I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 165 Dunhuang, Dazhang Journey to the West, King Kong of the Dragon Gate

Chapter 165 Dunhuang, Journey to the West, King Kong of the Dragon Gate
The creative advertisement for lipstick provided by Zhou You was adopted, and he was required to play the leading role.

Traveling around in this kind of thing is not fun.

"Sister, it's okay to shoot commercials." Zhou You said, "I think Li Yan is quite suitable, and it's better to find Gu Jiang who has no talent but virtue."

When thinking of this advertisement, these two people popped up in Zhou You's mind.

Although Zhou You looks good, but because of his physique of a special soldier, his masculinity is too strong, which cannot be suppressed by a lipstick.

On the contrary, Li Yan has masculinity.

But not too hard.

Half hard half soft.

Gu Jiang was a star observer of the previous "Heart Journey". On the last day of the show's recording, he had a relationship at the Jinghai studio. He is a handsome little milk dog, and he didn't feel out of place when he patted a lipstick advertisement.

"Well, I knew you would refuse." Zhou Lingyu said, "In my original plan, these two candidates are also the candidates. I will communicate with the brand again."

In the end, the brand owner "Xishi" selected Li Yan.

Xi Shi was born in the late Spring and Autumn Period.

There is such a person in Blue Star.

After all, the history of Blue Star and the Earth began to diverge from Qin Dynasty.

Su Dongpo has a poem that says: If you want to compare the West Lake to the West Lake, it is always suitable to wear light makeup and heavy makeup.

Although this world does not have these two poems.

But it is quite interesting to name a cosmetics brand after "Xi Shi".Such naming is not uncommon in the Star Federation.

Xishi is a local brand of Xiaguo.

It has always had the ambition to go international.

My elder sister, Zhou Lingyu, likes this brand very much. I saw her buy a lot of Xi Shi's cosmetics in the past, and there are not a few Xi Shi's lipsticks at home.


Li Yan received a call from Zhou Lingyu and Xi Shi's marketing department, hoping that Li Yan could shoot an advertisement for Xi Shi's lipstick.

Li Yan's first reaction was to refuse.

After all, when a man shoots a lipstick advertisement, he thinks it's a shame, and refuses on the grounds that he is recording a program in Dunhuang and has no schedule.

But both Xi Shi and Zhou Lingyu said that they could come to Dunhuang to shoot.

It's all interior anyway.

"I..." I really can't do it, but I was persuaded in the end.

Hanging up the phone, Zheng Hudong asked, "Are there any endorsements and advertisements?"

Li Yan: "Yes."

Zheng Hudong: "What brand?"

Li Yan: "Xi Shi."

Zheng Hudong: "Xi Shi has started to enter the men's market?" Xi Shi has always produced women's makeup products.Does not operate any products related to men.

Li Yan: "No."

Zheng Hudong: "Then what product are they looking for you to shoot?"

Li Yan: "Lipstick."

Zheng Hudong and Sha Rui: "Lipstick?" They were very surprised.

Li Yan observed Zhou You, and to his surprise, Zhou You looked calm.Wasn't he surprised at all?I!Li Yan, whose roots are in full swing!Go shoot a lipstick ad!You don't give a little shock to show respect?

Zheng Hudong asked if you agreed?Li Yan nodded.

Then Zheng Hudong said, "Do you want women's clothing?"

Li Yan: "No!! This is definitely a serious commercial shooting."

"Hey~~" Zheng Hudong sighed, quite disappointed, "This advertisement is not well planned!! Why is there no female makeup? I have always wanted to have a real junior sister!"

What's your reaction... Li Yan's whole body is numb.

Sha Rui and Zhou You also expressed their disappointment.

No, you want to see my women's clothing so much?
And Zhou You thought to himself, not only do I want to see your women's clothing, but I also want to see you in underwear... Well, the god-level underwear advertisement in Taiguo can meet the above two points.

Immediately, a picture of Li Yan taking off her makeup as a woman and taking off her underwear appeared in Zhou You's mind... Damn it! !Li Yan's face is very foul.It matches the ad.

Zhou Lingyu and Xi Shi were quick to handle things, and decided to fly over tomorrow and finish the filming the day after tomorrow.

After all, time is running out now.


The next day.

Zhou You, Li Yan and others slept until 10:30.

Don't ask why you sleep so late, it's just that it's too late in Dunhuang! ! !It was dark after nine o'clock.Having dinner at the Dunhuang Night Market directly turned into supper.

With Zheng Hudong, the "gourmet", he almost ate all the delicious food.

Accidentally ate until the early morning.

Back to the hotel to wash and sleep, it was already two o'clock.

Staying up late and traveling around was deducted a living point... Heartache.

But fortunately, I wandered around the Dunhuang night market last night, ate delicious food, and earned a lot of living points.

[Sleep until you wake up naturally, life point +1]

Dunhuang desert.

It's very dry here.

