Chapter 136 Cure All Depression

"Wen Jun~"

"Mr. Wen!!"

Yanyan, who came back from the laundry, was going to watch "Jieyou Grocery Store", which was her pastime this afternoon.

But after drying the clothes and returning to the dormitory, I found that Xu Wenjun was reading "Jieyou Grocery Store" in his arms.

She even called Xu Wenjun several times and Xu Wenjun ignored her. It was not until Xu Wenjun called Xu Wenjun for the third time that Xu Wenjun pulled out of the book. "Yanyan, you called me? What's wrong?"

"That," Yanyan said, "you can go up and lie down."

Yanyan pointed to Xu Wenjun's upper bunk.

"But I haven't finished reading this book yet." Xu Wenjun said, and then she realized that this book belonged to Yanyan, and immediately acted coquettishly, "Yanyan~~ Can you let me read it first, just a while, a little while." A little while."

"Buy it yourself." Yanyan ruthlessly pulled "Jieyou Grocery Store" from Xu Wenjun's hand.

It's not that Yanyan is stingy.

It was Xu Wenjun's trapped state that made Yanyan full of expectations for this book.

In addition, their normal relationship is like this.

"Ruthless!" Xu Wenjun hugged Yanyan's thigh, "I won't let you go until you show me."

"Didn't you say that you were so depressed by Shen Xiaolong that you lost interest in any novels? Isn't the universe meaningless? What's the point of reading?" Yanyan said, "This kind of meaningless thing is still Leave it to me to do it."

"I'm seeing the wonderful part!" Xu Wenjun said.

"Who told you not to buy it." Yanyan said deliberately.

"I swear! Just take a look!" Xu Wenjun said.

Yanyan shook "Jieyou Grocery Store" in front of her eyes, "After reading it at a glance, a gentleman's words are hard to follow, and what he says keeps his word. If you don't cry or make trouble, you won't hang yourself."

"Hello, Yanyan!"

The two started fighting in the dormitory.

In the end, Yanyan still softened her heart and gave Xu Wenjun to read "Jieyou Grocery Store" first. It was definitely not because Xu Wenjun promised to buy her breakfast for a week!

Xu Wenjun then looked down, and sure enough, as she guessed, this Jieyou grocery store connected the past and the present.

Past letters can be found here.

The thief trio can also send letters to the past.

But the boyfriend of the athlete girl died in the end, and the girl went all out to participate in the training, but was not selected in the end.Finally got his wish and accompanied her boyfriend through the last journey.

After reading this short story, the corners of Xu Wenjun's mouth couldn't help but rise slightly.

Such an ending is very good.

The athlete girl has no regrets.

The story here is very simple, but also has a touch of warmth and feeling.But Xu Wenjun believes that the core function of this short story is to introduce that this grocery store is a "space-time grocery store".

Will they get letters next?
What letter will I get?

How will they answer the troubles of those who wrote the letter?
Xu Wenjun was even more curious.

Then look down.

The second story is called "The Sound of the Harmonica in the Late Night". It tells the story of a "second generation of fish" who owns a fish shop and can go home to inherit the family business, but chooses the music path.

Ever since I met Gao Qiqiang, we all know that selling fish is not easy.

It is normal to have a family business to inherit.

This "second generation of fish" is called Klang.

Klang's grandma died, and he was very depressed. When he went back to attend grandma's funeral, he would face a series of questions, asking him when he would come back to inherit the fish shop and so on.

He has confusion and troubles between music dreams and inheriting the family business.

He wrote such troubles into a letter and threw it through the rolling door.

Soon Crown received a reply.

When he opened the letter and saw the content, he was about to explode with rage.

Because the person who replied crazily ridiculed him in the letter, satirized and scolded him, which probably meant that he lost his mind, had a family and would not inherit it, and insisted on pursuing some music dream, you are not the material!You have no talent!Give it up, face reality!
The reason why the three of Atsuya wrote back in this way is because in the "future" many years later, they did not know the existence of the singer Ke Lang.

None of them are famous!

