I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 150 Opera Tune, Wine Sword Immortal, Opera Madman

Chapter 150 Opera Tune, Wine Sword Immortal, Opera Madman
Jinghai, a dormitory for female students in a certain university.

Xu Wenjun feels very happy recently.

After returning to the dormitory after the part-time job, you can watch "Legend of Sword and Fairy" and watch "Traveler"...Happy and troubled!
Fortunately, she loves to watch both.

The trouble is not knowing which one to watch first.

When "Legend of Sword and Fairy" is updated at [-] o'clock, the fifth issue of "Traveler" is also updated, what should I do if I want to watch it?
Hmmm... The Voyager has been waiting for a week!Watch it first.

Then stay up all night chasing "Legend of Sword and Fairy".

I made a decision in my heart.

She clicked on Traveler.

The spoon is scooped and scooped on half of the crispy watermelon. It is not too comfortable to eat watermelon in summer and chase drama.

Recently, she and Yanyan have to buy a crispy watermelon every day when they come back from part-time jobs, and ask the boss to cut it in half from the middle. She and Yanyan each have half, and then go back to the dormitory to eat with a spoon.

Eating watermelon and watching "Traveler".

Xu Wenjun feels that his life has reached its peak.

She likes this kind of house life.

At this time, in the fifth episode of "Traveler", Zhou You and Li Yan took photos of Mount Everest's sunshine, golden mountains and starry sky.

When the director Wang Hou was editing, he asked Zhou You for the sunshine, golden mountains and starry sky he had captured, and edited them into the program.

Wanghou used variety fonts to indicate: Rizhao Jinshan, photographed by Zhou You, and starry sky on Mount Everest, photographed by Zhou You.

Rizhao Jinshan is a normal lens.

Everest starry sky is time-lapse photography.

When Rizhao Jianshan appeared, the audience made wishes in the barrage.Some wished for good health, some wished to take the postgraduate entrance examination or public examination, and some wished to get out of singles this year...the wishes are all kinds.

When the starry sky and the Milky Way of Mount Everest appeared, the painting style of the barrage changed again.

"This is too beautiful!"

"I really want to go to Mount Everest to watch the starry sky."

"I remember seeing many stars when I looked up at night when I was a child, but I haven't seen them for a long time now."

"The Milky Way is so beautiful! You must go to U-Tsang once in your life."

The content of the fifth issue is quite solid. In addition to Mount Everest’s sunny golden mountain and starry sky, Kailash turned around the mountain, encountered a girl A Diao on the way, and a vulture whose wings spread two meters.

Mapang Yongcuo, Zada ​​soil forest, the ruins of the Guge Dynasty, and Namcuo happened to meet three humble guests.

Eat Wei Zang hotpot with Sanjianke.

In the entire program, the audience’s strongest reaction was undoubtedly Mount Everest’s Rizhao Jinshan and Xingkong Galaxy, A Diao, and the song "A Diao" sung by Zhou You when eating Wei Zang hot pot.

"I feel sorry for A Diao."

"The song "A Diao" is perfect."

"A Diao's part made me cry."

"I feel like A Diao."

"Be willing to be ordinary but not willing to be ordinary and rotten... Isn't this what we are singing about?"

After this episode was broadcast, both A Diao and "A Diao" became popular.

The popularity of Weibo has fallen.

NO.1 Chang'an City Gate next week, a song "Song of Trouble" healed countless netizens

NO.2 Stubborn girl A Diao, "A Diao" resonates with fans
NO.3 "Traveler" Mount Everest shines on Jinshan and the sky is full of stars, and the audience makes wishes one after another
NO.6 "Legend of Sword and Fairy" Jiu Jianxian exploded and debuted
After the fifth episode of "Traveler" was aired, the song "A Diao" was released, and soon it rushed to the second place on the Yueting Music Chart, second only to "Xiaoyaotan".

When "Traveler" was broadcast, the third and fourth episodes of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" were also updated.

