I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 164 Advertising, the first album "Zhou You", "Fate 1 Bridge"

Chapter 164 Advertising, the first album "Zhou You", "A Bridge of Fate"

Getting "Hurricane" was beyond Zhou You's expectation.

Some time ago, I got the "Swordsman" gift pack, but now I got "Hurricane".

I have two TV shows in my hands.

Tonight, "Ghost Blowing the Lantern: The Exquisite Ancient City" can be finished. Zhou Youben was going to write the script of "Swordsman", but now Zhou You wants to write "Hurricane" first!
It's really because this "Brother Qiang" is no worse than the "Brother Qiang" who said "Is this melon ripe?"

A wonderful show.

A very cool drama.

The villain Gao Qiqiang is too brilliant!
And compared to martial arts themes, urban dramas like "Hurricane" are obviously more in line with the current market.

After a little thought, Zhou You already had a decision in his heart.

Let's start with "Hurricane"!
In the car, Li Yan found that Zhou You was in that "sluggish" state again, "Zhou You! Zhou You! Zhou You?"

Zhou You only responded after shouting three times.

Withdrawing his consciousness from the system, he looked at Li Yan and asked, "What's wrong?"

Li Yan: "Why are you in a daze?"

Zhou You: "A little sleepy."

Zhou You casually responded and took out his phone.

What kind of mobile phone do you play when you are sleepy?Go to sleep directly... Then wander around under his nose, fingers crackling and dancing on the phone screen.

Chatting with people is fun!

I don't think you are very sleepy...

At this time, Zhou You was replying to his sister's message.

Zhou Lingyu: "It's so difficult. The customers of this lipstick advertising plan have been dissatisfied."

Zhou You: "Let's let it go. Inspiration is like poop. When it comes, you can't stop it. When it doesn't, you can't hold it back."

Zhou Lingyu: "That can't be done! Qixi Festival is just around the corner, and we must come up with a solution that satisfies the customer within two days. We can't let Mr. Zhang down."

Live up to his der!I am the boss!

But Zhou You knows that his sister has a strong personality, and has always been conscientious and responsible in her work.Let him play badly, she definitely won't.

Although I keep saying that I don't want to go to work, my brother should support me and so on.But when Zhou Youzhen said to raise her, she immediately persuaded: "Your sister and I have hands, feet, IQ, and beauty, and still starve to death? I really can't get along and find you a brother-in-law!"

"Okay." Zhou You said every time, "Where's my brother-in-law?"

"Probably still in high school." Zhou Lingyu was fooled by rolling her eyes every time.

Who said men who travel around like it?

My sister likes it too!
After thinking about it, he traveled around and asked about Zhou Lingyu's situation: "What is the client's request?"

Zhou Lingyu: "Creativity! Creativity that catches people's eyes. It is different from popular lipstick advertisements."

Zhou You: "That's it."

Traveling around the business that I learned in my previous life.

After graduation, I started my own business and became my own boss.

I have been exposed to many advertising ideas.

When I was in college, there was a special course called "Advertising". Zhou You was very interested in this course, because most of the time in this course was "watching advertisements"!
Since then, Zhou You has developed a strange habit of looking for various advertisements on the Internet.

Watching dramas or something, how can watching commercials be more exciting?

Among the many advertisements, the advertisements in two places convinced Zhou You.

One is Taiguo.

One is from the island country!

The two are always mixed with sand sculptures in their creativity.

What impressed Taiguo the most was an underwear advertisement shot by a man.A man disguises himself as a woman, removes makeup from the beginning to the end, removes the underwear, damn it, B instantly turns into two chest muscles of a man.

What impressed the island nation the most was Fanta’s advertisement, which brought the sand sculpture style to the extreme.

Lipstick ad...

Travel around for a quick search in memory.

There are really two good ideas.

Both ideas are from the island nation.

One is a lipstick advertisement shot by Takuya Kimura!The first man in history to shoot a lipstick advertisement.It caused a sensation all over the world.

One is called "Mom's Lipstick".But this isn't an ad for lipstick.It's a medical ad for rheumatoid arthritis.Seeing her elderly mother put on lipstick through the eyes of her son.Recalling how beautiful my mother was when she was young.This ad could easily be mistaken for a lipstick ad.

With a little modification, it can indeed be used as a good lipstick advertising idea.

Thinking of this, Zhou You searched on the Internet, and after confirming that no man in Blue Star had ever shot a lipstick advertisement, Zhou You replied to Zhou Lingyu: "If you are pursuing creativity, what would happen if you find a man to shoot a lipstick advertisement?"

Zhou Lingyu saw the message from Zhou You, man?
Didn't she think it was a joke at first?
But after only 0.01 seconds, she immediately showed excitement: "This is so interesting!"

Lian asked Zhou You: "Dear brother, if you have any other ideas, please tell me in detail."

