I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 163 The New Year's Covenant, Both Sheng Yu and He Shengliang, "Hurricane"

Chapter 163 A ten-year agreement, both Sheng Yu and He Shengliang, "Hurricane"

[Riding the horse and galloping, life point +1]

Riding his horse and galloping wildly, Zhou You leaned forward and bowed down, his clothes fluttering.

Hussar General's speed is simply not too fast!
This feeling is more refreshing than driving 150 kilometers on the high speed!

A famous scene from a TV series quickly flashed through Zhou You's mind.

Male and female characters ride the same horse.

The man hugs the woman behind him.

Female: "Now I feel exciting and scared, excited and happy and happy!"

Man: "I like you too much."

Female: "Me too."

Man: "You can't have more than me, because I'm already full!"

Female: "You are full! Then! I will overflow."

I really don't understand why I liked watching this TV series so much when I was a child.

However, the grassland scenery presented in this drama is still fresh in my memory.And of course that damn line. "Do you think you are too much?" "I think." "But, I really like your way."

I seem to remember the song too!

The melody and lyrics of that song "Dang" have been remembered to this day.


Although there is only one word for this ah ah ah, if you can sing this "ah", you are already quite awesome.

Didn't all the damn memories come back when that "ah!"

Power trains are always available.

"Let us be companions in the world of mortals, live a chic and unrestrained life, ride horses and gallop to share the prosperity of the world, sing the joy of our hearts to wine and sing, vigorously, grasp the youthful years..."

Talk about people's youth!
Aunt Qiong Yao not only wrote excellent lines.

The lyrics are also well written.

Wine and song, life geometry?
Zhou You remembers that when he used to listen to "ah~ah~ah~~", he often heard it as "drink~drink~drink~drink~~"

It's quite appropriate to drink, drink, drink, drink and drink.

After Zhou You rode his horse galloping happily, it took a while for Sha Rui and Zheng Hudong to catch up, while Li Yan was far behind.

Zheng Hudong: "Riding a horse is really fun! Riding the horse for a lap, I don't have any troubles."

Sha Rui: "If I live here every day, feeding, driving and riding horses, this kind of life is so comfortable. Suddenly I feel that the city is a cage. Obviously there are mountains, rivers, forests, grasslands and horses on this planet. Modern people can only live in steel forests and concrete grids."

Zheng Hudong: "Isn't it true that urbanites have fewer and fewer opportunities to get in touch with nature."

Listening to Sha Rui's words, Zhou You felt that there was a part of the lyrics in "Sailor" that was very close to what Sha Rui said.

"Searching and searching can't find evidence of being alive, the asphalt roads in the city are too hard to step on, and the proud and ignorant modern people don't know how to cherish that piece of ocean and world that has been ruined by civilization..."

Humans are polluting and destroying the environment very seriously.

Urbanization has brought economic growth, but at the same time its cost is also obvious.

Zhou You, Zheng Hudong, and Sha Rui rode horses and followed the group of horses for a long time, and Li Yancai rode his "White Dragon Horse" Fei Libaha to catch up.

Zheng Hudong: "Why are you so slow?"

Li Yan: "This white dragon horse won't listen to you. If you tell him to go east, it will go west. If you pull the rein, you won't be able to pull it back."

Zheng Hudong: "It seems that it wants to go to the west to learn Buddhist scriptures."

Zhou You: "It used to be like a dog ignoring you, but now it's like a horse ignoring you?"

Li Yan: "I'm not Sister Li."

Sha Rui: "If you are Sister Li, you'll be fine."

Immediately, Zhou You and the others burst into laughter.

The horses let out to run for a while, then began to slow down, spread out in twos and threes and began to graze with their heads down.

Traveling around on horseback, enjoying the comfort and leisure on this grassland.

Li Yan's "White Dragon Horse" still "yaws" from time to time, trying to go back to the west... I don't understand why Li Yan is so unpopular with small animals.

