I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 133 Turning Mountains, Vultures, Rituals of Life

Chapter 133 Turning Mountains, Vultures, Rituals of Life

The new books of Shen Xiaolong and Yeyoushen started to be promoted almost at the same time, which caused a lot of repercussions in the industry and the reader circle.

Shen Xiaolong was the strongest rookie last year.

And Ye Youshen is the most watched rookie this year, and it's no surprise that this year's rookie king belongs to him.

When the two of them collided, the heat exploded instantly.

"Shen Xiaolong and Ye Youshen's new book collide, is it a coincidence?"

"General publishing houses will avoid this kind of situation! The current situation is not like a coincidence."

"I heard from my friend who works at Daxia Publishing House that the editor wanted to avoid it at first, but Ye Youshen said that Shen Xiaolong was a worm."

"Fuck! It's real! This is too crazy."

"So this is Ye Youshen's crazily provoking Shen Xiaolong."


A tavern in Kyoto.

Hu Liang, editor of Daxia Publishing House, was drinking with editor-in-chief Gao Ming.

Gao Ming: "How is it? The effect is not bad, right?"

Hu Liang: "You are still smart. But will this make Shen Xiaolong unhappy?"

Gao Ming: "The popularity of Yeyoushen is not low, and the two of them rubbed each other's heat. With this gimmick, the sales of the two books will not be too bad. Besides, Shen Xiaolong is a worm, it is indeed what Yeyoushen said."

Hu Liang: "These are all rumors, it doesn't matter what Ye Youshen said."

Gao Ming: "Then it doesn't matter."

Hu Liang: "..."

It turns out that Shen Xiaolong and Ye Youshen's new book was promoted before and after, which was deliberately done by Daxia Publishing House.This is a publicity plan made by Daxia Publishing House.

Both Shen Xiaolong and Ye Youshen should praise it.

Shen Xiaolong can have interviews.

But Yeyou Shrine is afraid that such interviews will not be attended at all!So how can we push the night tour god out?

Binding with Shen Xiaolong is a good choice.

In this way, Shen Xiaolong and Ye Youshen both became popular on Weibo on the same day.

The new book of the two of them naturally attracted much attention.

Everyone wants to see who is better than last year's rookie king or this year's scheduled rookie king.

"Stop beeping! Send out the book."

"That's right, send out both books to the master as soon as possible. There is no shortage of money. Buy both of them and have a look."

"I just want to know who is better, Shen Xiaolong or Ye Youshen."

"The title of the book "Star Abyss" is more attractive to me, and "Jieyou Grocery Store" always feels light, and I don't know what story to tell."

Readers' expectations and curiosity are hoisted.

But these two books have not been released for a long time.

Instead, during the publicity period, book covers, printing progress, etc. were released one after another, and such warm-up work will be done in the next few days.


Zhou You woke up in Talqin Village under Gang Rinpoche.

Gain life points as always.

I glanced at the time and it was only six o'clock.

Before dawn.

But there are already many voices outside.

He was woken up by these noises.

He slept well last night, probably because of the hot spring yesterday afternoon.Therefore, I didn't feel annoyed by the movement of people outside.

Li Yan and Xu Lang also woke up early.

Li Yan: "Why is it so noisy outside at six o'clock?"

Xu Lang: "It should be the people who turned around the mountain. They got up and started to turn around the mountain."

Li Yan: "It's not yet dawn."

Zhou You: "Maybe I want to leave early, and watch the sunrise by the way."

Turning mountains and rivers and pagodas, believers are the third child.

Talqin is the starting point and the end point of Kailash Rinpoche.

Many tourists live here, as well as many pilgrims.

Gang Rinpoche is considered by many sects to be the center of the world.

It is Mount Sumeru, the dojo of Sakyamuni; it is the sacred mountain that penetrates the universe and passes through the three realms; it is the incarnation of Shiva...

In U-Tibetan, Gang Rinpoche means "God of Snow Mountain".

For thousands of years, countless people have traveled thousands of miles to come here, take three steps and one prostration to measure their body, and go to Kailash Rinpoche.

People's way of turning around the mountain is not limited to the way of kowtowing, but also walking on two feet and riding a horse.

It is said that turning around Gang Rinpoche can wash away the sins of the first life.

Turn ten times to avoid the pain of reincarnation.

Turn a hundred times to become a Buddha today.

In the year of the horse, turning around the mountain once can increase the merits by twelve times, which is equivalent to turning around the mountain thirteen times.

