I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 135 Abyss of Despair, Released at Jieyou Grocery Store

Chapter 135 Abyss of Despair, Released at Jieyou Grocery Store
[Sleep until you wake up naturally, life point +1]

The next day, Zhou You slept until ten o'clock in the morning.

It is probably because the U-Tsang tour has completed the Guge Dynasty site, which means that it is coming to an end and is about to embark on the return journey. There is no need to rush to the next stop, so I am completely relaxed in terms of sleep.

I used to wake up naturally after seven o'clock, but today I just slept until ten o'clock.

Li Yan had already finished washing when he got up from the tour.

The little girl, A Diao, got up earlier.

According to her, she couldn't fall asleep after five o'clock.

She has the habit of getting up early since she was a child.

After Zhou You packed up, he and Li Yan A Diao went to the restaurant of the hotel to have breakfast.

A Diao looked a little cautious.

Zhou You helped her get meals.

A Diao: "How much is the breakfast?" She wanted to touch the money to pay the bill, and gave the money to Zhou You.

Zhou You: "No money, the hotel provides it for free."

A Diao: "Oh~ Then, how much is the accommodation?"

A Diao's appearance made Zhou You feel distressed.

This time was probably the first time she left Talqin Village and saw U-Tsang other than Talqin Village and Gang Rinpoche for the first time.

Now tourists from all over the world flock to this land.

As a local, I have only seen the tip of the iceberg of this vast land.

It's actually quite sad when you think about it.

Zhou You reached out and touched her head, "You don't need money for accommodation, silly girl, eat. You don't have to pay for food, lodging, and expenses along the way. These are all included in the tour guide fee."

Zhou You was afraid that A Diao would suddenly say "I'm rich, don't look down on me".

But this stubborn little girl didn't say anything this time.

She lowered her head and ate her breakfast, not knowing what she was thinking.

After breakfast, they traveled around and set off towards Jasa.

It is nearly 1500 kilometers from Zada ​​County to Jalan Sa.

The whole process takes almost 24 hours.

Li Yan was playing music in the car.

"Blue Lotus", "Ordinary Road"... I bought a microphone in Li Yan, Zhada County, and listened to and sang along the way.

After he finished singing, he handed the microphone to Zhou You.

Zhou You's interest also came up, so he sang a few words.

A Diao listened fascinatedly, and said, "It's exactly the same as the song on the phone."

Li Yan said: "He also sang on the phone."

Only then did A Diao know that Zhou You was a very good singer.

A Diao has a mobile phone, but she rarely uses it.

Busy with survival and living, she knows little about the outside world.

Zhou You asked her if she could sing?

A Diao said yes, and she sang a U-Tibetan song.She said she preferred playing the eagle flute to singing.Because the sound of the eagle flute can float very far.

She said that Grandma sang very well...then she lowered her head.

She should miss Grandma.

There are many separations between life and death in this world, and people are powerless to change anything, they can only get used to it slowly.And people also grow up in this adaptation and habit.

The car stopped and went on the way to Jalan.

Uncle Duoji was tired from driving, so Zhou You and Li Yan switched to driving with him.

And in the process,

The leading film of the fourth episode of "Traveler" has been released.

Director Wang Hou is still the dog director who deserves a beating.

In the pilot film of the fourth episode, Wang Hou simply edited a few clips, traveling around Li Yan to soak in hot springs, singing with Tao Ruanwangmu and others holding a guitar at night on the Pali grassland, and climbing the cliffs in Chentang.

Just these few fragments.

Each clip is a flash, no more than five seconds.

So the entire lead film is only 13 seconds long.

The most important thing is... the singing part was "silenced".

After the release of the lead film, the number of plays was amazing.

But soon the director Wang Hou was scolded to be autistic.

"Director Dog, why are you so short, small and weak?"

"At any rate, the previous lead film had a time limit of 30 minute and 13 seconds! Now you give me a full [-] seconds!"

"It's too much! It's too much! I saw Zhou You playing and singing on the guitar, but I don't know what he's singing! My heart itch!"

"Zhou You climbed up the cliff, what are you doing?"

"Where is my knife? I want to kill the dog director."

"What should I do? I'm going to start having sleepless nights again! Director Dog is about to update the fourth issue!"

The amount of information revealed by the ultra-short lead film is huge.

The suspense left for the audience is also huge.

In the last pilot film, at any rate, there was a line when Zhou You sang.

Don't talk about words in this issue, there is not even a note.

Wanghou, the dog director, was scolded on the trending searches.

In the car.

Wang Jia looked at the phone and said, "Uncle~you have been scolded for trending searches again."

Prince: "They love me deeply."

Wang Jia: "Is the 13-second lead film really short? We seem to have gone too far."

