Chapter 188

There are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand readers.

There are also a thousand kinds of "Farewell" in the ears of a thousand listeners.

There are many kinds of farewell, classmates, friendship, love, family affection... People with different life experiences will have different feelings when listening to this song.

"Farewell" quickly entered the Weibo hot list.

The discussion about this song is also dense.

"Words can't describe this song!"

"It feels like this is a nuclear bomb on the list! Everything else is a firecracker!"

"A god fights against a group of mortals."

"I remembered the lyrics of "Chengdu": Parting is always in September, and memories are the sorrow of missing ~~ I released "Farewell" in September, hahaha, is Xiaoyao intentional? Or is it intentional? It can't be a coincidence, right? .”

What Zhou You didn't expect was that many fans even linked the lyrics of "Farewell" and "Chengdu".

Then many people began to change the lyrics of "Chengdu". The school always starts in September, and homework is the hatred of students~~
It's quite a change.


Kyoto, a villa.

The cell phone of Bai Hanlin, the creator of Hall of Honor, kept ringing.

Those who call are all friends who are creators or singers in the circle.

Bai Hanlin is the top creator of the Xia Kingdom, and his friends are naturally not ordinary people.

"Old Bai! Did you write "Farewell"?"

"Stop pretending! Xiaoyao must be you."

"Tell me about you, why are you wearing a new vest when you're too old?"

"This word can't be written without a little experience, even if you are under the age."

Everyone actually guessed that "Farewell" was written by Bai Hanlin, and Bai Hanlin was Xiaoyao.

It's okay for these friends in the circle to speculate like this. As time passed, the relationship between Xiaoyao and Bai Hanlin began to be hotly discussed on the Internet.

There has been a lot of discussion online.

Some people launched a poll, thinking that Bai Hanlin was Xiaoyao's "hands up", and those who thought it was not "stepping on", the results of the poll showed that more than [-]% of the people believed that Bai Hanlin and Xiaoyao were equated.

In the end, Bai Hanlin had to come out and clarify, saying that he was not happy.

Such heated discussions gradually subsided.

But after such a commotion, Xiaoyao's reputation and status have increased a lot, and some people even said, "You see, Xiaoyao's target is directly the old man Bai Hanlin".

Many people are unconvinced and say that it is an oolong, there is no need to make Xiaoyao such a myth, right?
But no matter what, the song "Farewell" has shocked the music scene quite a bit.

Hmm... Xiaoyao's age is also guessed by netizens, around 50 years old!At least 40 years old, unlikely to be young.

Bai Hanlin is also very curious about who Xiaoyao is. He repeats the song "Farewell" at home, and every time he listens to it, he will praise: Good!good!good!

This song not only re-established Xiaoyao's status in the music scene, Gu Shu also won the king with this song!
Fame skyrocketed!

Promoted to the king.

He has been a first-line singer for many years, and has failed many times to hit the position of king. This time, he was promoted to the position of king with only one song.

In an interview, Gu Shu talked about making an appointment with Xiaoyao, thanking Xiaoyao and Zhou You for his matchmaking.

Then finally said the sentence: "Sing this song! I die without regret."


Zhou You didn't pay too much attention to the hot discussion about "Farewell" on the Internet.

With the recent continuous writing, the second part of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" has been finished. He sent the manuscript to Zhang Yao, and then went to Chen Luo's recording studio to record songs.

When I went to Chen Luo's recording studio, Chen Luo's new girlfriend was also there.

Zhou You: "Would you like to introduce me?"

Chen Luo: "My girlfriend Cheng Xiaomeng."

Cheng Xiaomeng greeted Zhou You with a smile, "Mr. Zhou You, I am your loyal fan."

Cheng Xiaomeng looked 24 or [-] years old, a few years younger than Chen Luo.Tall, with bright features.

Her first impression of Zhou You was "soft".

Zhou You is not an LSP, and "friend's wife" should not be missed... The reason why Zhou You has a soft impression of Cheng Xiaomeng is because she looks a little baby fat, with a thin waist and long legs, and she has a dancer temperament.

Later, I asked if it was really dancing!
And a national dancer.

Currently working in an official performance unit in Jinghai.

It is quite powerful.

"You have a good eye." Zhou You said while Cheng Xiaomeng was pouring water.

"He chased me." Chen Luo said quite proudly.

"What did he see in you?" Zhou You asked in a joking tone.

Chen Luo also jokingly replied: "Old man. Men have 31 flowers, understand? Girls nowadays like uncles."

