I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 193 "Qilixiang", the first kiss is gone, she kissed too realistically

Chapter 193 "Qilixiang", the first kiss is gone, she kissed too realistically
Zhao Xiaolong took Zhou You and the others to a ramen shop called "Mai Miao".

The shop is small.

It is so small that there are only nine seats in the entire store.

The shop sign is very old.

According to Zhao Xiaolong, this store has a history of 150 years. It is definitely a century-old store. The decoration and utensils in the store also have the charm of a century-old store.

"This store is most famous for its soy sauce ramen," Zhao Xiaolong said.

"Then have a bowl of soy sauce ramen." Zhou You said.

If you want to eat, of course, eat the most distinctive ones.

After all, this is the first time to Qiandao.

Well, I don't know if I will come again in the future.

Soon a bowl of soy sauce ramen was served.

The portion of noodles is not much, the huge noodle bowl is only half full, and the soup base is stained with soy sauce.

The noodles are topped with four thick slices of beef, one char siu and half an egg.

Sprinkle with shredded white scallions.

Insert three pieces of dark green seaweed on the side of the bowl.

Just like this, a bowl of noodles costs 55 star coins!
Star coins are the unified currency of the Star Federation.

"It's very expensive." Zhou You said in his heart, the four slices of beef were indeed genuine, but Zhou You still felt distressed when a bowl of noodles sold for 55 yuan.

After all, a bowl of Jinghai noodles is only 18 yuan.

A bowl of small noodles in Yuzhou is only 8 yuan.

In the territory of Qiandao, the consumption is really high.

Zhou You took a mouthful of noodles.

It is not impolite to make a noise when eating noodles in Qiandao, but the store will think it is the greatest courtesy of customers.

Do as the Romans do, even if Zhou You is a big star, he does not shy away from making his own voice while eating noodles.

"It's expensive, but the taste is really good." Zhou You praised and gave the boss a thumbs up, "Delicious."

The boss smiled back and said thank you, and then added two slices of beef for Zhou You.

The cameraman had already started shooting when they traveled around and landed on the Thousand Islands.Before the release of the new album, some promotional warm-up is needed.

The release of the new album MV shooting highlights is a very important part of it.

The cameraman took a close-up while traveling around eating noodles.

There are three King Kong in the thousand island noodle industry: thousand island ramen, soba noodles, and udon noodles!

During the filming of the MV in Qiandao, Zhou You planned to try it.

[Tasting Thousand Island Ramen for the first time, life point +1]

After eating Ramen Zhouyou and Zhao Xiaolong Racing Club.

Follow Zhao Xiaolong to learn the necessary knowledge related to racing.


Just when Zhou You was eating ramen in Qiandao.

The first copywriting created by Big Fish Studio for the Smurfs was released on the Smurfs official Weibo account.

The copywriting is the sentence that Zhou You said: "Stand firm and hold on, tonight, I plan to remind you the same way."

There are pictures of the suspension rings inside the bus and subway, and there are escalators...

Eight photos of various public places that need to be "stand firm and support", plus a branded packaging box of the Smurfs in the middle of the nine squares.

No matter how you look at the picture, it is serious.

But the short and concise copywriting instantly makes people feel that they have stepped from the broken road to the high speed.

The comment section just exploded.

"Fuck!! I want to report! It's okay not to report! More copywriting like this."

“This copywriting caught me off guard.”

"At first I thought it was the Smurfs' public welfare promotion! Sure enough, I was too naive."

"As expected of Big Fish Studio!! How coquettish."

"Big Fish Studio is very punishing."

"Every word is very serious, but when connected together, some special gestures tend to appear in the mind."

"Pose up."

The comment area is full of comments like "I have raised my posture".

With just this short and succinct copywriting, Smurf was on the hot list, and the advertising department of Big Fish Studio was out of the circle again.

The official account of the Smurfs has gained more than 50 fans.

The official account of Dayu Studio also gained more than 60 fans!
The rise is astonishing.

