I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 149 Is This Melon Ripe? "Song of Trouble", the 5th episode starts broadcasting

Chapter 149 Is This Melon Ripe? "Song of Trouble", the fifth episode starts broadcasting

Zheng Hudong ate three bowls of biangbiang noodles before he burped with satisfaction.

A normal bowl of biangbiang noodles is three sticks.

Zheng Hudong added two to the first bowl.

A total of one catty.

The next two bowls are the normal amount, six taels per bowl.

Zheng Hudong ate three bowls of noodles totaling more than two catties, which shocked the boss.The most important thing is that he also drank three bottles of Bingfeng.

After eating the biangbiang noodles, I came out of the old white noodle restaurant, and heard the boss singing in the Guanzhong dialect: oily and spicy biangbiang noodles~~ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Zhou You and others who walked out of the store couldn't help laughing when they heard the singing.

Zheng Hudong: "This boss is really happy."

Zhou You: "It's not fun, just now he took a big deal."

Big business means that Zheng Hudong ate the amount of three people alone.

One o'clock in the afternoon after dinner.

It happens to be the hottest time of day in summer.

This biangbiang noodle is not far from the hotel where Zhou You and the others stayed, so everyone decided to go back and take a nap to escape the heat. The afternoon was not so hot, and then they went to visit the ancient city wall of Chang'an.

On the way back to the hotel, Zheng Hudong saw someone selling watermelons in a small truck on the side of the road.

It's not too much to eat watermelon on such a hot day to relieve the heat, right?

The second senior brother went up and asked, "Boss, how do you sell melons?"

Boss: "No."

The boss pointed to the small blackboard hanging in front of the truck.

It says Shuofang watermelon is 2 yuan per catty.

"Two yuan, it's quite cheap." Zheng Hudong said, he thought about choosing two big ones.After all, there are four of them.

I was picking melons, and the boss said, "It's 2.99 a catty."

"Didn't you say 2 yuan?" Zheng Hudong looked at the small blackboard again to confirm, and only then did he notice that it was indeed 2.99 a catty.

2 is particularly large.
99 is written as small as an ant.

Now these small bosses, in order to attract customers, have a lot of means.

Zheng Hudong didn't bother to bargain anymore, and now the watermelon is indeed going to sell at this price.

From the price of watermelon, we can see how much the price has risen.

Zhou You remembers that when he was a child, it cost a pound a pound. When watermelons were on the market in large quantities, he bought and ate watermelons worth fifty cents a pound. The cheapest time was three or four cents.

What can you buy for fifty cents now?

I can't even buy ice cream!
All assassins!

But the salary hasn't increased much... At the beginning, my mother's salary was just over 4000, but now it's only over [-], so it hasn't increased much.But prices have doubled.

Life is stressful these days for a reason.

When Zheng Hudong was picking a melon, he picked it up, looked at the texture, then patted it with his hands and heard the sound, "Are you sure this melon is ripe?"

The boss was slightly taken aback when he heard this, "Promise familiarity, guarantee familiarity! If you are not familiar, you will not be charged."

When Zhou You heard this familiar line, Liu Huaqiang instantly appeared in his mind.

It's not easy to be called Brother Qiang these days.

Watermelon is strong, selling fish is strong!

Hmm... there is also the bald Qiang who came in disorderly.

Not to mention that the second senior brother at the moment is really a bit of a social person, with a big belly, big pants, sandals and slippers... only big gold chains and tattoos are missing.

In the future, I have to call Zheng Hudong Brother Hu or Brother Dong.

Zheng Hudong bought two five-jin watermelons.

After returning to the hotel and taking a nap, I went to the swimming pool to swim until three o'clock, eat melons, and then went out to the ancient city wall of Chang'an.

It is very wide above the ancient city wall.

Ancient soldiers could train on it.

Zhou You rented bicycles and rode them on the city wall slowly and leisurely.

There are many young ladies in ancient costumes on the city wall at this point.

Or take a leisurely walk in twos and threes.

Or shooting short videos and live broadcasting.

Chang'an, a thousand-year-old city, has a profound cultural heritage and many ancient buildings. Wearing ancient and Hanfu is very popular here.

Hmm... Strictly speaking, due to the rule of the Star Federation, oriental culture is very popular all over the world.

No matter in the Eastern Continent or the Western Continent, you can see many people of various skin colors wearing oriental Huaxia costumes.

There is no such thing as cultural export in the Star Federation.

Because oriental culture has penetrated into all aspects of the eastern and western continents.

[Leisurely ride a bicycle on the ancient city wall of Chang'an, life point +1]

Zhou You and the others chose to cycle around the ancient city wall at this point in the afternoon. On the one hand, it was not so hot, and on the other hand, it was also because the sunset on the ancient city wall was beautiful.

