I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 118 Sacrifice and Stepping Stones

Chapter 118 Sacrifice and Stepping Stones
Half of the "Writing the Story as Us" video has exceeded [-] million views in just a few hours.

Countless people asked for the official version in the comment area.

But neither Zhouyou nor Traveler made any response.

It whetted the appetite of fans.


Three sluts chatting in a group.

Lu Yu, one of the three scumbags, forwarded the video of Zhou You playing and singing "Write the Story as Us" to the group, "Xiaoyao's new song is popular again!"

Zhai Nan: "Fuck, let's do something. What's the first song this month? Half of the song has become popular all over the Internet. It's okay to release the official version."

Qian Qiuyuan: "Maybe Xiaoyao wrote it?"

Lu Yu: "Who else can write songs for Zhou You, besides Xiaoyao? I feel that Xia Guo's music world is about to change."

Zhai Nan: "It's impossible to change the sky. No matter how popular Xiaoyao is, he is only a D-level creator. Our A-level creators, S-level creators, and Mr. Bai Hanlin are in a big mountain town, so nothing big can happen. But this The rise of Xiaoyao is really too fast."

Lu Yu: "Yes, according to this progress. When the points are settled next month, I'm afraid it will be a C-level creator."

Qian Qiuyuan: "It's terrifying to be promoted to a C-level creator in two months. I think it took me five months back then."

Zhai Nan: "I'm half a year younger."

Lu Yu: "The fastest one, Guo Pinsheng, seems to have taken three months."



Jiang Chuxue repeatedly watched the video of Zhou You playing and singing on guitar.

"I think brother Zhou You is even more handsome."

"So affectionate."

"This singing, this look...ahhh! I can't stand it."


Gongmi Village.

Zhou You's cell phone kept vibrating, and the vibration of the cell phone caused the bed to vibrate... well, it made the bed vibrate.

Picking up the phone is densely packed with messages.

Xia Guo Music Network.

Qian Qiuyuan: "Brother, are you going to blow up the Xia Guo music world?"

Xiaoyao: "I'm not a terrorist."

Qian Qiuyuan: "Every song explodes, explodes, explodes! What are you not a terrorist?"

Happy: "..."


Jiang Chuxue sent a message, "Brother Xiaoyao, "Write the Story as Us" is so good."

Brother Xiaoyao?Zhou You frowned instantly, the vest was discovered?Said: "Huh?"

Jiang Chuxue was slightly taken aback when she saw this, and then realized that she had sent the wrong message. It was Brother Zhou You and not Brother Xiaoyao, and explained: "Brother Zhou You, brother Xiaoyao, brother Xiaoyao has always been filming movies lately."

As soon as the news came out, Zhou You saw that "it's gone, it's gone, it's gone", and he was about to look back.

The other party has withdrawn!
Three seconds later, Jiang Chuxue's message was resent, "It's a play, it's a play..."

Eh...it turned out to be a wrong answer.

I thought you, a foodie, spoiled your stomach.

When talking about filming, Zhou You asked casually: "How is filming recently?"

Jiang Chuxue: "It's pretty good. Director Ye Chen takes good care of me. It's just that every time I say a line, Brother Xiaoyao, I always say Brother Zhou You."

Zhou You: "Yes."

Jiang Chuxue: "Where is Brother Zhou You in Wei Zang now?"

Zhou You: "Yanghu Gongmi Village."

Jiang Chuxue: "I heard that Yanghu Lake is beautiful. Did brother Zhou You take any pictures? I want to see it."

While chatting with Jiang Chuxue, Prison Bird also sent a message.

Prison Bird: "Zhou You's song is nice, although it's only half played and sung."

Game World: "Have you become Zhou You's diehard fan recently?"

Prison Bird: "It's always been."

There was no reply from the game world.

After a while, the prison bird said: "Li Qingyao's black fan group is discussing about the black fan meeting, do you want to go?"

Game World: "Not interested. Are you going?"

Prison Bird: "I'm not going either... I can consider meeting you alone." Li Qingyao struggled for a long time before adding the sentence after the ellipsis.

Game World: "Yes."

Zhou You just sent an "um" word. His current status is a bit special, so it's better to forget things like seeing netizens for the time being.Besides, he is now in U-Tsang.I can't see the prison bird either.

More on that later.

And I don't know the depth of the prisoner bird now.

Prison Bird: "Are you refusing?" Li Qingyao took a long time to reply.

Game World: "Yes."

He actually refused... Li Qingyao's mood is very complicated at the moment.Finally, I decided to meet the game world and be honest with Mr. Tree Hole.

