I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 119 The extraordinary "Ordinary Road" was sacrificed again

Chapter 119 The extraordinary "Ordinary Road" was sacrificed again

Qian Qiuyuan works for Spotlight Entertainment. "Thirty Years Standing" is a movie produced by Spotlight Entertainment, and getting premiere tickets is easy.

Hmm... Strictly speaking, it's not a premiere ticket, but an invitation to the premiere.

The main creative team and many directors, actors, screenwriters, and media reporters in the circle were invited to come.

Qian Qiuyuan and the others went late, and the ceremony process for the premiere ceremony that started at ten o'clock was over.

"Thirty Standing" will be screened soon.

Walking into the theater, the media reporters immediately noticed the arrival of the three of them, and immediately raised their cameras to take pictures.

"The three scumbags are all here to cheer!"

"Sure enough, everyone has to sell Tian Linguang's face."

""Thirty Years" is still a card, so many big shots in the circle have come to support it."

Reporters chatted and took pictures.

There are even people who edit the "Entertainment News Brief" on the spot and send it out. The news must be accurate and up-to-date. Whoever sends it out first will be the first to gain the first-mover advantage and intercept more traffic.

Director Ding Hai stood up to greet him.

Screenwriter Tian Linguang nodded slightly.

"Teacher Qian, Teacher Lu, and Teacher Zhai!" Ding Hai warmly greeted.

In Blue Star's entertainment industry, content producers such as music creators, screenwriters, and novelists are all highly respected and have a high status.

The three lowly guests came to join in the show, Ding Hai felt that his face was bright.

Lian arranged for the three of them to sit down.

After the three humble guests sat down in the theater, the screening of the film "Standing at Thirty" officially began.

The lights in the theater are turned off.

The production information of the movie appeared on the big screen.

Everyone also quieted down.

Film critic Yi Jiuzhou is also ready to record.

Qian Qiuyuan was sitting upright, Zhai Nan raised his favorite Erlang legs, and Lu Yu was leaning on the back of the movie theater chair, staring at the screen in disinterest.

Lu Yu is not very interested in movies.

He only cares about when the theme song created by the movie Xiaoyao will appear.

With the screening of "Thirty Standing", the story unfolds, and important characters appear one after another.

Ma Ma Ying-jeou’s company, which has repeatedly failed and failed in entrepreneurship, has closed down again. Jiang Hai, who pursues his music ideals, can still only sing in bars. Liu Han works hard in a foreign trade company. He just completed a big deal. The salary, colleagues also congratulated in advance, but in the end it was his colleague who was not as capable as him, and he was disheartened...

Ma Yingjie, Jiang Hai, and Liu Han are all about to turn 30 this year.

But each is unsatisfactory.

They are very close college classmates.

After graduation, they came to Jinghai together.

When he first came to Jinghai, he was a fledgling, but he had a passion for it.Seeing the high-rise buildings in Jinghai, full of traffic and bustle, Liu Han said: "I will take root here! I will have a place in these high-rise buildings in the future."

Ma Yingjie said that his company would flourish in the most prosperous CBD.

Jiang Hai said that he will be on the most dazzling stage to listen to the screams and cries of the fans.

Now that many years have passed, the bullshit that was blown out back then has not been realized...

On this day, the frustrated three people made an appointment to have dinner together.

Jiang Hai: "I'm already 30 years old and I've accomplished nothing! They say I stand at [-], but I'm still lying on the ground."

Liu Han: "Who isn't? It's been six years! I've devoted all my youth to the company, but in the end it's not enough to flatter my horse."

Ma Yingjie: "Liu Han, you're pretty good. At least you have a wife and daughter. Unlike my company, my girlfriend is broken up, and I still owe a lot of debt."

Jiang Hai: "Why are other people's 30s so beautiful?"

The three friends compared each other and talked about their current situation and dissatisfaction.

Thirty and standing.

In full bloom.

But all three of them felt that life was extremely difficult...the expected success in their careers did not happen, but their lives were miserable.

Zhai Nan: "Why is this trio similar to our three scumbags?"

Qian Qiuyuan: "Is there? Our career is considered a small achievement, right? Much better than them."

Lu Yu: "It's not easy these days."

Lu Yu's sympathy with the film may be deeper. After all, among the three low-ranking guests, Lu Yu's journey as a creator is the most difficult. When he first debuted, he was rejected consecutively, which made him lose confidence.