That must have been a mess.

He simply advised him to give up music and "inherit the family business".

Klang was very annoyed when he received such a reply. On the one hand, the other party bluntly said that he had no musical talent and could not get ahead, and on the other hand, the other party was right...he knew very well that he did not have such talent.

No one has ever said such strong words about Krona.

He wanted very much to meet this man.

So he wrote a third letter:
"Thank you for your reply again. Frankly speaking, I was shocked. I didn't expect you to accuse me so fiercely. I always thought that I had a certain talent. It is difficult to describe my feelings in words, so I have a request, can you How about meeting with you once? How can I meet you. If you tell me, I will go anywhere."

After writing this letter, Kron went to Namiya's grocery store.

Then I stuffed the letter halfway but not all the way into the receiving opening.

He thought that if someone was inside, he would pull the letter in from inside.

But no one ever got in.

So he sat outside the grocery store and waited.

He took out his harmonica and started playing one of his favorite songs - "Rebirth".

This song has no lyrics yet.

But his favourite.

After playing a song, the letter was still not taken away, so he could only stuff it in completely.

Crown did not receive a reply for a long time after the letter was sent.

During this period, his father suddenly fell ill and was sent to the hospital.Seeing his father struggling on the verge of life and death, he was very nervous.But there was a voice deep inside that kept him from giving up music.

Then he received another letter.

But what he didn't expect was that the reply this time was completely different from the previous scolding him... He even suspected that a different person wrote the letter.

The wording seemed polite.

"Mr. Fish Shop Musician, I have already read the third letter. I am sorry that I cannot meet with you. Your pursuit of music is definitely not in vain. Someone will be saved because of your song. The song you created It will also be handed down forever, please always believe in this until the last moment of your life."

Crown did not understand the meaning expressed in the letter.

Eight years later, Crown's father died.

Crown still hasn't given up on his favorite music.

He often went to an orphanage called "Maruguang Garden" to perform for charity.

On Christmas of a certain year, when he was performing at the Marumikoen Orphanage, a fire suddenly broke out in the orphanage. When Kron rushed in to rescue a child, he was trapped by the flames.fell into the fiery flames.

Only at this time did he fully understand the sentence: "Please always believe in this, until the last moment of your life..."

Crown died in this fire.

Many years later, a very famous female singer sang the song "Rebirth".This is her famous work.But she says the song has a deeper meaning to her.

"The author of this song is my only family member and the savior of my brother. He exchanged his life for my brother's life. If I hadn't met him, I wouldn't be where I am today."

Crown is not on fire.

But many years later his songs became popular.

The second story ends.

Xu Wenjun's eyes were moist right now, and she didn't feel much about the first short story.But this second story was written to his tears.

It was as if something inside had been activated and loosened.

The delicate touch touched her soft heart.

The suffocating sense of despair after watching "Xingyuan" was thrown out of the blue sky. She was touched by the short story in "Jieyou Grocery Store" and was moved by it.

"It seems a little warm and a little healing." Xu Wenjun said in his heart.

Maybe it doesn't have the tense and exciting plot of "Star Abyss", but such delicate text full of emotional experience makes my heart soft when I read it.

But she has a doubt: Why did the three of Atsuya change their attitudes 180 degrees when they replied to the third letter?

She didn't want to put down the book at all.

Can't put it down.

Yanyan: "Mr. Wen, when can I finish watching?"

Xu Wenjun: "Yanyan... how about you buy another copy?"

Yanyan: "I took off all my clothes."

Xu Wenjun: "Then I'll go buy it." Although Xu Wenjun wanted to continue watching, she knew she couldn't go too far.

Returning "Jieyou Grocery Store" to Yanyan, then hastily changed into a suit of clothes, and rushed directly to the bookstore!
She bought a copy of "Jieyou Grocery Store" and sat down in the bookstore to read it. She was eager to know the next story.

The third story is written by Grandpa Naniya, the owner of the "Namiya Grocery Store".Grandpa Naniya received a letter from a girl.

