I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 210 I Probably Like It

Chapter 210 I Probably Like It
"Well, let's sing a new song."

Li Qingyao hesitated a little and said hello, then said, "I'll ask the creative department to write a song."

Li Qingyao never thought of asking Zhou You to ask Xiaoyao to write a song, her first reaction was to ask the creative department to write it.

"Your company is ready to trade in the old for the new, will you still write songs for you?" Zhou You asked.

"Yes." Li Qingyao said.

Yes, but the process will not be so smooth... Zhou You thought for a while and said, "It just so happens that I have a song in my hand, so you don't need to find someone to write it."

Zhou You held a song "A Bridge of Fate" in his hand.

It just so happens that this song is also a duet song between men and women.

It is the ending song of the movie "The Great Wall".

It is a model of divine comedy from bad movies since ancient times.

I just don't know if Li Qingyao can control it, "But this song of mine needs some singing skills in Qin opera, is it okay?"

"No problem." Li Qingyao said.

"Okay, I'll send it to you." Zhou Youdao, and then sent the lyrics and music of "A Bridge of Fate".

"Thank you, Zhou You." Li Qingyao expressed her thanks before receiving the documents.

Then Zhou You saw that at the top of the chat interface, it was always in the state of "the other party is typing", sometimes disappearing, and sometimes it was "the other party is typing", and finally Li Qingyao did not send a word.

It is estimated that it has been edited countless times, and I still don’t know how to express my gratitude.

After a while, Li Qingyao received and downloaded the file.

You can see the words "the other party has received" when traveling around.


Li Qingyao opened the lyrics file sent by Zhou You.

She read the score first, and then the lyrics.

"In the Qin Dynasty, the moon was bright and the Han Dynasty was the pass. The Long Marchers have not yet returned, but the flying generals of the dragon city are here, and Huma is not taught to go to the Yinshan Mountain..."

Li Qingyao was shocked when she saw the lyrics.

This lyrics... so domineering.

This is poetry!
Zhou You came up with such an excellent work to help me, how can I thank him for repaying him... Li Qingyao is always careful to accept other people's kindness and help to her, and secretly keep it in her heart, and then when the other party needs it, Double the reward.

A little bit of goodness can make her remember for a lifetime.

Looking at the lyrics and score, Li Qingyao tried to sing, "The burial mounds are thousands of miles away, and no one visits lonely souls in troubled times..."

What a domineering song!
Li Qingyao found that her emotions became aroused all of a sudden, and Qin Opera needed to roar out, but she was not very satisfied after singing it twice.

So I sang and recorded with my phone.

Send it to Zhou You tomorrow.

It's too late now to disturb the rest of the tour.

She picked up her mobile phone and sent a message to Zhou You: "I like this song very much. I am thinking about how to sing it better. Zhou You, thank you."

She said thank you again, "It's too late today, you should go to bed earlier."

"Yeah." Zhou You sent a hello, and then asked, "The show will air in three days, right?"


"Well, let's rehearse tomorrow." Zhou You said, "When and where shall we meet?"

Li Qingyao's heart skipped a beat.

After a while she said, "Can this afternoon be okay? I'll come to you."

It's already troublesome for Zhou You to help her.

Letting Zhou Youlai find him is not suitable.

So Li Qingyao decided that she should go find Zhou You.

"Okay." After finishing speaking, Zhou You announced the positioning of Junting Villa District.

The home is spacious and private.

There is a venue with a piano and a million-dollar "recording studio"-a traveling music room, only for listening to songs.

The rehearsal of two people is completely capable of unfolding.

Both of them are very popular now, it's not suitable to go to Li Qingyao's company, and Zhou You doesn't want to go back to Jiahua Entertainment, that place is not pleasant...

Going to Big Fish Entertainment?If caught by the paparazzi, rumors that Li Qingyao is about to quit Big Fish Entertainment will probably spread.She is now in conflict with the company.If it was filmed and reported, it would have a negative impact on her.

Therefore, after weighing the three-week tour, I feel that it is most appropriate to stay at home.


Two o'clock in the afternoon the next day.

Li Qingyao came to Junting villa area.

She tried to get her manager's mother away, and she only said that she came to find Zhou You for rehearsal, and that she was going to Zhou You's house, so it was inappropriate for her mother to follow her.

It's really inappropriate... Dong Wenshu can understand Li Qingyao's meaning.

Zhou You invited Li Qingyao, and it felt awkward for her mother to follow her.Um, no... Afterwards, Dong Wenshu realized that it was inappropriate for her mother to follow her. Why does this sentence sound weird?
It feels like you guys are dating behind your parents' backs.

Cousin Dong Cunli drove Li Qingyao to Building 11 in Junting Villa Area in a nanny car.

"Zhou You live here? This is too grand." When Dong Cunli drove the nanny car into the Junting villa area, he couldn't help but sigh.

