I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 208 It's Called Canon

Chapter 208 It's Called Canon
The music awards issued by Xiaguo Music Network are still very valuable.

If the singers and songwriters of Big Fish Entertainment can win as many awards as possible, it will be of great benefit to the development of Big Fish Entertainment.

Su Qianxia is the only female singer signed by Big Fish Entertainment.

And it's new this year.

The best female singer of the year is definitely not eligible, but the best new female singer of the year has a good chance.

Zhou You also hoped that Su Qianxia, ​​the "little junior sister", would go for a rush.

Zhou You currently has a lot of songs in his hands.

But there are only two songs suitable for Su Qianxia, ​​"Encounter" and "Rainy Day".

The former is a representative work of an unpopular singer, very good at playing.

The latter is difficult to sing, because the emotions fluctuate greatly, especially the chorus, which requires delicate control in the retraction and release of voice and emotion.

think carefully,

"Encounter" should be more suitable as the title song.

But the details depend on the planning and tone of Su Qianxia and the production team for the entire album.

"Have you decided on a theme yet?" Zhou You asked.

"At first it was "Midsummer", but later we wanted to name it after the singer instead of the same as the boss's first album. So it was changed to "Meet Su Qianxia"." Zhang Yao said.

Both album titles are fine.

Meeting Su Qianxia... Doesn't this coincide with the title of the song "Encounter"?
This one is settled.

"I see." Zhou You said, "This album is led by Zhai Nan?"

"Yes." Zhang Yao said, "Zhai Nan and the two B-level producers he brought in now have another boss."

At the end of the dialogue, Zhou You did not immediately send the song "Encounter" to Zhang Yao.

"Meeting Su Qianxia" met "Meeting" so soon, which is unreasonable.

Let this "Encounter" be delayed for a while.

My sister went to work.

Zhou You was at home alone and cooked a pot of instant noodles for lunch.

Have culinary mastery skills, plus a lot of time.Traveling around every day can be leisurely and leisurely, and spend a lot of time cooking for yourself.

Sometimes eating is complicated.

Sometimes it's easy to eat.

He didn't stipulate how good he had to eat, anyway, he could eat whatever he wanted, as long as he wanted to make me happy.

Of course, there are also times when you don’t want to cook, so don’t cook, and order takeaway.

I know that it is not good to eat too much instant noodles, but I miss this taste every once in a while.

Just weird.

After eating instant noodles, Zhou You played a round of "Peak Glory", and then slumped on the sofa for a short rest.

At about four o'clock in the afternoon the doorbell rang.

Outside the door were five men in blue uniforms.

"Mr. Zhou You, hello, we are Lanshan Express. The customized piano entrusted by Xingchen Piano to us has been delivered. Please check and accept it." A courier brought up a courier slip and acceptance sheet.

Star Piano said before that it would give itself a custom-made piano.

Zhou You didn't take this matter to heart.

After all, Zhou You was just shopping with his sister in the shopping mall before, and happened to meet the takeaway boy, and then played a song, which was posted on the Internet.

The other party gave the piano, and Zhou You really felt like he was not rewarded for nothing.

But unexpectedly,

Yesterday the courier called him to check if someone was at home to sign for it.

The Star Piano was delivered today.

This brand is coming.

Zhou You took a brief look at the piano, confirmed that there was no sign of damage, and immediately signed the receipt.

Lan Shan's staff moved the piano into Zhou You's home.

Yesterday Zhou You received a call and packed up a room to use as a special piano room.

The staff moved the piano into the piano room, placed it, and even wiped the dust on the surface of the piano.

A brand new shiny black piano appeared in front of Zhou You.

There is a star logo on the piano.

Zhou You's name is also specially engraved to highlight its customized enjoyment.

Its soundboard, which is constructed using 40 different wood layers, has a sophisticated and special design.

On the black piano, there is an exquisite ink peacock pattern.Let the sense of art and background of the whole piano go up in an instant.

After the blue flash staff left,

Zhou You sat down in front of the piano.

People are always fond of and curious about new things, and Zhou You is no exception for this piano.

Always want to try a new piano.

So he sat down in front of the piano.

The moment he sat down in front of the piano, Zhou You's master-level piano skills were activated, and his state suddenly changed.

The temperament is instantly noble and elegant.

Fingers lightly landed on the black and white keys.

His fingers were long and flexible, and a series of beautiful melodies flowed from his fingertips.

He played the Canon.

This is the music he often listens to on Earth.


At this time,
Qin Chuan, the youngest young pianist in Xia Kingdom, came out of Building 10 in Junting Villa District.

Say goodbye to rich friend Wilson.

When he passed Building No. 11, he heard a beautiful piano sound, and he stopped to listen.