Therefore, if it coincides with the year of the horse, there will be many pilgrims and believers in Gang Rinpoche.

Li Yan: "Shall we go to the mountains too?"

Zhou You: "I can."

Xu Lang: "Then go."

So the three of Zhou You quickly got dressed and went out to join the ranks of turning around the mountain.

The road around the mountain is almost the same for everyone.

Starting from Tarqin Village, it circles Gangrenboqi for a week, and then returns to Gangrenboqi, the whole journey is 53 kilometers.

This is not a short journey.

It takes a day at the fastest to measure with your feet, and it may take two days if it is slower.

Traveling around they set aside two days.

Starting from Tarqin, head west all the way, through a wilderness, and then go north to the valley formed by the melting of glaciers on the north side, and then follow the valley to cross the 5700-meter Zhuomala Pass, enter another valley, and then return to the starting point , forming a closed circle.

Zhou You and the others set off at six o'clock, and there were already many people going around the mountain on the way.

After a while the sun rose slowly.

The snow top of Gang Rinpoche Snow Mountain is becoming clearer and clearer, reflecting the dazzling light under the sunlight, making it impossible to look directly at.

Gang Rinpoche's pyramid-like mountain reaches straight into the sky.

It is like a stalwart god looking down on the common people.

The feeling it gives to traveling is completely different from that of Mount Everest.

Mount Everest is like a beautiful and noble goddess!

And Gang Rinpoche is like a deity that cannot be offended.

Not to be desecrated.

Many people climb Mount Everest.

But no one has climbed Kailash.

Because climbing it is like blasphemy.

People have an amazing awe of it.

Traveling along the way, they saw a lot of pilgrims, wearing guards, wearing leather robes, prostrating and kowtowing their long heads... pious and persistent.

Thirsty drink some water.

Eat some dry food when you are hungry.

The weather was fine today, and they saw not only the Gangdese Mountains running from east to west, but also the Namunani Peak in the southeast, and the Abi Peak in the southeast.

Especially the role of the weather card, the weather is very good, and the Camela Mountains that look like twins in the southwest are also in view.

Here is the feast of the "mountain".

[The first time to turn the mountain, life point +1]

[Catch a glimpse of the sacred Gang Rinpoche, life point +1]

Going around the mountain is not an easy task.

He tested his body and feet.

Zhou You has the physique of a special soldier. At an altitude of more than 4000 meters, he has no sense of high reaction, even when walking around the mountain.

Xu Lang's foot strength is also good. After all, he is a person who dares to ride a bicycle to Weizang. He occasionally pants, but he recovers quickly when he stops.

On the contrary, Li Yan felt a little uncomfortable.


However, Li Yan did not give up.

"Why did I propose to go around the mountain... I regret it." He often said so, but then said: "I have come here, and I will finish walking on my knees."

Probably he also wants to achieve perfection from beginning to end.

Because of Li Yan's high rebellion, they walked very slowly.

It's definitely not realistic to turn around in one day.

At sunset they arrived at Rezhi Monastery.

They plan to rest here tonight.

Here you can see the mountains on the north side of Gang Rinpoche, Zhou You set up a camera, intending to photograph the starry sky and the Milky Way of Gang Rinpoche.

The next morning I got up early to take pictures of the Rizhao Jinshan here.

Gang Rinpoche's Rizhao Jinshan is completely different from Mount Everest!
The pyramid-like snow top of Gang Rinpoche is smudged into a fire-like color by the early morning sun, like a soldering iron, and also like a pyramid, brilliant and domineering in front of you!
Like a god ascending the throne.

Morning morning in Vientiane!

[Witness Gang Rinpoche's sunshine on Jinshan, life point +1]

Li Yan: "We were so lucky that we managed to take pictures of Rizhao Jinshan again."

Xu Lang: "After meeting you, I found that the weather has been very good. It's strange."

Li Yan: "Maybe Zhou You and I have our own European spirit. It's the same on Mount Everest. They squatted for several days and didn't get a clear night and sunshine on the Jinshan Mountain. The weather turned fine as soon as we went."

Xu Lang and Li Yan were amazed there.

Little do they know that the "instigator" of all is by their side.

The wonder of Rizhao Jinshan disappeared, Zhou You and the others ate something, packed up their equipment and continued to walk around the mountain.

It was very interesting to go around the mountain on the first day.

But by the second day it felt a little boring.

Because there are almost the same scenery along the way, mountains, mountains, mountains, what the hell are mountains!