As a result, Mr. Tree Hole refused.

At the same time, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief... Well, if Mr. Shudong knew that the prison bird was Li Qingyao, we might not be able to maintain the current relationship.

Prison Bird did not send another message.

Zhou You didn't care anymore.

On the other hand, in Li Qingyao's black fan group, there are people @游戏人世和炒鸟.They had already agreed to hold a meeting of black fans in Jinghai, and asked the two of them if they would go.

As a result, neither the game world nor the prison bird bubbled up in the crowd of black fans.

After checking the news of the black fan group, Zhou You chatted with his sister Zhou Lingyu.

Zhou Lingyu said that the company is not doing well recently, and the business has declined seriously. She is worried that she will be laid off.

Zhou You: "I will support you."

Zhou Lingyu: "It's embarrassing to rely on my younger brother to support me."

Zhou You: "It's okay, anyway, it's not my face that was lost."

Zhou Lingyu: "Look for a beating, boy."

Zhou You: "I know our boss very well. Anyway, Big Fish Studio recently recruited people, and they were really laid off. It's good to come to work at Big Fish Studio. We two siblings are killing everyone."

Even so, Zhou You felt that the chances of her sister being laid off were very small.

Zhou Lingyu has been strong since she was a child. She always does her best no matter in study or work.She often said either don't do it or do it to death.

So her grades and performance are not bad.

Besides, she also has a rich second-generation best friend Xiao Xiao.

She was laid off and Xiao Xiao can also help her... Well, she said this to Zhou You probably because she wanted to be strong.In fact, my sister is not as strong as she looks.


After finishing the chat with Zhou Lingyu, Zhou You wrote "Jieyou Grocery Store" for a while.

This book has 21 words.

With the blessing of hand speed skills, although Zhou You didn't spend much time writing this book recently, he has already written a full 7 words.

Almost halfway there.

Why is it so slow with the hand speed skill blessing?Let's play! !

He and Li Yan are on the road every day. For things like writing books, just write occasionally... Life must be lived slowly, and money must be earned slowly.

Leisure is the most important thing.

Career is just interest.

Just write slowly.

His fingers moved quickly for a while, and he felt a little sleepy, so he turned off the computer and lay down on the bed to prepare for sleep.

Check out the life points before going to bed.

Good results today.

There are 15 life points left.

Draw now.

[Congratulations on getting the mysterious gift bag fragment*1]

Another fragment of the mysterious gift bag...I'm not lucky today.

Zhou You has always felt that the fragments of the mysterious gift package are useless. After all, it takes five lucky draw opportunities to collect all the chances to cash in the mysterious gift package.

If you get five songs in five lucky draws!
No matter what the value is, it has to be 2000 million.

If a novel is issued, the value will be more than doubled on this basis.

If the mysterious gift package redeemed in the end isn't of such a high value... well, I can't do anything with the system other than curses.

After the lottery draw, Zhou You's mood fades.

Fall asleep.


The next day, Zhou You and Li Yan bid farewell to Tashi's family and started the journey again.

In the past two days at Tashi's house, Zhou You and Li Yan received good hospitality and rest.

They are in good shape at the moment.

Old Tashi and Tashi Tudeng packed a lot of highland barley wine, yak meat, and other dry food for Zhou You and the others.Old Tashi said: "Eat on the road! I will come to play again when I have a chance."

Zhou You and Li Yan could not refuse Lao Tashi's enthusiasm and hospitality.

But there is nothing on them that can be given to the Tashi family as a souvenir.

So I took a photo with Tashi's family.

Before leaving, director Wang Hou handed over a USB flash drive to Zhaxi Tudeng, "All the videos and photos of your wedding yesterday are in it. We haven't had time to edit it yet, and we will edit a compilation album for you when the time comes. Thank you for your hospitality these two days .”

After saying goodbye one by one, the red wild horse headed east along the washboard road.

The Tashi family didn't return home until everyone in the "Traveler" program group disappeared from sight.

Red Mustang backseat.

Li Yan: "I'm really reluctant."

Zhou You: "Yes, but life is one farewell after another."

Li Yan: "That's right, but why does it feel so sad?"

The car bumped along the way.

The goal of traveling around them today is to finish the inner ring of Yanghu Lake, and then arrive at the next stop - Pumo Yongcuo.

After leaving Gongmi Village and navigating Zhagang Village and Yalong Village in turn, you can successfully complete the inner ring road.

