I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 131 Rizhao Jinshan, "The Brightest in the Night Sky"

Chapter 131 Rizhao Jinshan, "The Brightest in the Night Sky"

The point farthest from the center of the earth and the closest to the sky on the blue star of Mount Everest.

Qomolangma means "the third goddess" in U-Tibetan.

It can be seen how sacred and beautiful this mountain is in the hearts of U-Tsang people.

After Zhou You used the Weather Child Card, his mood also became more comfortable and relaxed. I don’t know if this is a “side effect” brought by the Weather Child Card.

Wan Junfeng told Zhou You that they were lucky to have hot pot today.In the few days before this, they almost ate instant noodles.

In the Everest Base Camp, there is actually nothing to eat.

Instant noodles and compressed biscuits are the most.

But compared to compressed biscuits, everyone still prefers to eat warm instant noodles, after all, the temperature here is very low at night.

Even though it's summer.

Eating instant noodles can keep you warm.

After eating the hot pot, Zhou You and Li Yan bid farewell to Wan Junfeng and left the base camp when they got up tomorrow morning to take pictures of the sunrise and sunshine on Jinshan Mountain.

Wan Junfeng sent Zhou You and Li Yan to the door, and he looked up at the night sky.

I saw that the thick clouds before became thinner at some point, and the night sky became clearer. At this moment, there were only some small clouds floating to block the Milky Way.

"The night sky is clear." Wan Junfeng said, "It may be a clear night tonight, and maybe tomorrow morning we will be able to take pictures of the Sunshine Jinshan Mountain."

It could be heard that Wan Junfeng's voice became excited.

There is some expectation in it.

"See you tomorrow." Zhou You said.

He also glanced at the night sky, and it was indeed starting to clear up.The weather child card is a bit interesting.

On the way back to the residence, Li Yan suddenly covered his stomach, "I can't, I can't... How can there be a toilet here?"

Zhou You: "Diarrhea?"

Li Yan: "It's not... I'm always in a hurry, and when shit comes, it's very fast."

Zhou You: "There should be one in the base camp."

Li Yan: "You...you wait for me. Do you have any paper?"

Zhou You has the habit of carrying paper with him.

He took out a small package of paper from his pocket and handed it to Li Yan. Li Yan snatched the paper, visually measured the distance between the base camp and his residence, and found that the base camp was closer, so he turned back and rushed towards the base camp.

Originally he had high rebellion.

It is difficult for him to rush to find the toilet like this.

But it's strange to say that he was panting after taking two extra steps before, but now he seems to have suddenly got rid of the high reaction when he rushed to the toilet.

I'm really worried that he can't run anymore, and then he can't control his own local area, and then he blew thousands of miles, "unprecedented and unprecedented"...

Toilets are built at altitudes below 6500 meters on Mount Everest.

But stool and urine are separate.

The stool will be packed and then processed down the mountain on the back of a yak.

Urine then degrades naturally.

Of course, you have to stay away from the glacier.

As for those who climbed Mount Everest, the stool needs to be brought back in a special bag... Urinating can be done on the spot, but you can't urinate in or near the glacier.

Peeing at such a high altitude, I don’t know if it will freeze into an ice sculpture when I take it out.

Li Yan's "three urgencies" are really urgent, and it is often like this now, when the poop comes, he can't stop it.

He also came here in such a hurry before when Chen Tang entered the primeval forest.

There are many mosquitoes in Chen Tangshu.

After he "fertilized" in the forest that time, he scratched his butt on the way back and when he was sleeping, probably because he got bitten a lot.

There should be no mosquitoes in the toilets of the Everest base camp...

Be thankful for his ass.

About 15 minutes later, Li Yan came back with a limp. He said that his legs were numb and his butt was cold.

It's cold enough here at night.

Back at the residence, Zhou You and Li Yan found that although the mobile phone had a signal, it was very unstable.

Li Yan also wanted to watch the third episode of "The Journey of Heart", but the result was that it was stuck for 1 minute every second, which made Li Yan give up angrily.

Since he had to get up early the next day to take pictures of Jinshan in the sunrise, Zhou You said, "Go to bed early, or you won't be able to wake up tomorrow."

"Okay," Li Yan said, "make more quilts."

Zhou You and Li Yan asked the owner of this "residential house" how many more quilts he wanted.

