I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 124 You hurt me and laughed it off, genius doctor

Chapter 124 You hurt me and just laughed it off, miracle doctor

"Boss, when do we have a concert?"

Zhou You was confused when he received the call, "What concert?"

Zhang Yao reacted quickly, thinking that Zhou You might not have seen the hot spots on Weibo, he said, "Look at Weibo."

After hanging up the phone, Zhou You was too lazy to watch the old people play chess.

At this time, the chess playing field has been moved from outside to inside.

Zhou You broke away from the crowd watching chess and opened the Weite APP.

At the top of the Weibo hot list, I suddenly saw "When will Zhou You hold a concert? Brothers and sisters, go up!"

It turned out that Tao Yiran said in the second episode of "Traveler" that he would definitely come to his concert.

Then fans used this as an excuse to frantically ask when the concert will start.

In addition, Zhou You also received many private messages from fans.

It's all about the concert.

It's too tiring to hold a concert... and I don't make any money.Posting a song may earn more than a concert.

Zhou You is not very interested in the concert.

As for Tao Yiran's wish... Wouldn't it be better to sing to her alone than at a concert?

Many thoughts flashed through his mind, and Zhou You sent Zhang Yao a message: "There is no plan to hold a concert."

Zhang Yao: "The voices of the fans are very high now... I think we can hold a show while it's hot and gather the fans."

Zhou You: "It's not necessary. Don't bother them."

Zhang Yao: "The boss is domineering!"

Zhang Yao said in his heart, he is worthy of being the boss. Millions of fans asked him to sing, but he just refused to do it.

Not used to fans... probably only the boss can say such a thing.

Too personal.

But Zhang Yao has figured out the boss's temperament... The boss likes to keep a low profile.So as a singer, I don’t do business well, but I write songs, write novels, and write scripts in a vest...

Zhang Yao: "I understand."

Neither Zhou You nor Big Fish Studio responded to the "concert" that fans were looking forward to.

But the less they respond to the fans, the more itchy they feel.

"@周游周游 Come out and talk, when is the concert?"

"Please take care of your business, please?"

"Don't ask which time you saw Zhou You replying to comments and private messages. I seriously doubt that this guy doesn't even look at his phone when he's on vacation."

"The concert is not something that can be held just as it is...Maybe Zhou You doesn't know how to respond."

Seeing that neither Zhou You nor Dayu Studio responded, fans began to take the initiative to find reasons for Zhou You not to respond.

What a lovely group of fans.

At the same time, Zhou You also received a message from Qian Qiuyuan on the Xiaguo Music Network: "Brother, I plan to go to Weizang for a while, are you going?"

This message was sent half an hour ago.

Zhou You didn't reply, and Qian Qiuyuan added another one: "Where's the person?"

Only then did Zhou You realize that he hadn't replied to the message Qian Qiuyuan sent him the day before yesterday.

So I tapped my fingers on the screen and typed, "You guys go." Well... I'm already in Weizang.

Qian Qiuyuan: "Really not going? I also said that I would introduce my two good brothers to you. Form the Four Bitches."

Xiaoyao: "I can't get in."

Qian Qiuyuan: "...well, I didn't mean to curse... Four Musketeers! We are three cheap."

I didn't say you cursed...Zhou You said: "I appreciate it."

Qian Qiuyuan: "Okay, then there is a chance to face the base."

This Qian Zhuangyuan's speech is a bit interesting.

They also come to Weizang?

It can't be because of the second episode of "Traveler".


As time went by, those who watched chess and those who played chess gradually dispersed.

Everyone gathered to watch and play chess, which reminded Zhou You of Jinguan City.

There are many chess and card rooms and mahjong halls in Jinguan City, and the sound of playing mahjong and building the Great Wall can be heard everywhere.Of course, in the streets and alleys, there are also many old people sitting on the ground, moving a small table and a few small stools, playing chess and poker around there... and then surrounded by a bunch of spectators.

Such an old life is the envy of all young people.

It's a day to be free and happy wearing a vest and slippers with a pension.

It's a pity that I have to wait until I retire at the age of 65...

This kind of life after retirement is estimated to be less than two years.

Desperation from beaters.

back to the homestay,

There is no bathing session today.

After soaking in the hot spring for a whole afternoon, what old cellar hasn't been soaked off?

Li Yan lay in big characters on the bed: "Today is definitely the most comfortable day of our trip to U-Tsang."