Li Xiaoyao, who had forgotten Zhao Linger, reunited with Linger again.

Zhao Ling'er was packed in a sack by the Moon Worshipers, and was discovered and rescued by Li Xiaoyao.But unfortunately, at this time, the worshipers of the Moon Sect came back and ran into Li Xiaoyao who had rescued Zhao Linger.

The two sides clashed and fought.

Li Xiaoyao's three-legged cat kung fu was only enough to escape from the inn with Zhao Ling'er.

But the Lunatic believers chased after him.

Seeing that he was in deep danger and couldn't get out.

in times of crisis,

Suddenly a golden light flashed,
A sword fell from the sky, and plunged into the stone floor with a clang.

A hearty laugh came from the sky.

The wine sword fairy dressed in white descended from the sky, with a wine gourd hanging around his waist, and staged a drunken lying sword fight.

Then indulge in booze.

Swing swords and fight.

Yujian came by the wind, eliminating the devil from heaven and earth.

If there is wine, I will be happy, but without wine, I will be insane.

Once you drink the river, drink the sun and the moon again.

A thousand cups can't get drunk, only I am the wine sword fairy.

Poetry, wine, sword!

Jiu Jianxian is easy to remind people of Li Bai, the unrestrained and unrestrained poetry fairy.

Like Gangzhu Qiao, Jiu Jianxian is one of the few men who has his own music.

Jiu Jianxian has his own exclusive BGM in "Legend of Sword and Fairy"-"Legend of Sword and Fairy" by Mai Zhenhong.

It is true that as soon as the BGM sounds, the DNA of countless people moves accordingly.

The high-energy appearance of Jiu Jianxian, coupled with the sense of BGM "Legend of Sword and Romance", left an extremely deep impression on the audience.

The role of Jiu Jianxian was instantly remembered.

"Jiu Jianxian's appearance is awesome."

"The waist is so good!"

"Haha, this appearance cured the lumbar disc herniation of ten years."

"Tell me what is Xianxia! This is it! Jiujianxian is Xianxia!"

"The BGM is nice."

"Just come out for Jiu Jianxian!! This drama will be chased to the end."

"Legend of Sword and Fairy" is a fairy tale drama, and Zhao Linger's appearance surprised many lsp.But just Zhao Linger and Li Xiaoyao are not enough to make this show so strong.

And the appearance of Jiu Jianxian!
Immediately full of fairy tales.

It was only after seeing many viewers here that they really found the taste of Xianxia in their hearts.

Wine, sword, wine sword fairy!

Xianxia absolutely cannot do without wine, and cannot do without sword!With these two things, the taste of Xianxia will be [-]-[-]% complete.Another chic and unrestrained wine sword fairy!

All imaginations of the audience are satisfied.

Fairy and Xia!Immortal is a kind of ethereal temperament that is spotless.To be a chivalrous man is to kill a person in ten steps, not to stay behind for a thousand miles, and to take off his clothes after the incident, hiding the complex and taste of a chivalrous man in his body and fame.

Both!It is vividly reflected in Jiu Jianxian.

And with the broadcast of the third and fourth episodes of "Legend of Sword and Fairy", with the appearance of Jiu Jianxian. The popularity and broadcast volume of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" completely surpassed that of "Xiantu". ,
Whether in terms of playback data or word-of-mouth, the former is ahead of the latter.


Jinghai, Kunlun Building.

The operation team has been paying attention to the data of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" and "Xiantu".

The two dramas premiered yesterday, and the operation team shifted their recommendation resources to "Xiantu".

"Legend of Sword and Fairy" is completely stocked.

But I didn't expect "Legend of Sword and Fairy" to explode when it premiered. It was broadcast the second day today, and Jiu Jianxian made the show even more popular.

Su Mei, director of operations, was very excited when she saw such data, and immediately made a decision: "Recommend the big boot image for "Legend of Sword and Fairy"."

Subordinate: "Boss Su, "Legend of Sword and Fairy" is so popular now, there is no need to push the boot, right? It's already exploded."