Drive along the Linhu Highway,

What caught the eye was the stunning Tiffany blue.

If you come here in winter, the road and the nearby mountains are all covered with snow, which is a dreamy blue ice and snow world constructed of pure white and Tiffany blue.

There is no sea in U-Tsang!
But it has collected all the blue in the world.

Eyes in heaven.

The soul is in heaven.

The body is also in heaven.

After driving 27 kilometers, the red wild horse stopped at the viewing platform of Zhagang Village.

After Zhou You and Li Yan got off the car here, they were stunned by the scenery in front of them.

A straight path leads to a circular viewing platform by the lake.

On the circular viewing platform, looking around, it is a mirror-like lake. The mountains are farther away from the lake, and the clouds and sky are farther away from the mountains.

These mountains are very low.

in this way,

At a glance, the lake and the sky meet at the end of the line of sight.

Realm of the sky!

Zhou You felt that he could only use these four words to describe it.

So beautiful!
It's so beautiful that it makes me want to cry.

"I want to die here." Li Yan was obsessed with the scenery in front of him, he didn't want to leave at all.

"Yes." Zhou You said, "It just so happens that we can have a romantic water burial."

"If you can be buried here, you will have no regrets in this life." Li Yan said.

He stared at the scenery in front of him in a daze for a long time.

do not want to talk.

Because speaking will destroy the beauty in front of you.

After traveling around for a long time, I raised my Leica q2 camera and took photos from different angles one by one.

Li Yan flew the drone for a while.

There are scenery everywhere in Yanghu Lake.

The beautiful Tiffany blue is everywhere.

After staying on the viewing platform of Zhagang Village for nearly an hour, I reluctantly left here and went to the next stop, Yalong Village.

From Yalong Village, you have to walk a washboard road without navigation, to the center of Yanghu Lake - the heart of Yanghu Lake.

There is also a temple in the heart of Yanghu Lake.

It is called Yongbuduo Temple.

This temple needs to be reached by boat.

There are too many temples in U-Tsang, Zhou You and Li Yan did not choose to go to the island, but flew to the high altitude with drones to "exploring the way", and looked down at the heart of Yanghu Lake with the help of drones.

They also saw "heart-shaped" islands and lake bends in the picture.

It is simply like the masterpiece of the most outstanding artist.

Full of artistic and romantic atmosphere.

Although they didn't land on the island, Zhou You and Li Yan took a tin boat to swim in the blue Yanghu Lake.

Floating on the blue water.

Both Zhou You and Li Yan's body and mind were relaxed to the extreme.

[Extreme physical and mental relaxation, life point +1]

You will receive such system prompts from time to time.

They stayed in the heart of Yanghu Lake for a while and had lunch. At about two o'clock in the afternoon, they left the heart of Yanghu Lake and drove back to "Langkazi County" to Pumoyongcuo, which is more than 5000 meters above sea level.

Li Yan: "I was a little panicked when I saw the altitude."

Zhou You: "It's okay, you have oxygen."

Li Yan: "At this time, we need the oxygen supply of love."

Zhou You: "I won't give you artificial respiration."

Li Yan: "I don't want to!!! At least she must be a girl from Wei Zang~~"


When Zhou You and Li Yan were enjoying Yanghu Lake, ten o'clock in the morning was a very important moment for Lu Yu, one of the three lowly guests, and the main creative team of "Standing at Thirty".

Lu Yu released a new work.

Premiere of "Thirty Standing".

Lu Yu is the creator of Shining Star Media.

Today, Xin Cheng, a quasi-first-line singer of Shining Star Media, is preparing to hit the top-tier singer position. Lu Yu wrote a single "Shine" for her to help her become a first-line singer.

At the same time, for Lu Yu, this is also the first song he released in July.

It is also his first song after being promoted to A-level composer.

He was only promoted to A-level songwriter this month, so the release of this song has a very special meaning for both Xin Cheng and Lu Yu.

Lu Yu was also very attentive when preparing this song.

After all, this is the first work of an A-level creator, so there must be some waves, right?

In the group of three cheap customers.

Lu Yu: "Release a new song today! It seems that apart from Xin Cheng, I haven't met any other big names to release songs. This time it will definitely be a hit!"

Lu Yu was full of confidence.


Zhai Nan: "The first single to be promoted to A-level must be explosive!! Get excited. The first shot! Go poke Xiaoyao's ass! Get the first place on the new song chart. I am optimistic about you."

The current No. [-] new song list is the resignation divine song "Blue Lotus".

