I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 228 Zhou You Come and Eat!music festival invitation

Chapter 228 Zhou You Come and Eat!music festival invitation

Both "Sugar" and "For You" are very popular on the Internet.

Zhou You's "raid on the wedding scene" caused heated discussions, and fans and netizens expressed their envy to Wu Xing and Li Jingwen.

Someone said: "Please the official version of "For You"! I want to use this song at the wedding."

Others said they wanted to sing to their brothers and girlfriends.

And the hottest topic is: travel around!Please come raid my wedding!
This topic originated from a Weibo comment.

A netizen said that both he and his wife are loyal fans of Zhou You, and they like Zhou You very much. If Zhou You can make a surprise attack on their wedding scene, he and his wife will faint with happiness!In the end, he said, although I knew it was impossible, I would still leave the address of the wedding ceremony and the names of the bride and groom.

This comment attracted many comments from netizens.

Become a trending comment.

Immediately afterwards, countless newcomers posted their wedding dates and wedding venues in it.

As more and more people gathered on the wedding day and the wedding venue, this comment gradually became a hot topic.

After several hours of fermentation, this topic unexpectedly reached the fourth place on the hot list.

There are 30 comments below.

Of course, it's not all "invitation to wedding raids", but there are all kinds of speeches and discussions.

After Zhou You had dinner with Wu Xing and others at the hotel, he took out a red envelope and handed it to Wu Xing.

Membership money is to be given.

Wu Xing readily accepted.

The red packets are very thin.

Not thick.

Wu Xing didn't care, Zhou You was able to come, it was his happiest thing! !Even if he doesn't give money to the members, he welcomes them with raised hands.

But when Wu Xing later opened the red envelope and wrote the gift money, he realized that this thin red envelope turned out to be a generous gift!
Inside is a check for 99999!
all 9.

Although he knew that Zhou You was rich, Wu Xing felt quite pressured to give away such a large amount of money... After all, no one's money came from the wind.

Zhou You sent him so much, which is enough to show that Zhou You put him in his heart.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Wu Xing didn't say much.

In mind.

After eating and drinking the wedding wine, Wu Xing wanted to arrange Zhou You and others to have fun.As a result, Zhao Xiaolong and Yu Shan were quite curious about the mahjong in Jinguan City.

So Zhou You, Zhao Xiaolong, Yu Shan and Jiang Chuxue formed a mahjong game.

Xu Ya sat next to Zhao Xiaolong and watched them play mahjong.

Wu Xing still has other guests and friends who need to be greeted, but he will also come over from time to time to give some food and drink.

Zhao Xiaolong and Yu Shan don't know mahjong, Zhou You taught them.

They are also quick learners.

To Zhou You's surprise, Jiang Chuxue, who seems harmless to humans and animals, turned out to be a mahjong master.

Play well.

Knows better than Zhou You.

After playing all afternoon, Zhou You, Zhao Xiaolong, and Yu Shan lost, while Jiang Chuxue won alone.But Jiang Chuxue promised to treat everyone to a big meal.

Zhou You: "I didn't expect you to be so good at mahjong."

Jiang Chuxue: "I learned it from my mother."

Zhou You: "Your mother likes to play mahjong?"

Jiang Chuxue: "Women who don't go to work can only compete with those rich wives."

Good guy, it turns out that this is ancestral...

In the evening, Wu Xing organized a meal and sang nursery rhymes.

Zhou You said that a moment of Spring Festival is worth a thousand dollars, and he couldn't miss Wu Xing and Li Jingwen's bridal chamber wedding night, and urged everyone to go back to the hotel before ten o'clock in the evening.

Tonight is the room arranged by Wu Xing.

Jiang Chuxue lives next door.

However, Zhou You and Jiang Chuxue were both in their own rooms, and there were no more opportunities to communicate alone.

Jiang Chuxue tossed and turned, unable to sleep.

After taking a shower, Zhou You lay on the bed and swiped his phone.

Good guy! !So many people invited him to a wedding raid.

Zhang Yao also sent a message: "Boss!! It's hot!! Everyone invites you to the wedding."

Zhou You: "Then I'll just hang out?"

Zhang Yao: "Not going in?"

Zhou You: "Get lost!"

"Seriously," Zhou You said, "Since so many people have invited me to the wedding raid, let's just randomly select the lucky audience."

Zhang Yao: "Choose lucky viewers at random? Why does it feel like a horror movie?"

Zhou You: "It's just shooting an MV, how can it be so scary?"

Zhou You gave a general idea.

People on Earth just sang this song to eat everywhere... Zhou You planned to copy that idea, but, in order to create a surprise effect, the way of appearance must be changed.

