I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 123 When is the concert?

Chapter 123 When is the concert?

"Are you wearing nothing underneath?"

The embarrassment and social death Li Yan experienced obviously had a psychological shadow.

Fortunately, although men and women are still mixed in the hot springs in Kangbu, everyone is wearing short sleeves and shorts.

To know that time goes backwards,

People go to the hot springs here without wearing anything.They bathe in hot springs, really just for bathing or pure treatment.Going naked is a tradition.No one will look at you more because you are not wearing clothes.Or have bad thoughts.

Zhou You and Li Yan entered the goldfish pond.

When Zhou You and the others went in, there were not many people inside.

There was a couple with a thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl.

On the other side was a man and woman who looked to be in their thirties, who were a couple by visual inspection.

In addition, there are three men in their 50s.One of them looked very thin.One is fatter.Another is the Mediterranean.

When Zhou You and the others entered, the three groups were lying or sitting in the pool, soaking and chatting. They didn't know what they were talking about, but they looked very happy.

Wander them in,

The three groups of people all looked at them one after another.

Zhou You and Li Yan followed the camera, and the camera brother asked politely: "Can we shoot? We are recording a program."


"Shoot whatever you want."

"Zhou You Li Yan! This is the "Traveler" program team?"

Everyone is very friendly and doesn't mind the cameraman taking pictures.Among them, the couple in their 30s recognized Zhou You and them.

"Yes," Zhou You said, "we are recording "Traveler""

"I watched this program!" said the wife of the couple, "I like you very much. Especially at the Giant Panda Base, I was very impressed. The smell of matcha and mustard...so much so that I even eat my favorite food now. I have never bought matcha-flavored cakes again.”

The woman is very excited.

"Thank you." Zhou You and Li Yan said at the same time.

When you meet fans, no matter what they say, you just need to say thank you, which can save a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Zhou You and Li Yan went down to the hot spring pool.

The water temperature of the hot spring is very comfortable.

Neither hot nor cold.

Just right.

Steaming, like a fairy air ethereal.

Zhou You soaked himself in the spring water, feeling the pores all over his body opened unconsciously, greedily enjoying the magical and comfortable spring water.

[The first time to soak in hot springs in Uizang, life point +1]

As soon as I sat in the hot spring pool and traveled around, I received a system prompt.

in the hot spring,

Zhou You spread himself out completely.

Every cell in the body seems to be completely relaxed at this moment.

Zhou You has the habit of taking a nap.

It was supposed to be a nap at this point after lunch.

But soaking in the hot spring, the slight tiredness was quickly swept away.

"It's so comfortable." Li Yan enjoyed it.

"Why do you look so ecstatic?" Zhou You looked at Li Yan.

"This in itself makes you feel ecstatic." Li Yan said.

The cameraman who was in charge of filming on the shore saw Zhou You and Li Yan enjoying himself, and couldn't help complaining: "It's a crime."

Li Yan: "What crime?"

Cameraman: "You guys are taking a hot spring vacation, but I'm working hard."

Zhou You: "You can also come down and soak in the film."

The cameraman was quite moved, but after some mental struggles, he still worked diligently on the shore to complete his work.

With the complete relaxation of Zhou You and Li Yan.

The atmosphere of the hot spring pool has also become cozy and harmonious.

Although everyone is a stranger, at this moment, it seems that there is no barrier between each other, and they are very close to each other naturally.

Zhou You glanced at the female fan just now.

At first glance, the female fan is a big-hearted person, rich and generous, very seductive.Like overripe peaches.

After a while, the people in the pool began to chat freely.

During the chat, Zhou You learned that those "couples" were not husband and wife... That peachy woman is that man's sister-in-law!

Take my sister-in-law to the hot spring.

Is your brother okay at home?

My sister-in-law has high blood pressure, and she was planning to come here in the spring, but she was delayed because of something, so she just asked her younger brother to bring her here when she was free recently.

She's here for high blood pressure.

Been here for a week now.

Tibetan doctor Samba gave him a "prescription", and she was soaking in the hot spring according to the order of the prescription.

The family of three next to it came all the way from Kyoto because of the necrosis of the femoral head of a little girl.

The three uncles in their 50s each have their own illnesses, arthritis, three highs, stomach problems...the three of them have nothing to do, so they made an appointment to come and have a bubble together.

