I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 221 Did Li Qingyao Stay Overnight at Our House?

Chapter 221 Did Li Qingyao Stay Overnight at Our House?
After hanging up the phone, Wu Xing sent an electronic invitation.

Wu Xing said on WeChat: "The paper invitations should arrive in two days, I sent them to Big Fish Entertainment."

Wu Xing is very sincere.

Zhou You also felt that Wu Xing valued and took him seriously.

This was Zhou You's first wedding in this world, and he was quite looking forward to it.He replied to Wu Xing: "Okay, can I help with something? I can drive, I can sing, um, I can also be a best man."

Zhou You proposed.

If Zhou You thinks that a person is worth dating, Zhou You will take the initiative to contribute his meager strength when encountering something.

If you change to someone else who he doesn't recognize and doesn't want to have a close relationship with, and you send a wedding invitation, he may not reply.Even if he replied, it would only be a light answer like "OK".

Instead of trying to help.

Wu Xing actually wanted to ask Zhou You to sing a song at the wedding.

I also thought that Zhou You's status is different now, it's not easy for him to say this.I also don't want Zhou You to feel embarrassed.

But he didn't expect Zhou You to bring it up on his own initiative.

Wu Xing was overjoyed.

Zhou You's position in the heart couldn't help but become a bit more important, at least Zhou You's move made Wu Xing feel that his position in the other party's heart was quite high.

Wu Xing thought for a while and said, "If you can sing a song at the wedding, then our wedding will be perfect."

Zhou You: "Then remember to arrange an unexpected appearance for me."

Wu Xing: "No problem."

Among the several guests of "Heartbeat Journey", Wu Xing was the first to inform Zhou You.

Then Zhao Xiaolong and others received the invitation.

Wu Xing did not invite Jiang Chuxue, Yu Shan, and Xu Ya.

The invitations for the three of them were sent by Li Jingwen.

This guy Wu Xing is quite measured... He has already drawn a clear line with the girls.Well, Zhou You found out later that Wu Xing never had any WeChat messages from Jiang Chuxue and others.

Among the female guests, Wu Xing added Li Jingwen.

What a reassuring man.

After Jiang Chuxue received the electronic invitation from Li Jingwen, she immediately contacted Zhou You: "Brother Zhou You! Wu Xing and Li Jingwen are married."

Zhou You: "I have received the invitation."

Jiang Chuxue: "Brother Zhou You went, right?"

Zhou You: "Yes."

Jiang Chuxue: "I'll go too."

It's fine to listen to the words of the two separately, but together, the meaning is very rich.

Zhou You said he would go, Jiang Chuxue said I would go too...why do you feel like a follower?

Jiang Chuxue felt that the wedding between Li Jingwen and Wu Xing was too timely.

She is worrying about how to find a way and reason to create an opportunity to get in touch with Zhou You.

Zhou You didn't think much about it.

Put down the phone and turn on the computer to write "Ball Lightning".

The next day Li Qingyao arrived at Building 11 of Junting Villa on time.

Zhou Lingyu is resting at home today.

She opened the door.

Seeing Li Qingyao standing outside the door, Zhou Lingyu was quite surprised.

Is that brat Zhou You really in love?
Zhou You heard the doorbell and guessed that Li Qingyao had come, so he walked down the stairs.

"Hello, sister." Li Qingyao could only follow Zhou You to call her sister.

It's not appropriate to call Zhou Lingyu, and sister Yu'er seems too intimate... It's most appropriate to call her sister.This is Li Qingyao's decision after thinking about it.

This elder sister called out Zhou Lingyu's heart.

Lian invited Li Qingyao in.

Li Qingyao also brought homemade dim sum this time.

Dong Cunli was carrying large and small gift boxes with both hands.

Zhou You: "You don't need to bring these things."

Li Qingyao: "I brought a little less than last time."

Zhou Lingyu said: "You don't need to bring anything specially, our family doesn't have this style. You can come to play anytime."

Li Qingyao hummed.

Some don't know how to respond.

In terms of interpersonal communication, it is still difficult for her to be as tactful as others... It's just that she seems aloof again with a hmm.

Fortunately, Zhou Lingyu and Zhou You gave her a very reassuring feeling.

Zhou You originally wanted to arrange for Dong Cunli to drink tea in the tea room, but Dong Cunli saw that Zhou Lingyu was at home and was worried about disturbing Zhou Lingyu, so he said: "I want to walk around the villa area, but I didn't see much last time. Good to brag to friends and family."

Zhou You said hello and took Li Qingyao upstairs to the piano room.

Play the piano.

Not necessarily love.

Zhou Lingyu washed the fruit and brought it up, "I won't bother you."

Then he closed the door and exited the piano room.