So Zhou You said it again according to the lipstick advertisement of Takuya Kimura in memory, "There is another idea, "Mom's Lipstick""

After hearing the two advertising ideas, Zhou Lingyu felt enlightened instantly.

"Brother! Do you have a brain in your head?"

"Huh?" Legs grew in my head.

"How clever!!! These two ideas are amazing! Love you love you!"

Zhou Lingyu crazily sent heart-warming emojis.

For a moment, Zhou Lingyu felt that she was not an advertiser, but Zhou You was!An advertising plan that was delayed by singing!
After finishing the conversation with Zhou You, Zhou Lingyu excitedly wrote down two creative proposals, and then submitted them to the brand.

Zhou Lingyu felt that there must be no problem this time!

The only problem is to see which solution the brand adopts!

Zhou You was also very happy to help Zhou Lingyu with the memory of her previous life.

[Help sister Zhou Lingyu think of advertising ideas, solve problems for her sister, life point +1]

Just after exiting the chat interface with her sister, Qian Qiuyuan sent another message.

Qian Qiuyuan: "How are you thinking about the album?"

He really... I cried to death!

On the matter of releasing an album, Qian Qiuyuan really cares more about himself than himself.

Zhou You: "It will be released next month."

This travel has been put on the agenda.

With the help of three sluts, you can prostitute their works for free, why not prostitute them for free?

Qian Qiuyuan: "Is the theme of the album determined? I can help you create according to the theme."

Teacher Qian, why are you so nice to me?So thoughtful?
Each album will have a production theme.

Once the theme is determined, the tone of the album and work is basically finalized.

But regarding the theme of the new album, Zhou You really hasn't seriously considered it... Yeah, what theme should I decide on?

Zhou You's thinking quickly diverged.

In his previous life, he studied business and started a business, which made him develop the habit of brainstorming.

For a while, countless theme choices flashed through his mind, and finally he decided to use "Zhouyou", his own name, as the title of the first album.

I have been on the road since traveling through this time, vacationing in Yazhou, going to U-Tsang, Chang'an, and Hexi Corridor... I have been playing all the time.

"Zhouyou" has two meanings.

his name.

his experiences during this time.

In this way, "Fake Monk" can also be included in it without any sense of disobedience.

Moreover, there are not a few singers who use their own names as their debut albums on Earth.

"Jay" by Jay Chou.

Faye Wong's "Faye Wong".

"Wannian Youth Hotel" by Wannian Youth Hotel.

Xue Zhiqian's "Xue Zhiqian".

Elvis Presley's debut album was also named after himself.In this way, you can quickly form your own "brand" and popularity.

In addition, "Zhou You" is used as the album name, and the album says "From tomorrow on, I will be a happy person feeding horses, chopping firewood, and traveling around the world."

Well, Zhou You doesn't like the word "tomorrow".

Why start tomorrow?
Haizi started tomorrow, but he didn't wait for tomorrow.

He decided to change it to "From today on, be a happy person, feed horses, chop firewood, and travel around the world."

After thinking it over clearly, Zhou You replied to Qian Qiuyuan: "Zhou You."

Qian Qiuyuan: "Huh?"

Zhou You: "The album is called Zhou You, and the theme is also Zhou You. From today on, be a happy person, feed horses, chop firewood, and travel around the world."

When Qian Qiuyuan received the news, he slapped his thigh with too much force, and said with a snap, "Wonderful!"

Of course what he praised was to be a happy person from today on.

Qian Qiuyuan: "Will Xiaoyao participate in the production of this kind of album?"

Zhou You: "Yes."

Qian Qiuyuan: "Why don't we start a group, and we can exchange ideas and ideas about your new album."

Qian Qiuyuan wants Xiaoyao to join the group... He wants to get closer to Xiaoyao.

Zhou You hesitated slightly.

It’s not impossible to start a group, anyway, I have two accounts... Every time I need him to act as a "communicator", communication is really troublesome.

Zhou You: "I'll ask Mr. Xiaoyao." He did all the acting.

Qian Qiuyuan was immediately excited when he saw this reply.

There is a play!
Qian Qiuyuan: "Wait for the good news."

Zhou You didn't reply to Qian Qiuyuan's message again, but downloaded an app clone and got on the trumpet.

The trumpet is called "Game World" in Li Qingyao's black fan group, and her nickname is also "Game World".Bringing a travel word is too easy to associate.Need to change my nickname.

If it is changed to Xiaoyao, Li Qingyao's side seems to be "exposed".

After thinking about it, he changed his nickname to "Freedom".

Carefree, comfortable, very reasonable.

After about 10 minutes, Zhou You slowly pulled the group together.

During this period, Qian Qiuyuan felt that time passed too slowly.From time to time, I would ask Zhou You, did Xiaoyao agree?May I?is that OK?
Zhou You said that Teacher Xiaoyao hasn't returned yet...

