I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 201 Ugly Duckling?Zhou skinning?

Chapter 201 Ugly Duckling?Zhou skinning?
Pagani Zonda is parked outside Junting Building 11.

This is the rich man's villa area.

Luxury cars don't attract crowds.

After all, who doesn't have a few supercars?
Car inspection... Zhou You couldn't help but take a look at the beauty in the OL suit. The black silk is very eye-catching. If you can get another pair of black-rimmed glasses, because we can check the shock absorption effect of this car together.

Every Pagani Pagani sports car is handcrafted.

Car owners need to pay a 10% deposit after ordering a car, and then wait 6 months before picking up the car.

But the car provided by the system lottery was picked up the next day... I don't know how the system does it.

Zhou You took a look around Pagani.

He likes the 4 exhaust pipes gathered together at the rear of the car, which is quite sci-fi, and feels like a space fighter.

The dark blue body is low-key and luxurious.

It crawls to the ground.

It seems that it can break through the wind at any time.

After inspecting the appearance, you sat in the cab to inspect the interior, ignited the ignition, and listened to the sound of the engine, and you immediately felt it.

After the check was correct, the OL suit lady came up with a document, "Mr. Zhou You, there is no problem after confirming, please sign here."

Zhou You took the pen and signed for receipt.

"Mr. Zhou You, I am your fan, can I take a photo with you?" The OL suit girl instantly became a fan girl.

"Yes." Zhou You took a photo with him.

After that, Miss OL Suit left her business card, "If you encounter any problems during the use of the car, you can contact me. I am your personal consultant. I will respond to any of your needs within 24 hours."

Any demand... This sentence is quite ambiguous.

Zhou You accepted the business card without saying anything.

The young lady handed over the car purchase contract, related formalities documents, and car keys to Zhou You and left.

Zhou You turned around and went home, just in time to meet his sister who had just woken up and went downstairs.

She doesn't know what happened yet.

Zhou Lingyu: "Who is ringing the doorbell?"

Zhou You: "The delivery car."

Zhou Lingyu: "Send the car?"

Zhou You: "I bought a new sports car. I'll take you for a drive later."

Zhou Lingyu didn't take it to heart, his younger brother is now a big star, the boss behind the big fish studio, it's normal to buy a sports car.

The company has provided her with a car, and also bought a car for her father, Zhou You is short of buying a car for herself.

Zhou Lingyu didn't think too much about it.

Not curious either.

Anyway, take me for a ride later... I'll find out what kind of car it is later.

Breakfast this morning was very simple, noodles.

The noodles boiled by Zhou You, served with green vegetables, added with "Mother's Special" oil and spicy oil, and two bowls of "authentic" Yuzhou small noodles are served on the table.

And of course two fried eggs were added.

No noodles for Zhou You is complete without fried eggs.

After breakfast, I drove around in Pagani Zonda and took my sister for a ride.

Pagani roared like the wind.

The low body is soaring on the road!

But Zhou You still abides by the traffic rules. On the one hand, he is a civilized person. On the other hand, for the safety of himself and others, he can deduct my money, but not my points...

In his previous life, Zhou You had an obsession.

No penalty points or fines for driving!
In order to achieve this goal, he drove very carefully, the green light turned yellow in a second, and he resolutely braked to stop.Try to walk in the middle of the lane, and the deduction points for pressing the line will not be able to find me.The car was firmly parked in the parking space.Even if 20% overspeed is allowed at high speed, he will always keep himself at 10% overspeed.

The traffic police don't want to make money from me.

Speaking of which, the traffic police still need to worry about performance...it's a bit ridiculous.Isn't it better to have no performance?Must generate income!

It's still uncle fireman who has a high level of consciousness.

Someone asked: "Are you so free?"

Uncle Fireman: "Isn't that bad?"

Sitting in the car, Zhou Lingyu exclaimed again and again, it was too exciting. "How much is this car?"

Zhou You: "I don't know." I didn't read the information given by the system carefully either.

Zhou Lingyu: "Mom will beat you again when she finds out! You never know the price when you buy things! Prodigal son."

Zhou You: "I bargain every day when I buy groceries."

Zhou Lingyu: "Okay."

The Pagani Zonda has a high rate of turning heads, the men are all screaming, and the girls are shouting at me in their hearts.

That's the beauty of luxury cars.

Travel around and enjoy the driving pleasure of Pagani Zonda.

86 up the mountain, Mercedes-Benz up the tree, Pagani up the grave... Bah bah bah!Slow down.

