I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 222 Call for Papers, "I Believe I Can Fly"

Chapter 222 Call for Papers, "I Believe I Can Fly"

At night, Zhou You finished the first draft of "Ball Lightning".

But he was in no rush to submit for publication.

"The Little Prince" is hot right now.

Let it reheat for a while.

Instead, I began to think about the program "Longing for Life".

It is already December, and Big Fish Entertainment will definitely not release a new variety show at this time, it will have to wait until next year.

There will be no TV dramas this year either.

Also wait until next year.

Furthermore, even if we start preparing and filming from now on, we won't be able to keep up with the new year's drama.

Just take it easy.

Take it easy.

Don't be so rushed... Isn't the culture of Big Fish Entertainment like this?If you have a job, you have to have a life.

Work is to live better.

Work is not to live.

There is a difference between the two.

"A Chinese Journey to the West" and "Swordsman: The Undefeated in the East" are being filmed simultaneously.

But the progress of the latter is much faster than the former.

After all, the former has one more episode than the latter.

According to Zhang Yao's report, "Swordsman: Undefeated in the East" is expected to be released in early January.

"A Chinese Journey to the West" is about to join the Spring Festival melee.

Chatting with Zhang Yao.

Qian Qiuyuan is in the WeChat group @小遥(自由).

"Brother, the Star Federation College Basketball League has started to call for theme songs, do you want to contribute?"

Below this sentence is the link to call for papers on the Xiaguo Music Network.

Click to enter.

I soon saw the relevant call for papers.

Isn't it too early for the Star Federation College Basketball League?Start collecting theme songs now?
Zhou You took a look at the call for papers time, the deadline is January 2024, 1.

It is only December 2023, 12.

There are still two months, so early.

Zhou You was careful about the band's requirements for soliciting contributions, and the item "no language limit" caught Zhou You's attention.

In addition to the official language Chinese.

There are countless dialects in the Star Federation.

The one that does not limit the language broadens the breadth of creation.

Zhou You didn't have any suitable works to participate in the solicitation of papers, and he will see if he can be drawn in the future.Hmm... By the way, there are two more fragments of inspiration.

You can try to use it.

[Using inspiration fragments] Zhou You said in his heart.

[Okay master, the inspiration fragments are in use, please master the desired direction of inspiration repeatedly in your mind. 】

Zhou You heard the words and closed his eyes.

A few key words popped up in my mind: Star Federation basketball game, theme song, unlimited languages...

It's really similar to AI creation.

With the appearance of these keywords, Zhou You suddenly felt his brain cells become active.

The brain began to work rapidly.


His mind suddenly became clear.

There is a feeling that Ren Du's two veins have been opened up.

"I used to think that I could not go on, And life was nothing but an awful song (I used to think that I could not go on, and life was nothing but an awful song)..."

"I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky, I think about it every night and day (I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky, day and night I imagine this scene)... "

"Inspiration" burst.

Zhou You enjoyed the current state very much, he quickly took a pen and paper to record the "inspiration" that gushed out.

Including lyrics, composition and arrangement.

Sure enough, as Zhou You guessed, the inspiration inspired by the inspiration fragments is closely related to the "information base" of the earth. If you can find a matching work in the earth information base, it will directly send it to you in the form of inspiration.

This "I Believe I Can Fly" is Zhou You's favorite song.

He remembered most of the lyrics.

This song is quite old, and it is an episode of the 1996 movie "Space Jam".

The star of this film is the flying man Michael Jordan.

It tells an inspirational story about basketball.

So this song is also quite a classic inspirational basketball track...

But it seems a bit of a loss for a piece of inspiration to inspire a song.

No... Inspiration Fragments are time-sensitive.Use an inspiration shard once, and it can continue to inspire inspiration for two hours.

Does it mean that many works can be "created"?

Thinking of traveling around here, I immediately became excited.

He decided to give it a try.

So I continued to "rack my brains" thinking about the key words just now, and the inspiration for "Until the End of the World" burst out...but the problem came, Zhou You couldn't speak the language of the old days.

I can say Baga, Ya Mie Die, Si Guoyi... but I really can't do the others.

So the inspiration was inspired, but Zhou You was unable to record it.I understand everything.Can't write words.Can't read it either.

The system should present a language proficient plug-in.

Fortunately, when I was in college, my English was good.

Later, when he became the boss, because he was involved in foreign trade business, his English has always been good.

In another direction, come to "Blue and White Porcelain"!Key words and images related to blue and white porcelain popped up in Zhou You's mind, and he even hummed the phrase "Azure is waiting for misty rain" in his mind.

However, the inspiration did not burst out.

what happened?

[Friendly reminder: Inspiration fragments can only generate one 'inspiration theme' at a time]

The original can not card BUG ah.

An inspiration direction, can it only be related to the theme song of the basketball league?

What if I set the "keyword" to be more general?For example, just set up basketball... Will it pop up basketball-related music, comics, and film-related content?

Zhou You tried to "fantasize" "Slam Dunk", but unfortunately, no comics related to it appeared.

It should be the inspiration for the song this time!

Try not to set the scope to death next time.

Zhou You was thinking about it in his heart.

In the following time, Zhou You continued to "receive" inspirations related to the basketball theme song, and even the songs in "Basketball Fire" popped up.

Even Queen's "We are the champions" was "inspired".

It's a song that's been played at a ton of sporting events.

Not just basketball.

After two hours, Zhou You's thinking rapidly declined from a "high speed" state.Traveling around produced a feeling of being detached from IQ.