Zhou You laid out two layers of quilts and covered them with two quilts.

Li Yan spread three layers of quilts, covered two quilts, and one layer of blankets, and hadn't taken off his coat when he slept...

At first Zhou You thought it was unnecessary.

It turned out that Li Yan was right!
It's really cold in the middle of the night.

If it weren't for the sheep dung still burning in the hearth, Zhou You felt that his two quilts would not be able to withstand it!More or less an extra blanket.


Zhou You and Li Yan went to bed early when the signal was not good.

And tonight is the day when the third episode of "Traveler" is broadcast.

At eight o'clock in the evening, tens of thousands of viewers watched the third episode of "Traveler" in front of TVs, computers, or holding tablets and mobile phones.

"Come for the full version of "Write the Story as Us"!"

"Hahaha, I'm also here to listen to the music."

"Half a song has whetted my appetite for two whole weeks."

"Because of this song, I don't think about food and I don't want to sleep at night."

"Hahaha brother who can't sleep at night, you are exaggerating. I am different. I can't sleep at night."

Because of the half-song fragment of the song "Write the Story as Us" and the unfeeling lead film of "Director Dog", many audiences came to admire the song.

They are all addicted to the taste, and they come to listen to music to satisfy their hunger.


Jinghai, a dormitory for female students in a certain university.

Zhou You's number one fan, god-level nerd girl, student Xu Wenjun clicked in to watch the moment the third issue of "Traveler" was updated.

Double speed at first.

Later, I felt that the double speed was too slow, so I directly dragged the progress bar to find the part where Zhou You played guitar and sang at the bonfire meeting of Tashi Tudeng and Yang Jin's wedding.

After finding it, set the time to the moment when Zhou You picked up the guitar.

Press Pause.

Turn off double speed.

Take a deep breath.

Put the tablet on the small table on the bed, and open the unopened strawberry-flavored ice cream on the small table... I wanted to buy the matcha flavor, but when I saw its color, I immediately thought of the smell of the giant panda matcha flavor , Forget it, the next best thing is to eat strawberry flavor.

Take a sip of ice cream.

Then there was a little bit of fan-red ice cream on the corner of her mouth, she stretched out her soft pink tongue, and gently licked it off.

Then press the play button, listen to Zhou You playing and singing "Write the Story as Us", and eat cold ice cream.

Just don't be too comfortable.

"The most beautiful secret is that we are all making chance encounters, who said that happiness is just a message from afar..."

"I was originally alone in this life, but you insisted on staying together to become us, but you held hands in a low voice and agreed, and the moving eyes said yes..."

"It sounds good!" Xu Wenjun sighed in his heart.

The complete one is more comfortable to listen to than the previous half.

Zhou You is really handsome when he plays and sings!He is indeed the male god in my mind.

And the lyrics, too sweet.

The ice cream in my hand is instantly sweet.

After listening to it once, Xu Wenjun pulled the progress bar back and listened to it for the second time, the third time, the fourth time... She didn't read other content, and listened to this song all night.

After hearing it, Xu Wenjun could sing many passages, and he also memorized some of the lyrics.

I sang as I listened.

In addition, she finally freed up time to read the barrage and comments of netizens and fans.

I saw that the barrage had covered the entire screen at this time.

The number of comments on this episode has also exceeded one million.

So terrifying.

"Finally heard the full version!"

"Sounds good! This word fits this scene too well! The lyrics are super beautiful and romantic."

"Love it so much!! I'm going to use this song for my wedding next month."

"After listening to it, I suddenly wanted to get married, but I didn't have a date yet. I was courting online. I am female, 24 years old, 166 years old, and my weight..."

"Singing this song at a wedding is awesome."

"Zhou You sang this song at Tashi Tudeng and Yang Jin's wedding. I'm so happy! If Zhou You can come to my wedding, I can faint on the spot."

"This song is so sweet."

"Has the official version been released on Yueting? I'm going to repeat the single!"



The three scumbags, Qian Qiuyuan, Lu Yu, and Zhai Nan, had already flown to Jasa this afternoon.

The first thing to do when landing is to stay at the hotel where Zhou You and Li Yan lived, and then go to the sweet teahouse where Zhou You and Li Yan visited to drink sweet tea and see the Jasa Palace.

