I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 229 Unspoken rules, sister-in-law madman

Chapter 229 Unspoken rules, sister-in-law madman
Singers and songwriters have successively received invitations to the Music Awards Ceremony of Xiaguo Music.com.

Of course, many people did not receive it.

Most of those who didn't receive it knew they wouldn't, so it didn't matter.Although envious, but what can I do?

I don't have that ability.

And for some people who are not up or down, expecting to receive it, it is a kind of torture and itching.

Why haven't I received it yet?

Won't receive it?

maybe just late...

Recently, singers and songwriters have been discussing this matter.

Some people are even guessing who will win what awards, such as who will be the best male singer, who will be the best new male singer of the year...

Of course, the people who received the invitation letter thought the most about which awards they would be nominated for and which award they would win in the end.

Zhou You didn't bother to guess.

What kind of nominations and awards can you get? Don't you know on the day of the awards?
Just get a prize.

I found time to record two songs "Sugar" and "I Believe I Can Fly" in Chen Luo's recording studio.

The former wants to make an MV and release it.

The latter participated in the call for contributions for the theme song of the Star Federation Global University Student League, and if selected, it will be available soon.

With the development of Big Fish Entertainment,
The scale of Chen Luo's recording studio has gradually grown.

Many employees were recruited.

It mainly serves the recording engineering of Big Fish Entertainment singers.

in addition,

Big Fish Entertainment's TV series and movies sometimes have dubbing needs, and now Chen Luo's studio can also provide this part of the demand and business.

"I haven't seen your girlfriend recently, won't we break up?" Zhou You asked Chen Luo curiously.

"No." Chen Luo said, "Why do you think we will break up?"

"Dancers are good at splitting legs." Zhou You said.

"That's the split." Chen Luo understood Zhou You's humor, so he enhanced the effect of Zhou You's humor.

Both Zhou You and Chen Luo laughed.Chen Luo continued: "New Year's Eve is approaching, and she has been busy rehearsing recently. It is said that the director of the Spring Festival Gala attaches great importance to "Dragon Gate King Kong" arranged by your friend."

"En." Zhou You just hummed lightly, not surprised.

After finishing the recording work, Zhou traveled to Big Fish Entertainment to watch it.

A few months ago, Big Fish Entertainment was deserted.

Departments are now established.

Many employees are busy.

Everyone was not overly surprised to see Zhou You.

"Brother You."

"Hello Brother You!"

"Brother You looking for the boss?"

Everyone just greeted each other naturally and asked briefly.

This makes Zhou You feel very comfortable.

But Zhou You didn't go to Zhang Yao, but went to the advertising director's office to find Zhou Lingyu.

Zhou You knocked on the door.

"Come in." My sister's voice came from inside.

Zhou You twisted the doorknob and pushed the door open, "Director Zhou."

Zhou Lingyu, who was busy processing work documents, looked up and found that it was Zhou You. She continued to work hard and said, "Why are you here?"

Zhou You: "I miss my sister."

Zhou Lingyu: "You play alone for a while, I don't have time to talk to you now."

In order to get off work on time, I was fined for not working overtime. Everyone is very serious when they are working.The fishing culture of beating workers has not prevailed in Big Fish Entertainment.

Working in the big fish does not touch the fish.

Hmm... I always feel that this employee is not loyal enough.

Zhou You didn't bother Zhou Lingyu, but visited Zhou Lingyu's office.

Quite spacious.

Floor to ceiling windows have a great view.

There are many creative ornaments in the office, and many professional books related to advertising and marketing on the bookshelves.

On the desk is a group photo of Zhou You's family of four taken during Chinese New Year last year.

Seeing that his sister had no time to talk to him, Zhou You sat on the sofa for a while, then got up and said he was gone.

"Wait a minute." Zhou Lingyu said.

"What's wrong?" Zhou You asked.

"We received an advertisement sheet from a mobile phone brand, and the other party clearly asked Xiaoyao to customize a mobile advertisement song, can you write it?" Zhou Lingyu looked at Zhou You.

There is no suitable work in hand... "Is the advertising plan finished?"

"It's written."

"Send it to me," Zhou You said, "you can write if you feel inspired."

"it is good."


Zhou You left Zhou Lingyu's office.

Soon Zhou Lingyu sent the advertising plan to Zhou You's mailbox.

Zhou You didn't check it immediately, but turned around and went to Zhang Yao's office.


Li Qingyao also received an invitation to the Xiaguo Music Network Music Awards Ceremony.

Recently Jiahua Entertainment urged her to sign a Diva-level S-level contract.

But Li Qingyao did not sign for a long time.

Jiahua Entertainment was also troubled by this.

The Spring Festival is approaching.

Li Qingyao was invited to perform at the Spring Festival Gala.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Li Qingyao is the new queen.

Thanks to the existence of Star Federation, Blue Star's Spring Festival Gala was broadcast live worldwide.

Going to the Spring Festival Gala is equivalent to getting a ticket to the world music scene. This is very important to Li Qingyao, and it is also very important to Jiahua Entertainment.

Because this means that a "world-class superstar" may be named.