"The inspiration fragments are amazing!" Zhou You was amazed in his heart.

I used to treat it as tasteless.

Are you stupid?

And Zhou You had a bold idea... What would happen if it was used for scientific research?Will it directly copy the technology of the earth?Or will there be a greater scientific inspiration?
It's well worth exploring.

Traveling for two hours, I was immersed in a burst of inspiration.

So much so that he didn't reply to the group message.

At this moment, Qian Qiuyuan has already @ him again, "Brother, where is he?"

Zhou You slowly replied, "Contribute."

Now I have a bullet in my hand.

Of course you have to contribute.

The most important thing is that Zhou You saw that in the call for papers, there is a generous bonus of 500 million star coins.Even for Zhou You's current net worth, 500 million star coins is still not a small amount.

And this call for papers is for the entire Star Federation.

Creators with a grade of C or above are restricted to submit articles below a grade of S.

S-level creators are excluded.Is it because S-level creators are too expensive?Or was it because the S-level creator gave way?

But anyway.

This will allow Zhou You to create and compete with the creators of the entire Star Federation. That will be a bigger stage, and it will also mean a more lucrative market and rewards.

Seeing that Xiaoyao only replied now, Qian Qiuyuan asked, "You're not writing a song for contributions just now, are you?"

Xiaoyao: "Yes."

Qian Qiuyuan: "Damn it, do you want to write it like this? Is it finished?"

Xiaoyao: "It's done."

Qian Qiuyuan: "I want to kneel down and call Dad."

Xiaoyao: "You can also call him Grandpa."

Qian Qiuyuan: "It's gone, I'm also going to retreat to write songs."

Regarding this solicitation of papers, the creative circle is very concerned about it and is discussing it hotly.

Especially a group of B-level and A-level creators with great enthusiasm.

Although the chances of submissions being adopted are low, the competition is fierce.But once adopted, one's work will be heard all over the world.

That was a great opportunity to make a name for yourself.

Even if the chances are slim.

Creators want to try.

What if I'm the lucky one?
Zhou You was not in a hurry to contribute.

The submission deadline is January 1 next year, which means that the "Star Federation Basketball Association" will not be in a hurry to review the manuscript.

Since people are not in a hurry to review, why are you in a hurry to vote?
Take it easy.

"What song did you sing at Wu Xing and Li Jingwen's wedding?" Zhou You thought about it.

This is the first time to attend a friend's wedding in this world... well, it's the first time at Tashi's house in Weizang!My first time was actually given to Tashi.

"Write the Story as Us" is also not suitable for Li Jingwen and Wu Xing.

After all, they met on a "blind date".

And Zhou You wanted to sing a new song as their wedding present.

A wedding is a very important romantic and sacred moment in a person's life.

Need some pictures that can be remembered for a lifetime.

Thinking of this, Zhou You sent a message to ask Wu Xing: "What style is your wedding like?"

Wu Xing: "A traditional wedding in Xia Kingdom."

It turned out to be a traditional wedding...not a Western Continental wedding in a white wedding dress and black suit.

If only "Happiness" was normal.

Compete with "Happiness" is definitely "Big Sedan".

Let's just say festive!

"I'm smiling yo ho yo ho yo, but my heart is full of beauty. My sister doesn't speak, she just looks at me and laughs. I know she's waiting for my big sedan chair..."

This is pretty grounded.

Even if he wants to sing, it shouldn't be Zhou You, but Wu Xing should sing it himself.

Zhou You thinks "To You" is the most suitable for him to sing.

He can sing this song and remember the lyrics.

If you can get this song in the follow-up lottery, the accompaniment will be settled. If it doesn’t work, just add some chords and arrange it yourself.

Anyway, the tone and melody can be sung.

Some basic music theories are in my memory.

Thinking of traveling around here, I feel confident.

Zhou You came back after taking a shower and found a message from Prison Bird.

Prison Bird: "Mr. Shudong, I went to his house today because of work. We talked and laughed while discussing work. We had dinner at his house at noon, and he kept bringing food to me to let me eat more... ...I don't know if he has feelings for me, too."

Game world: "There is a high probability that this boy likes you."

Prison Bird: "Really? But... I feel like he only sees me as a friend."

Game World: "Boys are sometimes shy."

Prison Bird: "Is that so?"

Game world: "Get along more and see the situation. If you really like it, girls can also take the initiative. But you can't be too active. You must grasp the degree."

The prison bird listened.

She asked Mr. Shudong a lot of relationship-related questions.

She asked Mr. Tree Hole why he knew so much, and Mr. Tree Hole said, probably because I lived decades longer than you.

Prison Bird: "Decades? Then you... are as old as my father?"

Playing in the world: "It's not enough, the old man is not old." He is indeed not old now, he is only 22 years old... Well, the heart is not old, but he has rich experience.

Prison Bird: "I thought we were the same age."

The image of Mr. Shudong immediately changed in Prison Bird's mind. You used to be a handsome guy, but now you have an image of a bald middle-aged uncle in Prison Bird's mind... Why are you bald!Probably Li Qingyao's stereotype.

How strange!
At such an advanced age, he turned out to be my black fan... That's right, it's normal for middle-aged uncles not to like me.But it's too much for a middle-aged uncle to become a black fan.

If you have a chance, you must meet my black fan leader.

Time soon came to November 12th.

The Kyoto concert hosted by Li Qingyao's "King of Songs" program group arrived as scheduled.



Second more.

A monthly pass is still required, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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