In the movie, the trio finished complaining, and they didn't take a walk-and-go trip like in many movies...they are not qualified.Some people want to make money to support their families, some people want to make money to pay off their debts, some people want to fight one last time, and if they can't get ahead, they leave this bustling city that once haunted him.

After that, with dissatisfaction with reality, the three of them went through all kinds of ups and downs and struggled hard.

Jiang Hai failed to step onto a bigger stage, and ultimately missed his star dream.

With no prospect of promotion and salary increase, Liu Han finally resigned to start a business with Ma Yingjie due to the financial burden of his family.

Jiang Hai, Liu Han, and Ma Yingjie worked tirelessly and went through many difficulties to finally get the start-up company on the right track.

But they don't think they are winners in life.

Instead, he sighed at the end: "When I was just a fledgling, I thought I was very good, different from ordinary people, and even dreamed of changing the world. When the years washed away my youth and frivolity, I realized that we are so ordinary and ordinary, struggling among all living beings. Follow our own ordinary path."

The three of them stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the company's office, looking at the high-rise buildings in Jinghai, prosperous and prosperous!

Migrant workers in a hurry are like busy ants.

At this time, the theme song of "Thirty Standing" finally sounded at the end of the film.

"Wandering on the road

Are you leaving Via Via~~
fragile with pride
That's what I used to look like"

The theme song at the end of the film sounded at the right time, singing with a voice full of stories, as if summarizing the struggle of the three male protagonists in Jinghai in the movie "Thirty Years".

Once they stepped into this bustling city with ideals and pride, but soon after they were beaten by reality, all their beautiful fantasies were shattered, and they struggled in confusion.

"Boiling, restless

Where are you going Via Via~~
mysteriously silent

Are you really listening to the story?"

Even though I have achieved nothing at the age of nearly thirty, although I have experienced many setbacks and failures, although I have fallen into struggle and restlessness...but the restless heart still does not stop its restlessness and boiling.

The fire was still burning.

It tells of its ambition and unwillingness.

"I have crossed mountains and seas
Also through the sea of ​​people

everything i ever had

In a blink of an eye, it's like smoke

I was disappointed and lost all directions

Until you see the ordinary is the only answer"

The song entered the chorus, and the scenes of the struggling trio began to flash in the end of the film. There were pain and screams of failure, as well as laughter and shouts of success.

In the end, "until you see the ordinary is the only answer" echoes the line of the "brother trio" at the end of the movie.

In the theater, Qian Qiuyuan heard an actor and guest say, "It sounds good."

"The lyrics are so emotional."

"I don't know why my eye sockets are moist when I listen to it."

"It reminds me of my career as an actor."

Qian Qiuyuan is a professional composer, of course he can hear the way of the lyrics and melody of this song.Xiaoyao is indeed Xiaoyao... This word is really well written!The sense of substitution is too strong!It matches the plot of the movie.

Yi Jiuzhou has already turned on the recorder to record the lyrics of the song.

"This theme song is the finishing touch of the film!! It must be pointed out in the film review." Yi Jiuzhou thought to himself.

Many people in the theater were discussing in low voices.

"I've ruined everything

just want to leave forever
I once fell into the boundless darkness

want to struggle

I used to be like you like him like the weeds and flowers

desperate and longing
Crying and laughing as usual"

The lyrics of the second chorus are more explosive.

When the listener hears the lyrics, he slowly withdraws from the plot of the movie and thinks of his own life and life experience.

Who hasn't been down?

Who has never been confused?

Who hasn't struggled in pain?
I once told you that he was like the wild grass and wild flowers... The wild grass and wild flowers are short and small, they have beautiful and brilliant moments, but they will also experience the devastation of wind and rain!
Swaying wildly in the wind and rain, the branches and leaves were broken, the lace fell off, and even "knocked down" severely.

But it doesn't matter, it will "stand up" after the wind and rain, and stand stubbornly between the sky and the earth again, facing the sun and rain.

Zhou Shuren and I, Lu Xun, Lu Xun, who Gan Gan once wrote: "Wild grass, the roots are not deep, and the flowers and leaves are not beautiful, but they absorb dew, water, and the blood and flesh of the dead, each of which robs it of life. When living, Or will it be trampled upon and mown down, until it dies and decays."

I don't know if the weeds in "Ordinary Road" are taken from here, or from "the wild fire is endless, and the spring breeze blows and regenerates."

In short, weeds seem to be weak, but they have tenacious vitality.

