I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 134 Ghost Blowing Lamp, Guge Dynasty, Cat

Chapter 134 Ghost Blowing Lamp, Guge Dynasty, Cat
That night, Zhou You dreamed about the group of vultures.

I dreamed of the girl named Atiao Zhuoma.

Even when he woke up the next day, A Diao's stubborn gaze was still in Zhou You's mind...

At [-] o'clock in the morning, Zhou You and his party set off for Manasarovar Yumcuo.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he left the hotel, he saw that little girl named A Diao again.

Seeing Zhou You and Li Yan, A Diao immediately greeted him, "Hello, are you going back to Resa?"

"What's wrong?" Zhou You asked.

"Can you give me a ride?" A Diao pointed to the red wild horses that roamed around them.

"What did you go to Jasa for?" Zhou You was curious.

"Grandma's greatest wish is to go on a pilgrimage to the Resa Monastery, but she has never been there. I want to help her visit it," A Diao said.

Sure enough, she still remembered the grandmother who helped her raise her.

Grandma has never been to Jalan Sa.

So she's going for a trip.

Zhou You got a glimpse of the soft, fragile and warm side of this girl with a strong appearance.

She is a little shorter than girls of the same age.

But be more mature than them.

Her eyes were firm and stubborn.

At the same time, it was as clean as the lake in Manasarovar they were going to visit today.

"We're going to Manasarovar today, and then we'll embark on the trip to Resa." Zhou You said, "You can leave with us tomorrow."

"How much...how much is the fare?" A Diao asked.

"No fare is required," Zhou You said.

"I have money." A Diao said.

Those eyes and expressions reminded Zhou You of what the uncle named "Nima" said yesterday: A Diao went to the old doctor to buy medicine, but the old doctor always undercharged her, and she always said: Don't look down on me.

I have money...don't look down on me.I don't need pity and pity.

Zhou You seemed to hear the second half of her sentence.

"Of course I won't take you for free." Zhou You said, "Yesterday I heard you said that you are a great tour guide, and you took us to Manasarovar. We don't pay the tour guide fee, just treat it as your fare." .”

"Okay." A Diao agreed immediately.

Xu Lang planned to turn inward after turning around the mountain.

So I traveled around here to say goodbye to Li Yan.

Mapang Yongcuo is called "Anutada Pool" in legend.

In the center of Shanbuzhou, south of Xiangshan Mountain and north of Daxueshan Mountain.Eight hundred miles a week.Gold, silver and colored glaze decorate the banks.The sand is filled with sand, and the clear waves are bright mirrors.

All sects believe that the lake water of Manasarovar comes from Gang Rinpoche, and using it for bathing can clear away greed, anger, ignorance, and jealousy!

Of course, it also has a more familiar name—Xitian Yaochi. (From Xuanzang's "Da Tang Western Regions")
Manasarovar is located in the south of Gang Rinpoche.

One of the three great lakes!

Also known as the invincible Yuhu.

With the "living map" of A Diao, Uncle Dorje doesn't need to turn on the navigation... Well, Uncle Dorji doesn't need to turn on the navigation either, he knows the route to Manasarovar very well.

A Diao didn't talk much.

Even if the talkative Li Yan kept talking to her, she only gave simple answers.

In U-Tsang, there are lakes everywhere, and the name of "making mistakes again and again" is worthy of the name.

Coming to Manasarovar, like many lakes in Weizang, it is quiet and clear. Seeing the vast lake view makes it easy to relax physically and mentally.

There are many people walking around the lake.

There are people who turn the lake counterclockwise and clockwise.

It is said that they come from different sects, so from the direction of turning around the lake, we can know what sect they believe in.

It is different from the previous Yanghu and Pumoyongcuo.

It doesn't have the intoxicating Tiffany blue of Yanghu Lake.

There is also no darker blue like Pumo Yuncuo.

It is a kind of faint blue.

With the blue sky, the world seems to become crystal clear.

The surface of the lake is as quiet as a mirror.

Maybe it's because of its proximity to Gang Rinpoche, it's so beautiful that no one dares to desecrate it, it's quiet and sweet, like a cold imperial concubine!

Has a formidable aura.

Sit by the lake and feel the tranquility and tranquility.

Both Zhou You and Li Yan gave up the idea of ​​going to the lake in an instant.