This kind of "edge copywriting" works very well, and Zhou Lingyu's test was successful.So the direction and tone of the Smurfs' copywriting were also determined.

Zhou Lingyu also began to actively create such copywriting.

As soon as you have an idea, write it down.

As a result, there were many drafts in the memo on the mobile phone.


[Experience racing, life point +1]

[Learn drifting technique, life point +1]

Zhou You and Zhao Xiaolong studied racing skills all afternoon.Zhao Xiaolong said that Zhou You is very talented in racing.Don't be too quick to learn to get started.

Drifting Zhao Xiaolong learned it after only demonstrating it once.

Zhao Xiaolong was amazed.

Having learned drifting and cornering techniques, Zhou You can basically complete the MV shooting of "All the Way North".

Traveling around in the evening they went to a high-end sushi restaurant.

It is autumn at this time, and it is the time when a large number of saury and tuna are on the market. Of course, Zhou You must try it.

Among them, what surprised Zhou You most was the tuna big belly sushi.

It is made from the most expensive bluefin tuna.

It just so happened that Zhou You ate wild bluefin tuna this time.The sour and umami taste of wild bluefin tuna is brighter than that of farmed tuna, and the content of oil in the fish meat is also lower, and the meat quality is firmer.

Zhou You feels that it has an aroma that travels in the nasal cavity and a touch of sweetness.

[Taste bluefin tuna sushi, life point +1]

After dinner, they traveled around and went shopping in Custom Street.

The prince, who has always been cheerful, became honest when he arrived at Fengsu Street, saying that he was just curious, so he came over to have a look, and just play.

There are a lot of 2-story buildings like small restaurants in the area of ​​Fengsu Street. Walking into "Youth Street", the whole street with black and white signboards is buried endlessly at the other end.

The signboard reads Huifei, Huaxin, Brahma and other words.

Under Zhao Xiaolong's introduction, Zhou You learned that the custom street area is divided into "Youth Street" and "Monster Street".

Youth is full of young and beautiful girls.

Youkaitong are some not-so-good-looking girls, or older aunt practitioners.

Of course the price must be different.

Zhou You originally thought that there would be a lot of gorgeous girls on the street soliciting customers, but the reality is completely different from what Zhou You imagined.

Instead, sitting in these small shops are beautiful girls in different dresses.

The store is lit with pink LED lights.

Customers can walk along the custom street and look at the "favorite" girls... Zhou You paid special attention to the girls in each store.

The quality of the girls of Qingqingtong is really high!

In order to attract customers, they dress up ingeniously. Some dress up as bunny girls, some wear Yamato ethnic costumes and carry a "pillow" on their backs, and some women dress up cutely and innocently... There are many styles, and you can choose from them.

Walked around and waited for others to return to their residence.

The next day, Zhou You and Wang Hou devoted themselves to the filming of the "All the Way North" MV. Zhao Xiaolong called his racing driver friend to help with the filming.

The MV heroine that Wang Hou was looking for for Zhou You also came to the scene.

She is a beautiful Qiandao University acting student.

His name is Ono Iori.

Ono Iori is only 19 years old.

Currently in sophomore year.

But already a little famous.

And has participated in several music MVs, and she earns extra money with this.Of course, cooperating with a big star in the MV is also a promotion for her.

Her current fame is based on the accumulation of previous MVs.

Now I have my own live broadcast account and short video account, and I have many fans.

"Hello, Zhou You-kun." Ono Iori has the pure, weak and pitiful characteristics of Qiandao girls.

She has big eyes.

Doesn't look too smart.

Zhou You felt that "stupid beauty" is a good way to describe his first impression of him.

Ono Iori is not tall.

I really want to bully her... Zhou Youxin said.

"Hello." Zhou You greeted Ono Iori with a smile.

Wang Hou had already sent the script of the filming to Iori Ono for review, and in the following time Wang Hou explained the details of the filming.

After all parties understood, the filming began.

Since a lot of the racing scenes are at night, they needed to be filmed on the hills.So Zhou You and the others first filmed the roles of the hero and heroine.