Which entertainment company doesn't want to hold world-class superstars?
Ka Wah Entertainment, Shining Star Media, and Spotlight Entertainment have all produced excellent artists.

It's just that the three major entertainments can't keep it! !

Because the world's entertainment center - Datang, the entertainment companies there are poaching people all over the world.As long as they find that you have potential and a tendency to become popular, they will snatch people away immediately.

In addition, many artists also yearn for the vast world of Datang Entertainment. After they become famous, they also want to go to Datang to hang out.

Therefore, the three major entertainment companies have indeed cultivated a lot of talents.

But in the end they were all sent to Datang.

Like a certain institution of higher learning on Earth,

Numerous top talents have been trained,
But in the end, they went to study abroad, got a green card, and then they didn't come back! !

Just say angry or not.

Now that Li Qingyao has been promoted to the new Queen, the contract with Jiahua Entertainment has not been signed yet, and Jiahua Entertainment has seen such signs.

So Jiahua pushed even harder.

On this day, Mr. Han Han Jingwei of the Artist Management Department found Li Qingyao, "Qingyao, Teacher Meng has promised to write you a song for the Spring Festival Gala. Teacher Meng wants to communicate with you face to face."

"Let's have a meal together at Jinghai Hotel tonight, chatting while eating."

"Since we are talking about work, we will be more efficient in the office," Li Qingyao said.

Li Qingyao is no longer a rookie in the industry.

I know all the routines in the circle.

Are you eating and talking about work?

I'm afraid there is no attempt.

"This is the first cooperation with Mr. Meng," Han Jingwei said, "We have to invite someone to dinner, this is the way of the world."

"With Manager Dong here, what are you afraid of?"

Han Jingwei deliberately said Dong Wenshu's name.

Hearing that Dong's manager, Li Qingyao, had put down a lot of guard, said hello, and left Han Jingwei's office.

She told Dong Wenshu about it.

Of course Dong Wenshu knew what the other party was up to, and said to Li Qingyao seriously: "With their mother here, they dare not mess around."

In the evening, Li Qingyao and Dong Wenshu went to the appointment.

Dong Cunli was waiting outside.

When Dong Cunli heard about this, he put a baseball bat in the car. If something happened, he decided to rush in with the baseball bat and kill the turtle son.

In the private high-end box, Han Jingwei and Meng Bosheng have been waiting for a long time.

Seeing two people push the door open,
Han Jingwei immediately stood up to greet her, then led Li Qingyao's mother and daughter to Meng Bosheng and introduced, "Mr. Meng, this is Li Qingyao."

"This is Teacher Meng."

"Hello, Teacher Meng." Li Qingyao greeted politely.

Meng Bosheng is thinner.

Wears a pair of thin-rimmed glasses.

The hairline is quite high.

Hair is not thick.

The first time Li Qingyao saw him, he thought of a monkey... Although he was sitting, Li Qingyao judged that he should not be tall.

Meng Bosheng looked Li Qingyao up and down.

Finally resting on her chest.

This made Li Qingyao very uncomfortable.

"Come, come, sit here." Meng Bosheng greeted Li Qingyao with a smile.

Li Qingyao sat down with a seat apart from Meng Bosheng.

Meng Bosheng immediately said: "Look at what you want to eat, order whatever you want."

Li Qingyao: "I eat very little and lose weight."

Li Qingyao didn't lose weight, she simply lost her appetite at this dinner table.Although there are expensive dishes on the table, it is a delicacy for many people.

But the wrong person to eat with.

Dong Wenshu even helped to smooth things over. She knew that her daughter was not good at dealing with people, so she said a lot of scenes, and finally concluded: "For our Qingyao Spring Festival Gala repertoire, I will leave it to Teacher Meng."

Meng Bosheng smiled and took a sip from his glass, "Small things."

"Thank you, Teacher Meng." Dong Wenshu said.

"I can not only write the Spring Festival Gala repertoire for our Qingyao, but also help her make an album," Meng Bosheng said, "It would be better for him to go faster and farther on the international stage."

Dong Wenshu thanked again.

Meng Bosheng said, "Talk while eating."

At first everything was quite normal, but as time went by, Han Jingwei said: "Qingyao, I don't even respect Teacher Meng, thank you for your support."

Both Li Qingyao and Dong Wenshu knew that the theme and "highlight" of the meal was coming.

Before Li Qingyao could speak, Dong Wenshu said: "Recently, Qingyao has a stomach problem. The doctor told her not to drink alcohol, so she replaced the bar with tea."

Han Jingwei: "Is it okay to drink a little? Just make sense."

Dong Wenshu: "Eating anti-inflammatory cephalosporins will cause problems if you drink alcohol. I will offer Qingyao a cup of tea for Teacher Meng."

Only then did Meng Bosheng speak: "Body comes first, Xiao Han, don't be a little girl."

Dong Wenshu raised his wine glass to respect Meng Bosheng.

All in one drink.

Drinking is a thing, especially if someone persuades you to drink.

One drink, another one, two drinks, and a third...

Dong Wenshu has a bit of a drinker, but she wants to toast, but she also drinks Li Qingyao's share, and she gets drunk after going back and forth.