Su Mei: "It's because it exploded completely! We want to tweet more. This is our attitude. It's the attitude of Big Fish Studio."

Subordinate: "Do we need to hold Big Fish Studio like this?"

Su Mei: "You still don't understand?"

Subordinate: "What?"

Su Mei: "Although the scale of Big Fish Studio is far smaller than that of the three major entertainment companies. But recently, the entertainment circle cannot avoid Big Fish Studio. What are the two most popular variety shows in Kunlun?"

Affiliate: "The Journey of Heart" and "Traveler"

Su Mei: "Why are these two variety shows popular?"

Subordinate: "Because... I know! These two popular variety shows have a lot to do with Zhouyou and Xiaoyao. And they both come from Dayu Studio! "Legend of Sword and Fairy" is also produced by Dayu Studio. My God! Don’t tell me I haven’t paid much attention. Now I find that the recent popular shows, artists, and TV series are all related to Big Fish Studio.”

Su Mei: "That's right. Big Fish Studio didn't sign an exclusive cooperation agreement with us. Now that "Legend of Sword and Fairy" has exploded, I'm afraid many platforms will try to win over Big Fish Studio. We have to try our best."

After Su Mei's explanation, the subordinates understood.

Only 15 minutes later, "Legend of Sword and Fairy" was on the boot recommendation.

As long as users open the Kunlun platform app, they can see the promotion of "Legend of Sword and Fairy", and click "Details" to jump to watch immediately.


Jiahua Entertainment.

"Fairy Way" creative team.

"The Kunlun platform is too much!" The assistant director was filled with righteous indignation, "Back in words!"

Hu Chunsheng's face was also very ugly.

"It's not a back-and-forth." Hu Chunsheng said, "Kunlun didn't drop our recommendation, it just gave "Legend of Sword and Fairy" the best recommendation."

"They are acting on the basis of the wind." The assistant director was not convinced.

"The data is better than others. Kunlun is not a charity platform. It is normal to adjust the operation strategy according to the situation." Hu Chunsheng is optimistic.

The assistant director kept scolding Kunlun for being snobby. He knew it was useless to scold, but he just wanted to vent. "Teacher Sun, it's hard for us to explain. Ye Youshen is a fledgling screenwriter, and Virgo beats Teacher Sun... Where will Teacher Sun lose face?"

Hu Chunsheng: "What else can we do? Take the responsibility on us. It's because we didn't do a good job... Is there still a lot of blame?"

Assistant Director: "Do you also think that the script of "Xian Journey" is not as good as "Legend of Sword and Fairy"?"

Hu Chunsheng: "Nonsense! Teacher Sun's script is of course better! "Legend of Sword and Fairy" is just a trick. It writes emotional scenes in a short, flat and quick way, and creates a classic image of a fairy swordsman."

The assistant director immediately understood what Hu Chunsheng meant, "Yes, yes, "Legend of Sword and Fairy" is just a trick! I hate this kind of cleverness the most."


Chang'an, hotel.

Li Yan is a very dedicated actor, and he is always concerned about his acting career.

Watching dramas is also one of his daily jobs.

Therefore, the third and fourth episodes of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" were broadcast. After Li Yan, Zhou You and others went to the Furong Garden for a stroll, they immediately turned on the projector to follow the drama.

Seeing the famous scene of Jiu Jianxian's appearance, he repeatedly shouted: "Handsome! Handsome! Handsome!"

"This show is amazing!" Li Yan said excitedly, "If I'm allowed to play Jiujianxian!"

This lunatic did what he said, and immediately bought a white suit and a sword, went downstairs to buy a bottle of wine, and drank half of it down.

Then he learned the lines of Jiu Jianxian, and played a Jiu Jianxian in his own way.

Zheng Hudong: "The lunatic drama has begun again."

Zhou You: "Playing crazy?"

Zheng Hudong: "Yes, when he sees a character he likes, he will imitate and substitute it. Then he will try to act. Every time he plays a new play, he will pretend to be that character and experience it for himself first. Self-proclaimed Experiential."