Zhou You: "It's also the craziest day."

Li Yan immediately thought of the plump Ajia in the bathing pool, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, "Don't mention the past again."

At this time, there was no cameraman to shoot, so Zhou You hummed casually: "Don't bring up the past, life has been full of storms, even if the memory can't be erased, love and hate are still in my heart..."

Li Yan heard Zhou You singing, why did he still sing?

The lyrics sound very appropriate to the occasion, and they are quite heartbreaking...Even though the memory cannot be erased, love and hatred are still in my heart... Today's epic embarrassment will definitely not be forgotten in this life.That kind of "love and hate" is of course still in my heart.

Hmm...but it still sounds good.

Li Yan: "You don't have to be so happy to see my company die, do you? The songs are all sung."

Zhou You: "Of course I'm happy, and I want to drink to celebrate."

Li Yan: "Did you improvise this part?" Li Yan thought it should be impromptu.

Zhou You: "Tell me what happened in the bathing pool today, and I'll tell you." Li Yan kept silent about it, but the more he kept silent, the more curious Zhou You became.

Li Yan immediately stopped talking, "It's so comfortable to soak in the hot spring, and I feel relaxed. I need to sleep well tonight."

Then he lay down and pulled the covers up like I was going to sleep.

Zhou You did not continue to ask.

Instead, he hummed faintly: "You hurt me and let it go with a smile~~"

Li Yan was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, and when he heard the lyrics, the plump Ajia's "sound and smile" appeared in his mind... and the two young ladies who said his little underpants were cute covered their mouths and smiled...they Really walked past me with a smile.

Zhou You is obviously laughing at me!

I'm so bored!
Pull the quilt over your head.

Looking at Li Yan's reaction, Zhou You knew that what happened in the bathing pool must be very interesting.

Zhou You sang only this one line and then stopped.

I took a look at the stills of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" released today on Weibo.

Today's release is the stills of "Lin Yueru".

Lin Yueru plays a pivotal role in "Legend of Sword and Fairy", and the song "Always Quiet" can be said to be her role song.

The earth version of Lin Yueru is played by An Yixuan.

However, this role has always been controversial.

Some people like it and some people hate it.

Hmm... It can be said that almost all the protagonists in the drama version were scolded miserably. Li Xiaoyao was scolded as a scumbag, Zhao Linger was scolded as a white lotus flower, Lin Yueru was scolded as a mistress, a man bitch, a dog licking, knowing the third as the third, and being another. Independence, selfishness, shamelessness... But these scolding still can't make this drama bad.

On the contrary, the more you scold, the more angry you are, are you angry?
The characters in Xianjian are not perfect characters, and have their own shortcomings more or less.But it is these shortcomings that make the characters in the play "human".

After all, no one is perfect.

It's still a classic after so many years... maybe it's a classic itself!It may also rely entirely on peers.

The Blue Star version of Lin Yueru is played by an actress named "Tian Xi".

It looks pretty from the stills.

Lin Yueru's appearance and temperament are also quite good.

Director Ye Chen is very good at casting roles.

"Is this too pretty?"

"How can the character of Xianjian be so beautiful? This is the Xianxia in my mind."

"Zhao Ling'er, Li Xiaoyao, Jiu Jianxian, Lin Yueru! The stills released so far! Every character is based on my aesthetics. What if I like them all?"

"Zhao Ling'er is my wife, no one is allowed to rob me."

The excellent appearance and stills have attracted the attention of many viewers.

Not to mention these audiences.

Even Zhou You looked forward to the Blue Star version of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" when he saw these stills... Its production will be more sophisticated than that of Earth.

The special effects will be better too.

It depends on whether the director Ye Chen can make that kind of fairy-like feeling.

Put down the phone and turn on the laptop, and wrote "Jieyou Grocery Store" for a while.

After writing for about an hour, I turned off the computer, lay on the bed, and sank into the system.

Order Xiaoqi to bring up the personal information panel.

Host: Zhou You

Remaining life points: 12 points

Accumulated life points: 292 points

Number of lucky draws: 1 times

"Lucky draw!" Zhou You shouted in his heart.

Immediately, four golden cloud pattern cards appeared in front of his eyes.

Zhou You selected the fourth card by counting soldiers and generals.

The fourth card was flipped and enlarged, blooming brilliant golden light.

