "Mr. Xiaoyao, the response to "Blue Lotus" is so explosive! Have you written a new song recently?"

"Yes." Zhou You said.

I also have "Horse City", "A Diao", "Childhood", and "Life Like Summer Flowers".

"Hmm...do I need to find a recording room for you?" Wang Hou asked.

Now in the U-Tsang area, it's really hard to find a recording studio...unless it's in Rasa.But when he heard that Zhou You wrote songs, he felt at ease.

"It depends." Zhou You said.

Some of these songs are suitable for him, and some are not suitable for... well, and not all of them are necessarily given to the "Traveler" program group.

After all, there are still many opportunities for Xia Guo Music to receive orders online.

Some order prices are also beautiful.

"Okay." Wang Hou didn't ask too much, Zhou You wanted to record a song, so he would look for him in advance. "It's a long journey today, Mr. Xiaoyao, you should take a good rest in the car."

"Okay." Zhou You ignored the prince and played "Peak Glory" with Li Yan in the back row for a while.

Bluestar's signal in U-Tibet area is surprisingly good.

Playing games is not stuck at all.

Probably because they were tired from playing, the two of them sat side by side in the back row, sleeping soundly.

The two of them were not woken up until the vehicle entered the service area to refuel at noon, got out of the car and had something to eat.

[Play the game for an hour, life point +1]

[Recreation during the day, life point +1]

While eating lunch, Zhou You saw such a trending item on Weibo's hot list.

#One "Blue Lotus", he resigned! #
The origin of this topic is a girl who works in Kyoto. She arrived at the company early this morning and submitted a resignation application.

She wrote in the column of reasons for resignation: Blue Lotus~~~
The personnel lady in human resources felt that the reason for resignation was "to keep up with current affairs", so she posted a screenshot of it on Weibo.

Unexpectedly, she made it!
It will be hot soon!
"Just submitted a resignation application!"

"My personnel, our company also received several resignation applications this morning."

"Can I say that our personnel has resigned?"

"A piece of "Blue Lotus"! It's too much money to spend."

"A song "Blue Lotus", everyone is on strike!"

Many companies received resignation applications on this day. Maybe it was "Blue Lotus" who sang them to resign, or maybe it was an ordinary resignation, because the song was amplified and attracted attention...

But regardless, the song resonated with a lot of people, stirring their hearts and souls.

The economy is taking off.

It's getting harder and harder to be a worker.

I don't know where the increased GDP went... Anyway, wages didn't rise, and even fell!It's outrageous.

Doing more work than before, holding lower wages than before, and bearing higher and higher prices.

This generation of young people is too difficult.

Longing for freedom.

But there is no money in my pocket.


The red wild horse drove for fifteen hours on the winding road.

It was early morning when we arrived at the destination Yanghu Lake.

Zhou You and Li Yan wanted to find a place to camp.

After all, driving at night in Weizang is too dangerous.

But Uncle Duoji has very good driving skills. He drives slower and the risk factor is not very high.

So they decided to drive overnight so that they could go directly to Yanghu Lake the next day.

In fact, the whole itinerary, in the expectation of traveling around, arrived at Yanghu Lake, which was the really exciting start.

Therefore, their time is also reserved for the following itinerary.

check in to a hotel.

After washing, Zhou You and Li Yan went to bed respectively.

Get a good night's rest tonight.

Start a truly exciting journey tomorrow!

Lying on the bed and traveling around, I outlined the next itinerary in my mind. The trip to Yanghu Lake is over, and the altitude of the trip will rise all the way, and there will be more unique scenery there...

I don't know if the physique of the special forces can cope with the high reaction in such an environment.

Better prepare some oxygen.

After thinking for a while, the wandering consciousness sank into the system.


The golden card flips over to enlarge.

[Congratulations on obtaining professional rock climbing skills]



The first update is 5000 words.

Congratulations on getting... a monthly ticket and a recommended ticket from reader xxx.

(End of this chapter)

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