Qian Qiuyuan also sent a private message to Xiaoyao on the Xiaguo Music Network, saying that they had already arrived in Jasa, and that they might meet Zhou You's "Traveler" program group by chance.

What made Qian Qiuyuan depressed was that Xiaoyao didn't reply to his message.

This Xiaoyao is quite arrogant... Even the leader of one of the three lowly customers doesn't pay much attention to him.

Although Xiaoyao is only a D-level creator.

But Qian Qiuyuan felt that this guy was more forceful than himself.

In the afternoon, I went shopping in Jalan Sa, and returned to the hotel. The third episode of "Traveler" has been broadcast.

Because of the "Traveler" program, and because of the song "Blue Lotus", they came to Reza, Weizang.

Of course the new episode is coming.

And this episode of the program will also unravel the suspense that has hung the audience for two weeks, the song "Write the Story as Us" sung by Zhou You.

After listening to the full version of Zhou Yousing at the Campfire Conference, Qian Qiuyuan said: "This guy is going to kill the list again."

Lu Yu: "What does it matter? Anyway, if you hurt one thousand enemies, you will hurt yourself eight hundred."

Zhai Nan: "What do you mean?"

Lu Yu: "Now he has four songs in the top ten on the list, killing the list, isn't it equivalent to killing himself?"

Qian Qiuyuan: "It's still useful to injure the enemy one thousand and self-injure eight hundred... Happy is awesome!"

They instinctively thought that this song was written by Xiaoyao.

Now that Zhou You was mentioned, what they immediately thought of was Xiaoyao...the two of them wore jumpsuits, so they couldn't be discussed separately.

After listening to the song, they continued to watch the show.

Instead of watching the show, it's better to copy the "travel guide" directly to see where Zhou You and Li Yan have been, and they can also go and have a look.

Then they saw the inner ring of Yanghu Lake, and piled up village wolves into the flock.I saw Pumoyongcuo, one of the three holy lakes.Saw the Tsogyal Glacier.I saw Zhou You and Li Yan arrive at Kangbu Hot Spring, and met the girl Tao Yiran they met in Bayi Town before.

The third episode of the show came to an abrupt end here!
The famous scene of Li Yan entering the shower room was not broadcast in this episode.

"Director Dog!! It's time to stop."

"This is another week of suspense."

"I met Tao Yiran again!! So what will happen next?"

"Dog director! Blade waiter."

"He is a real dog! Every time he disappears at the most itchy place. Don't let me meet him, or he will be beaten into a eunuch."

As more and more people watched the third episode of "Traveler".

The Weibo hot list was once again dominated by program-related content.

The full version of NO.1 "Write the Story as Us" is coming!So sweet!Wedding song of choice!

NO.2 The third episode of "Traveler" broke through 5000 million views in two hours!Created the record of the fastest 5000 million broadcasts on the Kunlun platform.

NO.5 Travel around Li Yan and meet Tao Yiran again
NO.7 "Write the story as us" has not released an official recording version!

NO.12 Director Dog is tricking me into resigning again

In addition, Dui Village, the highest village in the world, the Blue Tsogyal Glacier, Khambu Hot Spring and other tourist attractions in U-Tsang have all become popular and hot.

It's just that they don't rank very high on the hit list.

Many people found that "Writing the Story as Us" has not released the official recording version, @周游和大鱼工作室.

This is the best time to make money, Zhou You didn't release it!


Zhou You was sleeping soundly at the moment, it was impossible to respond.

Even Zhang Yao couldn't contact Zhou You.

So Zhang Yao can only use the account of Dayu Studio to respond: "Zhou You recorded "Traveler" in Weizang, and the official version of "Write the Story as Us" has not yet been recorded. Please wait patiently."

With his explanation, the fans calmed down a lot.

"Hey~~ I still can only hold the video and listen to it every day."

"I finally heard the full version, and now I'm looking forward to recording the official version. It's too difficult! This song has been hanging my appetite."

"I want to change it to this song for the wedding next week, but it seems that I can't wait."

"My wedding is next month, so I should be able to wait until then."

"I'm envious of getting married."

The discussion among fans was extremely heated.



Jiang Chuxue listened to "Write the Story as Us", and the scene of entering the marriage hall with Zhou You appeared in her mind.

If you and brother Zhou You sang this song to me at the wedding, I will definitely cry to death.

sounds amazing.

