I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 220 "Tenderness", Wedding Invitation

Chapter 220 "Tenderness", Wedding Invitation

The last game between Kyoto University and Jinghai University was very stalemate.

The score is chasing each other.


It's nerve-wracking again.

Every time a goal is scored, the audience watching the ball will let out a cry of exclamation.The scores were tied in the last minute of the game.

In the last 10 seconds of the game, Jinghai University made a three-pointer!Lead the game, and finally won the game with a three-point advantage.

Won the championship.

Obtained the qualification to represent Xia Guo university students to participate in the All-Federation League.

[Watching the college basketball league live, life points +2]

Zhou You congratulated Zhou Jun after the game.

With the victory of this game, Zhou Jun's dream of a professional basketball player will no longer be far away. Maybe he can really become a world-class basketball superstar.

There is Zhou You, a superstar in his family, and Zhou Jun has always set Zhou You as an example.

It's impossible to make waves in the entertainment industry, but it can be done in the sports world, right?

After the game, Zhou Jun needs to prepare intensively for the game.

Although there is still a long time before the Star Federation Global College Basketball League next year, it is a global competition after all, and the pressure of the competition is very high.

The team has also formulated special devil training.

But now the whole team gets five days off.

After all, the players are exhausted after such a long game.

Pausing to rest is just to start better.

During the five-day holiday, Zhou Jun plans to take his father for a stroll in Jinghai. Of course, Zhou You is also a three-accompany to eat, drink and play.

Before you know it, November is over.

On Earth there is the arrogance of November.

But in November when Blue Star travels around, there are only bad and leisurely.

Whether it's traveling around the deity or the vest, they didn't do business seriously this month.

So on December 12st, when Xiaguo Music Net's points were settled, Xiaoyao's points did not change much.

ID: Happy
Occupation: Creator
Grade: Grade C

Points: 7896/10000
Only more than 400 points more than last month.

He didn't even reach 8000 points.

The awards ceremony of Xiaguo Music Network is coming soon... I want to upgrade to a B-level creator.

The level and points of music creators have not changed much, but the ranking of writers according to the Golden House statistics, Ye Youshen has made a qualitative leap.

NO.1 in the list of popular writers of the year
Popular writer list: NO.15
Of course, this is just a statistical ranking of Xia Guo's popular novel writers.

There is only one criterion for ranking popular writers: best-selling value!
The best-selling value is how much the author's works are sold for, and one dollar is equivalent to a best-selling value.

Ye Youshen ranked first in the annual list of popular writers, which means that he is the best-selling writer in Xia Kingdom this year.

No. 15 on the list of hottest writers, that is, in almost half a year, he became No. 15 on the writer's richest list.

So terrifying.

Readers and writers alike were amazed when the list was updated.

"Damn it!! This night wandering god is playing tricks."

"I made it to No. 15 on the writer's richest list in one year!! Earned money that I couldn't earn in dozens of lifetimes."

"I've been writing for ten years, a total of twelve works!! Only barely reached the top 100 and made it to the list. He went straight to the top 15!! Kneel down and worship."

"Night tour god is awesome."

Zhou You didn't pay too much attention.

He went to bed after reading his points, level and ranking.

It was nine o'clock in the morning when he woke up.

Zhou Lingyu went to work.

On the dining table is the breakfast prepared by Uncle San.

The third uncle is going back to Yuzhou today.

When I came here, I only brought a few changes of clothes, and when I went back, I dragged two suitcases.In the suitcase are all the gifts that Zhou You brought back to grandparents, second uncles, second mothers, Yaoniang, younger brothers and sisters.

Zhou You sent Uncle San to the airport, and then drove around before returning home.

Today is February 12.

The last month of 2023.

Because the nominations and selections for the annual music awards will be held in January of the following year, many singers and songwriters choose this time to make their last effort.

Some singers released albums directly on this day.

There are also many down payment releases of new singles.

Of course, it also includes the Orange Band and the Black Pants Band of Spotlight Entertainment.

The Black Pants competed with the Orange for the title in "Bands of the Summer", but lost out on the title.

Now they want to win this year's best new artist band.

So in December, directly enlarge the move!

Released their first album "Black Pants".

Eight legs on the album cover.

Eight legs in black trousers.

The album contains a total of 10 songs.

And without the slightest advance notice.

It is estimated that it caught all the bands by surprise.

Its ambition and determination to win the best newcomer band of the year can be seen.

There was no notice before the release of the new album. When it was released, many parties cooperated and made a lot of noise.Many singers and actors under Guangdian Entertainment forwarded it to build momentum.