"Then I'm afraid no one will appreciate a little fresh meat like me." Zhou You said.

shameless!This is all about boasting that I am young and handsome... No, the point of Xiao Xianrou is to be small!Chen Luo teased in his heart for a while and said, "There are so many female guests in "Heartbeat Journey" who are interested in you, but you haven't seen one of them brought home. It's not that they look down on you, it's because you look down on them."

While talking, Cheng Xiaomeng poured a glass of water and came back.

Zhou You said thank you for taking it, took a sip, and then said, "Let's record the song."

"Then let's start now." Chen Luo got up.

Cheng Xiaomeng also followed Zhou You and Cheng Luo to the recording studio. Before the recording officially started, Zhou You said, "Is Xiaomeng okay tonight?"

Cheng Xiaomeng: "I'm on annual leave, and I haven't had anything to do in the past week."

Zhou You: "Okay, let's have a meal together after recording the song."

Cheng Xiaomeng: "Okay."

Zhou You recorded five songs written by the Three Musketeers this time.

He has practiced many times during this period, although he did not go through it all at once, but it went smoothly.

Five songs were recorded until seven o'clock, and the recording project was completed.

All you have to do after traveling around is to wait.

Cheng Xiaomeng wants to eat skewers.

So the three of Zhou You went to a nearby kebab shop, and Zhou You licked the beef hard.If you don't eat beef, you will lose half the taste.

Cheng Xiaomeng likes tiger skin chicken feet, and eats chicken feet the whole time.

If my sister was here, she would definitely think of the peeing beef balls that left a deep impression on her...

During the meal, the three of you traveled around and chatted.

During the chat, I learned that Cheng Xiaomeng will start rehearsing for the Spring Festival Gala performance after this annual vacation.

She is in charge of choreography.

"This time, the national stage is asking for classical dance, try to be as beautiful as possible." Cheng Xiaomeng said, "It's the first time to be the choreographer of the National Taiwan Spring Festival Gala. I'm afraid of messing up."

She also attended the Spring Festival Gala before.

But he was only responsible for dancing, and never acted as a choreographer.

This time, I still need to ask many seniors for advice.

Zhou You suddenly remembered that he still had detailed information about "Dragon Gate King Kong" in his hand, including choreography ideas and so on.

I have been traveling around for a long time and have not found the use of this dance idea.

If it is used in the Spring Festival seems very good.

After thinking for a while, he said, "I have a friend who is good at choreography. He often has good ideas. I can introduce you to him."

Classic out of nothing.

Cheng Xiaomeng: "Really?"

Zhou You: "Yes. I will push his WeChat to you."

As he spoke, he pushed the small WeChat business card over.

Trumpet only added a limited number of people.

Except for the three scumbags, the others didn't know each other, so adding Cheng Xiaomeng was not a problem.

After receiving the business card, Cheng Xiaomeng asked, "Comfortable?"

Zhou You: "Yes. I have already greeted him, you can add him to communicate."

My lying skills are getting better and better, my face is not red and my heart is not beating... Zhou You complained to himself.

Cheng Xiaomeng quickly sent a friend request.

But Zhou You didn't pass right away.

There is a risk of exposure to operate a trumpet under their noses, so it's better to be steady.


It was nine o'clock in the evening when I returned home after eating with Chen Luo and Cheng Xiaomeng.

Chen Luo still wanted to take Zhou You to drink, but Zhou You said that a moment of Spring Festival is worth a thousand gold, you two should go back and drink slowly.I won't disturb your two-person world.

Chen Luo and Cheng Xiaomeng haven't lived together yet, so they shouldn't have fun when they are resting, Zhou You still has fun.

When she got home, her older sister Zhou Lingyu was leaning on the sofa with her laptop and working, her fingers crackling on the keyboard.writing something.

Seeing Zhou You come back, Zhou Lingyu looked up and asked, "Where did you go?"

Zhou You: "Record songs and eat."

Zhou Lingyu: "Wow! You don't even take me with you when you eat."

Zhou You: "I'm not your boyfriend, why did I take you with me?"

Zhou Lingyu: "So you took your girlfriend to dinner?"

Zhou You: "Don't inquire."

When Zhou You said this, Zhou Lingyu immediately became interested, and she stopped working. A pair of long legs moved off the sofa and pulled Zhou You over, "Tell me, how old is the girl, what does she do, who is chasing who, and has a photo ?"

Zhou You: "Do you believe what your dear brother says?"

Zhou Lingyu: "Yes, I believe in honest people."

Honest man is not a good word in this day and age... It is basically equated with a green hat.

Zhou You didn't continue to "squabble" with his sister, and opened the refrigerator door to take a piece of ice cream to cool down.The weather is still hot in September, and it will cool down in October.

But Zhou You was dumbfounded when he opened the refrigerator. He ate a piece of the ice cream he bought just two days ago, and then it disappeared...