Zhou You: "It turns out that he is an experience school."

Living together... Ah no, after traveling together for so long, Zhou You didn't realize that Li Yan is a play lunatic, and he's also an experiential school.

The experience group is afraid that they will be stuck and unable to get out of the show.

Cause mental and spiritual diseases.

Looking at Li Yan, who is fully immersed in the role of the wine sword fairy at this moment, drinking and dancing sword: "Do you have any wine?"

He learned the lines of Jiu Jianxian in "Legend of Sword and Fairy".

for a moment,
Zhou You really thinks that Li Yan is the wine sword fairy!
Really dead.


There is no doubt that Li Yan passed out drunk in the end.

The second senior brother Zheng Hudong hugged him to the bed... nothing indescribable happened.

Well, he didn't hear Zheng Hudong's thunderous snoring tonight either.

Seeing Li Yan lying on the bed, still muttering the lines of Jiu Jianxian, Sha Rui asked, "Has he always been like this?"

Zheng Hudong: "When I was young and watched TV, I loved to learn from it."

Sha Rui: "The new proposal of "Xia Guo in Classics" has been submitted and is in the process of approval. The entire production team is very excited about the mode of dialogue between ancient and modern times. The approval problem should not be too big. Li Yan can then be allowed to act."

Zheng Hudong: "That's great."

Sha Rui: "By the way, Zhou You, the director wants to ask Xiaoyao to help create the soundtrack and theme song of "Xiaguo in the Classics". Can you help me to contact Teacher Xiaoyao?"

Zhou You: "I can ask, but Teacher Xiaoyao may not be able to take orders. He... well, he is very busy and has a weird personality."

The main reason is that Zhou You doesn't have any suitable works for this show.

But you can't talk to death.

What if the right one is drawn in the lottery later?

Let's be ambiguous first.

Anyway, the second season of this show is only in the preparation stage.

Sha Rui is currently participating in the recording of "Traveler", at least in the near future, the show will not be able to start filming.

order or not,

We'll see the situation then.

Sha Rui: "Then please."

Zhou You: "Small things."

Zheng Hudong: "Everyone should rest early, we have to go to Huashan tomorrow. Mountain climbing is not so easy."

Zhou You: "Go to sleep."

Then they went back to their rooms.

Sha Rui asked Zhou You to take a bath first, and Zhou You was not polite.

After taking a bath, taking advantage of Sha Rui's bath time, he wrote "Ghost Blowing Lamp: The Exquisite Ancient City" for a while.

When I watched "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" Hu Guohua and the paper figurine's traveling around, I was quite scared.

Now write it out,
That creepy feeling is still there.

The world does not have that particular historical period.

Therefore, Zhou You modified the background of the novel to make it more in line with the historical background of the Blue Star Xia Kingdom.

Zhou You just closed the computer when Sha Rui finished washing and came out of the bathroom.

Lying in bed.

Consciousness sinks into the system.

Host: Zhou You

Remaining life points: 20 points

Accumulated life points: 400 points

Number of lucky draws: 2 times

Today, I can draw twice in a row.

[Congratulations on gaining the mastery of drama skills]

[Congratulations for winning the song "Song of Xi'an People"]

They are proficient in opera opera probably because they went to listen to Qin opera today.

Qin opera is also a kind of opera.

As for "Song of Xi'an People", it is the first song on earth written about Xi'an, which is similar to the "Chengdu" drawn before.

It's just that Blue Star has never been called Xi'an since ancient times.

Simply modify the song title and lyrics.

There is no sense of disobedience in changing it to "Song of Chang'an People".



Second more.

Finally got out.It took too long to go out today.Feel sorry.

I want to order a monthly pass... because the monthly pass can be drawn at the end of the month when the monthly pass is over 1000, so please everyone.The amount of updates every month is definitely enough.Don't worry.It's just that occasionally there will be fewer updates for a few days.

(End of this chapter)

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