After sleeping and traveling around, my throat and nose felt dry. I forgot to turn on the humidifier last night... so I drank a large glass of water when I got up.

After a simple meal, the four of us went to Dunhuang, the first stop of our tour.

Mingsha Mountain.

When we arrived at Dunhuang, it was really a large desert.

Looking around, it is full of yellow sand covering the whole world.

In Mingsha Mountain, the rolling sand dunes are like the waves of the sand sea.



On the sand dunes, there are long teams of camels with tourists walking slowly, and you can hear the sound of camel bells floating in the wind.

Really beautiful and majestic!
Full of exotic style.

You can imagine the grand scene here when the Silk Road was prosperous.

Dunhuang seems to be a place with its own BGM. When you step here, the "Western Region Style" music composed of camel bells, pipa, etc. will sound in Zhou You's mind - "Western Region"!
Traveling around Mingsha Mountain, they saw many young ladies in "flying outfits" taking pictures in the desert, posing a variety of soft and charming movements.

"Young ladies are so beautiful." Li Yan said.

He still likes to see Miss Sister so much...

"It's full of ancient charm." Zheng Hudong said, "If we dance another flying dance, then we will be emperors today."

Zhou You thinks Huaxia's costumes are very artistic.



Have a very broad imagination.

Compared with black stockings, miniskirts, and cut-out outfits...it has a different flavor.

Seeing these young ladies taking photos, the first thing that popped up in Zhou You's mind was the chief dancer of Earth's country, Tang Shiyi.

Fancy waist, dance like a dragon.

A Dunhuang dance is like walking out of a Dunhuang mural.

Really a peerless dancer! !

In the past, only the emperor could see it, but now we can see it at Xiaopozhan... In response to the sentence: In today's China, everyone is like a dragon!
Not only that, many people's dream of wearing yellow robes has also been realized, but what they do is to deliver food.

There always seems to be a gap between imagination and reality.

The scenery of Mingsha Mountain is just like that poem:
The desert is solitary and straight, and the long river falls into the sun.

Although it is not suitable for the occasion... But Zhou You feels that such a desolate scenery of yellow sand can indeed be described by these two lines of poems.

[In the desert, shocked by the wonders of the desert, life point +1]

When the young ladies who took the photo saw Zhou You, Li Yan and others, if they were bolder and thick-skinned, they immediately came over and asked for a group photo.

Zhou You and they didn't refuse either.

Who can refuse a beautiful young lady?
In the following time, Zhou You and others rode the camel known as the ship of the desert.The camel gets down in front of you, rides on, it stands up.

The camel walked up and down, not fast, and a little bumpy, as if it was on a boat.

[Riding a camel for the first time, life point +1]

Riding a camel in the desert, traveling around has the illusion of traveling through time and space.

It seems to have returned to the era when the Silk Road was prosperous.

And he was a traveler of that era, or a businessman of that era.

Of course, this sense of confusion also makes people think of movies such as "Hero" and "New Dragon Inn", all of which were filmed in Dunhuang.

Riding a camel to see the Crescent Lake.

Then climb the sand dunes together.

It is worth mentioning that the process of sandboarding is full of jokes.Zheng Hudong thought it was too heavy and the friction was too great, so he couldn't slide at all, and it was hard and slippery, so he rolled down the sand dunes every time.

Then Zheng Hudong told Zhou You the "Desert Story" in a serious manner.

He said: "There is a very poignant love story in the Dunhuang Desert, you must have never heard of it."

"What?" Li Yan looked curious, "Let's hear it."

"A long time ago," Zheng Hudong began to fabricate, "there was a man..."

Zheng Hudong is very talented in storytelling, it would be a pity not to write novels.He insisted on telling the story he made up very wonderfully, as if it really happened: "A man loves a woman deeply, and a woman loves a man deeply. But a woman cannot control her own destiny, and was betrothed by her father to a local gentry to be a young man. The man was not reconciled, so he knelt in front of the woman's house for seven days and seven nights. Guess what happened in the end?"

Why does this story sound so familiar?
The routine is similar since ancient times.

Seven days and seven nights?

Don't tell me it ended up being Li Qiye!Zhou You teased in his heart.

"What happened in the end?" Li Yan couldn't wait to know the ending of this story.

Zheng Hudong put on a serious face and said: "Kneeling for seven days and seven nights! Finally! He turned into a sand sculpture."

Li Yan seemed to have heard something strange.

I was stunned for 0.01 second!
Then he reacted!

What the hell!What a beautiful love story!You are talking serious nonsense.Li Yan was very upset.It's obviously a... rubbish story!Why am I listening so seriously?

Playing with sand in the desert is a very happy thing.

Zhou You remembers that when he was in elementary school, he liked to dig a hole in the sandpit of the school playground. After digging the hole, he tried to disguise it, and then lured his friends and classmates to play there. Falling into the pit, and then the friends who dug the pit together laughed heartily.

Camels, sand boarding.