Wang Hou: "The audience can't be used to it."

Xu Feifei: "I'm still the boss who is awesome and domineering!"

Wanghou looked like I don't care about scolding, scolding, scolding, but in private, he quietly posted on the account to see how netizens scolded him.

Now the word director dog has completely become synonymous with him.

There is also a Wanghou P picture, two Teddy are doing what they are doing in love: Director Three Seconds Dog.

The prince was scolded really badly.

But the more netizens scolded "Traveler", the more popular it became.

Just say you are angry.

In the words of the prince: This is sacrificing the small self to achieve the big self.


Just when the prince was being scolded terribly, at Daxia Publishing House, last year's rookie Wang Shenxiaolong's new book "Star Abyss" was released shockingly.

On the day of the release, Shen Xiaolong held a signing event in Kyoto.

Live broadcast and media coverage.

It caused quite a stir.

And the release of "Star Abyss" also rushed into the hot search.

Because in addition to the hot scene of the signing event, the major offline bookstores are also crowded with people, and there is even a phenomenon of queuing up to buy.

A large part of Shen Xiaolong's readership is young students, and this group of people has a lot of support for their favorite writers.

Bought the book and crazily promoted it.

So much so that "Star Abyss" sold millions of copies on the day it was released!
"Shen Xiaolong is amazing! He still looks like a god-slayer."

"His brain hole is really big! The creativity directly made me cry to death."

"Yeyoushen's new book will be released tomorrow, and it looks like Yeyoushen will be slaughtered to the point of autism."

"Why did you provoke Shen Xiaolong when you debuted? Ye Youshen's designation is kneeling."

"The first million copies are sold! This is the rhythm of pressing the Night God to the ground and rubbing."

The strong performance of Shen Xiaolong's new book has made readers sweat for Ye Youshen's upcoming new book.

Shen Xiaolong's tone was too high.

The first sale of one million copies is already the strength of many great writers.

The fledgling night god is difficult to challenge.

Moreover, the book "Star Abyss" has achieved great momentum and has received so much attention and praise. Publishing a book at the same time is tantamount to digging one's own grave and courting death!

People speculate that "Jieyou Grocery Store" is likely to be cold.


Kyoto, Daxia Publishing House.

Xu Zhi, Shen Xiaolong's editor, is proud of himself.

Colleagues congratulated: "Brother Zhi!! Congratulations!! It's super hot."

"I'm so envious! When will I receive such a book?"

"Brother Zhi took off directly."

"Don't forget the wealth and honor."

"The best blockbuster of the year is booked."

Xu Zhi was very happy, surrounded by colleagues, congratulations and praises, he was quite elated.

He said please drink coffee!

Then everyone ordered a cup of coffee to celebrate.

He specially sent a cup of coffee to Hu Liang's work station, "Drink one."

Hu Liang hesitated a little. Seeing that so many colleagues did not refuse, it was not good for him to refuse, "Thank you. Congratulations."

Hearing this congratulations, Xu Zhi felt very comfortable, and this was what he was waiting for.

In his opinion, the "Jieyou Grocery Store" in Hu Liang's hand has been sentenced to death.

This wave he won!

Hu Liang won!

This is a victory worth celebrating.

But Hu Liang felt that it didn't matter, he had no intention of competing with Xu Zhi, because it was meaningless.

He was just worried that the release of "Jieyou Grocery Store" would be very unsatisfactory tomorrow... and the current situation is also very unfavorable to Ye Youshen.

After talking briefly with Xu Zhi, he sent Xu Zhi away on the grounds that there was still work to be done, and he contacted Zhang Yao of Dayu Studio.

Hu Liang: "Mr. Zhang, Shen Xiaolong's new book has exploded today! It's super popular. The momentum is too strong. I'm thinking... Maybe the release of "Jieyou Grocery Store" should be postponed for a few days?"

Zhang Yao originally wanted to ask Zhou You, but thinking of Zhou You's saying that it didn't matter, he felt that the boss would not choose to postpone it.So he said: "It will be released according to the original plan."

Hu Liang: "But..."

Zhang Yao: "Teacher Ye Youshen doesn't care about these things. Besides, if the release is postponed, it will be rumored that Ye Youshen is afraid of Shen Xiaolong."

Hu Liang: "Yes."

So Hu Liang could only anxiously wait for the release of "Jieyou Grocery Store" at ten o'clock the next day.

In his opinion, the time of this night passed too slowly and was too tormented. He wished he could pull the progress bar of time to the release time of "Jieyou Grocery Store" the next day.


The sky gradually darkened.

Zhou You drove the car into a village.

They are not prepared to drive at night.

That's tiring.

I will stay temporarily in the village tonight, and there is no rush to go back to Rasa, there is no need to make people so tired.