White Dragon Horseshoe Facing West~~
After the spectacular scene of thousands of horses galloping, after the hearty galloping horses, Zhou You and the others followed Wang Li on horseback for the rest of the time.

Either sick or slow.

Wang Li talked about his story with the horse farm.

Shandan Army Horse Farm often has documentaries, movies, and TV dramas shot or filmed here.

"Bai Xing has participated in the shooting of three TV series and two movies." Wang Li said, "It is very spiritual. It is not easy to manage more than 1000 horses on the hundreds of acres of pasture this time, but Bai Xing can control and Gathering these more than 1000 horses saved me a lot of worry.”

"I raised this horse when I returned from the army. It is now 20 years old. A horse can only live for 30 years. Its 30 years is equivalent to our 80 years..."

"Although it still runs fast now, it is not as good as before."

It sounds a little sad.

When Wang Li talked about horses, he seemed radiant and eloquent.

During the next two days of traveling, they chose to stay at the Shandan Army Horse Farm, feeding and driving horses with Wang Li every day, and truly became "horse herdsmen" once.

Horse herding is free and relaxed.

Lao Wang may not be as rich as the city people, but he owns a thousand horses and a vast grassland.In a way, he is richer than the urbanites.

Wang Li has a son and two daughters.

The eldest son is married.

The younger daughter is still in fifth grade.

Wang Li's youngest daughter is interesting.

In the past few days, Zhou You got to know her well, so Zhou You asked her: "Do you have any dreams?"

"No. But I have a plan for my life," she said.

Zhou You: "What plan? Tell me."

Wang Li's daughter said: "My father raised me until I was 20, my husband raised me until I was 60, and my son raised me until I was old."

Take a look!

At a young age, I have already "planned" myself clearly.

At one o'clock in the afternoon on the fourth day of the military racecourse, Zhou You and his party bid farewell to Lao Wang and went to see the Colorful Danxia.

On the way travel around consciousness sinks into the system.

"Xiao Qi, check the personal information panel."

"Good host."

Host: Zhou You

Remaining life points: 29 points

Accumulated life points: 469 points

Number of lucky draws: 2 times

There have been no lucky draws in the past few days, and I have already accumulated two lucky draw chances.

Draw now.

【Congratulations on getting the song "Chasing Dreams"】

【Congratulations on getting the suona proficiency skill】

"Dream Chaser" is more suitable for that rabbit.

But Blue Star's world view is completely different from Earth's, and that rabbit is not suitable for Blue Star.But "Chasing Dreams" is still classic enough and inspirational enough.

Well, it just happened to be given to Orange Band to participate in the next quarter-finals.

Didn't it mean that I alone set off the involution of the creative circle?
Then roll it up.

It was Qian Qiuyuan who told him about the involution.

Qian Qiuyuan also said that Xingyao and Guangdian have already found someone to write songs for their band, and Guangdian is Zhai Nan, and Zhai Nan is still looking for him to "gamble".

As for Xingyao, Qian Qiuyuan said that he would help to find out.

It doesn't matter who you are to Zhou You.

My own songs are still those songs.

He didn't have the mentality to PK someone down, anyway, just let nature take its course, the ranking will be the last...it doesn't matter if you can't.Just make money.

Of course, it would be even better if he could make Orange Band popular and help Big Fish Studio make money in the future.

Suona proficiency is matched with "囍".

Suona was introduced to Xia Kingdom with the opening of the Silk Road.

Therefore, it is reasonable to draw suona proficiency skills in the Hexi Corridor.

Say it again!

This stuff is a good match for Qin opera.

As soon as the suona rang, it was ten thousand taels of gold.

When the suona sounded, it was either ascending to heaven or worshiping the church.

When the suona is played, the electronic sound is my brother.

Immediately after the lottery draw, Zhou You sent "Dream Chaser" to Zhang Yao. "The orange band will use this song in their next show."

