I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 202 Read "The Art of War by Sun Tzu", taste Qiqiang's life, the headache come

Chapter 202 Read "The Art of War by Sun Tzu", taste Qiqiang's life, the headache comes from the ashtray, my name is Xu Jiang

"The ugly duckling!"

"Zhou Papi!"

When Zhou You and the girl heard each other address themselves, their eyebrows twitched.On the one hand, it's been a long time since I heard this nickname, on the other hand, the other party still remembers it.

"That...haha..." The girl immediately put away her astonished expression, and tried her best to resolve the embarrassment caused by the "Zhou Papi", "What a coincidence."

Zhou You is now a big star.

It's inappropriate to call him Zhou Papi again...

"What a coincidence." Zhou Youzai tried his best to search for the other party's name... Oops, what was the original name of the ugly duckling?I can't remember.

"Long time no see." The girl said.

"Long time no see." Zhou You said.The atmosphere was slightly awkward.

"Do you have a repeater?" The ugly duckling blinked and looked at Zhou You playfully.

"Have you ever seen such a handsome repeater?" Zhou You said rather narcissistically.

"You really haven't changed at all." The ugly duckling said, "You're still so narcissistic."

"You haven't changed at all." Zhou You said this almost without thinking... Well, she was still thinking about the girl's name, so the conversation was a bit absent-minded.

Unexpectedly, the girl answered, "Didn't you look better?"

Zhou You choked instantly.

The reason why the ugly duckling is called the ugly duckling is because when I was studying, this scumbag girl sitting at the back row with me was short and dark.

Also wearing black-rimmed glasses.

Everyone calls her Xiao Hei.

Only Zhou You called him the ugly duckling.

She reads comics every day in class, and she always changes "inventory" in her drawer. Today she is still buying comics... It seems that reading comics has not given up.

Didn't it look better?
The girl's words made Zhou You re-examine the female tablemate with his eyes.

It's really a girl's eighteenth change.

It turns out that the ugly duckling can really turn into a white swan!

The girl in front of her was slim, her appearance was not inferior to that of a big star like Li Qingyao, and she was more girlish than Jiang Chuxue.

He is taller than Jiang Chuxue, bigger than Jiang Chuxue, and has longer legs than Jiang Chuxue.

On the other side, Jiang Chuxue sneezed several times...

The most important thing is that her skin has turned white.

"Because you've become pretty and narcissistic." Zhou You said, "Do you still like to read comics?"

"Yes." said the girl.

"Miss Confession Contest..." Zhou You looked at the manga in her hand.

"This manga is so good! I've been following it from the first chapter until now." The girl's eyes lit up when she talked about the manga.

The two were chatting and Zhou Lingyu came over holding a stack of books.

"This is..." Zhou Lingyu cast a questioning look at Zhou You.

The ugly duckling... Zhou You was about to say something, but the girl spoke first, "Sister Lingyu."

"Huh?" Zhou Lingyu looked at the girl, confused about the situation.

"I'm Chu Ci." The girl looked joyful.

"Chu Ci?" Zhou Lingyu immediately remembered, "You are so tall and big?"

In my impression, Gao Yi Chuci is not tall...he is white and thin, and she is black and thin.But now she is tall, big and beautiful... Zhou Lingyu glanced at Chu Ci's chest.

Legs are thinner and longer than mine!
"Sister Lingyu looks better too," Chu Ci said.

It turned out to be Chuci...Zhou You finally got the girl's name from Zhou Lingyu.

Chu Ci is not only Zhou You's tablemate, but also their neighbor.

Her father is in business.

Later, when the business grew, their family moved away from the old community, and they hadn't seen or contacted them for many years.

Girls and girls are easier to play together.

The relationship between Chu Ci and Zhou Lingyu is relatively good.

He and Zhou You are at the same table with each other being scumbags.

She reads her comics.

He learns his music.

Chuci was confiscated by the teacher a lot of manga, but she bought new manga after confiscation, anyway, she has a lot of pocket money.

She often drinks yogurt.

I like to eat puffs.

Every time I bought an extra bottle of yogurt to put on Zhou You's table, at first Zhou You thought that the other party liked him, and after rejecting him affectionately, Chu Ci said, "Copy my homework for me, a week's worth of yogurt."

You copied my homework?At that time, Zhou You was in a daze.I always need someone who copied other people's homework... Later, in order to improve the accuracy of Chuci's homework, Zhou You would find Xiaopang with better grades every time: "I'll copy the homework."

In this way, you can drink free yogurt every day when you travel around.

Occasionally, you can also eat Chuci's chocolate and biscuits.

But he changed schools in his sophomore year.

It is said that his father's business has grown, and the family moved from Yuzhou to Jinghai.

After that, there was very little news about Chu Ci, and she didn't know her current situation.

Anyway, it's true that she has become beautiful.

Zhou Lingyu and Chu Ci chatted very happily. When the woman started chatting, Zhou You instantly felt that he was redundant and couldn't get in the way...