You and I are ordinary people,

Why not be tenacious and stubborn?
"Walk forward and walk blindly (Just walk like this)

Even if you are stupefied (given what)

This paragraph is very "tree language", which clearly reads those words in the subtitles, but it is completely different when sung, and the taste is very unique.

Either walking blindly or being frightened... This ordinary road is not easy to walk.

The ending theme song is still playing.

The screen of the movie also gradually turned black.

With the lyrics of "Where is your story told?", the song came to an end, and the screen turned completely dark.

The sound of typing on the keyboard sounded, and each white text was typed on the screen:
I would like to dedicate this film to everyone who insists on ideals and loves life, although ordinary but also great. ——"Thirty and Stand".

The lights in the theater were turned back on.

The movie ends.

Three seconds after the lights came on, Lu Yu said foolishly, "It's over, I was sacrificed."

Lu Yu had seen his new work "Shining" gaining momentum before this, and thought he could win the top spot, but after listening to the song "Ordinary Road", he felt that "Shining" was a bit overwhelmed at the top of the list.

Qian Qiuyuan patted Lu Yu on the shoulder, "Don't compare yourself to geniuses."

Zhai Nandao: "All A-level creators have to be sacrificed for this song."

Although Zhai Nan's words are always exaggerated, he wholeheartedly approves of Xiaoyao's new work, "The strongest newcomer of the year must be him."

On Tian Linguang's side, the directors all said in front of him, "Teacher Tian's selection of songs is really amazing! The artistic conception of the ending song is so wonderful."

Director 2: "Yes, tall, really tall."

Director 3: "You can always trust Teacher Tian's vision and aesthetics."

Tian Linguang only said lightly: "It's not that I have a good eye, but that Xiaoyao's works are amazing."

Everyone in the premiere hall was full of praise for the ending song "Ordinary Road".

And very little is mentioned about the film itself.

Director Ding Hai said to the old wolf: "There seems to be something wrong, is there something wrong?"

Old Wolf: "This song! It stole the limelight of the movie."

Ding Hai: "I don't know whether to cry or laugh."

Lao Lang: "Desperate, longing, crying and laughing, being ordinary~" He quoted the lyrics of "Ordinary Road".

Ding Hai: "..."


At the end of the premiere, the first audience came out of the theater after watching "Standing at Thirty", and many of them were loyal fans of "Guerrillas".

They immediately shared the news that they finished watching "Thirty Standing" with fans in the guerrilla circle.

Many people also shared directly on social platforms.

"Wall Crack recommends "Standing at Thirty", and Zhou You's new work "Ordinary Road" by Zhou You is absolutely amazing!!"

"Now the melody of "Ordinary Road" is still in my mind, I have earworms Jimei."

"The new song is so good!!"

"Trust me!! You will be amazed."

"I didn't cry while watching the movie, but the ending song made me cry."

"I was sung and cried by the ending song +1"

"Is this the legendary Divine Comedy from a bad movie from ancient times?"

"Eh... this movie isn't bad! But the song is amazing!"

After the premiere of "Standing at Thirty", "The Ordinary Road" quickly topped the Weibo hot list.

However, "Thirty Standing" only ranked second on the hit list.

The song is hotter than the movie series.

The media also reported heavily.

The film critic Yi Jiuzhou's film review article was also published soon.

Yi Jiuzhou has many fans. As soon as his article is published, many people read it instantly.

The title of his article this time is: "The Ordinary Road" is extraordinary, a song directly sublimates the movie to a higher level!The finishing touch!

In this article, Yi Jiuzhou briefly described the content of the movie and wrote "Ordinary Road" in detail.

His operation caused many fans to ridicule wildly.

"Kyushu Kyushu!! Are you changing careers to become a music critic?"

"What about the movie review... 300 words for the movie review! 3000 words for the song review!! Is it my eyesight? Are you sure it's not Wang Xiaoer's music review?"

"Film review: slightly!"

"Hahaha I laughed so hard. Although the analysis is based on part of the plot, why do I feel that "Thirty Standing" is the MV?"

""Ordinary Road": An ordinary protagonist passes by quietly."

Music critic Wang Xiaoer also stepped up to make fun of it, reposting film critic Yi Jiuzhou's film review article, and wrote on Weibo: "Let me declare, this music review... No, I really did not write this film review! Support Be original! Believe in originality!"

The atmosphere on the Internet is very active and joyful.

