I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 192 Sitting up in shock in the dying illness, the underwear baby is you

Chapter 192 Sitting up in shock in the dying illness, the underwear baby is you

After "Kikujiro's Summer", Zhou You has been looking forward to getting the piano piece again.

But never got it.

Unexpectedly, "Canon" appeared at this time.

Could it be triggered by the advertisement of Star Piano?
"Canon" in the previous life is one of Zhou You's favorite piano pieces, every time I hear this piece, my heart becomes very peaceful.

The selected "Canon" includes piano scores and pure music files.

Zhou You downloaded and played pure music files from the system, and then fell asleep to the melody of "Canon".

Tonight he dreamed of "traveling around" the earth again. He still spent money like water and invested in some projects that would lose money, but what the hell did he make money!

The more money you spend, the more you spend.

The more you want to lose, the more you earn.

Beside Yingying Yanyan.


[Sleep until you wake up naturally, life point +1]

It was already eight o'clock in the morning when Zhou You woke up. After washing up, he went downstairs. His sister had already prepared breakfast.

Potato shredded egg cake, purple potato cake, seafood porridge.

It seems that my sister got up very early.

"Dear brother, have breakfast." Zhou Lingyu immediately filled Zhou You with a bowl of porridge.This sister still takes good care of her brother.Except for the pocket money that was cheated on me when I was a child...

"Is this paying back my pocket money?" Zhou You said.

"Yes," Zhou Lingyu said, "Hey, now that my younger brother has grown up and become smarter, pocket money is not easy to cheat."

Now you don't have to lie, I will take the initiative to give...

Zhou You sat down at the dining table, scooped up a spoonful of seafood porridge and put it into his mouth. The sticky seafood aroma filled his mouth, "It's delicious." Zhou You praised, "The craftsmanship is getting better and better."

"That's it," Zhou Lingyu was quite proud, "I don't even look at who your sister is."

"Who is it?" Zhou You asked.

"It's your sister!" Zhou Lingyu said angrily.

During breakfast, Zhou You talked about going to Qiandao to shoot the MV tomorrow.Zhou Lingyu said that she has always wanted to go to Qiandao.If he hadn't been busy shooting the advertisement for Xingchen Piano, Zhou Lingyu would have gone to Qiandao with Zhou You to play around.

Zhou Lingyu has already contacted Jiang Chuxue's manager.

The agent said that he had to ask Jiang Chuxue what he thought to be sure, and the schedule was available recently.

"By the way," Zhou Lingyu said, "Is there a full version of "My Dream" recorded? It may be used in the near future."

How could I forget about this... Zhou You said, "I will find someone to record it as soon as possible."

Who to record?
The female singers he knew quickly flashed through Zhou You's mind, Li Qingyao, Tan Fei, Su Qianxia...

Tan Fei is not suitable.

Li Qingyao is quite suitable, but she is already a little queen, and she has too much money for singing points... It is better to choose Su Qianxia, ​​a signed singer of Dayu Studio.

How much money you make is your own.

Su Qianxia sang "Always Quiet" and "囍". These two songs are quite popular, and Su Qianxia has gained some fame because of this, but they are not popular enough.

Just use "My Dream" to praise her.

After making up his mind, Zhou You sent the lyrics and sheet music of "My Dream" to Zhang Yao, asking her to find Su Qianxia to record the song, and asked about the situation of "I'm Not the God of Medicine" and "Hurricane" by the way.

""I'm Not the God of Medicine" is expected to finish filming at the end of the month, and we will be able to meet the audience in the prime time in mid-October." Zhang Yao said.

The shooting efficiency of this world is much faster than that of the earth.

This is due to the development of Blue Star's entertainment industry and film industry.

In addition, because the historical process is completely different from the earth, there is no National Day.But October is still very special for Blue Star.

Because October [-] is "Global Day".

Also known as Global Carnival Day!
This is the day when the Han Dynasty unified the world for the first time after inheriting the legacy of Qin Shihuang.

The Star Federation will hold a celebration on this day.

At the same time, the people of the Star Federation have a collective holiday!
And not seven days, but a full ten-day holiday.

There is no such thing as taking time off, shifting shifts and making up shifts. If the beginning and the end meet weekends, traveling around will also be off normally.If the "feng shui is good" that year, you can rest for up to [-] days.

In addition, many people will also take annual leave and the like together, so there are not a few people who take 20 days or even a month.

Therefore, October [-]th to October [-]th will usher in the peak movie viewing, which is called "October Golden Time" by the industry.

"I'm Not the God of Medicine" will be released in prime time, so the competition may not be small.

"The casting of "Hurricane" is in progress, and the actor for the role of Gao Qiqiang is still being selected, and the boss will be notified as soon as there is a result." Zhang Yao said.


After hanging up the phone, Zhou You slowly went out to buy groceries.

Going to the vegetable market every morning is already a part of traveling life.

He bought bass and rabbit.

Eat steamed sea bass at noon, and make a pot of cold rabbit at night...