"Zhou Lingyu, did you steal my ice cream?" Zhou You asked.

"I ate a little bit." Zhou Lingyu said.

"The refrigerator has been emptied." Zhou Youxin said, you call this a little bit.

"The ice cream my brother bought is so delicious." Zhou Lingyu said, "When I was young, my teacher said that I need a CD to act."

Your disc action is a bit special.

It's not that I feel sorry for my sister who ate the ice cream, but that every month when Zhou Lingyu's aunt visits, the pain is so painful... I don't know how to control it! !When the time comes, I won't bother to care about you if my stomach hurts.Zhou You complained in his heart, then silently took a bottle of iced soda and gulped down two gulps.

I'll buy more tomorrow and buy some ice cream for my sister.

Zhou Lingyu nestled on the sofa again and started to work.

"Didn't you say hug your brother's thigh? Why do you work overtime every day?" Zhou You casually sat next to Zhou Lingyu.

"Let's do a new case." Zhou Lingyu said: "My brother is so good, my sister has to become even better, otherwise how can you bully my dear brother."

"Thinking about how to bully me all day?"

"That is."

After joking for a while, the two talked about work.

Zhou Lingyu has already negotiated the Smurf brand list.

In the next year, the advertising department of Big Fish Studio will provide Smurfs with the planning of Weibo copywriting, commercials and other content.

It is necessary to follow hot spots and rub hot spots to make copywriting.

And keep the Smurfs Weibo account active.

"Actually, you can drive a car." Zhou You said.

"An idea?" Zhou Lingyu looked at Zhou You curiously.

"A little bit." Zhou You said.

"Make a sample." Zhou Lingyu said.

Zhou You casually said something about a copywriter of a certain Leisi who knew it all by heart.

"Stand steady and hold on, tonight, I plan to remind you the same."

Zhou Lingyu didn't realize it at first, but soon she realized that this was not the car to go to kindergarten.

Stand still and hold on!

This is a very common everyday word.

But from Zhou You's mouth, why did the taste change?
"Dear brother, when did you become enlightened?" Zhou Lingyu felt that Zhou You had changed!

In the past, he was a boring gourd who only knew how to sing.

Girlfriends don't know how to talk about one.

Now export as "Chapter".

Directly on the high speed.

It feels like a different person.

"Hasn't he always been so handsome?" Zhou You said.

"Who said you're handsome?" Zhou Lingyu suddenly changed the subject, "Are there any more, two more?"

She had already written down how to stand firmly and support herself in a small notebook.

"When I saw you that day, in order to behave civilized and decent, I had no choice but to bow and salute." Zhou You said again.


There is a sense of the picture.

"Brother, you are so coquettish!" Zhou Lingyu felt that Zhou You's skill was too deep.

Up the cheese!
In a few words, he just turned the broken car into a rocket.

What a special body of civilization.

It's a good bow to "salute".

I feel like I have learned Chinese in vain... Brother, you failed Chinese before, did you study these things?
"Is there any more?"


Zhou You knows when enough is enough.

Make a sample for my sister, the master will lead the door in, practice depends on the individual, and see if my sister can come up with such a wonderful copywriting.


Did I set a wrong example for my sister?
Zhou Lingyu memorized these two sentences. "Send a message next week to try out fans' reactions."

"Well," Zhou You said, "it's time to sleep."

Speaking of getting up.

"I have to work overtime for a while." Zhou Lingyu said.

"Still working overtime? Didn't the copywriting work out for you?" Zhou You just mentioned the copywriting just to let her sister finish work earlier, but she still worked overtime.

Sure enough, she is a sister who is engaged in business.

He said to lie flat on his lips, but in private he was crazily introverted.

"Recently, there was an advertisement bidding for an international piano brand. I want to take it down and make a plan to fight for it." Zhou Lingyu said.

"Piano?" Zhou You asked.

"Yes." Zhou Lingyu said. "If there is a commercial song, the probability of winning it will be much higher."

"Okay." Zhou You said, "Let me have a look at the copywriting. I'll give it a try."

I don't seem to have any songs suitable for piano commercials.

So Zhou You can only say try.

Now that there is an extra Zhai Nan in the creative department, and there is no suitable work in the lottery, Zhai Nan can also help write songs.

Go back to the room and find out that there is a chance to draw a lottery.

"Lucky draw!" Zhou You said in his heart.

Four golden cloud pattern cards immediately appeared in front of him, choose the third one.

Cards zoom in, flip over!
[Congratulations on getting the song "My Dream" gift package]



First update.I was in the hospital all day today, and this was written in the hospital.The second is to go at night.Go home and write.

Ask for a monthly pass, a monthly pass, a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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