Chapter 209

Zhouyou Weibo has 5000 million fans.

With such a huge number of fans, every tweet received a huge response, and soon fans flocked in to watch Zhou You's tweets and videos.

"Ahhh!! Zhou Xianyu, you still know the business. After the release of the new album, no one is there. Shouldn't you take advantage of the trend and come to a concert?"

"My waist is ready! You just don't care."

"Is this an endorsement?"

"It looks like it is... Isn't Jiang Chuxue the heroine before? This is going to be linked with Zhou Youmeng."

"I've been drinking this pair of CPs."

The style of painting in the comment area is strange.

But soon the fans began to turn from weird discussions to listening to the music played by Zhou You.

Unfortunately, the full version of "Canon" is not in the video.

It's a section played by Zhou You very casually.

"What song is this? It sounds good."

"Zhou You is so handsome when he plays the piano!! Wow, I'll just call him my husband."

"I'll just call the baby his father."

"It's another new song."

"I listened to it many times, but every time I heard the most comfortable thing, it disappeared. Ask for the official version."

Fans responded enthusiastically.

At this time, Qin Chuan said "it's called Canon" in the comment area, which sparked heated discussions.

After all, Qin Chuan still has a great say in piano and piano music.

"Canon" and Zhou You are popular on Weibo.

Star Piano became popular because of this.

Because the last time I traveled around the mall and played the star piano, this time I played the star piano at home.

So fans speculate that this is a "creative advertisement" of Big Fish Entertainment.

Let Zhou You appear in the mall to play the piano.

Let Zhou You play the piano at home and tweet.

It wasn't an advertisement at first, but it was part of the "advertising plan" that the fans made up their minds.

Even Zhou You didn't expect things to turn out like this.

Star Piano Headquarters.

"I didn't expect that we would give Zhou You a custom-made piano as a thank you, and he would give us another wave of advertisements for free. We still owe Zhou You a favor."

"Why don't we just ask Zhou You to be the spokesperson, and we will have double spokespersons this year."

"Funds are not allowed. Although the sales volume has increased significantly after finding Big Fish to do an advertising plan this year, we still have to control our marketing expenses and not mess around."

"That's right. Let's find a chance to repay this favor in the future. Big Fish Entertainment is really generous. Let's use Big Fish Entertainment for all our advertisements in the future."

Xingchen Piano is very grateful for Zhou You's "random micro-special" this time.


After Qin Chuan released "It's Called Canon", the female pianist Bai Lu who knew him sent a message asking Qin Chuan, "Do you know this piece?"

What Bailu means is that you don't have the complete version of "Canon".

As Bai Hanlin's granddaughter, Bai Lu has a very high status in the pianist circle, coupled with her talent and talent in piano.

after all,

Several of Bai Lu's masterpieces are piano pieces composed for him by his grandfather Bai Hanlin.

The dream of male pianists is to marry Bai Lu as his wife. In this way, Bai Hanlin's thigh will be completely locked to death.

And Bailu is big and white.

Who doesn't like it.

Qin Chuan and Bai Lu were familiar with each other, and immediately replied: "Yes, I have heard the full version."

Bai Lu: "Did you listen to it at Zhou You's house?"

Qin Chuan: "Yes..."

Then Qin Chuan told his friends about hearing the sound of the piano.

But he omitted the Junting villa area.

After all, if Zhou You lived in the Junting Villa area, then Zhou You's casual vest would have been exposed directly.Although Zhou You didn't specifically explain it, Qin Chuan felt that it was inappropriate to tell others' secrets.

The last thing he despises is a leaker, a big-mouthed person.

So what he disdains the most is this kind of behavior.

Bai Lu: "Can you tell me in detail?"

Qin Chuan: "I don't have the music score. I listened to him play it downstairs, but I didn't remember it completely. But this piece is not complicated. The polyphonic form, except for some minor changes, is all repetitions of the previous ones, but these minor changes are exactly its essence."

Bai Lu: "Can you help introduce Zhou You?" It sounds like Qin Chuan has established a good relationship with Zhou You.

Qin Chuan: "I just met him, um, I don't know if he will show face." Qin Chuan didn't take the opportunity to pretend to be aggressive, and he is not the kind of person who slaps a swollen face to pretend to be fat.Not familiar is not familiar.

Bai Lu was slightly disappointed.But Qin Chuan immediately said: "I will let you know as soon as I have a chance to contact you later. Well, he didn't refuse when I invited him to my solo concert tour next year. If he comes, I will have a chance to meet him."

Wait until next year, it's too long.

I'd better find a way to establish contact with Zhou You... Bai Lu said in her heart.But he said thank you.

When Bai Lu returned home, she opened the video of Zhou You playing "Canon" for Bai Hanlin to watch.

After listening to it, Bai Lu asked, "Grandpa, how is this song?"