It is suitable for quiet watching here.

They sat by the lake for a long time.

An hour, or two hours... They don't know, and they don't bother to look at the time.

A Diao also sat with them.

Li Yan: "A Diao, have you turned around Manasarovar Yumcuo?"

A Diao: "No." She gave a surprising answer.

Li Yan: "I thought everyone who lived near here would come to visit the lake."

A Diao: "I don't believe in religion."

Li Yan: "Then what do you believe?"

A Diao was silent for a long time before saying, "I don't believe anyone."

A simple sentence uttered from A Diao's mouth is very powerful.What did she go through to give such an answer?

Zhou You turned his head to observe A Diao for a long time.

She just looked at the lake and didn't know what she was thinking.

After a while Zhou You asked, "Are there any good hot springs near here?"

A Diao said, "Yes."

Zhou You: "Take us there."

Then A Diao stood up, helped her hat, "Go this way." She led the way.It's like a tour guide.

Following A Diao Zhouyou and Li Yanlai, they soon came to a small stream next to Yongcuo in Mapang.

On the opposite side of the stream is the towering sacred Mount Kailash.

And the hot spring is right here!

There is a swimming pool in front of you!

Standard swimming pool!

No... it's a hot spring!

There is a hot spring the size of a standard swimming pool.

It was the first time for Zhou You and Li Yan to see such a big hot spring in Uizang.

"So big?" Li Yan said, "How deep is it inside?"

A Diao compared Li Yan's height, "It just submerges the top of your head."

"Where is its spring?" Li Yan looked around.

"It's on the south side." A Diao said, "It's better not to go there. You can cook eggs there."

This is just a very normal sentence... What A Diao said is that the eggs can be boiled.But for Zhou You and Li Yan, two people with five-year driver's licenses, this speed is not so fast.

"Let's stay here." Li Yan said, "Do you want to avoid it?"

"I don't mind." A Diao said.

I mind... But Li Yan couldn't say it.He thought again of straying into the shower pool...

A Diao did not evade.

Because they knew that it was possible to soak in the hot spring, Zhou You and Li Yan both put on an extra pair of shorts inside, took off their tops and pants, and they hopped into the pool-like hot spring.

The water temperature was just right.

The hot spring water is mixed with the cold water of the stream. The temperature is neither hot nor cold, just right.

The size and depth of the hot springs are like a standard swimming pool.

So after soaking for a while and traveling around, I swam in the hot springs.

Sometimes breaststroke, sometimes freestyle, sometimes backstroke, it's not too fun!

[Swimming in hot springs, life points +2]

He even got two life points.

You can also see the snow-capped Kailash in this hot spring!
It's an amazing experience.

Soaking in hot springs, looking at the snow-capped mountains, the impact of cold and warm, unexpectedly gives people an indescribable experience!

Zhou You even wondered if the water in Manasarovar could come from Mount Kailash...

After bathing, swimming, and enjoying himself to the fullest, Li Yan said, "This hot spring is so comfortable!! A Diao, how did you know about it?"

It's not easy to spot here.

Because apart from them, no one else is bathing and swimming in the hot spring here.

So Li Yan felt that not many people knew about this place.

"I take a shower here." A Diao said.

Li Yan was a little embarrassed...it turned out that this was the bathing hall of "A Diao's family", and we took a bath in his bathing hall...it was a bit glamorous.

A Diao can't take a bath here...

He thought of some beautiful pictures of some beauties in the bath in some film and television works.

After soaking here for about two hours, Zhou You and Li Yan reluctantly left.

After seeing the holy mountain and the holy lake soaking in the "immortal spring", Zhou You and Li Yan's trip to U-Tibet is coming to an end.

There are also vast grasslands and pastures in the north of Weizang.

But Zhou You and Li Yan didn't plan to go there in their itinerary.

This trip to Weizang has seen almost all the scenery that should be seen.

The experience is almost the same.

In Ali they have the last stop Zada.

Zhou You and the others did not return to Tarqin Village, but drove directly from Mapang Yumcuo.

Their luggage was moved to the car early in the morning.

Zhou You asked A Diao, "Do you want to go back and pack your luggage?"

A Diao raised the Zhuoma knife on his waist, "I have all my belongings with me."