The daughter conceived before marriage, but the father of the child is a family man, and she didn't know what to do.

Seeking Grandpa Naniya's answer.

Grandpa Naniya's son saw this problem and said, of course, let her destroy it, and who will raise the child after it is born.

But Grandpa Naniya said that she wrote such a letter precisely because she wanted to give birth to the child. In fact, what she needs is not advice but support.

Grandpa Langya replied to this letter very seriously.

But Grandpa Naniya, who was diagnosed with terminal cancer one day, saw a news that a woman committed suicide by driving a car with her daughter.

Mother died.

The child was rescued.

What surprised Naniya even more was that the woman who committed suicide was the pregnant girl who had written to consult him before.

Grandpa Naniya felt as if he had been hit by a bolt from the blue.

All of a sudden his worldview and beliefs collapsed.

Why is this happening?

He began to doubt the correctness and significance of his replies over the years.Is he doing the right thing?Or is it wrong?
Are these letters helpful?
Or has it been a disservice?

So he said to his son that he wanted to go back to Naniya's grocery store.His son took him back to the door of the grocery store.But before getting out of the car, Grandpa Naniya handed a suicide note to his son.Ask your son to get out of the car before opening it.

After the father got off the car, the son opened the letter and wrote:

"My son Takayuki, I should have passed away when you read this letter. When my 33rd anniversary of death is approaching, please inform the world in some way: the consultation window of Namiya grocery store will I will be resurrected from midnight to dawn on the day of my 33rd death anniversary. For this reason, I would like to ask everyone who has consulted the grocery store in the past and received a reply. What is the impact of that letter on your life? How did it affect you? Did it help you? I hope you will tell me the truth. As you did then, please post the letter at the delivery port on the shutter door."

What the son didn't expect was that Grandpa Naniya actually received a lot of letters from the future.

But one of the letters was blank.

Grandpa Naniya couldn't figure out why the letter was blank.

One year later, Grandpa Naniya passed away...

Seeing this, Xu Wenjun finally knew why the trio of thieves could receive the letter here.It should have something to do with the 33rd anniversary of his death...

The time and space of the past and the future are wonderfully intertwined in this way.

Soon "Jieyou Grocery Store" came to the last story.

The person who wrote the letter this time is called "The Lost Puppy".

The lost puppy is an ordinary office worker.

She is in urgent need of money now, but the salary she earns at work is not enough, so she wants to be a wine hostess, so that she can make money quickly.

Atsuya and the three felt that the lost puppy was sick.

I don't want to go to work, I want to be a wine hostess.

So I wrote a letter to scold the lost puppy.

They later learned that the lost puppy had been raised in an orphanage by her adoptive parents who were elderly and that they were now in serious financial trouble.The lost puppy wants to repay them but suffers from no money.

The speed at which they can make money can't compare to their aging speed, so she came up with the idea of ​​being a barmaid to make quick money.

Learned the whole story.

The three of Atsuya began to do a very interesting thing.

They are people from the future.

They can use advanced knowledge and cognition to help lost puppies.

So they became the "gold fingers" of lost puppies.

From the perspective of the future, let her work steadily and save a sum of money, and study economic-related knowledge, and then buy a small apartment within the Tokyo Metropolitan Area of ​​Thousand Islands and wait for the house price to rise, then sell it and buy a more expensive house.After making money, buy stocks and golf course memberships...

Under the guidance of the three of Dunya, the lost puppy has made great progress and become a very outstanding female entrepreneur.

After she has money, she wants to help and take over the Marumikoen Orphanage.

But the process was not smooth.

On this day, she saw a message on the Internet saying that the consultation window of Naniya grocery store will be revived in the early morning of September 9.

She has come to today step by step by relying on the guidance of "Mr. Naniya" in Naniya's grocery store.

So she had to write to thank her.

But on September 9th, she planned to put some things at home, and then went to post letters.But when she was putting things away, someone suddenly covered her mouth, and three gangsters broke into the room to rob her and pin her to the ground.