"What about you two? Traveling or medical treatment?" asked the Mediterranean uncle, pushing his pedantic high glasses.

Maybe it's because the degree is too high, and you can't see anything when you take it off.

So he didn't take off his glasses in this steamy hot spring.

"We're here to play." Zhou You said.

"Cure the disease by the way." Li Yan added.

In the hot spring pool, everyone talked and laughed, talking about the daily routine, and all the troubles were thrown away.

We don't know each other.

But it seems that they are old friends who have known each other for a long time.

During the chat, Zhou You also heard a lot of anecdotes about Kangbu Hot Spring. A certain person suffered from a difficult and miscellaneous disease, and sought medical treatment everywhere to no avail, but was cured here.

"Why do you say that the hot springs in Wei Zang are so magical?" the peach beauty asked, "I soaked here for a week, and I didn't take antihypertensive drugs for a week, and now my blood pressure is stable and normal."

The father of a family of three said: "It is said that someone has tested the composition of the hot spring water, and the test results show that there are indeed minerals that are beneficial to the human body. But there is no conclusion yet about why it can cure diseases."

The old Mediterranean scholar said: "I think it has something to do with mentality and state."

"When I was at home some time ago, there was pain here or there. I had to worry about everything, and I had a lot of troubles."

"I feel relaxed when I come here, and I feel that there is no pain anywhere."

"I think so too," said the fat man.

"From the perspective of Chinese medicine, everyone's diseases are accumulated over time. Slowly from the outside to the inside, it hurts our body."

"Our human body has a very sophisticated repair ability just like nature. As long as ordinary minor problems are repaired in time, the body can automatically recover. Maybe our body's self-healing ability is stimulated by hot springs, allowing it to recover in a natural way. self-healing."

"Living in the city, we are too busy to let ourselves recuperate. When we get sick, we are used to going to the hospital for prescriptions, injections, water hookups, and surgeries... If it’s not good here, we’ll remove it, and if it’s not working there, we’ll switch it off and replace it. Drop it! Surgery itself is a kind of injury to the human body."

"Our body sends signals to us, sometimes follow the body's wishes, rest and recuperate, and the condition will get better."

This uncle's point of view is very Chinese medicine.

Zhou You also agrees with this statement.

Many diseases are actually self-made.

And Chinese medicine pays attention to "rejuvenation and vitality"... Traditional Chinese medicine has a slow effect, but it does little harm to the body and has almost no side effects.

Chatting around the sky, I felt that time slowed down.

This kind of slow time is simply wonderful.

It is said that the herdsmen in U-Tsang don't like fast things, especially airplanes, trains, cars... because they are too fast.They are used to watching sheep grazing slowly, smoking a cigarette leisurely, and then lying on the grass watching the clouds in the sky slowly.


Slowness is the essence of life.

Slow down and feel happy and your body will naturally be healthy.

[Soak in hot springs to experience slow life, life point +1]

[Have a good time with friends, life point +1]

Xiao Qi... is this friend serious?
Zhou You and Li Yan soaked in the hot spring for a whole afternoon.

During that time they changed the hot springs.

The bubble friends also changed several times, but without exception, everyone chatted happily when they were in the hot springs.

They also sat quietly outside and basked in the sun between changing the pool.

Don't get too cozy.

It's getting late.

Zhou You and Li Yan came out of the hot spring pool.

"It's so comfortable." Li Yan said, "I feel like the whole body is soaked soft. Soak it after eating?"

Li Yan is obviously addicted to it.

But Zhou You knows when enough is enough, "Forget it at night, there's still plenty of time. Soak slowly, don't rush."

Li Yan had dinner with Lin Hao and Tao Yiran for Zhouyou.

Lin Haotao still came three days earlier and they are more familiar with this place.

They had a simple dinner and then took a walk in the town of Kangbu.

Walk a hundred steps after a meal and live to 99.

Take it easy.

They went all the way to the end of the valley.

There is a pass.

"Is that snow lotus?" Li Yan suddenly pointed to the flower in the crevice of the stone under the snow line.

"No, it doesn't have thorns." Zhou You said.But now is the beginning of summer, and it is indeed the season when there are snow lotuses in the cracks of the stones.

Snow lotus generally grows in late spring and early summer.