So big, so stylish, so high-end, so fucking rich...

There is a feeling of Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

It was the first time for him to enter such a luxurious villa area.

It was also the first time for Li Qingyao.

However, Li Qingyao and Dong Cunli reacted completely differently. She was more like Lin Daiyu, observing everything and being careful everywhere.

She was also wondering how Zhou You lived in such a high-end villa area.

She has a higher status than Zhou You, but she can't afford such a house.

Dong Cunli parked the nanny car outside Building 11 and rang the doorbell outside the courtyard.

Soon Zhou You came to see the door.

Dong Cunli respectfully called Teacher Zhou You, and Zhou You responded politely.

Dong Cunli should be only one or two years older than Li Qingyao, tall and thin, Zhou You is very good for him.

The habit of traveling around is someone whose first impression makes him feel uncomfortable, and there is a high probability that he will not associate with him again in the future.

Li Qingyao stepped forward to say hello.

In his hand was a delicate little gift box.

"This is for you." Li Qingyao said.

"What is this?" Zhou You reached out to take it.

Without waiting for Li Qingyao to speak, Dong Cunli said, "This is steamed cranberry cake and almond cake made by my cousin. They are very delicious."

"Thank you." Zhou Youlian said.

For a big star like Li Qingyao, it takes a lot of time to make homemade pastries, which shows Li Qingyao's heart.

Making it yourself and buying it are two different things.

"I didn't expect you to have this skill." Zhou You said, "Let's go into the house first."

"En." Li Qingyao blushed slightly.

At this time, Dong Cunli moved out of the car the large and small gift boxes.

Hands full.

With a naive look on his face.

Zhou You frowned slightly: "This is..."

Dong Cunli: "A gift for Teacher Zhou You and Teacher Xiaoyao. We, Qingyao, said that Teacher Zhou You and Teacher Xiaoyao have helped a lot. I have always wanted to find a chance to thank them in person, but I have never had a chance. So I decided to bring them together this time. gone."

Blue Star's entertainment industry is too popular to give gifts.

He looked at Li Qingyao: "You don't need to be so polite."

Li Qingyao said: "There must be etiquette."

Zhou You didn't say much, and invited the two into his home.

Dong Cunli "squeezed in" with big and small bags, and then put a bunch of gift boxes on the ground. This is for your teacher Zhou You, and this is for Teacher Xiaoyao. Please pass it on.

Putting down the gift box, Dong Cunli said: "Teacher Zhou You, you are busy, I will wait in the car."

As he said that, he was about to exit the door.

"Sit down for a while." Zhou You said, "You can drink tea in my tea room."

"No need!" Dong Cunli felt embarrassed.

Zhou You said it was okay and brought it to the tea room, "Make whatever tea you want, you can make whatever tea you want here."

Dong Cunli saw the dazzling array of tea leaves in Zhouyou's teahouse.

Teacher Zhou You is also a tea lover.

Arrange for Dong Cunli Zhou You and Li Qingyao to go upstairs.

Into the music room.

Li Qingyao praised Zhou You's million-dollar-decorated music room. She remembered that Zhou You visited Chen Luo's music room on the "Heartbeat Journey" program.He said that he would pretend to be one, but now he really did. "Is it because I saw the recording teacher's music room before, so I pretended it myself?"

"A music enthusiast." Zhou You said.

He called up the accompaniment file of "A Bridge of Fate", "Shall we start?"

"Okay." Li Qingyao nodded,

"This song needs to sing this feeling." Zhou You told Li Qingyao and demonstrated.

"Need a little anger!" Zhou You said, "You try it, I'll listen to it, and then we can adjust it."

Li Qingyao sang a section.

"A mass burial mound thousands of miles away, a solitary grave in troubled times with no one to visit..."

"Pay attention to Langyan here," Zhou You demonstrated: "Wolf~~Yan Qianli Mass Burial Mound."

"This wolf is about to get angry, be more ruthless. Try again."

"Okay." Li Qingyao nodded, "Wolf! Yan Qianli..."

"It feels right now, with the feeling of extinction of wolves," Zhou You said.

"Ah?" Li Qingyao didn't understand.

"A little more than ruthless." Zhou You said.

Helping Li Qingyao find the feeling of anger, and then confirming their respective division of labor for this cooperation, Zhou You and Zhou You conducted the first "rehearsal".

Spot problems during rehearsals, then improve and adjust.

Li Qingyao is a popular female singer, and the little queen has a very high talent in music, so the rehearsal and singing part does not take much effort.

Soon the two will be able to sing a duet tacitly.

But after all, they are participating in the "King of Songs", so they have to consider the positions of the two on the stage, as well as the form of stage performance and other issues.

Discussion of this issue took a lot of time.