Afterwards, Zhou Lingyu nestled on the sofa in the living room, gnawing on an apple while watching dramas.During this period, her mother Su Jin made a video call, and Zhou Lingyu chatted with her mother.

Su Jin: "Where's your brother?"

Zhou Lingyu: "Upstairs."

Su Jin: "The sun is drying your ass! This brat hasn't woken up yet?"

Zhou Lingyu: "I got up, I'm busy now."

Su Jin: "What are you busy with?"

Zhou Lingyu: "Li Qingyao has come to our house. The second time."

Su Jin knew Li Qingyao, and many of her students liked her.

In addition, Li Qingyao and Zhou You sang "Big Fish" and "A Bridge of Fate", and now there are many discussions about the two of them on the Internet.

Su Jin started gossiping immediately, "Did Li Qingyao spend the night at our house? The two of them..."

Zhou Lingyu was amused by her mother.


mom! !You can figure it out too.

The brain circuit is very clear.

The imagination is quite rich.

"Mom, what are you talking about?" Zhou Lingyu said, "Li Qingyao just came here this morning, it's about work."

"It's not easy." Su Jin said, "When did this brat bring a girl home? He probably likes her!! Help me observe and ask around."

"If you like it, you have to chase it!"

"And you, Yu'er, have you chatted with boys recently? The eldest is not young, and has never been in love. Are you ashamed? When I was your age, I was pregnant with your brother."

Zhou Lingyu never expected that he would be caught on fire.

Lian said: "Mom, there is a work call coming in, let's not talk about it for now, let's talk back."

Then he hung up the video call with a slap, and took a big bite of the apple!

I'm so pissed!
yes! !
I am such a flowery girl, why am I still single at the age of 25?
I also want to taste the bitterness of love.

Talk about sweet love.

But my lord, where are you... If you are still in high school and college, please tell me in your dream.

Zhou Lingyu doesn't dislike being in love itself.

What is disgusting is being in love for the sake of being in love.

At least the other party must not hate it, at least there must be a little bit of heartbeat... But Zhou Lingyu didn't meet it.In student days, he was a boy with a heartbeat.But then cowardly.

In addition, she believes that young age is the time to waste a lot of good time recklessly.Falling in love is not free.I will have plenty of time to talk after work.

Only after working can I realize that student days are the most leisurely time.

After work, everyone is as busy as a dog.

Who has the spare time to fall in love?

Hmm... Now I have a lot of free time in Big Fish, so I can consider suffering from love.Zhou Lingyu began to actively use her brain to figure out how to find the one she was destined for.


Zhou You and Li Qingyao are rehearsing in the piano room.

Li Qingyao was already familiar with "Because of Love", so the practice and rehearsal between Zhou You and Li Qingyao went very smoothly.

"If I can't sing that kind of song again, I will blush and avoid it when I hear it, although I often forget that I still love you..."

Li Qingyao's vocal condition is very good.

The range is very wide.

But her voice is not as ethereal as Earth's Faye Wong.

So at the beginning, it still felt a little bit worse when I sang it.

"Since outsiders say you are cold, then when you sing this song, you will become cold." Zhou You said, "Come out like a cold goddess."

"Fan'er, a high-cold goddess." Li Qingyao said, "Is that so?"

Li Qingyao immediately put on a blank expression.

"Gao Leng doesn't mean being expressionless." Zhou You said.

"Then what?" Li Qingyao said.

In the eyes of others, the queen of coldness actually asked herself how to be cold at this moment... "You are quite cold in the state where you don't speak."

So Li Qingyao quieted down.

"There must be a feeling that can be seen from a distance but not played with..." Zhou You looked at Li Qingyao.

"It can be seen from a distance but not played with..." Zhou You spoke in a very cultured manner, and he was very self-restraining.

Li Qingyao tries her best to understand Zhou You's "cold" feeling that can be seen from a distance but not played with.

Li Qingyao's "pretend" to be cold is a bit cute.

In the end, Zhou You had to say that you just take it easy.

After repeated adjustments, Li Qingyao finally found the state that Zhou You wanted.The two sang "Because of Love", and they sang the feeling of harmony.

Before I knew it, it was twelve o'clock.

Li Qingyao's stomach growled.

Zhou You: "Hungry?"

Li Qingyao: "Yes."

Zhou You: "Go downstairs and cook."

There are many dishes in the refrigerator.

Just do something at noon to deal with it.

When they went downstairs, however, the meal was already ready.

Zhou Lingyu was gnawing on a big stewed chicken leg.

Dong Cunli was wearing an apron, and he was tall and cheerful.

"Old Dong's craftsmanship is really good." Seeing Zhou You and Li Qingyao coming down, Zhou Lingyu even swallowed the chicken leg meat in his mouth, "He made all the dishes on this table! He's so capable."