He never wears sunglasses and a mask when he visits the vegetable market. At first, when he was recognized by fans, the fans would excitedly shout Zhou You Zhou You, but now everyone is familiar with it.

At first when he was bargaining, the stall owner would say, "The big stars still bargain?"

Now when the stall owner saw him, he took the initiative to greet him and said that it would be cheaper!
They are all familiar.

After buying good food, Zhou You bought a box of ice cream at a nearby ice cream wholesaler, and there were many "ice cream assassins", so that my sister could also taste the sting.

But before his sister was stung, Zhou You ate a glass of red wine flavored, "The wine taste is very light, there is no other special taste...the smell of money is quite strong."

After eating a few mouthfuls, I took a photo and sent it to my sister to give her a rare look.

[Being stabbed by an ice cream assassin, life points +2]

There are two points?
Xiaoqi: After all, no one will take the initiative to seek stings except for a big wronged species like you.

After eating the ice cream, Zhou You leaned on the sofa and swiped his phone, only then did Zhou You discover that Li Yan's first single "Beauty" was released.

Li Yan even specially filmed the MV.

In the MV, Li Yan's suits, coats and other clothing styles were continuously changed. After the entire MV was completed, more than a dozen sets of clothes were changed, and the main focus was a "clothing show".

Sunglasses, cool dance moves, he is trying to make himself look handsome and cool, so he is not a "beauty lingerie baby"!
Li Yan even invited a hot actress to act as the heroine in the MV.

But these can't reverse the ridicule of his "underwear baby" by fans.

"Sit up in shock while dying, the underwear baby is still you."

"You are so beautiful, you are so beautiful, beautiful sister~~ The lyrics are already very straightforward, student Li Yan, don't struggle. You are so beautiful in beautiful underwear, you are so beautiful"

"Li Yan can even sing!! Why don't you film well, why are you going to debut as a female singer?"

"I'm the only one who found out that the creator is Xiaoyao?"

"Hahaha Xiaoyao writes songs closely following current events! It's completely tailor-made for Li Yan. I don't mention underwear baby at all, but every word is underwear baby."

"Li Yan: Can't you praise me for being handsome? I'm really trying to look handsome!"

"Bad comments on the costume change in the MV!!! At least it should be at the underwear level, right? The underwear show is not good?"

Criticize talents since ancient times.

Li Yan's single song directly took the first and second spots on WeiTer's most popular list.

Some fans of Li Yan made a spoof, using AI to change faces, and changed the MV of "Beauty" into Li Yan's "Underwear Show", which was called Yincai by netizens.

But there are also fans who are a little more serious.

It is strongly recommended to change the title of the song to "Handsome", so that it will not remind people of "Underwear Baby", and the lyrics also have to be changed: You are so handsome, you are so handsome, you are so handsome, handsome, handsome and bad~~
When the three scumbags heard that Zhou You had written a song for Li Yan, they immediately went to listen to it.

The song is a good song!

But it was all ruined by the comment section.

Qian Qiuyuan immediately sent a message to Xiaoyao, with a thumbs up "Strong Strong Strong" emoji, "Did you do the song "Beauty" on purpose? Absolutely!"

Happy: "Hey hey hey"


Tang Mi studio.

Jiang Chuxue couldn't stop laughing while listening to "Beauty" and looking at the comment section.

"You are so beautiful, you are so beautiful, you are so charming...you are so beautiful, beautiful sister..."

The song is very nice.

My stomach hurts from laughing in the comment section.

Tang Mi: "I laughed so exaggeratedly while listening to the song."

Jiang Chuxue: "Miss Mi, look at what's hot on Weibo, and read the comments."

Tang Mi: "Is there any big melon?"

Tang Mi immediately picked up her mobile phone and opened Weibo, and saw "Underwear baby, are you hot "beautiful" are you hot "beautiful" are you hot "little sister sister""

The title immediately reminded Tang Mi of Li Yan's underwear advertisement.

After reading the comments, Tang Mi laughed and trembled wildly.

36D random flowers gradually become charming eyes.

Jiang Chuxue was a little dizzy seeing the shaking... Sister Mi, please stop shaking, I am envious!Jiang Chuxue looked down, I laughed more exaggeratedly than Sister Mi, but I couldn't make any waves.

Just thinking wildly, the manager came to find Jiang Chuxue, "Xuexue, there is a good piano advertisement, planned by Big Fish Studio, do you want to take it?"

Jiang Chuxue immediately became interested when she heard about Big Fish Studio.

Whenever she has anything to do with Big Fish Studio, she will immediately think of Zhou You.

Hey ~
After the end of "Heartbeat Journey", I haven't seen brother Zhou You yet.

She found that she was also in the entertainment circle, but she had too few opportunities to get in touch with Zhou You...almost none.

"Accept." Jiang Chuxue said, "As long as there is work related to Big Fish Studio, I can arrange it."

In this way, the possibility of contact with Zhou You is greater.

But in the view of the manager, Jiang Chuxue said this out of gratitude. After all, Dayu Studio's "Legend of Sword and Fairy" made her popular.The manager said: "Our Xuexue really repays the kindness of every drop of water forever."