Canon is a form.

This form is characterized by repeated repetition of the same piece of music at intervals of several syllables.

So essentially it's a polyphony.

The various voices imitate each other regularly, and the following voices imitate the melody of the previous voice in sequence according to a certain time distance.

So "imitation" and "rolling" go on.

The famous Beethoven's "Symphony of Destiny" also uses this technique.

"Polyphony" is very popular in Blue Star.

But there is no Canon statement in Blue Star.

"It's such an exquisite polyphonic melody." Qin Chuan was shocked when he heard the melody, and couldn't help but look up at the second window on the left of the second floor of Building 11.

The sound of the piano floated from there.

The window was left open.

The wind gently blows the light blue curtains.

I don't know whether it is the wind blowing the curtains or the fluttering melody.

"Which piano master lives here?" Qin Chuan turned to ask the wealthy Wilson next to him.

Wilson said, "It's Zhou You, a very popular singer recently."

Qin Chuan: "Zhou You?"

He was surprised.

I thought it was some piano master... At the same time, I was a little disappointed.But soon his expression brightened again.

He remembered the song "Summer of Kikujiro".

This is also what Zhou You played in the show.

This popular singer's piano skills are quite solid.

And when he heard this kind of "polyphonic" performance this time, he felt that Zhou You's performance skills were not inferior to his own... Before "Kikujiro's Summer", he only heard that Zhou You's skills were good.

How did you become a professional pianist this time?

Hmm... even a little better than me.

How did he know that Zhou You was "controlling points" in the show?

And this song...is so exquisite! !

It was a tune he had never heard before.

For an outstanding young pianist, Qin Chuan has read countless pieces... no, he has read countless pieces.He can judge that this piece of music is definitely not available on the market.

Most likely it is original.

He wrote it himself?
It must have been written by Xiaoyao.

Wait... Travel around and live in such a mansion?so rich?I can't afford to live in such a house.

Qin Chuan listened for a long time downstairs.

Until the end of the song "Canon", he still had more to say.

He was intoxicated in this repetitive melody with slight changes, but he didn't feel monotonous at all.On the contrary, there is a feeling that I just stopped, continue, and want more, and I haven't heard enough.

If the other party does not stop playing.

He can keep listening.

"The imperial simplicity is as complicated as it is." He commented in his heart.

The piano sound had stopped.

But Qin Chuan did not leave for a long time.

He waited for Zhou You to continue playing.

However, the piano sound did not sound again.

Qin Chuan said after a long time, "Mr. Wilson, you can send it here. I want to visit your neighbor."

Wilson glanced up at the window.

He originally wanted to say that I happened to go to visit with him, but he dismissed the idea after thinking about it.After saying yes, he turned and went home.

Qin Chuan went to ring the doorbell of Zhou You's house.


[Immersive playing "Canon" life point +1]

[Experience the exclusive customized version of the piano, life point +1]

Zhou You's fingers slowly left the black and white keys.

It is indeed a customized version of the piano of the stars.

The quality is too good to say.

And the design is very artistic.

Quite noble atmosphere, full of charm at the same time.

If this piano is used on stage or in concert, it will be a very comfortable thing.

It is really a bit wasteful to play it occasionally at home.

Zhou You checked the price of the customized version of Xingchen Piano on his mobile phone.Travel Around This piano is the top luxury custom set configuration of Star Piano.

The price is as high as 980 million blue star coins!

This price can be compared with the Steinway Harmony Concert Grand Piano.

The Star Piano has spent a lot of money.

Zhou You is not used to taking things for free.

I used to be greedy for small things, but after being fooled a few times, I concluded that there is no free lunch in the world, and the more free the more expensive.

Send a tweet.

Think of it as an advertising fee for Xingchen Piano.

Sending an advertisement to earn a piano worth nearly 1000 million yuan is a good deal.

Besides, Zhou You now has 5000 million fans and is a popular star, so he posted a Weibo to promote his advertisement, and the asking price is indeed not low.

It's just that Zhou You doesn't take many advertisements and promotions.

Zhou You was thinking about how to take a photo when the doorbell rang.

"Who is ringing the doorbell?" Zhou You frowned slightly.

Junting Villa Area is one of the best high-end villa areas in Jinghai. The environment, security, and privacy here are all at the highest level.

It's almost impossible for a stranger to ring your doorbell.

Because they can't come in at all without a valid reason.

Even if there is a legitimate reason, the little security guard at the door will call the owner to confirm before letting go.

And I know that not many people live here.

There are usually almost no visitors.

Zhou You went to the window to have a look.

Below is a young man in a suit with a bit of an upper class temperament.

