I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 162 At the Army Horse Farm

Chapter 162 At the Army Horse Farm

Zhou You followed "Summer Band".

The orange band successfully advanced, and he actually gained 2 life points.

"The Brightest Star in the Night Sky" has also successfully climbed to the top of Yueting's music chart, with 101 points successfully obtained.

Zhou You recorded it in the memo.

Creation points accumulated to 1617.

As soon as the recording was finished, a message popped up on the Xiaguo Music Network.

Click to open.

It was Zhai Nan who sent it.

Zhai Nan: "Would you like "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky"! Are you interested in comparing?"

Xiaoyao: "Compare the size?"

The corners of Zhai Nan and Lu Yu's mouths twitched when they saw such a reply.

Is this the car that goes to kindergarten?
Qian Qiuyuan said: "Basic operation! Basic operation! He always speaks so coquettishly. You reply, compare the length."

Zhai Nan: "Damn!! You two are in the same league."

Qian Qiuyuan: "I don't want to talk nonsense, Xiaoyao and I have never met before, let alone going out to mess around."

Zhai Nan and Lu Yu expressed their conviction.

Xiaoyao and Qian Qiuyuan are really like-minded.

It was the old driver at the beginning.

Zhou You saw the reply "compared with length", and felt that Zhai Nan was also a wonderful person.Putting aside his joking attitude, he asked, "Compared to what?"

Zhai Nan: "For the next episode of "Summer Band", Guangdian asked me to write a song for the band Black Pants. Let's compare the ranking of the new song list! The time limit is one week! The one with the highest ranking wins. The loser treats guests to dinner."

Zhou You understood.

This was definitely Qian Qiuyuan's idea.

I just want to see Xiaoyao's true face.

As for?
Hmm... the time is right, let them know that I am happy.But not now.

Xiaoyao: "Not interested."

Zhai Nan: "The bet is too small?"

Xiaoyao: "It's one of the reasons."

Zhai Nan: "That's it! If I lose, how about I write two more songs for Zhou You for free?" From Zhai Nan's point of view, Xiaoyao takes care of Zhou You very much.

That's not bad... But now the songs and works in Zhou You's hands are almost exhausted.Compared with him at this time, the probability of winning is not high.

He wasn't in a hurry to say no.

Just say, "I'll think about it."

Then end the conversation.

Put down the phone and wander around and read a book for a while.

This is a novel I bought at a bookstore before, and it's pretty good.

[Reading for an hour, life point +1]


"the brightest star in the night sky……"

Li Yan hummed this song while taking a bath.

Suddenly his left hand stopped grabbing the shampoo bubbles on his head, "That's not right! A song written by Xiaoyao! I always feel like I'm following our journey."

""Life Like Summer Flowers", "A Diao", "Fake Monk", and now "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky""

Every song Li Yan can think of a scene and picture.

"Life Like a Summer Flower" reminds me of Tao Yiran.

"A Diao" thought of A Diao.

"Fake Monk" thought of this trip to the Northwest.

"The Brightest Star in the Night Sky" of course reminds me of the starry sky on Mount Everest in Weizang, as well as the starry sky in every place in Weizang...

Some of these songs were written by Zhou You himself, and some were written by Xiaoyao... The common thing is that they are fast and good!wrong!wrong!There must be a problem!Xiaoyao...isn't it just traveling around?He had suspected it before!More skeptical now.

Have to check around.

Li Yan's curiosity was greatly stimulated.


The next day, Zhou You got up at seven.

[Sleep until you wake up naturally, life point +1]

Yesterday I rode a bicycle for a shallow tour in ZY city.

The Hexi Corridor is an important channel of the Silk Road, and Zhangye is an important node on this corridor. It is not only a place for the exchange and circulation of commodities, but also a lot of culture from the Western Regions that has influenced this land.

Zhangye is deeply influenced by Buddhist culture.

So there are many grottoes and temples here.

Yesterday they visited Zhouyou again.