Zhang Yao: "Alright!"

Zhang Yao was about to ask Zhou You if he wanted to write a song for Orange Band.

Because he heard that the two major entertainment companies, Xingyao and Spotlight, were involved.They are looking for creators to write songs for their own bands.

Next episode!

It must be the Shura field!

It will be very tragic.

Unexpectedly, the boss had already written the song.

"Dream chasing innocent?" Zhang Yao saw the title of the song and clicked on the song file.

He doesn't understand music theory, but he can understand the lyrics.

"This word is so hot!" Zhang Yao's blood boiled with excitement, "The boss produced it, it must be a boutique."

Then, with "Dream Chasing Pure Heart", he quickly found the Orange Band who was rehearsing and preparing for the competition.


Traveling around, they arrived at Colorful Danxia at four o'clock in the afternoon.

If you come to Zhangye and don't see the colorful Danxia, ​​then this trip is absolutely incomplete.

The first time Zhou You knew about the Danxia landform was in his junior high school textbooks. At that time, he was very curious about this landform. Now that he traveled through the Blue Star, he finally saw it personally.

When the "bare" desolate scenery comes into view, when the colorful peaks and hills come into view, Zhou You once again has the feeling of being in an alien world.

"It's so spectacular!" Li Yan said.

"Like a thousand-layer cake." Zheng Hudong said.

"Second Senior Brother, why do you think everything looks like food?" Li Yan felt that the metaphor of thousand-layer cake was perfect...

It's really like a mille-feuille cake.

The colors are clear and distinct, layer by layer, red, yellow, white, brown, gray... The rich colors create an indescribable sense of layering.

Sha Rui said: "These mountains and hills are time recorders."

Sha Rui talked about the formation of Danxia Landform.This is the result of sedimentation.They settle and compress time into them.

"This area has been formed for 6000 million years."

"That area was formed for [-] million years!"

Sha Rui pointed to the colorful mountains and hills and said.

It's not the first time he's been here.

"Nature is the most outstanding artist!" Zhou You exclaimed, "Only nature can create such amazing masterpieces."

This is a work of art!


Here is the color palette knocked over by heaven.

Zhou You and others were shocked, sighed, took pictures, and flew drones!
[Seeing Colorful Danxia for the first time, life point +1]

Enjoyed the sunset at Colorful Danxia.

After sunset, Zhou You and others drove away to the next stop, Jiuquan.

In the car, Li Yan didn't forget to watch dramas.

Since "Legend of Sword and Fairy" was broadcast, he has been following the drama every day.

It has been broadcast to No. 19 and [-] episodes today.

Li Yan was deeply impressed by Lin Yueru's "competition to recruit relatives" and Li Xiaoyao's preparation of red dandelions for Zhao Linger.

And today's broadcast content, in the No.20 episode, ushered in another classic scene!
A ten-year appointment!

Li Xiaoyao, Zhao Ling'er and others have gone through various experiences.

Li Xiaoyao finally understood Ling'er's determination to return to Nanzhao Kingdom to protect her people, so he decided to separate from her peacefully.

Countless red dandelions floated from nowhere in the night sky illuminated by lights.

They are like flying snow dyed with warm colors, swaying wantonly in front of the world.

After the lantern festival, they happily came to the high hillside, looked up at the bright starry sky, and made their respective wishes.

Li Xiaoyao: "I, Li Xiaoyao, want to be the number one hero in the world! I want to eradicate the strong and support the weak, and I want to leave my name in history!"

Lin Yueru: "Me! Lin Yueru! To make Lin Jiabao the number one gang, I am the female gang leader, and then I will compete with this stinky bastard for the number one."

Zhao Linger: "I, Zhao Linger, want to make all the people of Nanzhao Kingdom happy forever."

Liu Jinyuan: "I, Liu Jinyuan, want to shed my blood and help the current emperor to help the Tang Dynasty!"