It is a great place to enjoy the sunset.

When the sun slowly sets in the west, the western sky is dyed red, and the clouds are also inlaid with golden edges, hanging on the west side of this ancient thousand-year-old city, and the afterglow of the setting sun infects the whole ancient city with gold and green brilliance.

Standing on the city wall to watch the sunset is a different experience.

Travel around with a camera.

Captured this sunset.

The four of them also took a group photo.

When the sun had completely set and night fell, the four people traveling around also came down from the city wall.

The lanterns in Chang'an are on for the first time.

Under the shining lights, this quaint ancient city of thousands of years is full of magnificence and prosperity.

Its night view is amazing!
Zhou You and the others ate something and were about to go to Furong Garden, but when they passed the city gate, they suddenly heard singing.

Should be a street singer.

"I'm singing your "Blue Lotus"." Zheng Hudong said, "Go, go and have a look."

Before Zhou You could say anything, Zheng Hudong took the lead and headed towards the direction of the singing.

Sha Rui and Li Yan also followed quickly.

You can only follow Zhou You.

The singing came from under the gate of the city wall.

The four of them quickly came to the city gate.

Traveling around, they saw that there was a five-member band performing there.

Vocals, guitar, bass, drums, keyboards.

They are playing the melody of "Blue Lotus".

The lead singer doesn't look very old.

But when he sang, he was very stylish.

There are many men and women around the band listening to them singing and holding up their mobile phones to take pictures.

"The free world in my heart is so clear and lofty, it blooms and never fades, the blue lotus~~~"

When the band finished singing, the onlookers shouted nicely and then applauded.

Zheng Hudong also roared.

Then he slapped him generously.

The four of you are already celebrities, and with the cameraman following them, their arrival has long been noticed by the onlookers and band members.

"Zhou You! Li Yan!"

"Finally met the traveler quartet."

"Pfft! Is Zheng Hudong serious in this outfit? Big pants, sandals!"

"Zhou You and they are also in loose shorts! They look so laid back and down-to-earth."

"I was singing "Blue Lotus", and then the original singer appeared on the street!"

Many people were discussing in low voices.

Because of the arrival of Zhou You and others.

More and more spectators gathered at the city gate.

The lead singer also hugged the guitar and approached the microphone and said, "I was singing "Blue Lotus", and then I suddenly saw Mr. Zhou You suddenly appearing in the crowd, which made me very nervous. I am sincere and terrified."

"Singing very well." Zhou You said.

"Thank you Teacher Zhou You." The lead singer said, "Our band members are all your fans."

"Thank you." Zhou You said.

Zheng Hudong said, "I'm also your fan, how about you come up with a song?"

When Zheng Hudong said this, Li Yan and Sha Rui immediately booed, "Come on!"

With Zheng Hudong, Li Yan, and Sha Rui taking the lead, the crowd of onlookers also shouted: "Come on! Come on!"

"Zhouyou! I want to hear you sing."

These three guys are traitors... I just know Senior Brother Pit.

However, as people's voices became louder and louder, Zhou You could only step forward.

On the one hand, to satisfy Zheng Hudong and others.

On the one hand, he was interested at this time.

"Bajie, Junior Brother Sha, and who else." Zhou You greeted Zheng Hudong and the others, "The four of us sing a song together."

You cheat me.

I have to drag you into the water too.

Ba Jie, Junior Brother Sha... Hearing this address, everyone was slightly taken aback.

The onlookers didn't know about their "Journey to the West" this time, and they were slightly taken aback when they heard it.

Then everyone laughed and discussed.

"Bajie, Junior Brother Sha! Hahaha, is this a Journey to the West?"

"Zheng Hudong really looks like Bajie!"

"Sha Rui and Junior Brother Sha are also related. Only Li Yan is the one, I laughed so hard."

Li Yan was not happy when he heard that, "Why Wukong, the master doesn't even recognize him? Call me master."

"My master is bald." Zhou You said, "Why don't you perform a shave on the spot?"

"Go, go!" Li Yan said, "It's so annoying."

"That's Wukong's lines." Zhou You said.

It made the onlookers laugh out loud.

It is so interesting to call this "group of four" directly.

They didn't expect Zhou You and others to actually arrange a role in Journey to the West for themselves.


Zheng Hudong, Sha Rui, and Li Yan responded to Zhou You and came to the center of the audience.

The lead singer of the band hands up the microphone.

The guitar was handed to Zhou You.

Zhou You asked Zheng Hudong and the three of them: "What shall we sing?"