Get up early today and prepare to go horseback riding at the Shandan Army Racecourse!
On the way to the military horse farm, Zhou You sent "Dream of the Hexi Corridor" to the director Wanghou.

This music also seems to be most effective and suitable for the occasion only in the "Traveler" program.

After all, they are now walking on the Hexi Corridor.

On Earth, "Dream of the Hexi Corridor" is the theme song of the documentary "Hexi Corridor".Composed by music master Yanni.With Duduke as the main tone, it is desolate, distant, majestic and simple. When the music is played, the long and heavy sense of history of the Hexi Corridor and Chinese civilization is aroused.

It's a divine soundtrack.

In Zhou You's mind, "Hexi Corridor" is the best documentary, bar none.

After the director Wang Hou received "Dream of the Hexi Corridor", he immediately played it in the car with the sound outside.

There were Xu Feifan, Wang Jia and the driver in the car.

After listening, the princes and the princes were stunned.

Wang Jia: "Uncle... what kind of music is this?"

Prince: "A new song written by Xiaoyao! "Dream of the Hexi Corridor""

Xu Feifei: "Hearing this makes me feel goosebumps all over my body...there is wind, there is desert, there are swords and horses, there is history, there is time...it seems as if thousands of years of history are rushing towards my face!"

Wang Jia: "It's too shocking!"

Wang Hou: "This is definitely a god-level soundtrack! I'm thinking about how to edit this episode so that it is worthy of this song!"

Driver: "Director Wang...can you play it again? I haven't heard enough."


Shandan Army Horse Farm is located in the middle of the Hexi Corridor, on the Damaying Grassland at the northern foot of Lenglongling in Qilian Mountains, with a total area of ​​329 million mu.The oldest royal stud farm in the world.

The terrain here is flat and the water and grass are luxuriant. It is an ideal place for horses to breed and grow.

The first "horse farm owner" was named Huo Qubing!

On the road to Qushandan Army Horse Farm, there are patches of rapeseed flowers along the way!

The bright yellow forms a strong visual shock in this flat land!

"Is this the Sea of ​​Flowers?" Li Yan exclaimed!

Looking at the rapeseed flowers outside the car window, Zhou You was also shocked.

When I was a child, there were patches of rapeseed flowers in the countryside, distributed in the fields and mountains, forming ribbons.At that time, Zhou You felt beautiful!But the rape blossoms in front of me at this moment!That can be described as endless!It is indeed a sea of ​​flowers.It is like a poetic picture scroll of golden splendor and fragrance.

The car stopped at the Shandan Army Horse Farm.

Before they came, they had contacted a "horse herder" named Wang Li.Well, no macros.

Wang Li is a horse herder highly recommended by many tourists.

Zhou You came to Shandan Army Horse Farm to ride horses.

Although Zhou You and Li Yan both rode horses in Weizang before, it was just a slow ride, not interesting!
Ride your horse and gallop in the army stud!This is the real horse riding in Zhou You's mind!
That's exciting!

As for the horse herder Wang Li, he can teach riding skills, and he can also graze horses with him!This is quite attractive to Zhou You, Li Yan, Zheng Hudong and others.

After arriving at the place agreed with Wang Li, Wang Li was not seen, so Zhou You dialed Wang Li's phone number.

"I'll be there soon." Wang Li said.

Hang up the phone and wait for about 5 minutes.

Da da da! ! !
First, Zhou You and others heard the sound of horseshoes.

The sound of hooves from far to near.

Then, on the east side of the army horse farm, under a hill, a brown horse galloped out.

On horseback!

A man in camouflage uniform rode up to.

The brown steed quickly zoomed in and approached in the sight of Zhou You and the others.

The man on the horse tightened the reins, and the steed raised its front hooves slightly, let out a horse neigh, and then stopped in front of Zhou You and the others.

When Zhou You saw the steed in front of him, he immediately fell in love with it.

Wild! !

