I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 191 MV filming finalized, lottery "Canon", island itinerary

Chapter 191 MV filming finalized, lottery "Canon", thousand islands itinerary
Our dream is the sea of ​​stars.

This is the brand language used by Xingchen Piano to this day.

"My Dream" ad creative and "My Dream" song seem to be designed around this "vision" and brand language.

There is an English version of the song, which also confirms the phrase "Our dream is the sea of ​​stars", not only the Eastern Continent, not only the Western Continent, but also the entire Star Federation?
But the entire sea of ​​stars!

Of course, this is also the "big goal" set by the founder of the "Star" brand.It's just going downhill now.

But there is this ad.

Wang Zhe believes that everything will be fine, and Xingchen Piano will go on and get better and better.Our market is a sea of ​​stars.

After reading the lyrics of the two versions, Wang Zhe felt that they were very well written.

It happens to be delivered in two installments.

"Are the fees for the two versions charged separately?" Wang Zhe asked.

The two versions are charged separately, and the cost investment will be tens of millions more.

"Mr. Zhou...Xiaoyao charges by the word." Zhou Lingyu almost said that she was Mr. Zhou You, but fortunately she reacted quickly and changed her words in time.

She has never been ambiguous about helping her brother make money.

I wouldn't say something like buy one get one free.

Respect your younger brother's creative achievements.

Seeing that the other party did not speak, Zhou Lingyu added: "Of course which version to choose, or to use both versions, is up to your company to decide, and we are only responsible for the implementation."

"Hmm... English songs are charged by letter?" Wang Zhe asked.

Zhou Lingyu was amused by Wang Zhe, and said: "The industry practice is to pay by word... Well, if your company pays by letter, we will not refuse."

"Let's discuss it after a meeting," Wang Zhe said.

"Okay, Mr. Wang, you have made a decision, just call." Zhou Lingyu said again, "By the way, in fact, there is still a part of our plan that I haven't written, but I personally think it's quite interesting. "

"Tell me." Wang Zhe looked at Zhou Lingyu with great interest.

"Do you still remember the 'public piano' mentioned in my plan presentation?" Zhou Lingyu said, "Actually, Mr. Wang can consider displaying star pianos in shopping malls, airports, and streets. People passing by and waiting can play for free , In a sense, this is also a brand exposure, and it is also a very important link in brand building."

Wang Zhe's eyes lit up when he heard the words, "Good idea!! Why didn't I think of it! It's great. Your big fish studio really has a lot of ideas."

After talking about some details, Zhou Lingyu left the Xingchen Piano headquarters with two young members of the team.

And after they left,
Marketing official Che said: "I have an illusion."

Wang Zhe: "What?"

Fang Che: "It feels like they are not here to bid for commercials, but to sell songs."

Wang Zhe: "There's nothing wrong with that... Big Fish Studio is an entertainment company after all."

Fang Che: "The operation of Big Fish Studio is very flamboyant. It earns a wave of advertising money, earns a music copyright fee, and then its own songs can become popular singers and make money on the platform... Is this called one fish and three meals? "

Wang Zhe: "Hearing what you said, I probably understand why Big Fish Studio wants to set up an advertising department! Bloody money."


Of course Zhou Lingyu didn't know that she was regarded as a "song seller" by Xingchen Piano.

After leaving Xingchen headquarters, Ding Keke was very happy and excited, "Boss, you are so handsome today! You are indeed my idol!"

Zhou Lingyu: "Study hard, you can too."

Ding Keke: "Yes."

Ding Keke is 22 years old, just graduated from university, runs a self-media, a very lively little girl.Well... Zhou Lingyu is not that big either.But maybe because of working for several years, Ding Keke is like a little girl in her eyes.

"You will write the script for the shooting." Zhou Lingyu said to Ding Keke, "Just ask me what you don't understand."

"Thank you boss!" Ding Keke was so happy.

Zhou Lingyu didn't let her write the script for the previous two commercial shoots, and now the boss finally let her write it! !It seems that the boss has recognized me.Instant energy.


[Read novels for two hours, life points +2]

[Private pool swimming, life point +1]

Today is another day of idleness.

A day of traveling without a work arrangement is very relaxing. If you want to work, you can work, and if you want to rest, you can rest.

This is probably the most perfect state.

Is it okay not to work?

That way people will be very empty and lack a sense of accomplishment... In fact, what people dislike is not work, but going to work.In Zhou You's view, work and going to work are two different things.

Soaked in the pool and drank the last quarter cup of homemade "Mojito", then climbed out of the pool, pulled the blue towel to dry the water stains on the head and body, lay on the deck chair for a while, and then went to the bathroom take a shower.

After taking a shower and traveling around, I started preparing dinner.

Start cooking dinner at this point, and my sister can have dinner when she gets home.

My younger brother is still qualified...