After the two paid at the cashier,
Zhou Lingyu invited Chu Ci to find a place to sit nearby, but Chu Ci glanced at the time and said, "Sister Lingyu, shall we make an appointment next time? I have something else to do today."

"Yeah, okay." Zhou Lingyu nodded.

"Can I add WeChat?" Chu Ci asked.

"of course can."

Zhou Lingyu took out her mobile phone to find the QR code, Chu Cidi scanned the code and added it, and then said goodbye to Zhou Lingyu and Zhou You.

A black Maybach was parked along the street.

A driver in a black suit trotted to the side of the car and opened the rear right rear door.

Chu Ci got into the Maybach and waved goodbye to Zhou You and Zhou Lingyu.

The driver trotted into the cab, started the vehicle and left.

Until the rear end of the Maybach disappeared from sight, Zhou Lingyu said, "As expected, she is a rich lady now."

Zhou You: "How much powder did she put on her face? She used to be dark, but now her skin is so white."

Zhou Lingyu: "The Eighteenth Women's University has changed. I just took a closer look, and there is no powder on the face."

Zhou You: "The ugly duckling has really turned into a white swan."

Zhou Lingyu: "It's love at first sight?"

Zhou You: "It's not the first time we've met."

Zhou Lingyu: "That's the revival of old love."

Zhou Lingyu likes to tease this younger brother very much. In the past, Zhou You often received love letters. Zhou Lingyu was more curious than Zhou You about what the girls wrote in the love letters.

Can not eat less melon.

For a while she thought her dear brother was in love.


Zhou You did not endow this chance encounter with special significance.

But just got into the car and immediately turned off the engine, and said to Zhou Lingyu: "Sister, wait for me."

Zhou Lingyu: "Is there anything else?"

Zhou You: "I'm going to buy two comics."

After 5 minutes, Zhou You returned to the cab.

I have a few more comics in my hand.

Zhou Lingyu glanced at it, "Miss Confession Battle", "Magical Girl", "She Came from Hell"...Aren't these the same books that Chu Ci bought?
"Let me take a look." Zhou Lingyu took the comic book from Zhou You and flipped through it casually, "It's quite interesting."

Zhou You drove and ignored Zhou Lingyu.

After a while Zhou Lingyu said: "I remember she called you Zhou Papi before. I was always curious why she called you Zhou Papi."

Zhou You searched in memory. "I forgot."

"I do not believe."


Zhou You looked ahead and drove carefully.

Don't mention the past, life has been full of wind and rain~~

After returning home, Zhou You found out that the video of playing the piano in the shopping mall was posted on the Internet, and Zhou You passively became a hot topic on Weibo.

More importantly, the official account of Xingchen Piano also forwarded it.

This heat is really timely.

However, Xingchen Piano became popular, and it was not in vain. The brand was very generous, and immediately contacted Zhang Yao, saying that it wanted to customize a piano for Zhou You for free.

Zhang Yao asked if Zhou You needed to help promote it?

Star Piano said no.

I just asked if Zhou You had any special requirements for this piano.

Zhang Yao called Zhou You.

Zhou You said that there is no requirement, it is free, so what else is there to ask for?
Zhang Yao replied to the other party according to Zhou You's words. The other party said to wait patiently for a month, and it will be delivered directly to Zhou You's house after one month.

Zhang Yao did not leave the address of Zhou You.

Although Xingchen Entertainment is a big brand, one has to be on guard... Zhou You, as a star, should try not to reveal his address if he can.

He is quite competent as the second boss and Zhou You's exclusive agent.

Zhou You cooked a dinner, and Zhou Lingyu helped Chef Zhou You.

During dinner, my mother, Su Jin, made a video call.

The siblings chatted with their mother for a while.

After that, Zhou Lingyu was in charge of washing the dishes and cleaning the kitchen, while Zhou You went upstairs with three comic books.Zhou Lingyu watched "Hurricane" on the sofa and started the "fish farming mode".

Yesterday, Gao Qiqiang's huge contrast between the fishmonger and the black boss gathered a high popularity for him.

In the beginning, he was just a small fish seller, how did he become a gangster?

The audience hopes to find the answer in the next plot.

Therefore, as soon as "Hurricane" started broadcasting today, the drama became unprecedentedly popular.On the one hand, because of the hook left yesterday, this drama is really good.

On the other hand, the Kunlun platform has given great publicity and promotion resources.

On the second day!
The hit value of the day surpassed "Forensic Medicine", which dominated the list for a week!
It has become a new top hit drama.

"I'm going!! The popularity is directly higher than "Forensic Medicine"."

"Big Fish Studio is amazing."

"Hahaha! Have you noticed that Gao Qiqiang, a fishmonger, seems to be pointing at something...Dayu Studio, a fishmonger!! Ye Youshen set it up like this on purpose, right?"

"The names An Xin and An Yuan are also interesting! Is Ye Youshen alluding to An Yuan?"

The audience turned on the "brain supplement mode" and over-interpreted "Hurricane".

Let's talk about the third episode, An Xin successfully went undercover to the mad donkey, Meng Yu also appeared, and the most eye-catching part should be the part where Gao Qiqiang went to see Brother Hong alone.