After staying here, Zhou You swiped his phone for a while, and found out about the release of Shen Xiaolong's new book "Xingyuan" on Weibo Hot.

The first million copies were sold!
Very awesome.

At the same time, I also saw readers' concerns about Yeyoushen's new book.

From Zhou You's point of view, whether "Jieyou Grocery Store" can win "Xingyuan" or not, he doesn't care at all.He only cares about whether the book can make money.

He doesn't care about winning or losing. He doesn't care what the netizens say.

Rather, he was quite curious about what was written in the book "Star Abyss".

So he found the posts related to "Star Abyss" and read them.

From the release to the evening, many people have already watched the first part of "Star Abyss", and have expressed their comments and opinions.

"One of the best science fiction novels I've ever read!"

"The pinnacle of science fiction."

"It's still a dark style! I like the protagonist with a dark personality!"

"He's still so depressed!"

Zhou You looked at the comments.

Some of these comments and posts describe the general content of the book.

The concept put forward in this book is "the universe is an endless abyss".Shen Xiaolong made a big fuss around the word abyss, combining three elements of mystery, horror, and science fiction to create such a novel.

Among the many comments!
The word "despair" is mentioned most by readers.

The abyss of the universe is too big and too mysterious, and everything known to human beings is too limited and superficial.In the depths of the universe there are great horrors.

Shen Xiaolong created a hopeless sci-fi universe view with his wonderful writing style and wide-open mind.

Many people say that they shut themselves down immediately after reading it.

Pretty but depressing!
After reading these comments, Zhou You even fell into an atmosphere of "despair and fear", which made him eager to read this novel.

The dark style... just happens to be his favorite style.

When you come back to Jalan Sa, you must buy it as soon as possible.


They continued their journey the next day.

At ten o'clock in the morning, "Jieyou Grocery Store" was released online.

When "Star Abyss" was released yesterday, Shen Xiaolong had a fan signing event, and there was a live broadcast of the signing event. The momentum was huge and it was very lively.

In contrast, the release of "Jieyou Grocery Store" will be much deserted.

There was no signing event, no live broadcast, and even the author "Ye You Shen" himself didn't come out to speak out...

Appears cold.

Only the official account of Daxia Publishing House posted a Weibo that "Jieyou Grocery Store" went on sale in the morning.

Under this tweet, readers commented one after another.

"This atmosphere is wrong!"

"It's quite different from the momentum of Shen Xiaolong's new book release."

"Why does it feel so cold?"

"Yeyoushen really has a big heart! Doesn't he care about the release of his new book at all? At least hold a signing event, a press conference or something like that."

"It is said that Yeyou Shrine is afraid... whatever. By the way, who of you bought "Jieyou Grocery Store"? Is it a scam?"

"I haven't bought it yet, remember to let me know after you buy it! No matter whether it is a good or a poisonous weed, speak out boldly."

The degree of discussion is not very high.

The major bookstores did not have the phenomenon of queuing up to buy "Star Abyss".


Jinghai, a dormitory for girls.

Xu Wenjun, Zhou You's number one fan, was out of shape.

Roommate Yanyan asked: "Wen Jun, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

Xu Wenjun: "After watching Shen Xiaolong's "Star Abyss", the whole person is emo. So desperate!!"

Yanyan: "I told you not to read Shen Xiaolong's book, the depression index is full."

Xu Wenjun: "I now feel that the entire universe, the entire galaxy, and the entire existence of human civilization are meaningless...you know, that atmosphere of despair spreads from the first word to the last word...human civilization is really good Hopeless."

Yanyan: "The universe, the Milky Way, human beings? Is that what we should worry about? Let's go! It will be miserable if you are late for the Lion's Roar class."

Xu Wenjun, in despair, said: "Is it meaningful to take classes? There is no meaning. Everything we humans do is meaningless."

She has been poisoned too deeply.

Xu Wenjun has three hobbies: listening to music, watching dramas, and reading books.

Especially love reading novels.

These things are suitable for one person to do.

So she is a house girl.

"Let's go, let's go!" Yanyan didn't bother to talk to her, and dragged her to the teaching site of Hedong Lion's Roar.

Yanyan knew that this was the depressed state after "Shen Xiaolong".

Everyone who reads his book will more or less like this.

including herself.

So she didn't read Shen Xiaolong's book at all, because after reading it, she couldn't stop easily and fell into it...

After two classes, Yanyan took Xu Wenjun to the bookstore, where she wanted to buy "Jieyou Grocery Store", which was released today.

After watching "The Devotion of Suspect X", Yanyan fell in love with the writer Ye Youshen.

Of course you have to buy new books.

Xu Wenjun also likes the Night God.

But now after reading "Star Abyss", my mind is full of this book... I haven't recovered yet, and I don't want to read any books for the time being.