Gang Rinpoche just looked at it twice and felt like that.

What really mobilized Zhou You's nerves was that after walking eastward for more than an hour, they came to a ceremony platform (did not dare to write those three words, it was only reconciled yesterday, a kind of funeral ceremony venue in Weizang).

There were two monks cooking mulberries.

Mulberry smoke rises on the mountain.

You don't need to ask to know what ritual is going on here...someone has died.

Tourists are not allowed near here.

Because such ceremonies are no longer allowed for tourists to visit.

Zhou You and the others were stopped by an uncle named "Nima" when they were far away.

Next to Uncle Nima, there is a beautiful girl of fifteen or sixteen years old, wearing a very old hat with Weizang style.She was thin and her skin looked dark, but there was an undeniable stubbornness in her eyes.

He turned his back to the ceremony platform.

Sit with your knees hugged.


Quite a bit pitiful.

She seems to have cried.

Sangyan is swirling in the sky, and occasionally a few wisps of smoke float over, bringing a unique and special taste.

"What's that?" Li Yan suddenly pointed to a few small black spots on the mountain not far away.

"Vulture." Uncle Nima said.

As the mulberry smoke rose and drifted away, there were more and more small black spots on the distant mountain, and quickly became a large group.

Where vultures congregate there must be animals that have just died.

Or someone dies.

And they are also one of the important participants in this ceremony!

Hearing the name Vulture, Zhou You and Li Yanjun were slightly startled.

Because some bad pictures have already appeared in their minds.

Hearing the word vulture, the skinny and dark-skinned girl trembled slightly, and she finally turned her head to look in the direction of the ceremony platform.

Uncle Nima: "Why don't you go and have a look."

Girl: "No." Then she turned her head stubbornly again.

Uncle Nima sighed deeply, "Poor child."

Li Yan asked: "What's wrong?"

Uncle Nima: "On the stage of the ceremony is her only relative in this world... It can't be called a relative."

He glanced at the girl and continued: "Her name is A Diao Zhuoma, she is an orphan. It is said that she is a herdsman's child. My grandmother picked it up in the grass when she was traveling. She was just born at that time. Seeing her pity, my grandmother took pity on her. Take her by your side and raise her."

"But my mother was not in good health. At the age of ten, Adiao Zhuoma suffered from a serious illness, and her health deteriorated. Adiao took care of all the housework and took care of my mother. She was a very strong child. If she had no money, she would Try to make money from tourists, and then go to the old doctor to buy medicine, but the old doctor always undercharges her, and she always says: Don’t look down on me.”

"You have a stubborn bone at such a young age."

"She didn't want to see grandma leave her in this way, so she insisted not to look back."

It turned out to be like this...

Zhou You unconsciously looked at the girl named A Diao.

She was still sitting with her legs crossed.

Looking into the distance.

didn't cry.

I don't know what she was thinking.

Zhou You had heard some stories about nomadic herdsmen in U-Tibet.

In the herdsmen of the grasslands, men can enter tents and sleep with women at night... nomadic women may sleep with many men and give birth to many children.

These many children have different fathers.

They won't get married.

But as a father, he occasionally visits his children.

It's a wonderful relationship.

In this case, why was A Diao Zhuoma abandoned?Probably no one knows the answer.But it sounds like she is indeed pitiful, and she is also admirable and pitiful.


Suddenly, the small black spot in the distance began to enlarge.

They are flying over!

A vulture flies by.

It flew over A Diao's head, Zhou You and the others' heads, and flew straight to the ceremony platform.

Vultures are not good at flying.

But they are wind masters.

The vulture spread its two-meter-long wings, and the second it passed over the head, Zhou You and the others felt a creeping sensation, and their hairs stood on end.

It has to be said that such a huge bird will give people a strong psychological shock.


calm down!


No one has ever seen a vulture carcass.

It is said that before death, the vulture will soar thousands of miles into the sky and fly towards the sun until the sun and air flow melt its body, leaving no trace in this world.

The flock of vultures rushed to the ceremony platform!

Everyone knew very well that they would complete the last step of the ceremony and take A Diao's grandmother to the other side of the world.

At that moment, Zhou You felt an unspeakable emotion in his heart.

A Diao still stubbornly did not look back.

She may be crying.

Or maybe not.

Can't see his face.

The vultures feast on a cruel feast on the ceremonial stage.

After an unknown amount of time, A Diao, who was sitting there with his back to Zhou You, took out an eagle flute out of nowhere.