That's what gets the crowd excited.

After hearing Zhou You's idea, Zhang Yao immediately flattered him: "As expected of the boss, this idea is amazing!! This is definitely the most cost-effective MV shooting solution."

So Zhang Yao quickly began to screen the wedding time and place posted by fans in the comments.

The time must be staggered.

It is best to choose different locations and different styles of weddings, so that the effect of shooting will definitely be better.

The amount of data is huge.

But this is not difficult for Zhang Yao.

He found a programmer, wrote a crawler program, and soon automatically screened the data for him.

save time and energy.

Soon Zhang Yao sent the selected "Cengfan List" to Zhou You, Zhou You looked at it, and there was no problem, so it was settled like this.

Zhang Yao: "Do you want to contact the newcomer in advance?"

Zhou You: "The meaning of the surprise attack lies in the surprise. You have told them all, so why is there any surprise?"

Zhang Yao: "Yes."

The next shooting and schedule are arranged by Zhang Yao.

There is no need to worry about related matters when you travel around, you can only wait for the time to sing and eat.

in addition,

Netizens belatedly discovered that on January 2024, 1, the first day of the new year, Zhou You actually sang the first Western mainland dialect "Western language" song.

"Damn!! I just realized now that "Sugar" is Zhou You's first song in Spanish."

"In the new year, his eyes must be on the global market."


"Li Qingyao has already been promoted to the new queen, and Zhou You is likely to be promoted to the new singer soon. It is normal to set his sights on the global market."

Although the official language of the world is Chinese, dialects have not been banned and disappeared.

Just like the Chinese regions of the earth retain their own dialects.

Just like Cantonese songs are still popular all the time.

Similarly, in this world, dialects in various regions of the mainland are still intact, and related musical works have been created.

It is normal for singers in this world to sing dialect songs.

Just like the best mainland singers in the world, they can still sing Cantonese songs.

"Sugar" is Zhou You's first "Western Continental Dialect Song". In the eyes of many people, this is Zhou You's start to expand the global market.

Towards the Star Federation!
Famous Blue Star! !
This is the dream of all practitioners in the Bluestar entertainment industry.

So they speculated about Zhou You from this angle.

But in fact, Zhou You never thought about deploying the global market... It just happened to have this song in his hand, which happened to be used for wedding raids and dinners.

So I used it.

Zhou You didn't ask these questions, his consciousness sank into the system, and today's wedding raid was fruitful, gaining 8 life points.

Plus the remaining life points from before.

There are now 15 o'clock.

A lottery may be conducted.

"Lucky draw!!" Zhou You shouted in his heart.

Immediately, four golden cloud pattern cards appeared in front of his eyes.

Zhou You chose the third card by counting soldiers and generals.

Touch lightly with your fingers.

Immediately, the third card was enlarged and flipped in front of his eyes.

【Congratulations on getting the World Language Proficiency Gift Pack】

"Proficient in world languages?" Zhou You was surprised.

Check out the properties of the World Language Proficiency Spree now.

I found that this gift pack covers all dialects and languages ​​in the world. After opening the gift pack, I will also master all languages.

It's so bullshit.

In the future, I will no longer only talk about Si Guoyi.

Zhou You immediately opened the big gift package.

[World language proficiency gift package opens]

Immediately, Zhou You felt a powerful flow of information rushing into his mind.

Then it was like an auditory hallucination appeared in my ear,
I heard countless languages ​​appearing alternately in my ears.

This process lasted about ten seconds.

Then Zhou You began to switch between various languages, speaking slyly.

"Надседойравнинойморяветертучисобирает.Междутучамииморемгордореет Буревестник, черноймолнииподобный. Fly proudly like black lightning.)”

"One Piece になるって, I は判めたんだから, そのために战って死ぬなら, 别にいい. (I decided to fight for it if I want to become the One Piece, even if I die.)"

Pretty slippery...

Tried several dialects in a row.

Now I am also the master of N languages.

Zhou You wrote down the lyrics of "Until the End of the World" inspired by inspiration fragments, and suddenly there was another song in his hand.


Before the Star Federation Global University Basketball League solicited theme songs, he had not yet sent the works to the designated mailbox.

So I logged into the "cloud space" with my mobile phone, downloaded the previously saved lyrics and arrangement file package from the encrypted cloud space, and then sent "I Believe I Can Fly" to the submission mailbox.

After finishing these tours, I fell into a deep sleep.

When I woke up, it was already ten o'clock the next morning.

Zhao Xiaolong, Xu Ya, and Yu Shan are about to leave Jinguan City and rush back to work.

Jiang Chuxue actually stayed.