I don't want to go to the bookstore!

But Yanyan dragged her away life and death.

After buying "Jieyou Grocery Store" in the bookstore, the two of them ate a rice noodle outside the school, bought two cups of milk tea, two crispy watermelons, and a lot of snacks back to the dormitory.

No class in the afternoon.

They plan to stay in the dormitory for an afternoon.

Yanyan said that she spent an afternoon watching "Jieyou Grocery Store", and Xu Wenjun said that she wanted to sleep well to heal the "depressive feeling of despair" brought to her by Shen Xiaolong.

Then I got up and used a spoon to dig watermelon to eat, while eating while chasing a new drama that was recently released.

Xu Wenjun changed into pajamas and prepared to lie down.

However, I couldn't fall asleep.

Might not be full enough!

So she climbed out of bed and prepared to eat the watermelon with a spoon... She might fall asleep after eating the watermelon.Because the watermelon always pops out by itself when you close your eyes.

Disturb her sleep!
Yanyan went to do the laundry.

The newly bought "Jieyou Grocery Store" is placed on her desk.

Yanyan has been unpacked.

Xu Wenjun picked it up and flipped through it casually.

"Why is it called "Jieyou Grocery Store"?" She has always had this question.

Out of curiosity she quickly read the beginning.

On a dark and windy night, Shota, Totsuya, and Xingping broke into an abandoned house and used it as a hiding place.

The three of them are thieves!

This abandoned house is a small residential and commercial house.

There is only a letter delivery opening on the closed shutter door.

Only the word "grocery" can be vaguely discerned on the signboard.

This should be an abandoned grocery store.

"Is this the Jieyou grocery store?" Xu Wenjun frowned slightly.

Three thieves break into an abandoned grocery store... what happens next?Xu Wenjun was even more curious.

She just wanted to know why this store was called Jieyou Grocery Store.

Continue to look down with curiosity and doubts.

It is said that the three thieves plan to temporarily avoid the limelight in this abandoned house and wait until tomorrow morning before leaving.But what they didn't expect was that at this time, a letter was thrown into the gap on the rolling shutter door.

Dun also opened the letter suspiciously, and found that the person who wrote it was a girl who claimed to be an athlete.

She wanted to sprint to the "Star Games", but her boyfriend suddenly found out that she was terminally ill!
The Star Games is Blue Star's most grand Star Federation Games. It is a global event that is held every four years... Zhou You simply modified the background of the novel according to Blue Star's situation.

The girl is torn between whether to go to the Star Games, or to accompany her boyfriend through the last journey of her life.

She couldn't make up her mind.

So I am writing to hope that Naniya Grocery Store can give me some pointers.

The three thieves who received the letter were baffled.

They found something from an old magazine from 40 years ago in an abandoned store. It turned out that this house was the very popular Jieyou grocery store. Replies to answers to troubled inquiries will be placed in the milk box next to the store.

It turned out to be like this...

The three of Atsuya knew the whole story.

But now 40 years have passed, why is the athlete still writing?
The three of Dunya couldn't figure it out.

I don't even bother to think about it.

Go to sleep!
Just when Atsuya was about to talk about sleeping, his two companions, Shota and Kohei, were worried about the two girls.

Dun also said that we are just three people who stole things and the car broke down, and we just talk nonsense when we worry about other people's affairs, but the two companions said that people like us will never come to us to talk about their troubles, why can't we catch them? How about this opportunity, by the way, to write back a letter to this person who poured out his troubles to us?
So they immediately found a pen and paper and wrote a reply.

The general idea is that you can take your boyfriend to train together, so that you can accompany your boyfriend and train to participate in the Star Games, and there will be no delay on both sides.

After writing, post the letter to the milk box.

But soon they realized a problem.

The three of them are thieves.

I forgot to wear gloves when I wrote the letter.

It has their fingerprints on it!

Can not leave fingerprints.

Dun also rushed to the milk box immediately, trying to get the letter back in the milk box.

But when he opened the box!
There is nothing in the box!
The letter I just posted is gone!
On the other side, in the grocery store, another letter arrived.

They opened the letter and found that it was the athlete girl who had just written it.

The girl said she couldn't take her boyfriend with her.

Because the boyfriend is really too sick.

If only there were videophones like in the comics...you can see each other on the phone anytime, anywhere.

The three of Atsuya found something was wrong.

Isn't video calling already popular?
After reading this, Xu Wenjun also realized the problem, and she suddenly had a bold guess: This letter must not have been sent from the past, could it?Or...from a parallel time and space?
In a flash,

She found this book interesting!
Then completely immersed in the story!


The first update, 5000 words.

Tickets are required every day: monthly tickets, monthly tickets, or fucking monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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