I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 189 New album MV idea, piano commercial bidding, must win

Chapter 189 New album MV idea, piano commercial bidding, must win

"My Dream", unexpectedly got this song.

It is the theme song/advertising song of a mobile phone brand on Earth.

There are Chinese and English versions.

There are two versions included in the spree.

"My Dream" opens with a piano solo, and its MV tells the story of a little girl pursuing her dream of being a pianist.

Although it is the theme song of a mobile phone brand, every time I watch the MV, I feel that the MV is more like a piano commercial song.

This song is very suitable as a promotional song for a piano brand... There are two versions, which are also in line with international piano brands.

After all, in the Western Continent, although Chinese is the official language, as a dialect of English, there is still a lot of room for survival.

English songs are also quite popular in the Western Continent.

Just like Cantonese songs are still popular in Huacheng, Xiangjiang and other places in Xiaguo.

At that time, let's read the bidding plan written by my sister Zhou Lingyu.

Zhou You temporarily put aside the matter of advertising, and began to think about his first album "Zhou You".

At present, the ten songs have been confirmed, Qian Qiuyuan is also helping to write "Intro" and "Outro", the recording project has also been completed, and the shooting and production of the MV should also be put on the agenda.

But Zhou You needs to think carefully about how to shoot the MV.

Let's start with the two title songs "All the Way North" and "Exchanging the Rest of My Life".

Zhou You likes the roar of car engines in the prelude to "All the Way North", and this song is an episode of the movie "Initial D".

Zhou You's first thought must be that AE86 has gone up the mountain.

AE86 goes up the hill, Mercedes-Benz up the tree.

Of course, the drainage channels of Catch Shrimp House and Xia Shu must also have cards.

"Initial D" and "Fast and Furious" are Zhou You's favorite movies, why not shoot the MV according to the plot of "Initial D".

Not getting this movie by lottery, Zhou You can only rely on memory to piece together the plot as much as possible.

By the way, it is also very interesting for Cadillac to chase the high-speed rail.

Consider combining the plot.

Zhou You conceived the plot for a while, then turned on the computer, recorded his thoughts, and then improved the shooting script later.

The MV of "Exchanging the rest of my life" should be based on Zhou You's real experience. The two Zhou You in parallel time and space exchanged the rest of their lives for some reason, exploring another possibility of life... Of course, Zhou You hopes to end with "MV" way back to Earth.

Inspiration keeps coming.

Zhou You wrote down, revised, and perfected as quickly as possible, and didn't call it a day until eleven o'clock.

After taking a shower, lying on the bed and swiping his phone, Zhou You didn't realize that today is the last episode of "Traveler" until he saw the topic of "Traveler" ending with flowers on Weibo's hot list.

So far, the first season of "Traveler" has come to an end.

The audience was very disappointed.

Lively discuss in the comment area.

"It's over? Is it over? Is it over?"

"Time flies so fast, I caught up with the last issue before I knew it! It feels like a dream."

"Reluctance, woo woo woo~~"

"Is there a second issue? I still want to watch it! Can't get enough!! I've watched it over and over again."

The end of "Traveler" sparked heated discussions. Some fans and viewers edited the "famous scenes" of the show, and some made a compilation of all the songs that appeared in the show.

As the show became popular,

Zhou You, Li Yan, Zheng Hudong, and Sha Rui, four "fake monks" also followed Weituo's popularity.

Today's Weibo hot spot is the day contracted by "Traveler".

On the other hand, the prince also contacted Zhou You on WeChat, saying that he was going to hold a flower-spreading celebration banquet, and hoped that Zhou You could attend.

Zhou You said: "This is the last time I want to grab the wool of the program group, I must come and have a meal."

Prince: "Okay, let me ask Li Yan and Hu Dong about their itinerary, and I will tell you when the time and place are confirmed."

Zhou You replied.Wang Hou raised another topic: "Are you preparing for a new album recently?"

Zhou You: "Yeah, I'm thinking about shooting an MV, it's a big head."

Wang Hou: "Do you need a director? The work on "Traveler" is over, and there are no work arrangements for the recent period. If you need it, I can come and help."

Zhou You: "That would be great." I was wondering which director to find.Self-directed and acted?Well, Zhou You admits that he has no directing talent.Acting is fine.In the past, in order to win the order for starting a business, I often acted as my grandson.

Wang Hou: "That's it. When will the MV start shooting?"

Zhou You: "I'm writing the script, I guess I have to wait a few days."

After chatting with the prince for a while, when it was time to go to bed, Zhou You hurriedly ended the topic, put down the phone, lay down on the bed, and slept peacefully.


The next morning, when Zhou You put on his sports gear and was about to go for a run, he found his sister Zhou Lingyu lying on the sofa and falling asleep.

The laptop is still open.

Neither was the quilt.

The elder sister who keeps saying she wants to show off her thighs, who stays up late and works overtime... What is the experience of having a workaholic sister?Simply the King of Rolls.