But in fact, Zhou You didn't see what kind of property she had...

It took five hours to drive from Manasarovar to Zhada.

Zhada is located in the west of U-Tsang, close to the Xiangquan River, which means "a place with grass downstream" in U-Tsang.

Of course, Zhou You didn't come here for the grass!
Instead, come to Zada ​​Earth Forest!

When we arrived at the Zada ​​soil forest, the sun was setting in the west.

It's about to go down.

The sun slanted on this land full of loess and yellow sand, and the wind was blowing. Zhou You felt like he had come to a desolate week.

Like Mars!

At a glance, even the vegetation is hard to see.

Zhou You swears that this is the most desolate scenery he has seen since he came to U-Tsang.

It is a huge picture of desolation.

While making people feel desolate and lonely, there is an incomparable shock in my heart.

People can't help but ask!

What made this desolate landscape.

There are no roads in the forest.

Driving in the red wild horse is like driving into a mysterious land, and there is always a feeling of getting lost in it.Fortunately, there is a gentle Xiangquan River flowing around the soil forest, guiding them in the direction.

The sun shines through the cracks in the forest.

Pull out the long shadows of the soil forest.

The shapes of these soil forests vary.

Some are like majestic and vicissitudes of the huge castle, some are like majestic palaces, some are like giant feet, some are like towering giant towers... There are ravines all over them, quietly telling the passage of ancient years.

"It's spectacular!" Li Yan exclaimed.

Zhou You raised his camera to take pictures of this magnificent and desolate scene.

Then he manipulated the drone into the sky, loaded the entire soil forest into the drone, and brought it back together.

"How did these soil forests form?" Li Yan was very curious.

"It is said that a long time ago, this place was a vast ocean, and then it became an oasis with lush vegetation, and then gradually turned into a desert, and finally became what it is now." Zhou You saw related records in the guidebook of U-Tsang.

Zhou You and Li Yan didn't stay in Zada ​​Earth Forest for too long.

Taking advantage of the sun before sunset, we traveled through the earth forest and came to the ruins of the Guge Dynasty not far away.

When we arrived at the Guge Dynasty, it happened to be the moment when the sun was setting, and the daylight began to dim.

in the car,
From a distance, you can see a loess mountain about 400 meters high. The three sides of the mountain are surrounded by cliffs, and the north side is a gentle slope.

It is hard to imagine that there is an ancient city on the top of this mountain.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, it looks vicissitudes and majestic.


It's just that it is now a ruined wall, and it seems to have been integrated with the soil forest. In this desolate place, the ruins of an ancient city suddenly appeared, making this place even more lonely and desolate.

"After so many years, it has become a pile of ruins, but it is still majestic. You can imagine how glorious the Guge Dynasty was back then." Li Yan praised.

At this moment, it seems to see history flying by.

The Guge Dynasty existed in Ali for more than 700 years. This time span can be compared with the Zhou Dynasty!

Here the economy and trade are developed, rich in gold and silver.

The monks used a large amount of gold and silver ink to copy the scriptures, writing on a kind of slightly bluish black paper, with a row of gold ink and a row of silver ink, and the gold and silver shimmered in the sun, which was extremely luxurious.

At the same time, they also used a large amount of gold and silver to melt and cast Buddha statues.

The most amazing thing is a kind of alloy Buddha statue called "Guge Silver Eye", which has no seams in the whole body, as if formed naturally.Only Guge can make this kind of Buddha statue.

Zhou You immediately thought of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern"... Isn't this the Guge Silver Eye described in "Ghost Blowing the Lantern"?

Thinking of this novel, Zhou You immediately got goosebumps.

After the car stopped,
Zhou You, Li Yan, and A Diao who were with them walked up the path from the entrance at the foot of the mountain, watching while walking.

Li Yan: "The sun is setting, let's not go up, I feel a little nervous."

Have you ever watched "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" what's going on in your heart... Zhou You said, "Why, are you afraid that there are ghosts in it?"

Li Yan: "Didn't it mean that when the Guge Dynasty collapsed, in order to protect his beloved queen, the king cast a spell to turn her into a black cat? Whoever gets this black cat will become the new prince of Guge Wang. When I think of cats... I feel that the atmosphere here is weird."