【Congratulations for winning the song "Just Ordinary"】

"Life Like a Summer Flower", "I'm Not the God of Medicine", "Just Be Ordinary"... Isn't it all at once?
Why not win a big gift package like "Legend of Sword and Fairy" in one go?

The lottery still depends on luck and the burst rate.

So far I haven't drawn any thanks for patronage...that's already thankful.


The next day.

Zhou You slept until after nine o'clock before waking up.

[Sleep until you wake up naturally, life point +1]

When Zhou You woke up, Li Yan had already soaked in the hot spring for an hour and came back, "It's so comfortable to take a bath in the morning."

Morning shot?
Traveling around at first was a mistake.

But it only took him 0.001 second to realize that Li Yan was talking about taking a dip...Brother dei, can you please control the speed of the car?
After Zhou You washed up slowly, Li Yan had already changed into a suit of clothes.

This socially obsessive guy got sweet tea and milk cakes from a nearby aborigine's house, and brought some back for Zhou You.

After Zhou You drank sweet tea and ate milk cakes, he always felt that something was missing, so he made a pot of Pu'er tea.

This Pu'er belongs to princes.

Ever since he learned that Zhou You is Xiaoyao, the prince has favored Zhou You even more.

Whenever there is something interesting in hand, I will send it to Zhou You.

Every time Li Yan was very envious and said: "Director Wang, why are all the good things given away, but mine?"

Prince: "Just travel around and enjoy the blessings."

Li Yan: "Are you too biased?"

Prince: "Who made Teacher Xiaoyao partial to me?"

Li Yan was completely speechless when he heard this.

Yes, how many songs and popularity did Xiaoyao contribute to "Traveler"?Traveling around is just enjoying happiness next to you, and it's not bad for me to enjoy happiness next to traveling around... Li Yan feels much more comfortable thinking about it this way.

It would be great if I also have a backer like Xiaoyao.

The altitude of the plateau is high and the air pressure is low, so the boiling point of water also becomes lower.

So if you want to drink tea here, you can't make it, it's not cooked.

It has to be cooked.

After making a pot of tea and drinking it, Zhou You Li Yan just came out of the B&B.

Today they are going to Pali to find that miraculous old U-Tsang doctor... It is said that he is a miraculous doctor who has cured many seriously ill patients.

There is nothing wrong with Zhou You's body, but he wants to see and see.

Li Yan wanted to find out the pulse of the old genius doctor and give him a good prescription for soaking in hot springs.

Zhou You and Li Yan called Lin Hao and Tao Yiran.

On the one hand, let them lead the way and find that magical old doctor together.

Pali on the other hand has vast Pali grasslands.

Let's enjoy the scenery of the Pali grassland together, and it's good to relax.

It only takes half an hour to drive from Cambu Hot Springs to Pali Town.

Pali Town is known as "the first town on the plateau in the world".

It is said to be the highest town in the world.

They have already been to the highest village in the world, Dui Village.

Now I went to the town with the highest altitude in the world, Pali Town.

It feels meaningful.

When you arrive in Pali Town, you will see rows of houses with earth and stone structures arranged vertically and horizontally. Behind them are towering mountains and in front of them are vast grasslands.

It's summertime!
The grassland is already lush green.

The grassland is very vast, and when you look around, your heart suddenly widens.

But now is not the time to appreciate the beautiful scenery. Under the leadership of Lin Hao, they came to the house of the genius doctor named Samba.

Samba still remembers Tao Yiran and Lin Hao.

Zhou You Li Yan respectfully greeted this samba genius doctor.

Samba looks at least 70 years old.

But he is hale and hearty, and there is still a clean look in his eyes that have accumulated over the years.

He is dressed in U-Tsang's traditional attire.

Very thin.

The skin is very dark.

It was that shiny black.

On his face is the kind and kind smile that the old people in Weizang often see.

"Little girl, how do you feel after soaking in the hot springs?" Samba was the first to pay attention to Tao Yiran's condition.

"It's much more comfortable." Tao Yiran said, "I feel better than before, and I can sleep well and eat well."

"It's a good thing to be able to eat and sleep." Samba said.

In Xia Guo's medical system, judging whether a person is healthy or not is not based on various laboratory indicators, but whether he can eat or sleep.

Being able to eat and sleep means that your health or condition has improved.

Samba signaled Tao Yiran to stretch out his hand.

Tao still stretched out his hand.

The genius doctor Samba put his finger on her wrist to feel her pulse.