Jung Ho-dong: "I know both 'Once upon a Time You' and 'Ordinary Road'."

Sha Rui: "I also know these two songs."

Li Yan: "Then sing "Life is Like a Summer Flower"."

Li Yan was almost beaten by Zheng Hudong and Sha Rui.

People said he knew these two songs, but he rapped and sang "Life Like Summer Flowers", which is so funny.

In the end, the four sang "Ordinary Road" together.

I thought singing a song would be the end of it.

Unexpectedly, Zheng Hudong, a variety show star, is quite good at making the show, he said: "From now on, let's leave the stage to Zhou You alone, so we won't steal his limelight."

Then Zheng Hudong, Li Yan, and Sha Rui quickly withdrew as if they had negotiated.

The audience booed and sang another song.

Zhou You said, "What do you want to hear? You can order songs."

Some onlookers began to order songs.

Zheng Hudong went farther and farther on the road of pitting his teammates: "Let's come up with something you haven't heard before."

Li Yan: "Yes, here is a fresh song."

This is the combination of the two brothers is invincible.

Zhou You has a great desire to play.

"It's not without fresh ones." Zhou Youdao, "It's hot. You can sing, but you can't sing easily."

"What?" Zheng Hudong asked.

"I want to see Hudong's Bajie in disguise," Zhou You said.

"Isn't it now?" Zheng Hudong said.

"Where's the pig's head?"

"The pig's head will only appear when the precepts are violated. Am I not violating the precepts now?"

"You married a wife and gave birth to a child, isn't it a violation of the precept?"

"That's about the canopy! What does it have to do with me, Bajie?"

The dialogue between Zhou You and Zheng Hudong made the audience laugh out loud.

As expected of Zheng Hudong, a variety show guy, his reaction is fast.

Although you are not Zhou Shuren, you speak very Lu Xun!
Unable to follow Zheng Hudong's role as a pig, Zhou You could only say, "Then you can share with us the thing that bothers you the most, can you?"

Zheng Hudong: "That's fine."

Zhou You: "What annoys you the most? You must tell the truth."

Zheng Hudong: "Too busy. I always want to spend more time with my wife and children. But there are too many announcements, flying here and there, and I can only stay with them for a day or two a month. I have always felt guilty about this. I want to take good care of my career While taking care of the family. But things are not as simple as I thought."

"Your, what is your biggest worry?"

Troubles... For Zhou You, it seems that there are no worries now, right?

The money is quite enough.

Although he was recording a show, he always had a playful attitude, eating and drinking, and didn't feel tired.

Is it too red?
Or don't say it.

Too Versailles.

Too bad.

"I have "Trouble Song"" Zhou Youdao.

He's going to sing this.

Zheng Hudong reacted quickly, and immediately got to Zhou You's point, "Then sing it and listen to it, what troubles do you have?"

"Song of Troubles" is written about troubles and complained about my own troubles.

"Okay." Zhou You said, "Song of Anxiety is for everyone."

Wang Hou heard that Zhou You was going to sing "Song of Trouble" and immediately asked the cameraman to take pictures of Zhou You from multiple angles.

Be serious about taking pictures, be more handsome, and try to present his state perfectly... He told the cameraman.

The song "Song of Trouble" was sent to Wang Hou by Zhou You.

In private, the prince has heard it many times.

I have been thinking about how to use this song in the show.

Unexpectedly, Zhou You is now singing on the street.

""Trouble Song", is it a new song?"

"Yeah yeah!! It's amazing to meet Zhou You singing a new song on the street."

"Listen to the song, listen to the song!"

Soon the crowd of onlookers fell silent.

Zhou You played the guitar softly.

"The ones who don't love keep disturbing
your love is not in my arms

It doesn't matter what you get

Desiring to have can't get"

As soon as Zhou You's singing sounded, many people said it was good.

Zheng Hudong said: "The lyrics are quite interesting."

Life is like the lyrics sing, what you want just doesn't come, and what you don't want crashes into your arms.

There is a gap between ideal and reality.

And this gap can easily lead to dissatisfaction, gaps and troubles.


it's better to talk and laugh

life don't need too much money
Too much will cause trouble..."

No...it takes a lot of bills to live!It doesn't bother me.On the contrary, it can solve 99.99% of my troubles and troubles.

Zheng Hudong and the others said in their hearts.

But after hearing the following lyrics, the listener realized that the meaning of this lyric is not that money is not important, but that people should not just chase money, because people still need a little bit of contentment while pursuing wealth.

Being too greedy will bring more troubles than what you want.

"Call together without worry

nothing else matters except breathing
Forget everything except now
Mind is like a feather, the more it floats, the more carefree it becomes"

The rhythm of the song gradually became brighter.