The three who robbed her asked her, "Are you going to sell the orphanage?"

Lost puppy: "No, how could I?"

The three of them didn't believe it, covered her mouth, took valuables and fled.

However, after the three came out, they just wanted to jump into the car and escape, but found that the car broke down, so one of them said that I knew an abandoned place... So they fled into Naniya grocery store.

Seeing this Xu Wenjun was completely shocked!
"This! Isn't this the beginning of the story?" Xu Wenjun immediately flipped through the opening chapter, which was indeed written like this. The three people stole something and got into the car and found that the car was broken, so they came to Namiya grocery store! !

So they're robbing stray puppies?

But the lost puppies rely on them to make a fortune!
Time and space interweave and overlap here!

Everything forms a closed loop here!
At the end of the story, the three of Atsuya also learned the truth from a letter in the snatched bag... The lost puppy they guided was the one they robbed today.

They thought it was absurd.

But it actually happened.

They also finally realized that they can't continue hiding here, they should go out, admit their mistakes, take their responsibilities, and do everything they should do...

When they were about to leave, they received the last letter in the mailbox.

The letter was written by Grandpa Naniya.

They had previously sent out a blank letter for the test.

And this letter is the answer to that blank letter!
"This is an answer to a friend who sent a blank sheet of paper. If you are not the sender, please put the letter back where it came from."

"A map is a blank sheet of paper, of course it's nerve-wracking. Anyone would be at a loss. But look at it from another angle, because it's a blank sheet of paper, you can draw the map as you like, it's all up to you. To you For me, everything is free, and there are infinite possibilities in front of you. This is a great thing. I sincerely pray that you can believe in yourself and burn your life without regret. I should not answer trouble consultations in the future , thank you for asking a valuable question at the end. -Namiya Grocery"

The story ends here!
The story is not long.

Xu Wenjun felt that he had watched it for a long time.

It seems that this book has been read for centuries.

When she saw the cycle in the story one by one, when she saw the last "just because it is a blank sheet of paper, you can draw the map as you like...there are infinite possibilities in front of you", she was deeply shocked .

This is like the last sentence of "The Devotion of Suspect X" "vomit your soul".

So shocking and powerful!

Her eye sockets were warm and moist.




want to cry!

Xu Wenjun secretly wiped his tears, why did he end up crying like a dog after reading the book of God of Night Tour...

She noticed that many fans in the "Guerrilla" circle were discussing this book, and Xu Wenjun said: "Yesterday I was depressed by "Xingyuan", and today "Jieyou Grocery Store" cured all Shen Xiaolong's depression! "

"Yeyoushen is a genius."

"In the beginning, I just bought it with the mentality of looking at it casually, but I didn't expect to see it and call it shit!"

"It is strongly recommended to watch "Jieyou Grocery Store" immediately after finishing "Xingyuan"! Dedicated to all depression!"

"Ye Youshen focuses on healing wind? Isn't this against Shen Xiaolong's depressing wind?"

"After you say that, I seem to understand why Ye Youshen didn't avoid Shen Xiaolong."

"Yeyoushen: I will heal all your depression."

As more and more people read "Jieyou Grocery Store", there are more and more discussions about this book on the Internet.

Then at around five o'clock in the afternoon, "Jieyou Grocery Store" unexpectedly became popular on Weibo.

#《解忘客户店》heals the depression caused by "Xingyuan"#
This topic once again connects Ye Youshen and Shen Xiaolong.

Readers said to everyone that after finishing "Star Abyss", you must watch "Jieyou Grocery Store" next, this is the best cure for depression.

This topic is hot.

"Jieyou Grocery Store" also became popular.

After school at six o'clock, countless students and office workers stepped into the bookstore, and "Jieyou Grocery Store" ushered in a small explosion in sales.



The second update, 5000 words. There are too many stories in "Jieyou Grocery Store". I tried to summarize them briefly, but found that there are too few places that can be omitted and skipped... If I don't write it, it seems that I can't achieve the desired effect.No better solution has been found so far.

Thick-skinned: Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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