I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 130 Reaching the Top of the World

Chapter 130 Reaching the Top of the World
Seeing Zhou You's successful rock climbing, Li Yan was very envious.

He thought it was cool.

Who doesn't love being a cool person?

At the same time, he has a feeling...Zhou You seems to know everything by a billion points.Surfing, diving, rock climbing... and Li Yan, he knows nothing.

Zhou You doesn't do much business except for his debut as a star, but he is very good at playing.Well, the most important thing is that his professional ability in music is not bad.

You have to follow Zhou You.

Otherwise, my fucking life would be too boring... Versatility should be the correct way for an actor to open up.

Only by experiencing a variety of different lives can you be realistic but lifelike when acting.

One more goal for this year: learn to rock climb!
Li Yan made a secret decision in his heart.


Go back to Chentang Town, Zaji's home.

Zhaji, Sangdan, the villagers who participated in picking beehives and their families all came to Zhaji's house.

They bring food and wine.

The women got to work preparing a big lunch.

Every household in Chentang Town has a pole with a fork in front of the door.

At first Zhou You didn't understand what the pole meant and what it was used for.After inquiring, Zaji told him: "The forks on these poles represent the number of people in each family. For example, in my family, there are 11 forks in total, which means that there are 11 people in my family."

Zhou You glanced at it, and there were quite a lot of forks on the poles in front of every house.

Chen Tang people are not only in good health, they can give birth, and they are willing to give birth.

Unlike Jinghai and Kyoto, let alone having children, young people are unwilling to get married.

With the salary of Weibo, it is just right for me to use myself, to raise a wife, to have a baby... I dare not think about it!Yali Mountain is big.

Zaghi has six daughters and three sons.

It's no wonder that he not only worked as a guide on Mount Everest, but also ventured to pick the hives of Himalayan rock bees.You have to find ways to make money to support your family.

Many of the Sherpa villagers who came to Zaji's house wore their own unique costumes.

Women usually wear a hat decorated with flowers and peacock feathers, a necklace made of more than 200 silver rings around their necks, six small silver strings hanging on their chests, and a silver necklace around their waists. Belts and large white shells on the wrists.

They jingled and shone as they walked.

Don't have a style.

Men almost always wear hats, also with feathers and flowers.It's just not as good-looking as women's heads.

What men want is never to look good, but to be masculine and masculine from head to toe.

The men hung machetes in the shape of a crescent moon from their waists.

Zhou You inquired and learned that this kind of "Crescent Moon Chopper" is called "Guo Ben".

This name is very interesting... It's a bit like a martial arts TV series, a set of knife skills that dazzles you, and instantly makes you naked!Fruit run!

The women are responsible for preparing the lunch.

The men, including Zagi, were busy handling the hive and honey.

Both must be processed as soon as possible after picking in order to obtain high-quality beeswax.

Watch the whole tour.

They poured the honey into huge footbaths, squeezed the honeycomb with their hands, squeezed the honey out, and filtered it through a cloth.

The golden beeswax is then extracted.

According to Zaji, this golden beeswax is the material used to make molds for Buddha statues.Buddha statues made with this golden beeswax will appear smoother and more lustrous.

So most of the beeswax collected with life adventures is actually used to make Buddha statues...

Pity the group of bees that lost their homes.

I can't explain why Zhou You felt a little bit disappointed.

If this gift of nature is used for food, Zhou You may feel better, but it is used for making Buddha statues... Humans worship their own beliefs, but the beliefs they worship have made countless souls homeless.


But after thinking about it, this seems to be the way for the Sherpas to survive... They risk their lives to pick beehives, and they also want to survive.

Therefore, Zhou You didn't think Chen Tang's Sherpas were annoying, but felt that it was not easy for people and hanging rock bees.

I just hope that bee collectors don't run out of water and eventually lead to the extinction of this bee.

Enough is enough.

After this experience, Zhou You will never do such a thing as picking beehives again in his life.

Today's lunch is very rich.

There are beef and mutton, tsampa, milk cakes, etc., and the most important thing is chicken feet grain wine.

This wine is really top notch.

Zaji, Sang Dan and the driver Uncle Dorji were all drunk.

They are very interesting when they are drunk. They don't cry or make trouble, but sing loudly, singing to their heart's content.

Don't worry about disturbing the neighbors.

Because the neighbors will sing along when they hear the singing.