Bai Hanlin: "Simple and beautiful, it has reached perfection. There is sweetness and tranquility in a touch of sadness, which is very rare."

Bai Lu: "Well, I feel the same way. This song is at the level of grandpa."

Bai Hanlin: "It seems that Xiaoyao wrote it again."

Bai Lu: "Even you can't guess who Xiaoyao is?"

Bai Hanlin: "I have invited several of my suspects to my house for dinner, and I have already ruled out the possibility of them opening their vests. Xiaoyao has someone else. If there is a chance, I will definitely meet this talented man."

The song "Farewell" made a deep impression on Bai Hanlin.

Since then, his attention to Xiaoyao has risen to the extreme.

But I still don't see the true face of Xiaoyao.


"Canon" is extremely popular, but Zhou You didn't make any response on the Internet.

There is also no recording and release of the full version of "Canon".

Two days later, he sent "Encounter" to Zhang Yao, and Zhang Yao passed it on to Su Qianxia.

""Encounter"?" Su Qianxia was very surprised when she got the song.

Because this is obviously tailor-made for her and her new album "Meet Su Qianxia".

Su Qianxia got the song and didn't check it immediately, but sent a message to Zhou You: "Senior brother! Teacher Xiaoyao wrote the title song for my new album."

Zhou You: "Congratulations."

Su Qianxia: "But why does Teacher Xiaoyao always help me? I feel like I'm dreaming..."

Zhou You: "Maybe this is Xiaoyao's responsibility, he is the creator of Big Fish."

Su Qianxia: "But I have never had the chance to thank Teacher Xiaoyao in person... Brother, does Teacher Xiaoyao like red wine?"

Zhou You: "Yes."

Su Qianxia: "Brother, do you have any recommended brands?"

Zhou You: "I don't really understand."

After that, Zhou You didn't talk to Su Qianxia anymore.

From nowhere, Su Qianxia heard that teacher Zhai Nan from the creative department had been to Xiaoyao's house and drank wine with Xiaoyao.Zhai Nan is the producer of her new album, and Su Qianxia is already acquainted with her.So he asked without beating the bush: "Mr. Zhai, have you had a drink at Mr. Xiaoyao's house, right?"

Zhai Nan: "Yes." There is nothing to deny.As long as Xiaoyao's true identity is not revealed.

Su Qianxia: "What kind of red wine did you drink?"

Zhai Nan: "Kangdi."

Although Su Qianxia has never drunk Kandi, she has heard of it. It is said that this wine is ridiculously expensive, 10,000+ a bottle.She exclaimed in surprise: "Mr. Xiaoyao drinks... Do you have such a high standard?"

Zhai Nan: ...

Can I say that I bring my own drinks... But the boss has an underground wine cellar at home.There are a lot of expensive wines in it.I was lucky enough to go in and have a look.

Seeing that Zhai Nan didn't speak, Su Qianxia said, "I see."

What do you know?Zhai Nan didn't know why.

Just listen to Su Qianxia continue: "Kangdi is just the daily standard of Teacher Xiaoyao."

Then Su Qianxia started to buy wine.

She wants to buy Kanti.

But Kangdi is sold in limited quantities every year, and it is already November, and Su Qianxia has not found a source of supply.

So I can only understand other red wines.

A bottle of high-end red wine is almost hard to come by.

Yield is too low.

Take Cabernet Sauvignon from Screaming Eagle Winery, the most expensive wine produced in Napa Valley, with an annual output of only about 5000 bottles.

To buy, you need to register on the official website of Screaming Eagle Winery, so that you can join the waiting list to buy.It is said that it may take up to ten years to wait for a case of wine.

Because the queue has been in line for more than ten years.

However, after some searching, Su Qianxia contacted a wine expert, and through this person's relationship, he bought two bottles of Egon Muller Chateau Shazburg Dry Grape Selection Riesling, which is known as the "extremely concentrated dreamy sweet wine".

It is said that the annual production of this wine is only 300 bottles.

The price is comparable to Kandy.

Su Qianxia bought two bottles as soon as she made a move... It cost a full 30!Heartache or not?Of course it hurts.

30 can buy a nice car.

For a rich person to drink two bottles of wine, ordinary people need to work hard for two or three years.

But Su Qianxia is very good at thinking about problems from another angle.She was able to make her debut and achieve today's results because of Zhou You's recommendation and the strong support of several works by Teacher Xiaoyao.

Although his contract level was low before, he didn't earn a lot of share.

But it was also divided into millions.

The money was earned by Teacher Xiaoyao, and she will earn more money from it in the future.So what's wrong with buying two bottles of good wine to honor Teacher Xiaoyao?
By the way... I also have to thank my brother.

There were only two bottles of Egon Muller Chateau Schatzburg Riesling, so she bought an extra bottle of Chateau Contenot Monfortino Reserva Barolo.