"Breathe the sunroof glass, open my body, the engine here is like a musical instrument, so, the excitement of whizzing by, so, I'm drifting in a turn, full power, and watch carefully..."

"Floating, floating, babbling, I drank my drink quietly and smiled easily..."

[Drive Pagani Zonda for a ride, life point +1]

Pagani Zonda stopped in front of a shopping mall.

The young men and women cast their gazes one after another.

Zhou You stepped out of the cab.

Many people recognized him instantly.

"Is that a tour?"

"My God!! This car is too handsome."

"This guy doesn't do business well! So he bought a good car and went to enjoy life."

"He always enjoys it, doesn't he?"

"I've made enough money."

Many people took pictures of this scene with their mobile phones.

Zhou You didn't care.

If you like to take pictures, you can take pictures... Today he is wearing a loose T-shirt and shorts, his hair is not well taken care of, and like many traffic stars, he has no skin care and make-up.

He always shows up without makeup.

Therefore, Zhou You at this moment looks very life-like and real.

Zhou Lingyu was not used to so many people staring at her, "I said it's too high-profile to drive to the mall..." Zhou Lingyu whispered.

Zhou You: "Then we won't drive this car? Just ignore him. Just be happy."

Zhou Lingyu: "Let's drive my car next time."

The two walked into the mall together, ignoring their attention.

Now is golden October, and many people from outside Xia Kingdom come to Xia Kingdom for tourism. Therefore, in the shopping malls, streets, and scenic spots in Jinghai, there are obviously more people with white skin and dark skin than usual.

In the context of the Star Federation.

In Xiaguo, many people from the Western Continent work and settle here, so it is not uncommon to see fair-skinned ladies in cheongsams and dark-skinned ladies in red Tang suits when walking on the street.

There is a high degree of cultural integration and cultural tolerance across the Star Federation.

A multi-cultural form dominated by oriental culture has been reproduced.

Zhou Lingyu wanted to buy two sets of clothes to make herself look more like the "Director of the Advertising Department".

Traveling around mainly focuses on an accompanying tour.

Add a bag.

Although Zhou You said that he could choose whatever he wanted and he paid for it, Zhou Lingyu didn't make a big sale, but rather restrained himself.This is influenced by her mother Su Jin's diligent and thrifty housekeeping.

After shopping until noon, Zhou Lingyu only chose two sets of clothes.

Constantly trying and changing, Zhou Lingyu went in and out of the fitting room.Hey... It's troublesome for women to buy clothes.

Zhou You has no habit of trying on clothes.

Say hello to the size, I like the style, the price is reasonable, I bought it quite quickly.Don't you get tired of undressing and dressing all the time?

But looking at Zhou Lingyu's state, she doesn't seem to be tired, and she is quite happy.

it's noon
Zhou Lingyu's stomach was growling with hunger, and the siblings were going to eat Bo Bo Chicken.However, when they came to the first floor, they found that there were many people in the hall, and a burst of piano sound came out.

It was "Kikujiro's Summer" that was played.

Zhou Lingyu: "It's a piano launched by Xingchen Piano in the mall."

Zhou You: "Let's go."

Zhou You was so hungry that he dragged Zhou Lingyu away.

However, at this moment, among the people who were listening to the piano playing, someone noticed Zhou You on the periphery of the crowd, let out an exclamation, and called Zhou You.

Then the audience followed the prestige.

Zhou You felt a series of gazes falling on him.

Zhou You smiled awkwardly and motioned everyone to keep quiet and listen to the piano music.

However, at this moment "Kikujiro's Summer" finished playing.

There was warm applause at the scene.

"Zhou You! Zhou You!! Play a song too."


"Play a song, play a song!!"

"Summer of Kikujiro" is the piece he played at Xiao Xiao's birthday party, and he is the "original performer".

"Summer of Kikujiro" was performed at the shopping mall, and the original performer appeared on the scene!
How could the fans not be bothered?
This is also the reason why Zhou You dragged Zhou Lingyu away.

If he is discovered, he must be asked to play a song... Sure enough, it is still a step too late.

In the voice of "play a song", people gave way to a passage.Only then did Zhou You realize that the one who was playing the piano just now was a "yellow robe plus body" heavenly chosen delivery guy.

Sure enough, there is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in the delivery team.

The upper part can unlock the lock, and the lower part can play the piano.

This is a rather mysterious team.

The takeaway boy who played the piano gave way to Zhou You, as if to say "Big Brother, please".

It seems that Zhou You can't refuse now.

He could only walk to the piano and sit down. Before playing, he said to the delivery guy, "It's a good play."

Delivery guy: "You're too much."