"Where is there~~" Dong Cunli was embarrassed by the praise, so he just said: "I figured that the meal was ordered, and I wanted to order food. Sister Yu'er said that there was food at home, and asked me if I could cook, so I said it was a shame. .”

One is called Old Dong, and the other is called Sister Yu'er. Are there different generations?
"Excellent." Zhou You said, "I will be able to marry a good wife in the future."

Zhou You beckoned Li Qingyao to sit down next to him.

Traveling around the house is not so particular.

Seats are not important.

Arranged very casually.

Zhou Lingyu also sat casually next to Dong Cunli, picked up the bowls and chopsticks, and tasted each dish.

Zhou You picked up a piece of roast beef, "It's delicious!"

Then eat Coke Chicken Wings, "Perfect."

Tried all the dishes and praised them again.

Then I picked up a big chicken drumstick for Li Qingyao, "Eat more."

Li Qingyao: "Yes."

Zhou You picked another shrimp for Li Qingyao, "This one is rich in protein."

Li Qingyao: "Thank you."

Zhou You looked at Dong Cunli: "The craftsmanship is so good, do more for your cousin."

Li Qingyao: "My cousin often brings me homemade bento."

Dong Cunli smiled naively: "Don't let Manager Dong know about this."

Zhou You: "He is a good brother."

Then said he would keep it a secret.

The meal took over 40 minutes.

Li Qingyao ate a lot, and then volunteered to wash the dishes.

Although Zhou You's home has a dishwasher, Zhou Lingyu and Zhou You usually wash the dishes by themselves.Always feel that the dishwasher is not clean.

Li Qingyao said that she has always thought so.

Li Qingyao washed the dishes, and Zhou You was responsible for drying and placing the water stains.

Zhou You: "Do you like washing dishes very much?"

Dong Cunli helped to answer: "My cousin likes storage very much, she keeps the house neat and tidy."

Dong Cunli showed Zhou You a photo of Li Qingyao's home.

It was indeed well organized.

This "cold" queen has a storage addiction... What an interesting addiction!She is still a very homely "cold" queen.

After washing the dishes and tidying up the kitchen, Li Qingyao sat on the sofa and chatted with Zhou Lingyu for a while.

We can always chat about bags, clothes, and cosmetics.

However, Li Qingyao doesn't know anything about bags, but she has a lot of experience in matching clothes.She said that she endorsed cosmetics, and she has a lot at home, and she will bring some to Zhou Lingyu next time.

Then Zhou Lingyu and Li Qingyao happily joined WeChat.

After Li Qingyao left, Zhou Lingyu said: "Qingyao is different from the rumors. She is not as cold as the rumors. She is easy to get along with."

Zhou You: "Just a few words."

Zhou Lingyu: "Which one do you like more, Li Qingyao or Chu Ci?"

Zhou You: "I like them all."

Zhou Lingyu: "Scumbag!"

In Zhou Lingyu's inherent impression, Zhou You is quite serious.

But since Zhou You's debut, she found that her younger brother has changed... Not only has he possessed an admirable talent, but he has also become a scumbag!
But it's good... the scumbag brother is very good, more fun than the serious brother before.

Of course she knew that Zhou You's "scumbag" attributes were limited to his words, not his character.

If it's about girlfriends, he's probably dedicated.

Will not step on two boats.

Zhou You doesn't object to his sister's "scumbag". Compared with a scumbag, he is more afraid of a woman saying to him: You are a good person.

I also don't like other people's comments: Zhou You is an honest person.

Grass grows on the heads of good and honest people.

And scumbags are idiots... Well, scumbag behavior is not worth advocating, but you have to have a scumbag mentality.This is purely Zhou You's personal opinion.

Facts have proved it!
Scumbags are more likely to win the hearts of girls.

Zhou You spent the afternoon studying his fish.

Fish farming is a technical job.


Li Qingyao rushed to the next announcement while sitting in the nanny's car, Dong Cunli said while driving: "Zhou You's family raises a lot of fish, all of which are quite expensive."

Li Qingyao: "Is there? I didn't notice."

Dong Cunli: "Your attention is all on Zhou You, so of course you won't notice it." Dong Cunli observed Li Qingyao's expression changes through the rearview mirror of the car.

Li Qingyao's face suddenly turned red.

Dong Cunli knew he had guessed right.

Li Qingyao: "Cousin, don't talk nonsense."

Dong Cunli: "I don't know much about fish. I have to make up for it when I get home, so I can chat with Zhou You later."

After that Dong Cunli did not speak again.

On the contrary, Li Qingyao heard something in Dong Cunli's words, and immediately searched online bookstores for books related to ornamental fish.

I placed an order and bought a bunch of related books such as "Encyclopedia of Ornamental Fish" and "Guide to Raising Ornamental Fish".



Ticket-seeking guide: Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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