He lied that he was An Xin's informant and had an interview with Brother Hong.

He looks as steady as an old dog.

But the hands hidden behind his back were trembling, and the trembling words revealed that he was panicking inside.

"Damn!! The middle finger and ring finger act well."

"Gao Qiqiang is really courageous! A person who can do great things."

"Blackening progress 5%"

This section is full of tension and tension.

It's really a battle of wits and courage.

I saw Gao Qiqiang's "on the road of no return" a little bit.

Gao Qiqiang's younger brother, Gao Qisheng, fell in love with the mobile phone business and stopped reading. He wanted to start a mobile phone business with his brother Gao Qiqiang.

Gao Qiqiang was moved by Gao Qisheng, and he seized every opportunity to use An Xin's identity to "fake the power of the tiger".

After that, An Xin and Li Xiang stopped by the vegetable market to see how the fishmonger Gao Qiqiang was doing, and at the same time asked about Yidian Guang and Huang Cuicui.

An Xin, Li Xiang and Gao Qiqiang had a meal together.

During the meal, An Xin asked Gao Qiqiang to read more books and newspapers, and learn more knowledge to do business well.

An Xin: "It's mainly because you are doing business. In fact, I think it's like fighting a war. Read "Reference News", "Sun Tzu's Art of War"..."

An Xin recommends the book.

Gao Qiqiang took paper money and wrote it down.

Said to buy these books to read.

An Xin never imagined that the "Art of War" recommended by him would eventually become "the root of all evil".

On Earth,
After "Hurricane" was broadcast, there was a saying: Reading "Sun Tzu's Art of War" can inspire and strengthen your life.

"Gao Qiqiang is so serious, I think he will really buy it and read it."

"Damn it!! Didn't he become the ultimate boss just because he watched "The Art of War"?"

"If that's the case!! Then it's An Xin who raised this boss and raised an opponent for himself."

"Hurricane" was broadcast for two days.

Word of mouth is getting better and better.

Play and word-of-mouth have all started to soar.

Especially after today's broadcast, the role of Gao Qiqiang has gradually been established. He has already started to use his "relationship" with An Xin to pretend to be a tiger, and began to grow towards the big villain boss.

"What should I do? I like Brother Qiang in this drama!"

"I used to hate villains! But I can't hate Gao Qiqiang. Instead, I think his brother Gao Qisheng is quite annoying."

"According to this plot!! An Xin will 'train' him, and he will fight against An Xin in the future. Damn, An Xin won't be stabbed in the end, right?"

"Thinking of the plot of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" ten years later, I suddenly have a bad feeling. The Lord of Worshiping the Moon is a villain, but he doesn't seem to be that annoying. Now that Gao Qiqiang is a villain, I like it instead!! The bad feeling is getting stronger and stronger."

"Cyclone" is already on the mend after four episodes.

The sense of anticipation is full.

However, unlike previous dramas, what I look forward to this time is to see how Gao Qiqiang will grow bigger and stronger step by step.

In the next few days, the playback data of "Hurricane" soared!
The single-player volume exceeded 2000 million!
Then 2500 million, then 3000 million!
Accompanied by the soaring volume of playback.

The famous scenes of "Hurricane" are also "released" one by one!
In addition to Gao Qiqiang, Gao Qisheng, and An Xin, the other actors in the show "Hurricane" are also impressive and have their own famous scenes.

For example, before Gao Qiqiang, Xu Jiang was quite powerful.

Brothers: "Boss! Sorry!"

Xu Jiang picked up the golf clubs: "It's useless to talk nonsense, let others mourn."

Then Xu Jiang killed someone with a golf club, "Buried."

In the interrogation room of the bureau, An Xin gave him tea, and he vomited after taking a sip, "This is really bad. You guys don't have Longjing and Tieguanyin? Don't you have Biluochun?" It's too arrogant.

There are also "Lip Language Teaching" and "Turn System".

"Turn System" is Gao Qiqiang and Xu Jiang meeting in Baijinhan Nightclub.

Gao Qiqiang grabbed the ashtray and threw it on Xu Jiang's head.

Xu Jiang pretended to be a tough guy, without saying a word, poured out the wine in the bottle in a leisurely manner, and hit Gao Qiqiang on the head with a bang, crunchy.

Then the two sat on the sofa calmly.

Wait for Gao Qiqiang to leave.

Xu Jiang prostrated himself on the sofa with his head in his arms, rolling in pain, sticking out his buttocks, and screaming in pain.

The stamina is coming! !

This ashtray still has a lot of stamina.

He even uttered a der~
These scenes are widely circulated on the Internet.

"The headache comes from the ashtray, and the boss of Jinghai is Xu Jiang."

"The boss used to be a fish seller, Gao Qiqiang of the powerful group."

"Didn't you say turn-based? Why did he add another blow?"

"One ashtray = two wine bottles"

"The stamina of wine is not as strong as this ashtray!"



Second more.

There won't be too many plots in "Hurricane", it's still the same, it's mainly an inventory of famous scenes.

Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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