However, when Zhou You was struggling with what to eat tonight, his sister called and said that he would not be coming back for dinner tonight.

Zhou You: "Have a date?"

Zhou Lingyu: "Big beauty."

Zhou You: "Aren't you going to introduce it to your younger brother?"

Zhou Lingyu: "She doesn't like little kids."

Zhou Lingyu and Zhou You often bicker like this.

After fighting for a while, Zhou Lingyu said to have dinner with the master, and then hung up the phone hastily.

Leng Wanting was by Zhou Lingyu's side during the phone call, and asked curiously, "Boyfriend?"

Zhou Lingyu: "My brother."

Zhou Lingyu and Zhou You have appeared together on the "Traveler" program, and their sibling relationship is no secret.

Zhou You's handsome face immediately appeared in Leng Wanqi's mind: "I really like my brother."

Then the two talked and laughed and went to the restaurant.

If my sister doesn't come back and travel around to eat alone, I don't plan to make it so complicated.My sister bought snail noodles two days ago.Let's cook snail noodles today.

Zhou You didn't like to eat this stuff at first.

He felt that the smell of snail powder was worse than that of stinky tofu.

Under the temptation of my sister many times, I endured the smell and ate it once, and it turned out really delicious...and then it got out of control.

Zhou You cooked a pack of snail noodles, added vegetables, ham, and fried eggs.Also specially added sesame oil.

For Zhou You, eating noodles and hot pot, sesame oil is a must, it is the soul.

While eating snail noodles, I received a WeChat message from Chen Luo.

The five songs recorded before were completed in post-production.

Chen Luo sent the finished five songs over.

Chen Luo: "Listen and see if there is anything that needs to be improved."

Zhou You: "Is it done so quickly?"

Chen Luo: "I stayed up late yesterday and worked overtime for a while."

Zhou You: "You don't even touch your beautiful wife, and you work overtime to do this? Be careful that your girlfriend runs away."

Chen Luo: "I can't run away. What's more. I was going to stay for a week, but yesterday I received the choreography of "Dragon Gate King Kong" from your friend, and I went back to work in the afternoon. Let's see the effect."

Zhou You: "My friend is really ignorant. He ruined your beautiful life without shame. I'll treat you to a drink later."

Chen Luo: "I can't say that. But I'm thinking about this drink."

The two chatted for a while before ending the conversation.

Zhou You ate a small pot of snail noodles in twos and twos, came to the music room, and played the five finished songs sent by Chen Luo with a million-dollar luxury equipment.

no problem.

Then I also listened to the recorded versions of the five songs "Fake Monk", "All the Way North", "22", "Exchanging the Rest of My Life", and "Change Yourself".

Listening to "All the Way North" with a million-dollar luxury equipment, the engine roar sample in the prelude sounds too touching.


"I got up tonight, looked at me in the mirror, and suddenly found that I was sleeping a little KUSO..."

"I can change the world, I can change myself, I can change my diaphragm, I can change my stinginess, I have to keep working hard and never give up..."

At this time, "Change Yourself" was playing on the sound system of Tianlang Royal Westminster Abbey.

Zhou You liked the transition and drum beats of this song very much.

The rhythm is not too good.

The style of the second brother's songs is too distinctive.

The key is that he sings well.

Not at all broken down.

The MV of this song is quite interesting, the second brother plays four roles, guitarist Xiao Wang, drummer Xiao Li, bassist Xiao Hong, and lead singer Wang Leehom!

Mainly based on the punk style of heavy metal bands.

That's pretty cool.

The "Change Yourself" MV conceived by Zhou You draws on this idea, and Zhou You also plays four roles to form a band.

But they are not called Xiao Zhou, Xiao You, Xiao Zhou You...

Instead, they appeared one after another in bright pure red, pure blue, pure yellow, and pure white costumes, which is very artistic.

The idea of ​​the album's MV is almost done, the director has already confirmed the prince, and it's time to start the preparations for the MV shooting.

By the way, Zhou You in "All the Way North" is going to play the role of the racing driver "Xiao Zhou", but he doesn't know anything about racing Zhou You, so he has to consult a professional, and it is best to experience it.Of course, if you can find a professional team to cooperate with the shooting, it will feel completely different.

Zhou You instantly thought of Zhao Xiaolong, the racing driver guest in "Heartbeat Journey".

Please help him?

Traveling is action.

He has Zhao Xiaolong's phone number, dial it.

After "Heartbeat Journey", they had little contact. Occasionally seeing Zhao Xiaolong's racing photos posted in the circle, Zhou You would like them.

But fortunately, the relationship was good before.

After a simple conversation on the phone, the atmosphere was in place. Zhou You didn't go around and said that he was going to shoot an MV, and he wanted to add some scenes related to racing cars. Zhou You wanted to ask for advice and learn systematically.