Black Pants and the album "Black Pants" quickly gained a lot of exposure and attention.

What's interesting is that the producer of the album "Black Pants" is Lu Nian, the strongest A-level creator of Spotlight Entertainment.

Lu Nian's position in Guangdian was higher than Qian Qiuyuan's.

He was about to be promoted to S-level creator.


"Fuck! The producer of Black Pants' new album is actually Lu Nian."

"The Black Pants band is on the mend!! The best rookie band of the year is none other than them."

"The Orange Band also has a great chance of winning!"

"But after this album, Tangerine became a bit mysterious."

Spotlight Entertainment has played such a big battle this time.

Belongs to the black pants band.

Black Pants' new album was released at zero o'clock.

At seven o'clock in the morning, three of the ten songs in the entire album broke into the top ten!
Of course, these three songs are all written by Lu Nian.

Either the lyrics he is responsible for, or the music he is responsible for, or the arrangement he is responsible for.

Of course, the lyrics and music arrangement of the title song were all done by Lu Nian alone.

And the title song "Future" ranked No.1.

quite strong.

The Orange Band did not expect that the Black Pants would come to such a show in December.

They plan to release "Tenderness" on the 1st.

Seeing that Black Pants released an album directly, Zhang Cong hesitated.He asked Zhang Yao: "Boss, are we still publishing "Gentleness"?"

"Of course." Zhang Yao didn't even ask Zhou You.

Because he knows that to ask is to send.

The boss is not a coward.

Just do it.

Anyway, our boss has a lot of inspiration and talent.

So the Orange Band released the single "Tenderness" at 10 o'clock in the morning.

As soon as the new song was released, it immediately attracted the attention of fans.

"Damn it!! Orange Band also released a song."

"Obviously Orange is also up for the Best Newcomer Band of the Year."

"Isn't this just a pinch? It's interesting."

Black Pants and Lu Nian, the producer of their new album, also noticed this song "Tenderness".

Lu Nian hadn't fought Xiaoyao yet.

But I have long heard that Xiaoyao and his works are quite evil.

And the colleague Qian Qiuyuan seems to have a close relationship with Xiaoyao.

"Listen." Lu Nian's reaction was very light.

He didn't think it was a bad thing to run into Xiaoyao's works.

On the one hand, he has strength.

On the other hand, it doesn't matter if you lose.

Lu Nian took winning and losing very lightly.

Click "Tenderness".

"Walking in the wind, today's sunshine, suddenly so gentle, the gentleness of the sky, the gentleness of the earth, like you holding me..."

The melody is soothing and the lyrics are gentle.

I like the gentle piano in the arrangement the most...

Lu Nian has no concept of winning or losing in his heart. At this moment, he is completely like an ordinary music lover, listening to the song "Gentleness".

"The scenery in the sky and the me around me are not in your eyes. I never understand what is hidden in your eyes. It has nothing to do with your world. Let you have it. It is my tenderness not to disturb~~"

Zhou You had heard "Tenderness" many years ago.

But when he saw the title of the song "Gentleness", he couldn't remember which song it was.

I didn't realize it until I heard the chorus, oh! !It turned out to be this song.

In terms of style, this song is actually a rock song.

But it feels more like a love song.

Do not disturb is my tenderness...

This line of lyrics expresses how many people feel sad and helpless in love, and there is still a little bit of freedom.

"I don't know, I don't know, I don't want it, why my heart, I want to get closer, but I am lonely until dawn..."

"I don't know, I don't know, I don't want it, my heart, the beauty of love, is always in loneliness..."

The verse is sung very softly.

chorus part,

Lu Nian was amazed!

Obviously wanting to get closer, but being lonely until dawn... This lyrics can be said to have been written in Lu Nian's heart.

He's just such a weird character.

The more he likes the person, the farther he pushes them away.

In terms of emotions, he has always lacked courage.Although I have tossed and turned for a certain person, I still let my temper not get close... Of course, this is not what the lyrics of this song express.

But Lu Nian did find resonance in it.

And love the lyrics and melody of this song.

at this time,

The comment area of ​​the song is full of comments from fans.

"listen well."

"The lyrics are so real."

"Do not disturb is my tenderness... Xiaoyao understands me too well."

"Obviously he wanted to get closer, but he was lonely until dawn. I suspect that Xiaoyao has a lot of emotional experience and has been hurt."

"I like the chorus so much, it makes my skin crawl."