"We don't need much eye contact when we sing, but we need to focus on each other." Zhou You said, "By the way, you can wear high heels when singing, so you can feel more aura."

Before I knew it, three hours had passed.

Dong Cunli had finished drinking six pots of tea in the tea room, and went to the toilet eight times. Recently, he urinated frequently...Dong Cunli was quite distressed by this.

Well, it should be because I drank too much water... My prostate should be fine... Let's check it when I have time.

Dong Cunli was so bored that he worried about his prostate problems.

Finally, around six o'clock, Zhou You and Li Qingyao came down from upstairs.

He was already waiting in the living room at this moment, when he saw Zhou You and the others coming down, he got up immediately: "Are you ready for rehearsal?"

Li Qingyao: "Well, the rehearsal is over."

Dong Cunli: "Your voice is hoarse, drink a glass of water."

Zhou You: "Over there"

Then Dong Cunli went over and poured two cups of warm water from disposable paper cups.

The first cup was given to Zhou You.

The first cup was given to Li Qingyao.

This Dong Cunli is very discerning and sensible.A good accompanying agent and a good cousin.

Li Qingyao drank a glass of water, and Dong Cunli immediately took out the usual throat lozenges.

After Li Qingyao thanked her and was about to leave, Zhou You said it was time for dinner, "Let's stay for dinner."

Li Qingyao: "No, no, I'll wait..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhou You said: "It will be done soon, I should be bored eating alone. Dong Cunli, right?"


"Can you cut vegetables?"


"Help me out."

Then this guy who knew a little bit picked up the kitchen knife and duo duo, he was clearly a professional player!The shredded potatoes are thinner than Zhou You's... No, thinner than Zhou You's shredded potatoes.

Zhou You bought fish today, and he made a dish of squirrel mandarin fish.

My sister likes to eat beef, Zhou You bought a lot of it back.I plan to make boiled beef for my sister tonight.As a result, my sister said at one o'clock in the afternoon that I would go to my best friend Xiao Xiao's house for dinner in the evening.This boiled beef can only be eaten by themselves.

Li Qingyao didn't just wait to eat.

She is helping to choose and wash vegetables.

She can always find something to do.

Don't let yourself be idle.

The three of them prepared a dinner together, and soon a table full of dishes was served.

Zhou You brought out red wine to entertain, Dong Cunli had to drive and did not drink, but Li Qingyao drank half a glass and her face turned red.

At the beginning, she was very restrained in eating vegetables.

Worry about eating too much.

But Zhou You's dishes were so delicious that I couldn't stop. Now I finally know how happy the guests in "Heartbeat Journey" are when they eat Zhou You's dishes.

Li Qingyao finally put down her chopsticks.

A table of dishes is full.

"I couldn't control myself...it's so delicious." Li Qingyao blushed.

It seems that every time I meet Zhou You, I eat a lot... With his "encouragement", I can eat without guilt.

Li Qingyao was very happy.

"I'll do the dishes." She offered.

Zhou You said no, but Li Qingyao said, "Yes."

Then the big star Li Qingyao became a "dishwasher" at Zhou You's house.

Li Qingyao seemed to have taken off her "star" coat when doing housework, and Zhou You could clearly feel that she was very happy.

Li Qingyao said goodbye to Zhou You after tidying up the kitchen and dining table.



When Li Qingyao came home, she tossed and turned on the bed after washing, unable to fall asleep.

On the one hand, I am too full and my stomach is bloated.

On the other hand, when she closed her eyes, all the details of getting along with Zhou You today were in her mind.

Practicing songs, rehearsing, cooking, eating, washing dishes... These images play in my mind like a slideshow.

It's a very strange feeling.

She thought of Mr. Hollow Tree.

Prison Bird: "Mr. Tree Hole, are you asleep?"

The game world replied in seconds: "No."

Prison Bird: "Can I ask you a question?"

Game world: "What?"

Prison Bird: "What's it like to like someone?"

Zhou You on the other end of the network cable frowned slightly, and the prison bird actually asked questions about relationships.It seems that the prison bird girl has love troubles.
But what is it like to like someone, Zhou You really can't answer all of a sudden.

After careful consideration, Zhou You replied, "My eyes are raining for him, but my heart is holding an umbrella for him."

Likes are not always lucky.

It has fulfillment.

There are also disappointments.

Zhou You's words are not his original, but adapted from Tagore's "eyes are raining for her, but the heart is holding an umbrella for her, this is love."

Love has joys and sorrows.

With care and care.

Li Qingyao couldn't fully understand the game's answer, but he seemed to be able to understand a little bit.

Prison Bird: "I understand but don't understand. I always think about him, do I like him?"

Game World: "Probably so."

Prison Bird: "I remember all the details of every encounter with him, did I fall in love with him?"

Game world: "passers-by are always automatically erased from memory."

Prison Bird: "Then I like it."



The first change, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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