This horse is different from the horses I rode in U-Tsang before. It is wild, free and needs to be tamed!
Not meek people.

The moment I saw it, I felt a desire to conquer in my heart.

Modern men love cars.

Ancient men loved horses!

All this traveling seems to have found a reason.

Because this is a man's instinct for speed, wildness and bloodiness.

Fast & Furious!
It is the romance of a man's life.

Of course, the "three seconds" kind of speed is excluded.

A man in camouflage jumps off a horse.

The man looked about 50 years old.

The height looks like 1.8 meters.

The body and facial contours have the toughness of a soldier.

dark skin.

Sharp eyes.

"Hi Teacher Zhou You, I'm Wang Li." Wang Li reached out to shake Zhou You's hand.

His voice was thick and powerful.

Has a strong.

"Hello." Zhou You shook hands with him.

Then Wang Li greeted and shook hands with Li Yan, Zheng Hudong, Sha Rui and others.

Talkative Li Yan immediately showed his social skills, "What's your horse's name? You're so handsome!"

"Bai Xing." Wang Li said.

Zhou You saw a bunch of snow-white hairs on the horse's head, and said, "Is it because of the white hairs that look like stars?"

"Yes." Wang Li said: "It is my favorite horse, very spiritual."

While talking, he stroked his beloved horse.

"Too handsome." Li Yan praised again.

"Let's go," Wang Li said, "Go over there, I'll teach you how to ride a horse!"

Wang Li led the horse and walked towards the depths, Zhou You and the others followed.

It wasn't until this time that Zhou You really began to appreciate the beautiful scenery of the military horse farm.

The Shandan Army Horse Farm in summer is a greenery, and the endless grassland instantly opens up people's minds.

At the far end of the meadow,

at the end of sight,

It is the snow-capped Qilian Mountains.

The snow on the mountain never melts all year round.

On the other side is Yanzhi Mountain.

Yanzhi Mountain has thousands of peaks and emerald green peaks, and there are many monsters, and the forests are all dyed.

Zhou You couldn't help but think of Li Bai's poem: Although I live in Yanzhi Mountain, I don't know the snow and cold, women immediately smile, their faces are like jade plates, they fly and shoot birds and beasts, and they carve saddles when they are drunk in flowers and moons.

Blue sky and white clouds, snow-capped mountains, grasslands!
Blue, white, green!

Three pure colors construct a wonderful picture of natural scenery.

The grass is green and full of wild flowers everywhere.

Shandan flowers, wild roses, tuantuan flowers, wild chrysanthemums, Malan flowers... all kinds of wild flowers compete for beauty!
The breeze blows and sways with the wind.

A scent of grass and flowers wafts along with the wind!This is the taste of nature!Refreshing.

On the vast grassland as green as jasper, cattle, sheep and horses are scattered all over the place.There are horses bowing their heads to eat grass and drink water, and some horses are galloping briskly.The movement and stillness are suitable, and the beauty is too beautiful.

[Appreciate the beautiful grassland scenery, life point +1]

"Suddenly want to run away and shout!" Li Yan also became excited when he saw this scene.

"You still want to take off your clothes?" Zhou You joked.

"That's hooliganism." Li Yan said.

Following behind Wang Li, Zheng Hudong chatted with him, "Old Wang, have you been a soldier before?"

Wang Li: "I did it, it was all 20 years ago. After retiring from the army, I raised horses at the army stud farm."

Zheng Hudong: "It has been 20 years?"

Wang Li: "Exactly 20 years. In fact, it will be a little longer. My father also raised military horses in this horse farm. I started stealing horses when I was very young. I didn't expect that I would return to this horse farm when I grew up. Racecourse."

Zheng Hudong: "Now you make a living by raising horses?"

Wang Li: "Raise horses and teach people to ride horses."

While speaking, Zhou You and his party followed Wang Li to an open area of ​​the military horse farm.

Wang Li began to teach Zhou You the basics of horsemanship.