Dorje drank alcohol today, so they stayed in Chen Tangduo for a day.Zhou You and Li Yan had nothing to do in the afternoon, and went to the nearby virgin forest.

Due to the abundance of rainfall in Chentang and the inaccessibility of people, the trees in the forest here can grow freely and wildly without any human interference.

The trees here are tall and straight!

Zhou You thinks that this is definitely the best place to shoot wedding photos with a forest feel!Where is the forest department with the virgin forest department?
Chentang is not only lush and green.

It is also a paradise for wild animals.

Antelope, rat antelope, argali, long-tailed monkey, banyan, snow leopard, bear monkey, red panda...these precious protected animals all live here.

After all, it is a primeval forest, and wild animals often come and go. Zhou You and Li Yan didn't explore deeply, they just walked for a while and then turned back.

The next day, Li Yan and his party set off for a very important stop on this journey.


It takes seven and a half hours to drive from Chentang to the Everest Base Camp.

When the car left Chen Tang, that touch of verdant green was left behind.

Depart at [-]:[-] in the morning, and arrive at the Everest Base Camp at around [-]:[-] pm.

The brave expedition team did not go to Mount Everest together. They had to wait for Zaji. Zaji was injured and had to recover for two days before going on the road.

So here we parted from the brave expedition team.

We all took a group photo before leaving.

Zhou You wished them a smooth climb to Mount Everest.

Rosen also wished them a smooth arrival at the base camp of Mount Everest, a good weather, and a glimpse of the appearance and style of the world's highest peak.

Rosen can be poisonous.

It is poisonous milk.

All his wishes came true in reverse!
The road to Mount Everest was not smooth.

First of all, shortly after leaving Chentang, the sky started to rain, so drive very slowly and carefully.

Secondly, when they drove into the section of Mount Everest Road, they encountered the first tire blowout in their journey!
They have three spare tires.

Get a spare tire off the roof rack, jack the car up with Dorje, and get to work changing the tire.

Uncle Duoji has rich experience, and he is almost always in the whole process of changing tires.

Zhou You and Li Yan also helped pass the tools.

During the process of changing the spare tire, Dorje said: "It's normal to have a flat tire while driving in Uizang. It's not normal if you don't have a flat tire. The journey is complete only after one flat tire. If it didn't explode, when will it explode?"

"Finally he exploded today."

"This car is called a Mustang, right?"

"Yes." Zhou You said, "Wrangler Motors kindly sponsored it."

The cars in this show are all Wrangler Mustang series.

"That's great." Uncle Duoji said while changing the tire, "If you change to another car, the washboard road in Yanghu Lake should have a flat tire, but this car has persisted until now. It's not easy."

Director Wang Hou is very perceptive.

Immediately ordered the cameraman to take more shots of the tire changing scene, Dorji, and what he said.

What a perfect ad placement.

The patron's father will definitely be satisfied.

Although the prince didn't say anything, Zhou You understood what he meant, and even said, "You need wild horses for off-roading."

Li Yan also came to his senses: "Come to Weizang Mustang is the best choice."

Zhou You: "It's easy to drive without blowing out the tire."

Li Yan: "Comfortable and worry-free."

Zhou You: "Don't pick wild flowers by the roadside."

Li Yan: "You must love wild horses on the road."

Zhou You: "I fell in love with a wild horse but my family has no grassland~"

Li Yan: "Don't worry, this wild horse can still gallop on the washboard road in the mountain wasteland, saving fuel and worry."

Zhou You and Li Yan started the "advertising speech" mode there.

The prince is sure that he never gave them a script, and he didn't give them a line!I didn't let this fetus be aborted... No, I didn't let this fetus explode either.

This ad is definitely their original.

Prince: "What do they say about cross talk?"

Wang Jia: "Wonderful! It's so wonderful."

Xu Feifei: "Advertisers have to pay more."

Prince: "It must be added!"

When Uncle Duoji was changing tires, he dared not say a word.

These two stars are really eloquent.

They deserve it for making money.

Changing the spare tire was turned into a commercial break...

In addition to this flat tire, they also encountered a short-term road closure on the Everest section.

Therefore, the journey can be regarded as half a "people on the way".

Fortunately, Li Yan is not Xu Sanduo... No, fortunately, Li Yan is not Wang Baoqiang's burdock.

Because of the delay on the road, they drove for a full ten hours during the seven and a half hours journey.