Anu: "I, Anu, want to be happy every day, and be happy for the rest of my life! Be happy every day and eat every day!"

When Li Xiaoyao and others were making wishes, the background music "Rain in June" also played.

"I haven't given up and I won't leave you. Even if we have to separate, I will still wait for you. I will wholeheartedly wait for your news. One day you will believe me and I love you..."

When Li Yan saw this part, he praised repeatedly, "This part is so well shot, it feels very good."

"It's finally 'sweet'."

There are many places where you will be abused in the future... Zhou Youxin, who is familiar with the plot, said.

At that time, many people who watched Paladin I hoped that Legend of Paladin would end within ten years.

Because after this episode!
All the way!

Knife all the way!

In the end, only Li Xiaoyao was left with the knife.

It is comparable to Jiang Yuyan who is called Jiang Yuyan.

Li Yan didn't know the following plot. He was immersed in the plot at the moment and didn't notice the song "Rain in June".

The comments and barrage of the No.20 episode of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" are densely packed.

"I like this place the most in the whole show."

"I envy such a friendship!"

"When I graduated that year, my roommate and I also had a ten-year contract! But now it's been 15 years! I haven't seen it yet. Will the plot be abused later?"

"Ah! Don't do it!"

"I like Anu so much! Eat happily every day, this is also my wish."

"Am I the only one who noticed the interlude? It's so good! Another new song."


After the No.20 episode of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" aired, "Ten Years' Covenant" and "Rain in June" became popular on Weibo.

The ten-year agreement has awakened the "promised memory" of many people.

At the same time, it also makes the audience wonder how the plot will develop later.

They speculated about the sequel.

"Legend of Sword and Fairy" has been broadcast so far, and its performance has been far ahead, and "Xiantu" was broadcast at the same time.

The cumulative broadcast volume of the 7 episodes of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" has reached a terrifying [-] million!
"Fairy Way" has also aired 3 episodes, but the cumulative broadcast volume is only [-] million! !

Among them, there is a difference of 4 million playbacks.

The gap should not be too large.

A few days before the broadcast of the two dramas, the screenwriter Sun Ye and director Hu Chunsheng of "Fairy Journey" tried to save it and fought back, trying to surpass "Legend of Sword and Fairy".

Who would have thought of the famous scenes in "Legend of Sword and Fairy" one after another!
Xiaoyao tailor-made music one after another.

It directly pushed "Legend of Sword and Fairy" to the altar.

The screenwriter Sun Ye was curious about why this show was so popular, so he insisted on following up and updating it every day, wanting to find out.

At the end of the chase, he said to director Hu Chunsheng: "Let's give up struggling!"

"Since Shengyu, He Shengliang!"

Hu Chunsheng: "The plot of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" is not as exciting as our "Xiantu"!! It just wins in the songs written by Xiaoyao."


Rain in June was playing in the car.

Li Yan liked this song very much, and kept playing it and learning to sing it. At the same time, he noticed that the singer of this song was called "Chu Liang".

It wasn't Zhou You who sang it!

Li Yan: "Who is this Chu Liang?"

Zhou You: "A rookie singer."

Li Yan: "Strange!! Teacher Xiaoyao won't let you sing this song."

Zhou You: "I'm in U-Tsang."

Li Yan: "So that's it. But this Chu Liang's voice is very good."

Zhou You ignored him again.

There are 12 life points remaining in the system.

Travel around and draw prizes immediately.

【Congratulations on getting the script of the TV series "Hurricane"】



The first update,.Ask for a monthly pass, a monthly pass, a monthly pass.

After thinking for several days, I finally figured out how to deal with the travel plot.Shorthand!The book would be structurally incomplete without writing it.As for writing, I don't have enough penpower.I worked very hard to write the content, and everyone was unhappy watching it.So I decided to write the rest of the content in the form of "snatching it in one stroke".No water, don't worry.The plot will be very tight.

(End of this chapter)

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