Li Yan's thirst for knowledge was quite strong, so he took out his mobile phone to check the snow lotus on the spot. After checking and comparing, the one in front of him was really a snow lotus!It turns out that snow lotus also has no thorns.

It is another kind of snow lotus.

Zhou You and the others circled around, and Lin Hao said: "On the grassland on the hillside below, when it rains at night, a lot of white mushrooms will appear the next day. They are very delicious. The first night we came It was raining, and the two of us picked a lot of mushrooms to go back the next day. When it rains again, we can take a look."

Listening to Lin Hao's description, Zhou You was very moved.

Want to experience picking mushrooms.

Who hasn't had a Super Mario dream?

Walking and chatting, life seems to be like this... But now too many people are working overtime and working hard.Who doesn't want to relax?But the hateful capitalists want you to do the most work with the least money... The result is that you will help the boss earn a big villa in the coming year with a salary that is only enough for food and clothing.

Night fell quietly.

When walking back, Zhou You and the others met many people who also soaked in hot springs during the day and went out for a walk at night... They may be healthy or sick.But at this moment, their state is all relaxed and laughing.

On a stone platform, the old Mediterranean scholars, fat men, thin men, and another group of old men who took a hot spring bath together today played chess there.

There are many onlookers.

Zhou You and the others watched it for a while.

[Watch the old man play chess, watch the chess without speaking, life point +1]


When Zhou You Youzai Youzai, the second episode of "Traveler" was broadcast on the Kunlun platform.

As soon as the show started, thousands of viewers flocked in.

This is due to the resignation divine song "Blue Lotus" used in the lead film.

The barrage and comments exploded within 1 minute of the broadcast.

"First first!"

"Front row!"

"Nothing can stop you, your yearning for freedom~~~"


"Come for the Battle Hymn of Resignation."

The popularity of the second episode of "Traveler" was a third higher than that of the first episode.

The song "Blue Lotus" attracted a large audience.

At the same time, Zhou You and Li Yan embarked on a trip to U-Tibet in the second episode of the program.U-Tsang is a place where many people dream of going.

It's a pity that workers don't have holidays...

If you can't go by yourself, come to the show to watch it to satisfy your gluttony.


Yuan Xu, who works in a big factory, finally took a weekend off today after working overtime for a month.

Worried about being suddenly called back to work to catch up on projects, he turned off his phone the moment he got home from get off work yesterday.

Nothing can stop me from yearning for a day off...

Although dare not resign at will.

But I can shut down and refuse to work overtime.

Yuan Xu has always cherished the dream of visiting Weizang since he was a student.

It's a pity that when I was a student, I had a lot of time but no money.

Now that I work as a programmer, I don't lack money, but I don't have time.

The longest vacation is only one week, what can one do in U-Tsang?Can't play at all.In addition, there are too many people traveling during the holidays. It is better to see the crowds of people than to see the great rivers and mountains.

A vacation is meant to be clean and relaxing.

What's the matter with tourists everywhere?

Moreover, transportation, accommodation, and meals during this kind of holiday are more expensive than usual... I feel sorry for the money, and I don’t want to be a big wronged seed at that time.

So do migrant workers have time to travel?
Rich people don't get together on vacation, and the expenses are cheap.

Hitting workers get together to play, paying high costs.

So rich people spend less money than ordinary people, and can have more fun than ordinary people... Sure enough, working as a worker will always be a leek!
It hurts.

Yuan Xu bought some wine and some grilled skewers, and watched the second episode of "Traveler" while eating skewers and drinking.

The tranquility and beauty of Basong Co, the Tiffany blue of Yanghu Lake, the blue sky, white clouds and snow-capped mountains...

He could see that he was restless.

Damn it!
Be sure to find time to go to U-Tsang.

The dream of traveling to U-Tsang has been fulfilled for many years.

He raised the can of beer and gurgled it down, drinking a bottle straight away.

Every time the red Mustang is driving on the road, the music of "Blue Lotus" will sound at the right time. "This song not only costs cigarettes! It also costs alcohol!"



Jiang Chuxue was lying on the bed watching "Traveler".

It was fine before, but the scenery of Basongcuo was very attractive to her, and the children on the second day were also very cute.

When Zhou You arrived in Bayi Town, they met Tao Yiran and Lin Hao!