Just when Zhou You was about to say that you would believe it, suddenly, in the corner in front of him, a black cat with a whole body black appeared out of nowhere.

Its eyes are blue.

In the gradually falling night, it seemed to exude a cool and faint light.

Its blue eyes stared at Zhou You and the others, and it meowed.

In an instant, goosebumps appeared on Zhou You's body.

Li Yan took a step back and shrank behind Zhou You.

A Diao also hides behind Zhou You.

Where the hell did this black cat come from?Even though Zhou You was courageous, his scalp felt numb in an instant... When Zhou You was thinking about how to deal with it, suddenly the cat swished into the shadows and disappeared.

Li Yan: "Scared me to death! The legend can't be true, can it?"

Zhou You: "Maybe it's the cat raised by the administrator here." Although Zhou You said so, the weird atmosphere has enveloped him.

Li Yan: "It's getting dark, why don't we go to the county seat, there are a bunch of ruins, nothing to see."

Zhou You: "I've come here, I can't make a trip in vain."

Li Yan stopped talking and bravely followed Zhou You to continue exploring the ruins of this ancient city at night.

At the bottom of the ancient city are houses and caves where ordinary people live.

There are two tunnels on the mountainside leading directly to the top of the mountain.

This was clearly designed and built for defensive purposes.

All the way through the four ancient temples of the Red Temple, the White Temple, the Tara Temple and the Samsara Temple.

Lions, elephants, horses, peacocks and other animals are carved on the cornices of the ancient temple.

Corresponding to Shiquan River, Xiangquan River, Maquan River and Kongque River respectively.

The murals in the ancient temple are very beautiful.

On the top of the mountain is the palace.

But it is already withered, prosperous and lonely.

Li Yan: "How did such a prosperous Guge Dynasty disappear overnight?"

This is also a curious question for Zhou You.

The Guge Dynasty evaporated almost overnight!

The dynasty, army, and [-] residents all disappeared!

So far, the disappearance of the Guge Dynasty is still a mystery.

No one knows why.

This also cast a layer of mystery on the Guge Dynasty.

It was already dark when Zhou You and the others went down the mountain.

Go down with the flashlight of your phone.

In front of the small river valley, they accidentally saw the legendary corpse cave, and the disappearing black cat suddenly appeared at the entrance of the cave.

It called out.

The blue cat's eyes are particularly eerie and creepy in the night.

After meowing, she gracefully turned around and disappeared at the entrance of the corpse cave.

"Let's get out of here." Li Yan didn't want to stay here for a moment, he even hated himself in his heart, why did he mention the black cat that the queen turned into.

The ruins of the Guge Dynasty are weird and mysterious.

Zhou You didn't want to stay here any longer.

The ambience here is uncomfortable.

Especially at night.

Drive away.

Drive [-] kilometers to Zada ​​County.

Stay in a hotel.

The itinerary of the Guge Dynasty is over, and their trip to U-Tsang is drawing to a close.

Tomorrow we will leave for Jalan Saa.

Lying on the hotel bed at night, Zhou You's mind is full of that black cat!
No nightmares tonight.

never mind!

forget about it.

Consciousness sinks into the system.

"Xiao Qi, check the personal information panel."

"Good host."

Host: Zhou You

Remaining life points: 13 points

Accumulated life points: 353 points

Number of lucky draws: 1 times

There are not many life points accumulated in the past two days.

Just enough for one draw.


Four golden cloud pattern cards appeared in front of him.

Choose the fourth one.

The card is enlarged and flipped, and the golden light blooms.

[Congratulations for winning the novel "Ghost Blowing the Lantern: Kunlun Shrine"]

It's not a complete set?

Traveling around is a bit messy.

what happened?
Could it be because I went to the ruins of the Guge Dynasty today?

The Guge Dynasty did appear in "Ghost Blowing the Lantern: Kunlun Shrine", and Guge Silver Eye is also described in this part.

But what I got was not the whole series of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern", or the first one... This book can't be written, and it can't be published!

Adults of course a full set ah!

What the hell is a half set?

No!None of the sets!Only one-eighth set.



Second update. 4880 words.I can't make up 5000 words, and I don't bother to make it up.Just finished writing here.

Happy Children's Day!Do you have monthly tickets and recommended tickets?Who is not a baby asking for votes?

(End of this chapter)

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