How to hold the rein, control the direction, stop the horse, precautions...

Wang Li is very familiar with the road and explained it in great detail.

"Try riding Baixing." After the explanation, Wang Li began to encourage Zhou You and others to try.

There is Wang Li on the side.

Bai Xing's wild nature has been restrained, and he cooperates with them in roaming around.

After the four of them became familiar with the movements of riding a horse and mastered the essentials, Wang Li took the four of them on a tour to choose a horse!

"I have raised 1008 horses. Now on this pasture, all the horses you see are mine. You can choose whatever you like!" Wang Li said.

Hearing from Wang Li that all these more than 1000 horses were raised by him, the four of them were quite shocked!
This is the real rich man.

"Just like when I was in U-Tsang, I asked a little girl how many cows her family had, and she told me that there were not many, only more than 200." Li Yan said.

This is definitely low key Versailles.

Wang Li's horses are all strong.

Zhou You fell in love with a black horse, which was strong and strong, strong and fat. "That's it!" Zhou You caught his eye.

"You can give it a name." Wang Li said.

"Let's call him General Hussar!" Zhou You saluted the God of War.

When I watched the TV series "Han Wu Da Di", I really liked Huo Qubing.

Zheng Hudong and Sha Rui also quickly selected horses, but Li Yan was hesitant.

"Choose the white horse." Zheng Hudong urged, "It's reasonable for Tang Sanzang to ride a white horse."

"Then you call me master first." Li Yan said.

"Do you think your father will beat you?" Zheng Hudong said, "I am your second brother, but you want to be my master."

In the end Li Yan chose the white horse.

"Xiaobai?" Li Yan said.

"It's too rustic." Zhou Youdao, "Just call him White Dragon Horse."

The horse selection is over, according to Wang Li, they need to develop a relationship with their "love horse".

After all, these horses are free-range!

There is a wildness about him.

For strangers, it won't let you ride.

Learning riding skills, choosing horses, and cultivating relationships, the morning time passed quietly.

For Zhou You, the period of cultivating feelings with the Hussar General was peaceful.

Horses are very spiritual animals.

Touch it, feed it, talk to it, and you can quickly establish familiarity and trust with it.

"Starting tomorrow, be a happy person, feed the horses, chop wood, travel around the world..."

Zhou You feels the tranquility and beauty of people and animals... no, the close contact between people and animals, and the company of nature.

[Being with horses, cultivating feelings, life points +1]

In the afternoon, they wandered around the meadows on horseback.

But Zhou You and they really started riding on the second day.

They stayed at Wang Li's house for one night.

There were not enough rooms, so we set up tents outside and camped on the pasture.

The next morning!
Zhou You and the others got up early to drive and feed the horses with Wang Li.

The moment Wang Li opened the racecourse in the morning!
1008 vigorous horses galloped out of the racecourse, and the horses galloped with great momentum.

Thousands of horses galloping, extremely spectacular!
At that moment,

Zhou You felt a strong sense of oppression, as if seeing the ancient times, a huge cavalry rushed over!


[Watching '2 horses galloping', life point +[-]]

After 1008 horses ran out of the racecourse, Zhou You and others got on the horses, followed Wang Li's Bai Xing, galloped the horses, and galloped against the wind!

At that moment, Zhou You felt an unprecedented joy!
"Hussar General" is galloping among the horses. If he is holding a sword in his hand, Zhou You at this moment is a brave soldier on the battlefield!

The blood in the body is burning!
"Drive!!" Zhou You clamped his legs, and the prostitute general suddenly accelerated, rushing to the front of the horses!

Lead the pack!

The wind blows.

The horse made by Lu Feikuai, the bow is like a thunderbolt!


Second more.

At the request of the reader, I created a playlist, and all the songs that appear in the book will be included in it.Kugou searched ""I don't want to be a star, I became popular" book playlist, creator: I eat Sanjiao"

If you want a horse to run, you need: monthly pass, monthly pass, monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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