Also because of Yi Jiuzhou's article and Wang Xiaoer's ridicule, the popularity of "Ordinary Road" and "Standing at Thirty" was completely fired.

at the same time,

The creative team of "Standing at Thirty" also released "Ordinary Road" with Big Fish Studio immediately after the film was released.

The song was suffixed and titled: The theme song of the movie "Standing at Thirty" from "Ordinary Road".

Will releasing a song at this time affect the box office?

will not.

This kind of operation is very common in Blue Star.

A movie releases its theme song after its premiere.

But during the hot show, not everyone can listen.Instead, after buying a movie ticket, the ticket buyer can listen to the theme song for free with the ticket code on the Yueting music platform!
And this part of the income from music sales will also be subsidized by the film producer to the platform.

The platform is divided into distribution to creators and singers.

Not bad for the filmmakers!

Because the related costs of the song are already included in the movie ticket... In the end, it was the movie fans who paid for it.

So there is no free lunch in this world.

The wool comes from the sheep.

After the release of "Ordinary Road", countless movie fans flocked in.

"First first!"

"Front row front row!"

"I bought a movie ticket for 39 yuan to listen to the song, am I easy?"

"Me too. I don't have time to go to the movies, but if I want to listen to music, I can only listen to "Ordinary Road" for the price of a movie ticket."

"So this song is 39 yuan a song? How the hell am I still listening to it so happily, woo woo woo~~ I can't be the legendary wronged seed, right?"

"It sounds good! Tears."

"Driving and listening all the way! Xiaoyao and Zhouyou are really gods, treasures! Great love."

The number of song comments has increased.

The popularity and ranking of the song have also risen rapidly.


The tea room of Qian Qiuyuan's house.

Qian Qiuyuan, Lu Yu, and Zhai Nan drank tea while paying attention to the new song list of Yue Ting Music.

Tasting tea... Well, it is a traditional skill of the creator!Qian Qiuyuan especially likes two kinds of tea.One is green tea.The other is green tea.detail.

Lu Yu refreshed the new song list of Yueting Music.

Qian Qiuyuan: "Which place is "Shining"?"

Lu Yu: "It's still third."

After "Shining" was released in the morning, its ranking on the new song list rose like a bamboo shoot, and it had surpassed "Chengdu" by [-]:[-] noon, ranking third!

But no matter what happens later, it is impossible to rush to the second place, let alone the first place.

"Blue Lotus" and "Summer Wind" are still very strong.

Can't beat it.

Zhai Nan: "What about "Ordinary Road"?"

Lu Yu: "Fourth."

Zhai Nan: "So fast? Are you crazy!"

"Ordinary Road" was released after the end of the movie, and now it's only a little over an hour, and it has rushed to fourth place?

And this has to be listened to after buying movie tickets!
The high ticket price will screen out some fans.

The performance on the list will naturally be worse!
But the performance of "Ordinary Road" is not bad! ! !
If it goes on sale normally, I'm afraid it will rush to the top of the list now... Thinking about it makes me feel horrible, and I feel goosebumps all over my body.

Qian Qiuyuan: "There's no need to struggle anymore. It's time to make sacrifices."


Jinghai, a certain villa.

The creator, Guo Pinsheng, was sweating after working out. During his break, he read the hot "Ordinary Road".

This Xiaoyao released a song again?

Is he an electric little motor?

Da da da!

I've been posting too many songs lately.

too active.

At first he admired Xiaoyao, but now he thinks this person is too high-profile...he doesn't like high-profile people.

There is even a little bit of dissatisfaction with Xiaoyao.

Occupy the top three on the new song list.

This is so arrogant!
Do you think there is no one left in the music scene?

so arrogant.

Not used to him... Guo Pinsheng muttered something in his heart, and then forwarded Lu Yu's "Shining", "I like this song very much!"

As for "The Ordinary Road", he didn't even click in to listen to it.

It costs 39 bucks... none of my songs are that expensive!Why spend 39 listening to Xiaoyao's songs?His arrogance and decency are always there and deeply dictate his behavior.

Guo Pinsheng reposted "Shining" and said he liked it, but he didn't say a word about "Ordinary Road".

It was quickly seen by many creators in the circle.

They discussed it in their small groups.

"What does it mean that Guo Pinsheng reposted "Shining" and said it was nice?"

"He seems to be expressing his dissatisfaction with Xiaoyao."

"I feel the same way..."