It was already [-]:[-] pm when we arrived at the Everest base camp.

[Arrival at Mount Everest, life point +1]

The Everest Base Camp is except for the barracks and tents.

There are also a small number of self-built hotels—in fact, small private houses.

What the program team prepared for them was this kind of small private house a short distance from the base camp.

Zhou You and Li Yan still live in one room.

The room is very cramped.

Swing down the two beds and there's almost no room for anything else.

The conditions are definitely not comparable to the towns outside.

After all, this is Mount Everest at an altitude of 8844.43.

The highest point in the world.

Conditions are limited.

Neither Zhou You nor Li Yan are picky people, what happened to the stars?Do celebrities stop shitting and peeing?
There is no need to make a celebrity look noble.

Zhou You thinks that a person is the most powerful if he can adapt to any environment, he can eat delicacies from mountains and seas, and he should also be able to eat simple food.You can live in a five-star hotel, but you have to live in a simple wooden bed.

Don't be so pretentious.

After putting down the things in the room, Zhou You and Li Yan went outside.

At such a high altitude, Li Yan is a little rebellious. Fortunately, he doesn't do much activity now, and he doesn't need to inhale oxygen for the time being.

But in the follow-up, he will definitely need the "oxygen supply of love".

It's windy outside!

It made Li Yan and Zhou You tighten their clothes.

"I feel like I'm going to be blown down." Li Yan looked up at the sky, "The weather is not very good, it's covered with dark clouds. You can't even see Mount Everest in front of you."

If the weather is good and they stand at their current position, they will definitely be able to see the peak of Mount Everest.

But at this moment,
The summit of Mount Everest was covered by clouds and mist.

Can't see its true face.

"It's okay," Zhou You said, "I'll see."

His Child of the Weather card hasn't been used yet, and if the cloud doesn't clear, he will use this card at the right time.

If you come to Mount Everest, you can't see his true face, or you can't see the bright starry sky here.

That's really a waste of time.

Just as they were talking, two dogs ran over not far away.

Go around around.

Li Yan has the obsession of "ignoring the dog", and greets the dog with "Hello".

The two dogs ignored him.

He squatted down and tried to pet the two dogs to enhance their relationship. He couldn't believe that he couldn't make "dog friends" because of his social overpowering disorder.

Then just as he crouched down, the two dogs went around to the other side, never giving him a chance to touch.

Li Yan: "Xiugou!! Here."

The two dogs turned their heads to one side.

Zhou You was amused by this scene, "Don't struggle, they don't want to talk to you."

Li Yan: "I don't believe in the theory of dogs ignoring me. Am I so disliked by dogs?"

Zhou You: "Why are you so obsessed with getting dogs to like you?"

Li Yan: "Even dogs are not spared?"

Zhou You: "You are a real dog!"

Li Yan dealt with the two dogs for a while, but they still avoided Li Yan.Zhou You couldn't stand it any longer, so he said, "Let's go to the base camp to have a look."

Li Yan seemed to have finally found the stairs, "Okay, I'm too lazy to talk to these two idiots!"

Too lazy to talk to you and you took the initiative to "strike up a conversation" with others for so long?

The two walked towards the Everest base camp.

Li Yan didn't go far and said: "No, I feel a little bit, I have to carry the oxygen cylinder."

As a result, Li Yan went back to carry the oxygen cylinder.

Afterwards, travel around to the Everest base camp.

Li Yan seemed to be carrying a rocket... Those who didn't know thought it was going to the enemy's base camp to blow up.

Li Yan stuffed the oxygen tube in his nasal cavity, hung it on his ear, and stopped and walked.

Not far from base camp.

But abruptly walked for more than ten minutes.

When they came to the base camp of Mount Everest, Zhou You and Li Yan saw many tourists coming back from the direction of Mount Everest.They carried tripods, cameras and video cameras in their hands and necks.

Some of them are pure tourists, some are landscape photographers, some are self-media bloggers, and some are adventurers...

There are all kinds of people.

But their expressions don't seem very beautiful.

Li Yan spoke to a man who looked like a photographer who was carrying a tripod, "Did you take a picture of Mount Everest?"

The 26-year-old boy recognized Li Yan and Zhou You, and his slightly disappointed expression disappeared immediately, and turned to surprise, "Li Yan! Zhou You! Captured two big stars alive. Your journey has reached Mount Everest! "Travel I've been watching the first two episodes of The Investigator! Yes, the third episode will air tonight, right?"