But Brother Zhou You hasn't contacted me recently... He hasn't responded to any news.I was busy filming, so I didn't look for him often.

He won't forget me, will he?

The more Jiang Chuxue thought about it, the more uncomfortable she became.

So I sent a message to Zhou You: "Where is Brother Zhou You in Weizang now? It's dangerous to meet wolves in Dui Village~~~"

After waiting for 30 seconds, there was no reply, maybe Brother Zhou You didn't see it.

Waited for 5 minutes, no reply, isn't brother Zhou You looking at his phone?what is he doing

Half an hour later... I'm so sleepy, Brother Zhou You won't reply to my messages, and I won't be happy.


I woke up before five o'clock the next morning.

Probably because I went to bed too early last night.

Looking out of the window from the bed, you can see the stars in the sky.

In the darkness, the huge figure of Mount Everest is still shrouded in the darkness, silent and motionless.Like a majestic mysterious god.

Hearing Zhou You's movement, Li Yan also woke up, looked at his phone, "It's only past five o'clock, are you going to wake up now?"

"I can't sleep anymore." Zhou You said.

"The wind was too strong last night." Li Yan said, "I was woken up twice by the wind outside."

Zhou You fell into a deep sleep, completely unaware, "Sleep for another half an hour."

"Forget it," Li Yan said, "I have to use the toilet."

"..." Zhou You didn't know what to say.

Ever since there was blood in some areas, Li Yan has completely got involved with the toilet.

The two put on their clothes and went out.

Carrying a tripod, multiple cameras, and Li Yan's oxygen tank, the two went to the base camp.

Wan Junfeng also got up.

After Zhou You and the others arrived, Li Yan squatted in the toilet, and the three of them headed towards Mount Everest.

"The weather turned fine last night, maybe today we can really take photos of the golden mountain in sunshine." Wan Junfeng looked very excited, which was completely different from the depressed expression when he came back yesterday.

This is the power of hope.

The three of Zhou You soon arrived at the shooting location.

Set up the tripod, set up the camera and video camera.

Three people brought a total of five tripods!

Three cameras Three cameras.

The tripods are arranged in a row, and different camera positions capture pictures from different angles. It is hard to come here once, and it must be good-looking.

everything's ready.

The three quietly waited for the dawn.

Li Yan was the most serious among the three, and he wore oxygen throughout the whole process.

As time went by, photographers gradually came around and set up their cameras.

The sky gradually changed from dark to bright.

Then the first ray of sunlight in the morning shot out from the other side of the sky.

In the inherent cognition of Zhou You, Mount Everest is the highest peak in the world. When the sun comes out, Mount Everest must be the first to be illuminated by the sun.

But actually when the sun rises,
The first to be illuminated are the surrounding "hills".

In front of the world's No. [-] peak, other mountains are younger brothers.

The hills were first illuminated by the sun, and the tops of the hills were as red as fire, and then the fire-like redness spread, and slowly plated to Mount Everest, and the white snow tops on Mount Everest instantly became golden and brilliant. Like a golden armored god who rules the world, he is majestic and majestic!

It also seems to be a giant divine sword tempered by heavenly fire, piercing into the sky, slaying and killing, straight into the sky!
There is a wisp of white cloud floating gently on the top of the mountain.

Add a bit of fairy charm.




Zhou You froze at that moment.

This visual impact hits the soul directly.

Let people kneel down directly.

Zhou You opened his arms and stood in front of the fiery golden-red Mount Everest Sunshine Mountain, as if he wanted to embrace the whole world.

[Seeing Mount Everest shining on Jinshan, life point +4]

The photographers around screamed excitedly.

Li Yan also screamed again and again: "Rizhao Jinshan! Mount Everest's Rizhao Jinshan!! My life is worth it!"

Li Yan was so excited that he wept.

Because of the high rebellion along the way, he was actually not as relaxed as it seemed. At this moment, seeing such a magnificent sunny golden mountain, he felt that all the hardships along the way were worth it.

How many people in this world have the opportunity to see this wonder?

He Li Yan is one of them!

Thinking about it makes me feel awesome!
What a unique experience.

The shock and emotion cannot be described in words.

Wan Junfeng, who has been squatting for several days without seeing the real face of Mount Everest, suddenly photographed the golden mountain of Mount Everest today, and was very excited!
After Ka Ka pressed the shutter, he captured this short and spectacular scene.