Zhou You didn't have the heart to wake up his sister.

Let her sleep a little longer.

Go back to the bedroom and take a cold quilt to cover Zhou Lingyu.

But as soon as it was covered, Zhou Lingyu woke up.

"Ah... I fell asleep?" Zhou Lingyu woke up and found herself sleeping on the sofa, only to realize that she fell asleep for no reason last night.

"Sister, can we not work so hard?" Zhou You said, "The work is endless, you have to rest when you need to rest, and you have to do poorly if you need to do bad work."

"I'm called dedicated, okay?" Zhou Lingyu said, "What does it have to do with desperate rolls?"

Instead of arguing with his sister, Zhou You asked, "Have you finished writing the plan?"

Zhou Lingyu: "It's almost there."

Zhou You: "Let me see."

So he picked up Zhou Lingyu's notebook, woke it up, and carefully read the piano brand advertising plan written by Zhou Lingyu.

The plot tells the story of a deaf-mute girl's dream of being a pianist.

How come it coincides with the "My Dream" MV?

It’s just that Zhou Lingyu wrote about a deaf-mute girl. With the encouragement of her mother, she overcame many difficulties and finally performed on the stage she dreamed of, realizing her dream of being a pianist.

Zhou You took it very seriously.

Zhou Lingyu remembered what Zhou You said last night that he could write commercial songs or brand songs for commercial projects, and asked with anticipation: "How about it, can you write songs?"

This feeling is like giving Zhou You a piece of material, and then asking Zhou You to write a proposition composition.

"The story is good." Zhou You said, "I have some inspiration. When will you bid?"

"This afternoon." Zhou Lingyu said.

No wonder I stayed up so late last night... But if I bid this afternoon, the full version of "My Dream" will not be produced.

Later, the lyrics and scores can be sent to Zhou Lingyu.

"Send your lyrics and music at noon." Zhou You said.

"So fast?"

"Isn't your brother always fast?"

"Then how could I know."


Zhou Lingyu! !Have you been distracted by "stand firm and support yourself" last night, and "run the train with your mouth full" when you wake up in the morning.

"I'm going to wash up." Zhou Lingyu left Zhou You and ran into the bathroom to wash up.

Travel around and go for a run.

Four or 10 minutes later, Zhou You came back with the breakfast he bought outside.

Soup dumplings, tea eggs, porridge, kimchi, beef noodles...

The beef noodles are bought for myself.

The rest belonged to Zhou Lingyu.

Zhou You likes to eat noodles and never tires of eating them.He also doesn't understand why he has a soft spot for noodles.

Zhou Lingyu likes to eat steamed stuffed buns, all kinds of fillings, except for sugary steamed stuffed buns, and will not refuse anyone else.I especially like minced cowpea stuffing and dried mushroom stuffing.When she was studying, Zhou Lingyu obviously ate breakfast at home and went out, but when she went to the bun shop outside the school, she still had to buy two small steamed buns and a tea egg.

Zhou Lingyu was thinking about what to cook in the morning, so Zhou You came back with breakfast, and his eyes lit up when he saw the steamed buns and tea eggs.

"It's still stuffed with minced meat and cowpea!! My dear brother, you understand me."

"That is."

"I love you to death."

"I hope you will love even when you die."

After breakfast, Zhou Lingyu hurried to work.

Dayu Studio provided her with a car, and now she drives to work every day, freeing herself from the fate of crowding the subway and bus.

The only trouble is that there are often traffic jams when driving to work.

The small eDonkey is still convenient... It's a pity that Jinghai bans the small eDonkey.Zhou Lingyu didn't quite understand this.Why ban eMule?Obviously, the morning peak and evening peaks will be jammed to death.Those official grandpas don't really think that everyone can afford to drive a car with four wheels.

After Zhou Lingyu went to work, Zhou You took the Tianlang Royal Westminster audio set out of the system.

Tannoy Royal Westminster speakers, McIntosh amplifiers...

The million-level suit that was drawn in the previous lottery has never been installed in time.I have nothing to do today, I'm tossing around at home alone.

Work until noon, everything is done.

"I also have my own independent music room." Zhou You was quite satisfied with the fruits of his labor.

Zhou You has always dreamed of owning his own music room.

Now it finally came true.

He didn't even bother to eat lunch, Zhou You sat inside and enjoyed the music, the music surrounded him seemed to overwhelm him... No, to be precise, he seemed to be integrated into the music, turning into a rhythmic note.

It really is the ultimate enjoyment!
[Build your own music room, life point +1]

[Extremely enjoy music in the music room, life point +1]

It was around two o'clock when Zhou You realized that "My Dream" had not been sent to Zhou Lingyu, so he immediately took out his mobile phone and sent the lyrics and music of "My Dream" to Zhou Lingyu.


Star Piano Jinghai Headquarters.

Large meeting room.

The invited advertising companies came to bid with their own planning cases.

These advertising companies are not small, and there are many big companies in the industry.Among them, Aurora Media, Seven Star Culture, and Big Fish Studio have attracted much attention.