Jiang Chuxue can only oh, I can't say, I want to flirt.


Tang Mi was also very excited when he heard about the advertisement and Big Fish Studio, "Dayu Studio has released a new advertisement? What brand?"

Tang Mi admired the advertisements of Xizi lipstick and Liren underwear, and was amazed by its creativity.

Manager: "Star Piano."

Tang Mi: "Let's go with Xuexue during the filming."

Agent: "Isn't Miss Mi very busy recently?"

Tang Mi: "To learn new advertising ideas... Time is like water in a sponge, there will always be squeezes."

I thought you were going to say that time is like Li Yan wearing beautiful underwear, breasts are always squeezed...Jiang Chuxue teased in her heart.

But beauty underwear is really good.

The last time I saw Li Yan's ad, Jiang Chuxue bought two of them, and now I'm wearing them, and they look a lot bigger visually.

Jiang Chuxue was very happy.


The next day.

10:30 am, Qiandao Airport.

The landing time is quite a coincidence...

"The plane at 10:30 is about to arrive, and the airport is still so crowded..."

The melody naturally echoed in Zhou You's mind.

Zhao Xiaolong inquired about the landing time of Zhou You and others in advance, and he has already driven over to pick them up.

Zhao Xiaolong held a sign with the word "Zhou You" in his hand, and he saw it as soon as he came out of Zhou You.

Zhao Xiaolong was wearing a blue shirt made of denim-like material, with sunglasses hanging on his right chest pocket. He waved to Zhou You: "Here, here!"

Zhou You walked towards Zhao Xiaolong.

Long time no see, I am very happy to see Zhao Xiaolong traveling around.

After a friendly hug with him, I realized that Xu Ya was also beside me.

"Hi, long time no see." Xu Ya greeted.

"Wow, you've changed so much." Zhou You looked Xu Ya up and down, "To be honest, I didn't recognize it at first glance just now."

In Zhou You's impression, Xu Ya, a female writer, is very like a royal sister.

The same is true of her outfit and temperament.

But seeing Xu Ya this time, her outfit and makeup have changed a lot.

She is a little thinner than before.

The waist is thinner.

The upper body is a tight-fitting crop top, which highlights the waist, and the lower body is a pair of tight jeans.

She looks younger.

While the charm is still there, she presents the state of a cool sister.

It seems that it should be influenced by Zhao Xiaolong.

"Really." Xu Ya said, "Dark skin, thinner, and more makeup?"

"Very well." Zhou You said.

During the conversation, the prince took off his sunglasses and greeted Zhao Xiaolong and the two of them. A group of old acquaintances reunited, and there were always many topics to discuss.

After chatting for a few words, Zhao Xiaolong said: "Let's go to the residence first, settle down and have a meal, let's chat while eating."

"Okay." Zhou You readily agreed.

Zhang Yao actually booked a hotel for Zhou You and the others.

But Zhao Xiaolong said that his group of rich second-generation friends have idle houses with everything in place, so there is no need to stay in a hotel when traveling around.

The hospitality was difficult, so Zhou You asked Zhang Yao to return the hotel.

There are a total of 12 traveling and filming teams.

In order to let Zhou You sit more comfortably, Zhao Xiaolong found three friends and drove a total of four cars over.

Zhou You and Wang Hou took Zhao Xiaolong's car.

Xu Ya is the co-pilot.

Zhou You and Wang Hou sat in the back seat.

About half an hour later, they arrived at the residence, which is a traditional single-family house in Qiandao.

It consists of three parts: floor, pillars and roof.

Basically, there are no walls, everything is open, and it is a naturally integrated house.

The house is very spacious.

I don't know if it's because Zhou You and the others are coming to borrow, and the house is cleaned very well.Zhou You took off their shoes at the entrance, and then stepped barefoot on the wooden floor.

What a unique experience.

The whole house is a wooden structure.

The decor in the house is simple and coordinated.

Natural, simple and empty.

What Zhou You likes the most is the Japanese room with stacked mats. The space of the Japanese room is surrounded by sliding windows and partition doors, and there are recessed pavilions.

The sliding windows completely isolate the space, creating a vague, mysterious and bright private space.

Hmm... the only downside is that the sound insulation is not very good.

Because there is only a window, if you do something you like inside, the next door will probably be disturbed by the ambiguous voice.

After visiting around the houses, Zhao Xiaolong took a short break and asked, "What do you want to eat? I'll take you there."

Zhou You: "Let's have a light lunch at noon. I heard that Qiandao's tonkotsu ramen is very good?"

Zhao Xiaolong: "It happens that there is a delicious ramen shop nearby."

Zhou You: "Then go to this place."

The reason why Zhou You wants to eat ramen is because it saves trouble.After eating ramen, I can go to the racing track with Zhao Xiaolong to practice racing in the afternoon.

Hmm... Qiandao has a lot of nightlife.

Put eating and drinking in the evening.

After all, Qiandao's custom street is only interesting to visit at night.



The first update, weakly ask for a monthly pass, a monthly pass, a monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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