At first they rode a motorcycle tour.

Jiang Chuxue thought it was cool.

But knowing that Tao is still sick, I looked at her with tears in my eyes, "Hey, why are my tears so low?"

In fact, Jiang Chuxue was made to cry by Tao Yiran's remark that she was going to go to Zhou You's concert.

What an optimistic girl.

But why is this so...

At this time, the screen was full of barrage.

"Don't worry about it."

"You must live well."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu so when will Zhou You hold a concert then?"

"Same question! When will Zhou You start singing?"

"Zhou You, I beg you, hurry up and get down to business! You know how to travel all day long! A singer who doesn't release an album, hold a fan meeting, or hold a concert is unqualified!"

What caught people off guard was that the trend of the barrage changed from sympathy for Tao Yiran at the beginning to urging Zhou You to hold a concert.

For this singer who is not serious about business!

Even a concert needs fans to urge it.

Can you be serious and professional?

Fans frantically urged and joked.


After watching the second episode of "Traveler", Li Qingyao felt mixed emotions.

Tao is still young, but troubled by illness... She had an idea that if Tao is still willing, she can help pay for his treatment.

She asked her mother Dong Wenshu to find a way to contact Tao Yiran and Lin Hao.

at the same time,

She was very moved when she saw that Zhou You and Li Yan had a good tour of Basongcuo and Yanghu Lake in the show, and the Tiffany Blue overlooking the entire Yanghu Lake with a paraglider.She said to Dong Wenshu: "I also want to be on a variety show like this."

Dong Wenshu: "Now your focus should be on music."

Li Qingyao: "Why is it such a disappointment to talk to you?"

After Li Qingyao finished speaking, she went back to her room and closed the door heavily.

I don't know why the differences between Dong Wenshu and Dong Wenshu have become more and more serious recently, and quarrels have become commonplace.


The three cheap customers heard that the second episode of "Traveler" will be aired tonight.

Qian Qiuyuan, Lu Yu, and Zhai Nan made an appointment to watch the show while drinking tea.

Lu Yu: "Fortunately, there are no new songs in this episode."

Zhai Nan: "Isn't "Blue Lotus" a new song?"

Lu Yu: "I mean except for Blue Lotus...otherwise I would think this is a music program."

Qian Qiuyuan: "After listening to it, I don't want to stay in Jinghai anymore! Really, let's go out and play?"

Zhai Nan: "Where are you going?"

Qian Qiuyuan: "Let's go to U-Tsang too!"

Lu Yu: "Son!"

Qian Qiuyuan: "Let's go as soon as we say!!! Let's go out to collect folk songs. What's the matter being trapped in this high-rise building every day?"

The three creators immediately hit it off.

Start discussing their itinerary.


In the second episode of "Traveler", Li Yan arrived at Gongmi Village during his travels, stayed with Tashi's family, and received warm hospitality.Zhou You stopped abruptly when Li Yan decided to help pick up the bride.

It quickly aroused heated discussions among the audience.

"Gone? Gone? Gone?"

"I came here for the song "Write the Story as Us"!! Is this the result?"

"The director did a good job! The blade is waiting for you."

"So there's still only half of the song posted by the previous netizens, right? I want to listen to the full version!"

"The suspense has been drawn for a whole period!! It seems that the suspense will continue to the next period."

"Director Dog!"

"Dog director +1"

For a while, the audience scolded the director Wang Hougou.

Of course, many people said that after watching the second issue, the desire to resign that had been suppressed after so much effort popped out again.

I want to quit my job again!
After the show was broadcast, it quickly dominated the Weibo hot list.

When will NO.1 Zhouyou hold a concert?Brothers and sisters go up!

NO.2 Where is the official version of "Write the Story as Us" as promised?

NO.5 most beautiful girl Tao Yiran

NO.8 sheep lake blue

NO.12 Dog Director

"Traveler" occupies four of the top ten on Weibo's hot list, and even the princely "dog director" was scolded as the hottest No.12.


And Zhou You, who is far away in Kangbu Hot Spring, still doesn't know what happened.

Until he received a call from Zhang Yao.

Zhang Yao: "Boss, when are we going to have a concert?"



The second change, 5000 characters.

Author: When will we vote for our monthly and recommended tickets?Master Reader: Immediately, immediately!
(End of this chapter)

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