"When the three sluts got together in the morning, I realized that something was unusual."

"Is this to support Lu Yu's "Shining" and protect the dignity of A-level creators?"

"It seems so!! Xiaoyao punched Guo Pinsheng and stepped on Qian Qiuyuan. The A-level creator was provoked wildly. It's time to fight back."

"Do you want to fight? Do you want to surround Xiaoyao? Suddenly get excited."

Guo Pinsheng's forwarding caused many interpretations.

Some people say that he is unhappy and happy.

Some people say that he is maintaining the group of A-level creators and expressing his dissatisfaction with Xiaoyao.

Surprisingly, after Guo Pinsheng reposted it, many A-level creators also reposted "Shining" to support Lu Yu.

After the A-level creators forwarded it, many singers who cooperated with them also promoted "Shining".

It triggered a battle between "Shining" and "Ordinary Road", Lu Yu and Xiaoyao's new song list!

"Damn it!! Are there so many A-level creators trying to create momentum for Lu Yu?"

"Is this the siege of Xiaoyao?"

"Shivering!! As for a D-level creator?"

"It may be that Xiaoyao has dominated the charts for many songs for a long time, and it is considered provocative by the A-level creators."

"A-level creators need dignity."

"So many people bully Xiaoyao! It's not fair!"

Netizens and fans instantly boiled over.

The members of the guerrillas also broke out their cohesion at this time, and immediately launched a support for Zhou You and Xiaoyao.

A battle without gunpowder began.


Three scumbags.

Zhai Nan: "What's the situation?? A-level creators are all building up momentum for you."

Qian Qiuyuan: "These people are insane! The three of us hugging each other... didn't mean to target Xiaoyao. This is an over-interpretation!"

Lu Yu: "It's all right now, the flames of war have ignited."

Zhai Nan: "Look at the rankings."

Lu Yu immediately checked the ranking on Yueting's new song list. With many A-level songwriters promoting and promoting, "Shining" has already rushed to the second place, surpassing "Summer Wind".

I have touched the ass of "Blue Lotus".

Hope to hit the first.

And "The Ordinary Road" is just as fast, surpassing "Summer Wind" and rushing to the third place, second only to "Shining".

Clinging to the ranking of "Shining".


"Blue Lotus" has a popularity of 1899 million.

"Shine" has a popularity of 1655 million.

The popularity of "Ordinary Road" reached 1533 million!
The popularity gap between "Ordinary Road" and "Shining" is already very small.

This is thanks to the credit of the guerrillas.

At the same time, the A-level creators created momentum for Lu Yu and besieged Xiaoyao, which in itself brought a lot of heat to Xiaoyao and "Ordinary Road".

Li Qingyao, Li Yan, Tang Mi, Jiang Chuxue, Hu Ge, Tian Linguang, Ding Hai, Lao Lang and others saw that Xiaoyao was being "bullied", and they also extended a helping hand at this time to help Xiaoyao and Zhouyou to promote and build momentum!

For a while, these two songs were very popular on the charts.

Every minute and every second, the popularity of the two songs is changing.

Lu Yu kept refreshing the list of Yuet Music's new songs.

"Shine" hits 1701 million!Break through the 1700 million mark.

"Ordinary Road" 1650 million!
And the popularity of "Shining" is still shrinking.

When it reached 1700 million, the popularity of "Shining" began to rise, rising by 1 to [-] per minute.

But "The Ordinary Road" has an increase of one hundred thousand and one hundred thousand per minute!

Soon the popularity of "Ordinary Road" also exceeded 1700 million.

"Shining" 1710 million.

"Ordinary Road" 1709 million!
It's only [-] heat away.

Lu Yu's heart skipped a beat.

Chrysanthemum suddenly tightened.

It's like being hit by the Millennium Killer.

"It will soon become a stepping stone." Lu Yu looked bitter.

Refresh again in the next second!
Rank jumps.

NO.1 "Blue Lotus"

NO.2 "Ordinary Road"

NO.3 "Shine"

this moment!
Guerrilla fans screamed and cheered.

Netizens who witnessed this moment spoke one after another!

"Another A-level creator was sacrificed."



6300 word chapters.Temporary update today.I will sort out the follow-up details~~collect a little information.If there is still time after finishing, I will write a second update.If you don't write it, you can add it later.

The most handsome and beautiful readers, please make the most elegant gesture: vote!Monthly ticket recommendation tickets are required.

(End of this chapter)

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