Zhao Xiaolong: "I happen to be in the racing club in Qiandao now. There are professional racing cars and a team that I usually play in. I will tell my friends about these, and they can all play in friendship. It happens that you can also learn and experience on the professional racing track. racing technology."

Zhao Xiaolong is easy to talk to.

Zhou You briefly described the locations needed for the shooting, and Zhao Xiaolong immediately recommended several locations, including Qiandao and the interior of Xia Nei.

Zhao Xiaolong will not return to the mainland of Xia in a short time, so Zhou You decided to go to Qiandao to complete the MV shooting of "All the Way North".

After hanging up the phone, Zhou You immediately sketched out a shooting itinerary, and then called Wang Hou to finalize the schedule.

Prince: "Qiandao! I heard that the custom street there is good."

Zhou You: "I will give you time to play."

Prince: "I'm not that kind of person."

Zhou You: "No way? Then what happened to the old Wang next door?"

What kind of nonsense is this... The prince chose to bypass this topic directly, why did I mention Custom Street?Well, I've had a mouthful too.The dream land of countless men.But it's just a dream.Most people are mouth strong kings.

He said he wanted to experience it.

As a result, I never had the guts to take that step.

Wang Hou: "Did you write the shooting script?"

Zhou You: "Yes."

Prince: "Send it to me."

Zhou You immediately sent all the MV shooting outlines and shooting scripts.

Seeing the creativity in the MV, Wang Hou said: "It's a pity that you don't become a screenwriter. Every MV feels like you can make a movie! It's a big production."

Zhou You: "The first album, be serious."

Wang Hou: "Has the heroine of "All the Way North" been chosen?"

Zhou You: "No. Director Wang will help me choose? A more beautiful one."

Prince: "I think Jiang Chuxue is pretty good."

In the MV of "All the Way North", there is a scene where the heroine kisses Zhou You... A-level contestant Jiang Chuxue kisses herself, and a picture pops up in Zhou You's mind, which seems to be not bad.

And Jiang Chuxue is quite pure.

But Zhou You felt that it was a bit awkward for her to act as the heroine of "All the Way North"... Zhou You couldn't say exactly what was awkward about it.

"Let's forget it." Zhou You said.

"Why?" Wang Hou said, "Not beautiful enough?"

"I can't keep my mouth shut." Zhou You said.

"..." The prince was speechless.

You can't even talk about someone like Jiang Chuxue!She is now the "little fairy" and "sister fairy" in the hearts of fans.How high are your standards for beauty?Could it be because of A?Hmm... I vaguely remember that he seems to like older girls.

Wang Hou flitted through several actresses in his mind, and felt that none of them were suitable, and suddenly an inspiration came to him.Wang Hou said: "It happens that we are filming the MV in Qiandao, why not find an actress from Qiandao, cross-border love is very interesting."

Zhou You: "..."

But thinking of the cute Qiandao girl Zhou You who finally "compromised", who can resist the "Oni sauce".

Wang Hou: "You took two of my public-funded tours for the show, and this time it's finally my turn to take your public-funded tour."

Zhou You: "I'm only responsible for food, lodging and transportation. Custom Street is at its own expense."

Prince: "!!!" I'm really not that kind of person.

After finalizing the itinerary and confirming the personnel, Zhou You asked Zhang Yao to buy a ticket and book the air ticket and hotel one day later.

Because there is still some preparation to be done during this period.

After hanging up the phone, Zhou You sent the ten songs of the album to the three sluts, and they were full of praise for Xiaoyao's five songs.

My sister Zhou Lingyu didn't come back until ten o'clock in the evening.

After drinking, please drive the car back.

But she wasn't drunk.

I also worked overtime in the living room for a while.

What is it like to have a sister who will be strong all her life?
Zhou You asked Zhou Lingyu about some details of today's bidding, and Zhou Lingyu explained in detail.

"Which female star are you going to invite?" Zhou You asked.

"Jiang Chuxue." Zhou Lingyu seemed to have an idea, and blurted it out.

"Jiang Chuxue?" What's the matter today, the prince mentioned this girl, and the elder sister mentioned her again... It seems that her business has been very busy recently.

"That's right," Zhou Lingyu said, "Jiang Chuxue recently participated in a new play. Not only can she play the role of a little fairy, but she can also be very down-to-earth. Let me show you this..."

"She has a wide range of acting and has the popularity of a first-line star, but the announcement fee is not that expensive, it is cheap and easy to use."

It turns out that my sister finally implemented cost control.


Zhou You didn't ask too much, and went back to the room after chatting with his sister for a while.

Lying on the bed consciousness sinks into the system.

Exactly 10 life points.


[Congratulations on winning the piano piece "Canon"]



Second update, a bit late, sorry.But finally wrote it out.

Daily task: Ask for a monthly ticket without a soul, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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