It wasn't until 10 minutes later that Zhou You used the tuba to pull the trumpet and Qian Qiuyuan into the group.

Qian Qiuyuan kept staring at the phone.

Seeing that Zhou You had pulled him into the group, he was so excited that he almost cried with joy! !
Happy! !
I finally "touched" Xiaoyao.

In the same group!
Excited, Qian Qiuyuan immediately told Lu Yu and Zhai Nan the news in the group of three scumbags, "Xiaoyao has joined the group! Xiaoyao has joined the group!"

Lu Yu: "What's the situation? What group are you joining?"

Qian Qiuyuan: "I asked Zhou You to join a group on the grounds of discussing the new album. Zhou You said to ask Xiaoyao, and then he actually joined the group!! I also pulled you two into the group."

Zhou You is preparing to pull Lu Yu and Zhai Nan.

Then I saw Qian Qiuyuan pulling them into the group.

As soon as he entered the group, Qian Qiuyuan sent a message: "@自由, for Zhou You's new album, happy cooperation."

After sending the message, he immediately checked Zizai's profile, wanting to glimpse more information about Xiaoyao.

However, Xiaoyao's information page has nothing.

Age 5000!
Gender is kept secret.

The avatar is "freedom" handwritten calligraphy.

Can't see any clues.

Zhou You immediately replied with a trumpet.

Zizai: "Happy cooperation."

Qian Qiuyuan: "Zhou You is preparing to release an album with the same name. From his description, I think it is suitable for the direction of healing and relaxation to create this album. Happy, what do you think?"

Zizai: "I haven't had time to think about it yet."

Driven by Qian Qiuyuan, the group immediately became lively.

However, Zhou You has to play two roles by himself, and switch accounts in the group to speak... Huh, this feeling is quite strange.

If one day the identity is exposed,

I don't know if he will be slaughtered by the three scumbags.

After discussing the new album, Qian Qiuyuan, Lu Yu, and Zhai Nan all added "Zizai" WeChat.

Zhou You didn't refuse either.

One by one through the friend request.

Anyway, the trumpet only added Prison Bird.

It's okay to add three cheap friends.


The next day, Zhou You and others played JYG.

Here is located in a desert.



But in this barren and rough place, there is a JYG standing here!

Artificial defenses are combined with natural natural dangers. Looking at JYG from the perspective of aerial photography, it can only be described as spectacular.

But let the flying generals of Dragon City stay, and don't teach Huma to go to Yinshan Mountain!
Zhou Youqing couldn't help thinking of these two poems.

The world's first pier, the world's first majestic pass.

On the way to JYG, the Gobi Desert is all along the road. In the plain, in the Gobi Desert, a closed city rises from the ground. The shocking feeling is really indescribable.

On a grand scale!

Far more majestic than seen in the pictures.

There is a "bearded" uncle here, who is very interesting. He wears a dragon robe and has a bald head. He knows everything about JYG very well.

Under his introduction, Zhou You and others learned that JYG's building was built with loess, but this is not a different kind of loess, but a composite soil.

Sieve soil, dry soil, fry soil!
The soil that has gone through these three processes can be used for construction.It is said that it is to fry the grass seeds in the soil to death.So as not to grow grass in the future and destroy the fortifications.

Moreover, the previous project quality requirements were very strict.

The standard for testing the quality of the project is to shoot an arrow at 25 meters, and the arrow cannot enter.That is, when shooting arrows within a range of 25 meters, the arrow cannot be shot into the wall.

If an arrow goes in, it has to be pulled down and rebuilt.

And the hoe cannot fall.If even a little bit can be dug out with a hoe, it will also be demolished and rebuilt.

There are badges of the builders in the walls!
If it collapses, the token will fall out, and the person responsible for the construction will be beheaded!
In addition, during the construction process, if the archery hits the wall, the builder will also be decapitated!
This is ancient engineering quality!

Look at the current bean curd dregs project!It is because the pressure on the builders is not enough.

After JYG, Zhou You and the others immediately set off for Dunhuang.

Dunhuang was an important stop for them.

It was evening when we arrived in Dunhuang.

They stayed in Dunhuang and went to the night market in Dunhuang to taste Dunhuang food.

In the process, traveling around gained 5 life points.

Collect 10 points to get a chance to draw a lottery.


[Congratulations on winning the song "A Bridge of Fate"]

Isn't Qin opera coming soon?
But this song needs to find a female singer to cooperate with.

That night, her sister Zhou Lingyu told Zhou You: "The plan has passed!"

"The brand adopted the scheme of the boy's lipstick advertisement!"

"They want you to do the ad."



Second update.I have a terrible headache today.In fact, I wrote 2500 words for the first update last night.I planned to release an update today, but I have been writing until the second update... I am not in good health.Sorry.

Ask for a monthly pass, a monthly pass, a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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