After that, Zhou You's fingers fell on the black and white keys. He now has "Canon" in his hand, but instead of playing this piece, he played a "local" piano piece by Blue Star.

It goes without saying that Zhou You has master-level piano playing skills.

The onlookers couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

Said he was a pianist who was delayed by singing.

Many people raised their mobile phones to record the scene.

After Zhou You played a song, he got up and bowed to say thank you, and then fled with Zhou Lingyu.

But it is worth mentioning that
Just playing the piano and traveling around also gained a little life point.

It can be considered rewarding.

Zhou You and Zhou Lingyu came to the snack street outside the shopping mall and ate the bowl chicken that Zhou Lingyu had been craving for a long time. Of course, this would not be the end. Zhou Lingyu finally came out to eat a snack, and of course he wanted to eat it all at once.

I bought a handful of mutton skewers and ate them while walking.

Zhou You also held milk tea for his sister.

"Family younger brother" is reflected in an instant.

After eating and drinking enough, Zhou Lingyu said: "My dear brother, what else do you want to eat? I haven't seen you eating for a long time."

Zhou You: "Dear sister, do I have free hands? I have a shopping bag in my left hand, milk tea in my right hand, and more and more snacks..."

Only then did Zhou Lingyu remember patronizing her own food, and said apologetically, "Buy whatever you want, my sister treats you." She was quite proud.

In the end Zhou You bought two mutton skewers, and Zhou Lingyu eagerly asked Zhou You to share one skewer, but Zhou You would not give it to him.

The siblings had a quarrel, and Zhou Lingyu said that she wanted to go to the bookstore.

After reading the creative and management books I bought last time, I will buy another batch.

As expected of a school bully sister.

After coming out to work and study, I still work so hard.

Zhou You accompanied Zhou Lingyu to the largest bookstore in Jinghai, which he frequented.

There are quite a lot of books here.

You can find almost any book you want to buy here.

Zhou Lingyu looked in the economics and management section, while Zhou You searched in the history and fiction sections.

Zhou You has always liked to read history.

When I first watched Mingyue's "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty", I fell in love with this theme and classification.Read historical novels, but also read serious history books.

Seeing historical figures and events thousands of years ago will always produce a wonderful feeling.

There is nothing new under the sun.

Many things that are happening around us today have had similar events in history.So history is a mirror that can see both yesterday and today, and can find solutions to today's events from yesterday.

Zhou You picked out several history books.

Then go to the novel section.

The "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" series in the novel area is the most conspicuous and the most displayed. At this time, many readers are choosing to buy.

After traveling around for a while, I saw many people picked up the second and third volumes of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern".

A child turned over and looked at the price on the back for a long time.

Count the pocket money in your pocket.

In the end, I still took it to pay.

It is very similar to the self who was studying and peeking at novels under the table. He would rather not eat to save money on renting and buying novels.

Next to the novel section is the comic section.

Blue Star comics are very popular and best-selling.

A hundred flowers bloom.

But most of them are comics that girls like to read...Zhou You glanced at each comic.

"Magical girl"

"She Came From Hell"

"Beautiful Girl 72 Changes"

"Miss Confession Battle"

When Zhou You's eyes fell on the manga "Miss Confession Battle", a slender white jade hand gently came into sight, and slowly picked up the manga.

"It's finally new again." Immediately afterwards, Zhou You heard a very pleasant voice.

Lift your head slowly.

Following that jade hand, Zhou You saw a jade arm, then a chest that rose and fell slowly with his breathing, and then...a beautiful face carved with fine jade.

so beautiful.

Zhou You once thought that this was a girl who came out of a comic.

At this moment, she was seriously looking at the "Miss Confession Battle" in her hand, and she didn't notice Zhou You's gaze at all.

She then picked up the two comics "She Comes from Hell" and "Seniors Please Respect Yourself".

After choosing the manga, the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

There was a very nice smile on his face.

Hmm... this face looks familiar?The moment the girl looked up, Zhou You caught a glimpse of her entire face.All I saw was her straight nose and soft lips.

The girl looked up and finally noticed Zhou You staring at her.

She recognized Zhou You immediately.

The two eyes instantly became excited.

At this moment, Zhou You found out the memory of this face in Yuan's memory!
Zhou You: "The ugly duckling?"

Girl: "Zhou Papi?"

The two called out each other's "nickname" or "respect" in unison.

Eye to eye!

His expression was astonished.



First update.The second is later.

Author: monthly pass!Master Reader: Monthly Pass!Take it and roll!
(End of this chapter)

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