Lu Yu: "It's a must! Fuck you to death! He's been too arrogant recently. Let him feel the crush of an A-level creator."

Lu Yu was actually a little guilty... When the half of "Write the Story as Us" was released yesterday, he wondered if the release of the new song would collide with this song.

But now there is no movement from Zhou You.

He has no opponent this time.

It may be a bit difficult to kill the number one "Blue Lotus", but it shouldn't be a big problem to be the second one, right? "Summer Wind" dominated the charts for about two weeks, but was squeezed out by "Blue Lotus".

And the song has seen its downfall.

Data growth is very slow.

Its performance in the weekly rankings in the new week should not be so prominent.

It happened to be the best moment for the new song to rush to the crush.

The two were chatting, and Qian Qiuyuan, who had been silent for a long time, finally appeared, @卫玉: "Fuck! Are you posting a song today?"

Lu Yu: "What's wrong? I won't run into you, right?"

Qian Qiuyuan: "You didn't bump into me, but you bumped into Xiaoyao!! What the hell, why didn't you say you were going to release a song today?"

Lu Yu became numb when he saw the news, "What? Xiaoyao is going to release a song today? Who did you hear it from? Why didn't I hear the news."

Qian Qiuyuan: "Do you still remember the movie "Thirty Years Standing"? The theme song written by Xiaoyao! The movie is released today. The theme song will definitely be released later."

Lu Yu: "What the hell..."

Zhai Nan: "Afraid of a hammer! Fuck him!"

I don't even have confidence in myself... I'm actually afraid of a D-level creator, am I a new A-level creator, am I useless?
who cares.

Anyway, Guo Pinsheng and Qian Zhuangyuan were sacrificed... I don't feel ashamed if I lose.

Thinking of Guo Pinsheng and Qian Zhuangyuan being defeated back and forth, Lu Yu adjusted his mentality, "Yes! Fuck him! The worst case is that you can't do it. Brothers, support me."

Zhai Nan: "I said hello to the singer I have been cooperating with for a long time, and I will forward it for you."

Qian Qiuyuan: "I love you too."

Lu Yu: "Is this serious? The chrysanthemum tightens immediately."

So under such circumstances, Lu Yu and Xin Cheng's new song "Shine" was released on time at ten o'clock in the morning.

Zhai Nan and Qian Qiuyuan helped forward the publicity, and the singers who cooperated with them also helped forward the promotion.

"Xin Cheng released a new song!! The creator is Lu Yu, a newly promoted A-level composer."

"Lu Yu's works have always been good."

"It's the first work of a creator promoted to A-level. According to the usual practice, new A-level creators will come up with works of Wang Bo level in the first shot to create momentum for themselves."

"Go and listen!! The three scumbags are dispatched together! They are all helping Lu Yu to create momentum. Somehow, they are ignited."

"A lot of first-line singers helped forward it. I feel that this song "Shining" will wash away the number one "Blue Lotus"."

"Shining" has received great attention since its release.

Xin Cheng and Lu Yu made it onto the WeiTer hot list one after another.

"It's indeed the first work to be promoted to A-level, Burning."

"It sounds great."

"It really is Wang Zha."

"Look at the rankings. It's full of momentum. It broke into the top ten in an hour. "Blue Lotus" is dangerous."

The various statistics of "Shining" rose rapidly.

After releasing his new work, Lu Yu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, "This wave is stable." This situation made him feel that it might even reach the top of the new song list.

Very strong! !

Fans' comments on the song have also been positive.

They all said that this was the pinnacle of Lu Yu's creative career.

A new star will rise in the circle of A-level creators.

Zhai Nan also praised Lu Yu's song.

But Qian Qiuyuan poured cold water on it, "Don't be too happy. This may be your pinnacle work, or your sacrificial work?"

Lu Yu: "Sacrifice?"

Qian Qiuyuan: "It's a stepping stone on the road to Xiaoyao's ascension. The theme song of "Thirty Years Standing" is a work carefully selected by the well-known screenwriter Tian Linguang. Can it be bad?"

Lu Yu: "Have you heard the theme song of "Thirty Years Standing"?"

Qian Qiuyuan: "No. But I got three premiere tickets. How about we go and see this movie? No, go and listen to this theme song?"

Zhai Nan: "I think it will work."

Lu Yu: "Let's go."

So the three humble guests stepped into the premiere hall of "Standing at Thirty".



The second update is 5000 words.[-]D update sent.

Wan Geng, are you qualified to ask for monthly tickets and recommendation tickets?Feel free to reward~~
(End of this chapter)

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