The mood seems to have become much lighter following the melody and rhythm.

"Trouble what trouble

Nothing but a heartbeat

People shouldn't envy birds

The world is bigger than me and I shrink myself"

Zheng Hudong felt deeply when he heard the lyrics.

When he was learning cross talk, when he performed on stage for the first time, he was shouted by the audience to go on and get his tickets refunded.

This hit him hard.

So distressed that I couldn't sleep.

At that time, he was very envious of his seniors and master, and even the juniors, who could be like ducks in water on the stage.

The master told him not to take himself too seriously. After this incident is over, those who kicked you out may not remember you.

Not so many people follow you.

Do your part and let them go to hell with the rest.

He didn't take himself seriously after that.

Of course it doesn't mean giving up one's dignity and self-esteem...but not taking oneself too seriously.Without this blue star, everyone will shine.

As Zhou You sang in the lyrics:
"Think of yourself as a flea, no one to be proud of... take everything as a joke, make noise like G major, pretend you don't know anything... don't compare with anyone, don't argue with anyone, overthink, mediocrity, Don't bother others, everything is lighter than a feather..."

Take everything lightly.

Don't think about it all day long.

At the end of Zhou You's singing, Zheng Hudong and others began to clap their hands to the beat.

Then the onlookers also clapped their hands.

The atmosphere is quite good.

"It sounds good."

"What worries are there, except for the heartbeat? It's not a big deal! I really like this lyrics."

"I suddenly felt very comfortable!"

"Healed by this song."

The fans started talking.

After Zhou You sang the song, he said, "Did this "Song of Troubles" take away all your troubles?"

Passerby: "Yes!!"

Zhou You: "I hope everyone only has "Song of Troubles" and no worries."

I sang a song and Zhou You didn't plan to sing it again.

Zheng Hudong and the others did not "pit" them around anymore.

The band members took a group photo with Zhou You, Zheng Hudong and others.

Afterwards, many fans also came up to take a group photo, Zhou You and they did not refuse.

Zhou You also received a system prompt at this time.

[Sing "Song of Troubles" on the street, heal the audience, life point +3]

This time I got 3 life points.

Heal the audience!

It seems that everyone is more or less troubled.

After taking photos with fans, Zhou You and his party continued to head to Furong Garden.

At this time, the time quietly came to eight o'clock in the evening.

Tonight is the day when the fifth episode of "Traveler" is broadcast.

"Traveler" is the last issue of U-Tsang Journey.

Wang Hou also wrote it on the title of the fifth issue: The end of the trip to U-Tsang.

Before Zhou You Li Yan met Zheng Hudong and Sha Rui in Chang'an.

The traveling two-person group became a four-member group, which attracted the attention of many viewers.

And the last episode ended abruptly when I climbed Mount Everest!

It left a lot of suspense for the audience.

So as soon as the fifth episode aired, the number of viewers broke the record again.

Reached a terrifying 3500 million.

Comments and barrage are flying all over the sky.

"This is the last chapter of U-Tsang's journey, time flies too fast."

"The only variety show I've been chasing."

"Zhou You didn't sing in the trailer! Bad review! The last episode didn't even sing!"

"If you want to listen to the song, go to Weite to listen to it. Today, Zhou You and the others met a band at the gate of the ancient city wall of Chang'an. Zhou You sang "Song of Trouble". It was very nice."

"Really? Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Why don't I know! Listen to it now."

So many viewers listened to "Song of Trouble" while watching the show.

When Zhou You sang, many fans held up their mobile phones and took pictures.

After Zhou You and the others left, they immediately posted it online.

Soon the video of Zhou You singing "Trouble Song" became popular.

"Is this song too healing?"

"Have Xiaoyao and Zhouyou also started to take the healing route?"

"Uh! Xiaoyao and Zhouyou have been healing, okay?"

"I thought of "Jieyou Grocery Store"!"

"The inspiration for this song won't come from "Jieyou Grocery Store"?"

"It's very possible! Xiaoyao and Ye Youshen collaborated on the opening and ending song of "Legend of Sword and Fairy". It's reasonable for Xiaoyao to watch "Jieyou Grocery Store". It's also reasonable to write a song for this book."

"So "Song of Anxiety" is the theme song of "Jieyou Grocery Store", right?"

"It would be great if Xiaoyao could write the song "Rebirth" in "Jieyou Grocery Store"."



The first update, 5000 word chapters.

I got up early and finished what I didn't finish last night.The second is more likely to go at night.Now go out to accompany my wife to the hospital.Come back and write again.

Looking for a monthly ticket, a monthly ticket, a monthly ticket~~
(End of this chapter)

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