And desert motorcycles!

Not Camels in the Desert.

"I stepped on the boat of the desert, with a pipe and hourglass on my back, and a jug of strong wine in my hand. The long and ancient road was long and long, and I couldn't say enough to calm my anger and sorrow. Only the camel was still running..."

"The yellow sand is passing by all over the sky, walking around every corner, walking in the endless vast galaxy..."

The prelude of this song is an exotic style.

In 2018, this song was extremely popular.

In 2018, that was all five years ago.

After playing all the way in Mingsha Mountain, riding a camel, riding a desert motorcycle, resting while playing, I played until [-] o'clock in the afternoon without knowing it, and watched a sunset after [-] o'clock...

That's right!

Sunset at nine o'clock.

This has to start with the vast territory of the Xia Kingdom. There is an obvious time difference within a country... Some countries that do not have a large province can't experience it.Say they are young, but they still don't admit it.Especially their boys.

It wasn't until it was dark at ten o'clock that Zhou You and the others went to a restaurant called "Jingyuan Lamb Meat" for dinner.

I ordered white striped lamb, cumin lamb chops, and Huyang stewed cakes...

It's not enough after eating!
They went to Dunhuang Night Market for a stroll and ate a meal of skewers.

This day, I traveled around and took an inventory, and I actually gained 11 living points.

It's already one o'clock in the morning after eating and drinking.

Sure enough, getting too dark will affect sleep...

The trip to Dunhuang was over today, but because Li Yan will shoot Xishi's lipstick advertisement tomorrow, they will stay in Dunhuang for an extra day.

The next day, Zhou Lingyu and the filming team arrived in Dunhuang early. They originally came the day before, but they were delayed, so they rushed over the next morning.

The scenes they were going to shoot were all in the hotel.

Zhou Lingyu led people to start the arrangement early in the morning.

Zhou You came early to help.

Zheng Hudong felt strange, "Why are you doing odd jobs?"

Sha Rui: "No, this is the filming team of the Advertising Department of Big Fish Studio."

Zheng Hudong: "So that's how it is." Zheng Hudong and Sha Rui also arranged together.The make-up artist prepares Li Yan's makeup, and the stylist creates a style for him.

Zhou You said, "One more thing," he pulled Zhou Lingyu to introduce him, "This is my sister."

Zheng Hudong and the others were quite surprised!

Your sister is also in Big Fish Studio!

Zhou Lingyu greeted Zheng Hudong and the others, "Teacher Zheng, hello Teacher Sha."

The shooting process was relatively smooth.

After all, Li Yan is an "acting school". At first, he was not used to it, but later he gradually entered the role.

Facing the camera.

On the right hand is a Shih Tzu lipstick with a dead Barbie powder, apply it on the upper lip!The action can't be too girly.Li Yan grasped it just right.

This is the first group.

In the second group, the heroine appears.

But the heroine doesn't show her face, only her mouth, and Li Yan puts on lipstick for her.

In the third group, Li Yan was sleeping soundly on the bed with his upper body naked.In the shot, the heroine puts on lipstick on the bed.Li Yan turned over half asleep and half awake, the heroine suddenly got excited and put a layer of lipstick on the sleeping Li Yan.During the process of smearing, Li Yan woke up.Turn over and hug the hostess.

Camera cut...

Did not see early morning growth.

The earth version of Takuya Kimura only said one sentence: "Lipsticks that don't fade, go to the climax."

The Blue Star version of Li Yan also has only one line: "A love that never fades, with a little makeup"

All commercials were filmed in half a day.

In order to thank everyone, Zhou Lingyu paid for the dinner out of her own pocket.Zhou You wants to pay, but he knows his sister's stubborn character best.

In the end, we all ate roasted whole lamb together.

Zhou Lingyu was so curious that she insisted on walking around the kiln and witnessing the whole process of roasting whole lamb.

The sheep has been marinated, and the chef said that it has been marinated for seven or eight hours.

Together with the chef, Zhou Lingyu fished out the marinated sheep.

Zhou Lingyu: "This sheep is smaller than I thought. Is it a lamb?"

Chef: "It's an unmarried sheep."

Zhou Lingyu: "Oh~~~ died single."

Zhou You, Li Yan and the others were instantly taken aback by this sentence of dying single.Zheng Hudong praised Zhou Lingyu for his talent in cross talk.

After eating the roasted whole lamb, Zhou You and the others were about to proceed to the next trip, and Zhou Lingyu and others were also returning to Jinghai.

After farewell, travel around them to Mogao Grottoes.

No draw last night!
At the moment, the living points of traveling around have accumulated to 22 points.

Double draw.

[Congratulations on getting the big gift package of "Journey to the West"]

[Congratulations to the show "Dragon Gate King Kong" dance design gift package]



The first change, asking for a monthly pass, a monthly pass, a monthly pass.

If there is a second update, there will be a second update unless otherwise specified.Try to send it out at seven o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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