Zhou You: "Yes."

The boy said: "Great! It's a pity that the Internet is intermittent here, I don't know if I can watch it in time."

During the chat, I learned that the boy's name is Wan Junfeng.

I am a landscape photographer.

At the same time, he operates his own self-media video account.

It can be regarded as a small Internet celebrity with millions of fans... Small Internet celebrity is what he said, Zhou You thinks he is not small... million fans!That's quite a size.

"It's windy outside, let's talk in the tent barracks of the base camp." Wan Junfeng took Zhou You and Li Yan to his room.

The room was very poorly lit and very dark.

The space is illuminated entirely by incandescent lamps.

There are four iron beds with bunk beds in the barracks.

The bed is covered with brightly colored mattresses in the U-Zang style.

In this not-so-large room, there were already six or seven people chatting, talking and laughing.

Seeing Wan Junfeng come back, they all greeted him.Wan Junfeng said, "Bring back two new friends."

Most of these people knew Li Yan, had heard Zhou You's song, and said, "Welcome."

Zhou You and Li Yan also quickly integrated into it.

When meeting on the road, most people will regard the people they meet as their own.Because there is always a lot to talk about during the trip.

And will not fall into a situation where there is nothing to say.

Moreover, the partners I met during the journey share the same interests and are not bound by any interests. Generally speaking, it is a relatively simple and happy relationship.

Wan Junfeng put down the shooting equipment before continuing the conversation with Zhou You and Li Yan outside, "The weather on Mount Everest has been so bad these two days, I didn't see the whole picture of Mount Everest yesterday, it was blocked by clouds. I went to sit on Rizhao Jinshan early in the morning, but the clouds were too thick and the sunlight was completely blocked. There was a bit of sunshine in the afternoon, but now it’s gone again.”

"There is no Sunset Golden Mountain either. Needless to say, tonight's starry sky must also be ruined."

"Tomorrow is the last day of my trip. If I still can't take pictures, I can only go with regret."

Wan Junfeng's words resonated with everyone.

They all said that this time it was really not fair.

"It is lucky to see Mount Everest when you come to Mount Everest. It is definitely blessed by the goddess of luck to take photos of Jinshan in the sunshine. It is not difficult to take pictures of the starry sky, but to take pictures of a clear starry sky and a clear Milky Way, you must also encounter good weather! I It’s the third time I’ve been here, and it’s the first time I’ve taken pictures of the perfect Milky Way. I’ve never been able to take pictures of Mount Everest’s sunshine and golden mountains.”

Everyone shared their experiences.

In the end, there was a Weizang Ajia who brought hot pot for everyone.

Zhou You, Li Yan, Wan Junfeng and others ate a not-so-luxurious hot pot meal together.

In the base camp under Mount Everest at an altitude of 8844.43, eating a hot pot is really a different experience.

Everyone eats standing up.

Chat while eating.

Ambience is pretty good.

Zhou You said: "Li Yan and I also came here for the sunshine of Jinshan and the starry sky of Mount Everest."

Wan Junfeng: "I guess this time is enough."

He has given up hope for this trip to Mount Everest.

Zhou You: "Tomorrow morning, let's take pictures of the golden mountain in the sunshine, and in the evening, we will take pictures of the starry sky."

Wan Junfeng: "Yes, I hope the weather will be fine tomorrow. The god of luck will favor you."

Zhou You: "There should be good weather."

Zhou You has decided to use the Weather Child card.

Wan Junfeng and the others have been squatting for a few days and haven't found a good weather. It may be a bit difficult to wait for the weather to be naturally clear.

You have to hang it up.

While eating hot pot, Zhou You's consciousness sank into his mind.

"Xiao Qi, use the weather child card."

"Good host."

【Weather Child Card has been activated】

[The weather in the area of ​​Mount Everest where the owner is located will gradually clear up in the next two hours]

[Weather Child Card lasts for seven days]

[Effect countdown: 167:59:59]

A series of countdown numbers appeared in Zhou You's mind, and in the night sky outside the barracks, the thick clouds began to gradually disperse.



Today's first update, 5000 words.

I want tickets~~monthly tickets, recommendation tickets, mature authors want all of them, only those who are on the street can choose~~haha
(End of this chapter)

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