Zhou You and Ono Iori go on a beach date.

There are many bikini beauties on the beach.

Ono Iori also changed into a cool swimsuit, white printed shorts, and a matching top... well, it was a top, but it was actually a very narrow swimsuit that only covered the little rabbit.

Although Ono Iori is a little short.

But in good shape!

She's so pretty when she smiles.

Sure enough, it smells like first love... Compared to A-level player Jiang Chuxue, she belongs to the one who debuted in C position.The skin is also white.

After the trip to Yazhou, I came to the beach again. Zhou You still likes the sea.

On the one hand, swimming in the sea is very fun.

On the other hand, the beauties by the sea are really generous.

Bikinis are so pretty.

The shooting started soon, with Zhou You and Ono Iori acting out the feeling of "young first love".Zhou You showed off his muscles, and Ono Iori took pictures of him with a camera.They then posed for a photo together in the beach sun, both of them smiling very happily.

After the beach trip, Zhou You drove Ono Iori home.

Ono Iori kept staring at Zhou Youxiao in the car.

Then Zhou You drove with one hand, and carefully held Ono Iori's with the other hand, fingers intertwined.

After sending Ono Iori home.

Then there is a kiss scene.

Zhou You originally wanted to tell Ono Iori that he would just borrow a seat and "kiss" later.

As a result, when Zhou You was about to speak, Ono Iori got up from the co-pilot, crossed the center line, and kissed Zhou You's lips directly.

Ono Iori's lips were soft.

At that moment Zhou You was stunned.

first kiss gone...

This is the first kiss of this body.

I thought Ono Iori would get out of the car after a kiss, but she kissed for a long time!
What the hell!

I was kissed.

Is Qiandao girl so enthusiastic... Although we are filming the MV, you don't have to be so dedicated, right?

When Zhou You was kissed, he had the urge to embrace Ono Yiori and turn himself into a guest.

But he was still sober.


His right hand, which had no place to rest, grabbed the side of the car window... It turned out that Wang Hou is also a dedicated person, and immediately asked the photographer to take a close-up of Zhou You's hand.

After about 15 seconds, or 20 seconds, Ono Iori finally got out of the car.

And Zhou You is still in a dazed state.

Zhou You suddenly felt a little embarrassed after filming this segment.

Ono Iori noticed Zhou You's abnormality: "Zhou You-kun, what's wrong with you?"

Zhou You: "Nothing."

Ono Iori: "Is it because I didn't act well just now?"

Zhou You: "No, you're in good condition...it's just the kiss scene just now..." Zhou You originally wanted to say that the kiss scene just now could be borrowed.In the end, he was interrupted by Ono Iori before he finished speaking.

Ono Iori: "Is it okay that the kiss scene was not filmed? I'm sorry, it's my first time filming a kiss scene. For this reason, I also checked a lot of information and watched a lot of videos. I just wanted to be professional, but I still messed up ..."

What I want to say is not this!

Good guy... It turned out that you were also the first kiss?

The reason why the kiss is so serious is because of dedication?
Zhou You was about to be cried by Ono Iori.

Not too smart looking.

For a while, I didn't know what to say.

Well, I am the first kiss, and you are also the first kiss, no one owes anyone...

"All the Way North" MV shooting lasted until twelve o'clock in the evening.

Going back to the residence and traveling around felt a little tired.

The touch of Ono Iori's lips seems to still remain...

What are you thinking!

After taking a shower and lying on the bed, there are exactly 10 life points, which can complete a lucky draw.


[Congratulations for winning the song "Qilixiang"]

Both the cat and you want to know the taste of saury, and the scent of first love was found by us...

Did I go because that kiss triggered a lottery for the song?

I thought there would be a "Kiss Too Real"!

Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss you so realistically, let me treat hypocrisy as the most sincere kiss...



The second update, what about the monthly pass?I called the monthly ticket and you said vote!monthly pass!cast!monthly pass!cast!
(End of this chapter)

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