"Not bad." Samba said, "Still soaking in the hot springs in the same order as before, and come back in a week."

"Yes." Tao Yiran said, "Thank you, Grandpa Samba."

Chat while seeing a doctor.

Zhou You and Li Yan also gradually became acquainted with the samba doctor.

Zhou You took the lead and sat down in front of Samba. Samba felt his pulse, switched one hand to the other, and finally said: "Young man is in good health! There is nothing wrong with him."

Zhou You felt a little happy when he heard the words.

Sure enough, the special forces physique gave him a healthy and powerful body.

Before that, the original owner's body should have had many minor problems. After all, the original body's memory showed that his body was not very flexible, and his ankles, knees, and hip bones often had "clicking" sounds.At least osteoporosis can't escape.And it is very easy to feel tired.

All these problems disappeared after obtaining the Special Forces Physique.

[Experience the pulse of U-Tibet doctor Basang, life point +1]

"Are you in such good health?" Li Yan envied his real name, "Doctor Samba, give me the same."

Speaking of which, Li Yan sat in the place where Zhou You had been before.

He didn't tell Samba anything about his body.

When Samba put his fingers on Li Yan's wrist, his expression gradually became serious, and his brows also frowned slightly.

While touching and sensing Li Yan's pulse, he asked, "Stay up often?"

Look, hear, ask... Samba waited for Li Yan's answer.

"Yes." Li Yan said.As an actor, filming inevitably stays up late.

"There are nodules in the lungs," Samba said.

This time it was not a question but a diagnosis made directly with an affirmative statement.

Hearing this, Li Yan immediately became excited. He did have a lung nodule, although it was not big, it was detected in the physical examination before.

But he didn't say anything.

The samba doctor just relied on the pulse to make a diagnosis? "Yes." Li Yan swallowed, and couldn't hide the surprise on his face, "You can feel the pulse?"

Samba just smiled and didn't explain.

"I have a bad stomach." Samba said again, "Did you lose weight recently?"

It was confirmed again!
Li Yan's surprise was like stacking buffs, he nodded and said: "Yes, yes, yes!"

"Kidney deficiency." Samba said again.

"Ah?" Li Yan didn't know this!
Why do I have so many problems... Li Yan's face gradually distorted and frustrated.Why is Zhou You in such good health?Is it because he doesn't fight for fame and wealth, lives leisurely, and enjoys a happy life every day?It seems that we have to follow him and live a healthy life early.

Without any examination, Li Yan's physical condition was pretty close to what Samba said.

Not only Li Yan, but also Zhou You, the cameraman, Wang Hou, Wang Jia and others were surprised.

In order to experience the magic of the old samba doctor.

Wang Hou, Wang Jia and others also stepped forward to let the other party feel the pulse.

The prince was diagnosed with mild hypertension, and Wang Jia had to replenish his blood...


In Zhou You's previous life, he has always heard that the powerful old Chinese doctor put his hand on your pulse, and he knows what you ate last night.

Being "seen" clearly by others.

Zhou You was particularly impressed by the two netizens' experience of "taking the pulse of traditional Chinese medicine".

One is a female netizen. After taking her pulse, the Chinese medicine doctor asked her if she had a boyfriend. She said yes,
In the past, Zhou You only thought it was a joke... Now he saw it with his own eyes, so he believed it: in front of the Chinese medicine doctor, you are no different than you have no clothes on.

The samba doctor gave Li Yan a "prescription" - the order and duration of hot spring baths.

Li Yan said that he can ignore lung nodules and stomach problems, but kidney deficiency...he really wants to cry.

It has to be adjusted.

Saying goodbye to the samba doctor, Zhou You and his party did not return to Kangbu Hot Spring immediately.

but leave the town,

Come to the vast Pali grassland!

Pali Grassland is located at the junction of the northern and southern foothills of the Himalayas, with an altitude of 4360 meters.Affected by the warm and humid ocean airflow, the precipitation is relatively abundant, and it is one of the most fertile pastures in U-Tibet.

There are 300 kinds of high-quality miscellaneous pastures such as Gramineae, River Grass, Gentianaceae, and Cruciferae growing on the slopes of the valley, forming a nutrient-rich and juicy meadow grassland.

Summer is the season with the most beautiful scenery!


The first update, 5000 words.

Silently ask for a monthly ticket and a recommendation ticket~~
(End of this chapter)

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