Zhou You: "Haven't you been filming recently?"

After finishing speaking, Zhou You found out that his words were ambiguous, but unfortunately they could not be retracted, and he did not explain.

Jiang Chuxue: "There is no suitable notebook. Do you want to go back to Jinghai?"

Zhou You: "A ticket for the afternoon."

Jiang Chuxue: "Me too, at ten past four?"

Zhou You: "Yes."

Jiang Chuxue: "Me too!!"

Zhou You also found it strange that he got a flight together.So Jiang Chuxue went with Zhou You as a matter of course.

We went to the restaurant to have breakfast together, and then walked around to eat and eat.

When the time comes, head to the airport.

Wu Xing sent them off by car.

On the road, Zhou You asked Wu Xing and Li Jingwen where to spend their honeymoon. Wu Xing said that he was going to see the pyramids.

Zhou You said that he hadn't gone out to play for a long time, "My mother has a one-month vacation after the winter vacation, and I plan to take her to have fun."

"Where are you going?"

"Not ready yet."

Zhou You thinks that he can go anywhere, it mainly depends on where his mother wants to go.

Zhou You and Jiang Chuxue sat in the back row.

For some reason, Jiang Chuxue actively participated in the topic at the beginning, but suddenly fell silent in the end.

Then Zhou You felt his shoulders sink, and the sleeping Jiang Chuxue leaned against his shoulders.

Zhou You wanted to stagger away, but as soon as he moved, the sleeping Jiang Chuxue slid down from Zhou You's shoulder against his chest, and then fell asleep on his lap.

Although separated by a layer of pants.

But Jiang Chuxue is really soft...

Her face was pressed against Zhou You's leg, so that Zhou You didn't dare to move, for fear that her head would rub against where it shouldn't be.

Jiang Chuxue fell asleep all the way.

She didn't wake up in a daze until Zhou You called her.

When he found himself lying on Zhou You's lap, his face blushed and his heart beat, "I'm sorry... I... I accidentally fell asleep."

Zhou You: "Didn't sleep well last night?"

Jiang Chuxue: "A little insomnia."

Zhou You: "Anything bothering you?"

Jiang Chuxue: "Well... no..." I just miss you, and I feel a little insomnia.

Zhou You didn't say anything more. "Let's go."

"Oh, good." Jiang Chuxue even got out of the car with the suitcase.

You slept soundly just now...was it because you slept on Brother Zhou You's lap?His legs are so comfortable to sleep on.

Saying goodbye to Wu Xing, Zhou You and Jiang Chuxue waited for the plane.

Zhang Yao booked first class for Zhou You.

Although Jiang Chuxue's family has money, she doesn't squander it. She booked business class.

Jiang Chuxue has a lot of credit card points and is a diamond customer. The airline directly upgraded her to first class.

In this way, Zhou You and Jiang Chuxue are still in the same cabin.

Jiang Chuxue took the initiative to find a topic, talking about the little puffer fish they brought back from the sea in Yazhou. "It's fattening up now."

Jiang Chuxue showed the picture to Zhou You.

Zhou You said that he also raised fish recently, and showed Jiang Chuxue the photos of those fish at home.

The two chatted all the way about raising fish.

Jiang Chuxue was very happy.

After landing, I reluctantly bid farewell.Now she finally found an entry point to chat with Zhou You.In the future, when you don't know what to talk about, just talk about fish!Well, there is also fish farming technology!
Dad knows a lot about ornamental fish, so I have to ask Dad for advice.

Of course Zhou You didn't know that Jiang Chuxue had so many little things in her heart.

When he returned to Kyoto, he began to prepare for the recording of "Sugar" and the shooting of the MV.

It will be his first song in 2024.

That is at this time,
Xia Guo Music Network sent an invitation letter for the "Xia Guo Music Network Annual Music Awards Ceremony".

Receiving an invitation means at least being nominated.

And got two.

Both copies were sent to Big Fish Entertainment.

A weekly income!

A copy from Teacher Xiaoyao!

Both Zhouyou and Xiaoyao received at least nominations.

"Where are Su Qianxia and Orange Band?" Zhou You asked Zhang Yao.

"Qianxia and Orange Band have both received invitations, so they should both be nominated." Zhang Yao said happily.

"Good thing." Zhou You said.

In the first year of Dayu Entertainment's establishment, Zhou Yo, Su Qianxia, ​​Orange Band, and all its singers and bands were nominated! !
What a long face this is.

The date of the awards ceremony written on the invitation letter is January 1, and there are more than 18 days left.

Traveling around is quite looking forward to.



Daily monthly ticket task: You have to learn to get the monthly ticket into the bowl by yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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