Perhaps seeing Zhou You, the "young man" waved his hand to signal Zhou You.Zhou You has excellent eyesight and sees the other party with a kind smile on his face.

I do not know?

Zhou You determined that there were unfamiliar faces below.

After thinking about it, I went downstairs and opened the door... Maybe it was a neighbor?It's been a long time since I moved in, and I haven't met any neighbors yet.

Only met their housekeeper and servants.

"Hello." Zhou You greeted him with a smile after opening the door, but his face showed doubts, "Who are you?"

"Hi Zhou You." Qin Chuan stretched out his hand and said, "I'm Qin Chuan."

"Qin Chuan?" Zhou You searched for the name in Yuan's memory. "Are you a neighbor in Building 10 or Building 12?"

Qin Chuan was suddenly embarrassed.

The other party doesn't know me...

I can't live in a house like this.

Qin Chuan smiled and said, "I don't live here. I just visited Mr. Wilson on the 10th floor. I passed by the 11th floor and heard the piano sound, so I stopped to listen..."

After speaking briefly, he handed out his business card.

Zhou You took the business card with both hands.

Look carefully.

Looking at the business card carefully is a sign of respect for the other party.

Qin Chuan's business card was very delicate.

Very textured.

On the front and back is a grand piano, with a photo of him playing it.It was printed with the words Qin Chuan, the pianist of Xia Guo.

"Mr. Qin, hello." Zhou You shook hands with the other party immediately after reading the business card, "I've heard you famous for a long time."

Only at this moment did Zhou You start to look at Qin Chuan seriously.

Qin Chuan looked 26 or seven years old.

It's amazing to be a pianist at such a young age.

"Don't call me teacher, just call me Qin Chuan." Qin Chuan said, "I can't bear the word teacher."

Quite modest...Zhou You judged in his heart.

Overall, Qin Chuan gave Zhou You a good impression.

"Brother Tan, come in for a cup of tea?" Zhou You sent out an invitation.

"Being obedient is worse than respect," Qin Chuan said.

Then Zhou You invited Qin Chuan into his home.

Qin Chuan saw the luxurious decoration of Zhou You's house, which is no worse than Mr. Wilson's house... Do singers make so much money?
Not envious that is fake.

Zhou You asked him whether he would like tea or coffee.

He said let's drink tea.

So Zhou You took him to the tea room, and the two sat down to drink Kung Fu tea.

While drinking tea, we talked about the sound of the piano just now.

"Were you playing the piano just now?" Qin Chuan asked.

"It's me." Zhou You admitted.

"That song," Qin Chuan said, "what's its name? It's the first time I've heard it."

"It's called Canon." Zhou You said.

"Original?" Qin Chuan looked at Zhou You.

In fact, seeing Zhou You living in such a mansion, Qin Chuan wondered whether Zhou You and Xiaoyao were the same person.

It is impossible to live in such a mansion only relying on the income of traveling singers.

But if he remains at ease,

The income from singing and writing belongs to him alone, but it is possible to afford such a house.

Zhou You hesitated for a moment, but still said yes.

It's normal for a singer to be able to write songs... Well, he probably already guessed that I am Xiaoyao.But it doesn't matter.

The vest cannot be hidden for a lifetime.

Sooner or later it will be exposed.

Qin Chuan was very surprised when he heard this, sure enough... But he didn't call the name.

The two chatted for a while, drank tea for a while, and gradually became acquainted.Qin Chuan mentioned that he is preparing for a concert tour next year, and hopes to invite Zhou You to listen to it.

Zhou You did not refuse.

Qin Chuan proposed to visit Zhou You's piano room.

Zhou You just wanted to record a video, and there is no tripod at home... After all, there is no need to shoot videos normally.So Zhou You asked Qin Chuan to help him take pictures.

Qin Chuan has good shooting skills.

Zhou You sat in front of the piano and played "Canon", and Qin Chuan photographed it.

The video was shot well.

"Do you want to try it?" Zhou You said after finishing playing.

Qin Chuan experienced this 980 million piano and was full of praise.He also filmed piano commercials before, but the brand company didn't give away a customized piano!
After all, is there not enough cafes?

I don't know why, but in front of Zhou You, Qin Chuan feels a little inferior... because Zhou You is too good!
Singer, songwriter, pianist...

Every identity is not simple!
After the video was shot, Zhou You simply edited it, and then posted it on Weibo.

"Thank you for the custom-made piano presented by Xingchen Piano, I like it very much! I tried it, it's great!"

After that, there is a clip of Zhou You playing "Canon".

There is no full Canon in the video.

But after the video was released,

It explodes quickly.



The first change, asking for a monthly pass, a monthly pass, a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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