After getting the wine, she contacted Zhou You as soon as possible, and gave Zhou You the Barolo from Chateau Contenot Montfortino, and asked Zhou You to bring the selected Riesling from Egon Muller Chateau Schatzburg to Mr. Xiaoyao.

Zhou You: "..."

Who spread the custom of giving and receiving gifts?
I mean I like red wine...but you don't have to send such expensive ones!Su Qianxia, ​​a junior junior, is also willing to do so.

Hundreds of thousands of wines are bought as soon as they are bought, and given away as soon as they are offered.

But since they bought them all, Zhou You didn't refuse, accepted it, and said that he would hand it over... Well, Xiaoyao has already got your wine!

After expressing her gratitude to Teacher Xiaoyao, Su Qianxia prepared her new album with peace of mind and recorded "Encounter", hoping to win this year's Best New Female Singer.

With this award, her stardom next year will be smooth.


Zhou You kept the three bottles of wine sent by Su Qianxia in his underground wine cellar.

Opened a bottle of cheap red wine, and had two drinks with my sister in the evening.

Well, steak for tonight.

Fried around.

In Zhou Lingyu's words, tonight's steak meal gave off the atmosphere of a candlelight dinner for men and women dating.

In the evening, Zhou You read a book for a while and planned to sleep, when Li Qingyao sent a message.

Li Qingyao: "Have you rested?"

Zhou You: "Just lay down."

Li Qingyao: "Well, good night."

You came to me just to say goodnight?Zhou You felt that Li Qingyao should come to him for something, and when he heard that he had just laid down, he thought he was going to sleep, so he didn't say anything at all, and just said good night.

Zhou You replied, "What's the matter?"

Li Qingyao: "It's not important, you rest first, let's talk about it tomorrow."

Sure enough, Li Qingyao has a sense of proportion when interacting with people... Zhou You realized this very early on.Even, this little queen was a little cautious in front of her.

This probably has something to do with her upbringing environment.

There is a mother who expects her daughter to become a phoenix, and she must be cautious in her education, and she is always careful in every step, so that she always feels a certain distance from others.

That's what everyone calls cold.

But judging from the few times Zhou You had been in contact with her, Li Qingyao was not aloof, but she was seldom talkative and not good at making friends.

Zhou You knew that Li Qingyao was worried about disturbing him, so he said, "I don't plan to rest now, I just lie down to play with my phone more comfortably. So if you have something to say, just talk about it."

After a while Li Qingyao said: "I want to ask you something."

Zhou You: "What?"

Li Qingyao: "I participated in the recording of the third season of "The King of Songs", and now I have entered the competition for the king of songs, which is the final. Every guest who advances needs to find a supporting partner...I don't want to use the partner arranged by the company. I said in a fit of anger that I would find a partner by myself...but I...I don't have any friends, only you can be thought of."

"I don't know if we are friends."

Li Qingyao sent a long message.

You can feel Li Qingyao's helplessness when you wander around in words.

Zhou You: "Of course we are friends. I can be your guest of honor."

Zhou You agreed very readily.

Li Qingyao was delighted and at the same time very surprised, because Zhou You almost answered in seconds without thinking about it.

Li Qingyao didn't know how to reply for a while, edited the message and deleted it, then edited it, and deleted it again.

Zhou You has been in the state of "the other party is inputting".

I thought Li Qingyao had another long message, but in the end, there were only two words "thank you" in the message.

Instead of discussing this matter, Zhou You asked about the guests that Jiahua Entertainment had arranged for her.

It turned out that Jiahua Entertainment arranged for Li Qingyao a female singer of the younger generation. Its intention was not to let Li Qingyao win the competition, but to hope that Li Qingyao would lead this younger generation.

It's okay to bring a newcomer.

But at this time, Jiahua Entertainment's intention to arrange to bring newcomers is obvious.

This is to use traffic to promote newcomers.

"Old for new" ah!

Li Qingyao was very wronged when she encountered such a thing.

The "apprentice" lost his job when he became angry, and no one would want to change it!

Li Qingyao couldn't find any other better solution, so she had to come to Zhou You.

"Jia Hua Entertainment has always been like this," Zhou You didn't have a good impression of Jia Hua, after all, Jia Hua made a fool of him in his previous life!Let him waste two Kun years. "No compromise."

You must know that although relying on face to eat is not enough to become the absolute top of Blue Star, you can definitely live a good life.

Maybe she will be spotted by a rich woman, and she will be given a soft meal at a young age.

But Jia Hua gave him up completely.

Now Li Qingyao seems to be Jiahua's abandoned son, although I don't know what happened.But it is clear that Jiahua has found a cash cow that is more suitable and better controlled than Li Qingyao.

"What song to sing?" Zhou You asked.

Li Qingyao mentioned a few songs, all of which were popular among Blue Star.

"These songs may be chosen by other contestants," Zhou You said, "Well, let's sing a new song."



Second more.

Daily task: Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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