He even knelt down directly.

Kneel before Mount Everest.

Tears flowed down my face.

The time of sunshine on Jinshan is not long.

Soon the charming fiery red gradually faded away.

Everyone was amazed, and then disappointed.

It's too short!
Not all are satisfied.

The meaning is still unfinished.

We all hope that this spectacle will always exist.

But everyone also knows that it is precisely because of its rare sight that it is so precious and moving.

I don't know how long Wan Junfeng got up from the ground, looked at the video captured by the camera, "It's so spectacular!"

"Teacher Zhou You, Teacher Li Yan, it's amazing! The weather will be clear as soon as you come here! Don't be so lucky."

Wan Junfeng was deeply moved.

Speaking of taking such a spectacle, I really have to talk about fate, and I can't force it.

Zhou You and Li Yan are lucky children.

I saw this magnificent scene on the first day when I came to Mount Everest.

No one knows that all this is because Zhou You used the Weather Child card.

After photographing Mount Everest's Rizhao Jinshan, the three Zhou You did not return.After handing over the extra equipment to the program staff, they continued on their way.

After the base camp of Mount Everest, there are advanced camps, first camps, second camps, third camps, and assault camps, and finally you can climb Mount Everest.

It's just that after the base camp at an altitude of 5200 meters, going to other camps requires three years of professional training and at least one summit of a 6000-meter snow mountain.

After passing the security check line, Zhou You and others headed towards the snow line.

There is still a long way to go from the base camp to the snow line.

Stop and go along the way.

More than an hour later, the huge mountain of Mount Everest is getting bigger and bigger in front of our eyes.

The road also became steeper.

The scenery on the road became more and more bleak.

No grass and no trees.

I don't know how long they walked and they saw a glacier with crystal ice and snow - the Rongbuk Glacier.

Rongbuk Glacier is completely a world of ice and snow.

There are forests of ice towers, icy lakes, and ice cirques everywhere, scattered high and low.Some are like towering trees, and some are like bell towers of ancient temples!

Countless icicles, ice bridges, ice cones...

It's like building a dreamy ice and snow castle.

Sunlight is refracted by ice crystals, real and illusory.

Immediately, the fantasy scene in "Frozen" appeared in Zhou You's mind.

"The snow glows white on the mountain tonight
Not a footprint to be seen (bury my footprints behind)
A kingdom of isolation

And it looks like I'm the Queen"

They ate some chocolate and water at noon, returned to the base camp after a proper rest, and waited quietly for the night to fall.

Zhou You Li Yan and Wan Junfeng set up their cameras in the open area outside the camp.

Take pictures of the starry sky at night on Mount Everest.

Tonight was the clear starry night they were looking forward to.


The Milky Way rises from the horizon.

The bright Milky Way is like a magnificent and dreamy ribbon running across thousands of stars.

The entire sky is like a dark blue silk carpet studded with silver sapphires, radiant and illusory.

[Watching the thousands of miles of starry sky on Mount Everest, life points +2]

Zhou You used time-lapse photography to shoot.

Sitting outside the Everest base camp looking up at the stars.

The stars shine for you!

There are so many stars in space, how many intelligent life on the planet are looking up at the starry sky?
Having seen enough of Xingxing Zhouyou and Li Yan, they returned to their residence.

The camera is still set up outside the house.

They want to shoot the starry sky all night!
Li Yan: "Suddenly I feel that we are so small, like a speck of dust in the universe."

Zhou You: "The planet under our feet is just a speck of dust in the vast universe."

Li Yan: "How big is the universe?"

Zhou You didn't answer.

Such a vast starry sky and universe!

Frightening and awe-inspiring.

Zhou You lay on the bed and his consciousness sank into the system.

Host: Zhou You

Remaining life points: 21 points

Accumulated life points: 341 points

Number of lucky draws: 2 times

"Lucky draw!" Zhou You shouted in his heart.

[Congratulations for winning the song "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky"]

[Congratulations on getting the mysterious gift bag fragment*1]

Five mysterious gift bag fragments have been collected!

The second update, 6000 word chapters.In case of an update today.

It's not too much to ask for a monthly ticket and a recommendation ticket, right?
(End of this chapter)

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