The popularity of "Gentleness" is rising rapidly.

It reached No.10 on the new song list in just two hours.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, "Tenderness" had climbed to No. [-] on the new song list.

It did not rush to the top of the list as strongly as before.

"I'll go!! Xiaoyao has never done anything to Lu Nian this time."

"The song "Future" is really strong! Although "Gentleness" is nice, but the quality is still better than "Future"."

"Not dry enough."

"Hahaha, "Xian'er" is boring enough."


A-level creators are in the group of masters per capita.

A-level creators @吕志.

"Brother Nian, ah!! You actually suppressed Xiaoyao."

"You are the first one in our group to suppress Xiaoyao! Refreshing!"

"It's not good to be happy this time."

"Has Xiaoyao gone downhill?"

"It seems a little...the activity of Xiaoyao in November has dropped a lot."

"It's probably because the works in my hand are almost squandered, and the creation speed can't keep up."

A kind of talk that Xiaoyao has gone downhill has spread.

When Qian Qiuyuan saw the group news, he immediately sent a message to Xiaoyao: "Brother, have you been in a bad state recently?"

"No." Xiaoyao replied.

"You didn't release many songs on the charts in November, and this month's "Gentleness" was suppressed by others." Qian Qiuyuan said, "Why don't you go out and drink, drinking can inspire inspiration."

I'm not Li Bai, a poet fairy...Zhou You ridiculed. "Are you planning to join Big Fish Entertainment?"

"My heart already belongs to Big Fish Entertainment, so I'm still waiting to redeem myself." Qian Qiuyuan was talking about the contract with Guangdian Entertainment.

"Speaking like a brothel girl." Zhou You said.

"It's about the same... It's all about performing arts and not selling yourself." Qian Qiuyuan said.

Zhou You did not agree to the other party's request for a drink.

Although Xiaoyao's vest will be stripped off sooner or later, but not now.

Zhou You went to listen to "Future", it is indeed a very good song.

It's normal that "Tenderness" can't be beaten.

But in this way, there will be new variables for the black pants band and the orange band to compete for the best newcomer band of the year.

Tangerines are no longer guaranteed.

Because of this "Black Pants" album, the overall performance is very good.

It seems that I have to write some songs for the orange band.

Now only "Like You" is suitable for the band to sing, um... "Like You" and "Tenderness" seem to be able to create a "series" feeling.

So Zhou You immediately sent the lyrics and music arrangement of "Like You" to Zhang Yao, and asked him to give it to Orange Band for recording.

the other side,
After entering December, the preparations for Li Qingyao's concert in Kyoto on December 12 have reached the final stage.

Li Qingyao contacted Zhou You: "Can we sing "A Bridge of Fate" together?"

Zhou You: "Well...how about we sing a new song? "A Bridge of Fate" has already been sung, and it almost makes sense."

It doesn't matter if you've sung it...Zhou You, you won't fail to sing the same song a second time, right?etc!new song!

Li Qingyao: "I don't have any new works."

Zhou You: "I have."

Li Qingyao: "Is it possible? Will it be too..."

Before Li Qingyao's message was sent, Zhou You had already sent a music file.

Li Qingyao deleted the message that had not been finished.

Because of love... the title of this song seems to echo "A Bridge of Fate".

She clicks download to view the lyrics, score, and play the accompaniment file.

"Give you a CD of the past, listen to our love at that time, sometimes suddenly forget, I still love you..."

"Because of love, it is not easy to be sad..."

This... this time is really a love song.

And it's the kind of duet singing between men and women.

Is it okay for us to sing duet at the concert?
Li Qingyao was both worried and happy.

She struggled in her heart for a long time before replying: "Okay, let's sing this song. What is the fee for Teacher Xiaoyao?"

Zhou You: "Just give according to the original ratio."

Li Qingyao: "Do you have time to rehearse together?"

Zhou You: "The day after tomorrow."

Li Qingyao: "Okay."

Zhou You: "Come to my house."

Li Qingyao: "Yes."

Li Qingyao recalled what she saw at night, the century-old problem that couples encountered after dating at night: To your house or to my house?
Zhou You's phrase "come to my house" seems to have that flavor.

On the same day, Zhou You also received a phone call.

The guest of "Heart Journey" and old friend Wu Xing called, "Li Jingwen and I have an argument. We will have a wedding on the 1st of next month. Jingwen and I sincerely invite you to our wedding."

We got married after knowing each other for half a year!

These two move very fast.

"Congratulations," Zhou You said, "you must come."



Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a monthly ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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