The eagle flute is a flute made from the longest bone in a vulture's wing.

Herdsmen who live on the grassland often play it to entertain the loneliness when grazing.

This eagle flute was put in the swaddle by my mother when she saw A Diao.

This should belong to her biological father or mother.

Therefore, A Diao has a special feeling for it.

Grandma is gone now!

All she has left is this eagle flute.

The melodious low voice drifted with the wind to the other side of the mountain, to the distant sky.

On one side is the pecking of vultures.

On one side is the melodious sound of eagle flutes.

The two go together!
Give Zhou You a different kind of psychological impact.

Vultures, and eagle flutes made of vulture wing bones... They seem to form a reincarnation-like circle.

Zhou You listened quietly to the sound of the eagle flute.

Although you can't see the pecking of the vultures on the ceremony stage.

But Zhou You concluded that the sound of the flute gradually disappeared after all the ceremonies were over.

A Diao put away the eagle flute.

There was still a stubbornness in his eyes.

She didn't look back.

Did not look at the ceremony table.

Instead, he ran away from this place.

That uncle Nima was afraid that something might happen to A Diao, so he immediately chased after him.

Zhou You, Li Yan and others watched the two figures one behind the other disappear from sight, and no one spoke.

At this time, a vulture flew away.

Suddenly Zhou You seemed to have a little understanding of life and death.

The encounter ceremony is just a short episode in their trip to the mountains.

When leaving, Uncle Duoji told Zhou You, Li Yan and others that they could put some clothing or body parts, such as blood and hair, on the ceremony table.

Say it signifies new life.

Zhou You thought for a while and took off his sunglasses and put them on a stone.

Then they returned to the starting point, Talqin Village, at around five o'clock in the afternoon.

Here they met the girl named A Diao again.

She is selling souvenirs to tourists.

She also said she was a good guide and guide.

Her eyes are still stubborn.

She didn't look at all sad that Grandma was gone.

But Zhou You knew that this kind of innocence was just burying the deep sadness and reluctance in the secret corner of his heart.

Night fell quietly, and when we returned to the hotel where we lived after dinner, Li Yan suddenly said, "Aside from feeling tired after the mountain tour, I didn't feel any redemption or relief. So what's the point of going around the mountain?"

Zhou You: "It is meaningful just because it is meaningless."

Li Yan: "???"

Zhou You: "People always do some meaningless things in their life."

Li Yan savored these words carefully, it seems to be the truth, some things are not meaningful to do, but meaningful to do...

It is said that Gang Rinpoche also turns outward and inward when turning around the mountain.

They are taking the outgoing route.

Turn in and they are not going to leave.

Li Yan wants to go to Zhuanhu, because Zhuanhu can be driven by car, and there are many hot springs near Manasarovar!

Li Yan was even more excited at the thought of soaking in the hot spring.

Both Zhou You and Li Yan have fallen in love with this activity since Kangbu Hot Spring.

You don't have to think about anything while soaking in the hot springs.

Just soak in it.

Be silent, take a nap, or just chat.

very relaxing.

Thinking of meeting the hot spring tomorrow, Li Yan quickly lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

Zhou You took out his computer and wrote the script of "I'm Not the God of Medicine" for a while.

Because the historical process and world pattern background of Blue Star and Earth are completely different, it is not possible to completely copy the script.

Some modifications are required.

Make the background of the story more in line with Blue Star's situation.

Blue Star's medical community is divided into two factions, one is the oriental medicine practiced by Xia Guo, Tang Guo and other Eastern Continent countries, that is, traditional Chinese medicine.One side is Western medicine advocated by the Western Continent.

These two medical philosophies confronted each other in the Star Federation, and they fought against each other.

Each has advantages and disadvantages.

But in Blue Star, it is the capital and chaebols engaged in pharmaceutical production who really dominate the medical field. They raise the price of medicines, making the people of Blue Star unable to afford the disease.

The Star Federation has rectified this kind of chaos.

But little effect.

The chaebols, especially the Western Continent chaebols, have formed a rather terrifying force.

Zhou You's revised script takes place in the social background of conflicts between patients and high-priced drugs controlled by chaebols...

Changing while writing, Zhou You's writing speed is not fast.

After being sleepy, Zhou You closed the computer and went to sleep.

next day!

They went to Manasarovar, one of the three holy lakes.



The first update, 5000 words.

The first sentence is updated every day: Ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket! !Monthly ticket, recommendation ticket, all comers are welcome.

(End of this chapter)

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