Aurora Media is a benchmark advertising company in the industry.

In the ranking of Xiaguo Advertising Company, it has risen to the first place this year.

Seven Star Culture ranked third, and it was Zhou Lingyu's old club.The strength is also quite strong.

Among the big companies, Big Fish Studio is not ranked at all.Big Fish Studio was invited because of two previous commercials: a lipstick commercial and an underwear commercial.

These two ads are too out of the circle.

It has been analyzed and studied by major advertising companies as a successful case study.

In many colleges and universities, marketing majors, advertising, etc. are in the classroom, and teachers use them as case teaching.

It can be said that it has had a profound impact on the advertising industry.

So much so that when many brands are looking for an advertising agency, they will mention one appeal: we want the effect of the beauty underwear advertisement, which is creative and reversed, which is amazing and impressive at the same time.

All major advertising companies say that Big Fish Studio has single-handedly caused an involution in the advertising industry, and now advertising, without some creativity, really can't satisfy customers.

And this is why the advertising department of Dayu Studio still attracts attention even though it cannot be compared with companies like Seven Star Culture and Aurora Media.

"Dayu Studio was even invited to come."

"The two previous ads helped build a reputation."

"Tsk tsk, I hope I didn't come to class today."

"Attend class?"

"Yeah, the advertising creativity class of Big Fish Studio."

Big Fish Studio was not ranked among the many advertising companies that came here.After all, the advertising department of Big Fish Studio is still a relatively young department.

There have been two success stories.

But only two cases have been done.

Everyone knows that in the very beginning of the advertising industry, the relevant planning will do everything possible, but the creativity and inspiration will always run out one day, and the follow-up will slowly go downhill.

In the advertising industry, no matter whether it is a company or an advertising person, it is common for a debut to be the pinnacle.Then there is the long Waterloo.

The Aurora Media delegation, well-known advertiser Wu Junchen looked at the Dayu Studio delegation not far away.

There are only three people in the delegation of Big Fish Studio, and they are also all the employees of the advertising department of Big Fish Studio.

"I didn't expect Dayu Studio to come too." Wu Junchen said, "Interesting."

"Boss, they won't make any troubles again, right?" the subordinate said.

"It doesn't matter," Wu Junchen said, "because we will take this order."

Aurora Media is in a leading position in the advertising industry.

And there are countless classic cases of Wu Junchen.

The two advertisements of Big Fish Studio are indeed quite creative, but after all, there are elements of trickery.Besides, Wu Junchen has the strength and confidence to crush Dayu Studio.

Zhou Lingyu, he knew that this girl was the little follower who followed Leng Wanqi back then?


But after all, the qualifications are still young.

Not enough to be afraid of.

The one who really needs to be careful in this bidding is Leng Wanqi from Seven Star Culture... When Leng Wanqi leads a team to bid, it is considered a match.

Wu Junchen's eyes fell on a capable woman not far away.

Her upper body is a simple and artistic white shirt with lace trim.

Underneath is a pair of black loose trousers.

Stepping on a pair of pointed eight centimeter high heels.

Auntie's lipstick made her lips sexy and hot.

There are two strings of long earrings hanging on her ears, and her aesthetics are always online.

I haven't seen her more beautiful for a long time.

I don't know if I have found a boyfriend.

Wu Junchen was about to go up to say hello to Leng Wanqi, but Leng Wanqi walked towards him quickly... Did he see me?Wu Junchen immediately cleared his throat, with a signature smile on his face.

Leng Wanqi approached quickly.

Wu Junchen is ready to have a conversation with Leng Wanqi.

However, Leng Wanqi did not stop by his side, but passed him by, and walked towards Zhou Lingyu who was not far away.

"Lingyu." Leng Wanqi called out.

"Sister Qi!" Zhou Lingyu hurried up to meet her.

Although Zhou Lingyu is no longer employed in Seven Star Culture, she has always maintained a good relationship with Leng Wanqi...well, Leng Wanqi took good care of her before.

"I haven't seen you in half a month, and I've already led the team independently, which is great." Leng Wanqi said, "The previous two advertisements were too amazing. How did you come up with the idea of ​​advertising like that?"

"Sister Qi took care of it." Zhou Lingyu said.

Leng Wanqi was Zhou Lingyu's boss, her former boss, and her master.

Then the two chatted happily.

Wu Junchen's face was darkened when he saw this scene.

I thought my charming charm aroused Leng Wanqi's interest... It turned out that I was thinking too much.It was so embarrassing that the toes could dig out three rooms and one living room on the ground.

About 15 minutes later, the person in charge of the Star Piano brand entered the venue.

The delegations of each advertising company will be seated according to their nameplates.

Bidding begins.



Make up.This is to make up for yesterday.I came back too late yesterday and didn't finish writing.I didn't post it.There are two more chapters of normal updates today.

Ask for a monthly pass, a monthly pass, a monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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