Li Qingyao was so sorry that she wanted to block the wine for her mother several times.

They were all stopped by Dong Wenshu.

Seeing that Dong Wenshu was drunk, Meng Bosheng and Han Jingwei raised the corners of their mouths slightly, and asked Li Qingyao, "Qingyao, what do you think about the Spring Festival Gala songs?"

Li Qingyao: "I have no idea."

Meng Bosheng: "Let's talk about it."

Meng Bosheng got up and sat down on the seat next to Li Qingyao, reaching out to put his hand on the back of Li Qingyao's.

A smell of alcohol came to me.

Li Qingyao predicted it in her heart, and pulled her hand away before the salty pig's hand came up.

Shaking off Meng Bosheng's hand, he stood up and supported his mother, saying: "Mr. Han, Mr. Meng, let's talk about writing songs in detail later. My mother is drunk, so let's take my leave first."

Li Qingyao was about to leave, but Meng Bosheng grabbed Li Qingyao, "You have a drink with me, writing songs is nothing."

"How about a drink and help you write a song?"

"Not very good." Li Qingyao said.

"Qingyao, I still have to give Teacher Meng face. Have a drink with him." Han Jingwei persuaded.

Li Qingyao didn't bother to talk to him, so she helped her drunken mother out.

As a result, Meng Bosheng, who drank a few cups of horse urine, wanted to hug Li Qingyao.

Li Qingyao instinctively avoided and counterattacked.

The anti-wolf technique "cutting off children and grandchildren" is used.

A kick hit the opponent's vital part, and the opponent immediately bowed in pain and blushed.

"You hit me?" Meng Bosheng came up and slapped Li Qingyao after recovering.

Li Qingyao's cheeks were hot.

Besides, Dong Cunli was waiting outside, waiting left and right, but Li Qingyao and Dong Wenshu hadn't come out yet.Quite anxious.He wanted to go in and have a look.But the boxes are not allowed in, so they can only hang around in the lobby.

Unexpectedly, I met Zhou You.

Zhou You and the three scumbags meet here.

Dong Cunli saw a life-saving straw, "Teacher Zhou You!"

Zhou You: "Dong Cunli?"

Dong Cunli immediately explained the matter, Zhou You frowned: "Let's go and have a look."

This meal was clearly abnormal.

Zhou You lied that he and Han Jingwei and Meng Bosheng were old friends, reminiscing about the past.Coupled with the status of traveling around, the waiter took them to the box.

Unexpectedly, it happened that Meng Bosheng slapped Qingyao.

Look at the drunk Dong Wenshu again.

Zhou You and Dong Cunli instantly knew what was going on.

"Cao Nima's!" Dong Cunli was very protective of Li Qingyao, and immediately became angry when he saw this scene. He rushed up and kicked Meng Bosheng away, and then punched him down, smashing the lenses of Meng Bosheng's glasses.

Han Jingwei shouted to stop and came up to pull Dong Cunli away.

Zhou You grabbed Han Jingwei.

Zhou You used to be a trainee of Jiahua, so he naturally knew Han Jingwei.

He grabbed Han Jingwei.

The strength endowed by the special forces physique made Han Jingwei suffer.

"Mr. Han," Zhou You said, "I didn't expect you to be so promiscuous."

"Let go!" Han Jingwei said.

"Okay." Zhou You directly dislocated Han Jingwei's arm with force, and then let go.

Meng Bosheng was beaten into panda eyes.

The corners of the mouth were bleeding.

Seeing that it was almost done, Zhou You said, "Don't fight, you will kill someone later."

Dong Cunli: "I didn't hit the vital point."

Zhou You: "Let's go."

As he was walking out with Li Qingyao and Dong Wenshu, he suddenly stopped and turned around and said, "Mr. Han, hurry up and call the police, maybe you can pay some medical expenses."

Han Jingwei had the urge to call the police.

But you can't call the police.

Let the female stars talk about things at the wine table, everyone tacitly, if this matter is publicized, he and Meng Bosheng will not be able to hang out in the circle.

I thought Li Qingyao was the kind of character that was easy to play.

I didn't expect this girl to be quite fierce!

Just wait and see.


Go back to the nanny's car and arrange the drunk Dong Wenshu.

Qian Qiuyuan and the others were filled with righteous indignation, "Meng Bosheng is too shameless!! He is still a highly respected senior in the industry!! lsp! Nasty bastard. A lot of old people still want to engage in unspoken rules."

There was a red palm mark on Li Qingyao's face.

Her eye sockets are moist.

But no crying.

She said, "Zhou You, thank you this time."

Zhou You said: "Thank you cousin, he contributed the most." Zhou You refers to beating people with his hands.

This Dong Cunli is really a sister-controller, a madman who spoils his sister, and the one who made the shot is ruthless, a ruthless person.

Very cool! !

Zhou You even wanted to go up and punch him twice.

Sure enough, fighting and beating are a passion engraved in a man's genes.

"It's getting late, you guys go back quickly." Zhou You bought a bottle of frozen water, "Apply it to your face."

"Yeah." Li Qingyao was not in a good mood, so she said even less.

Dong Cunli drove away in the nanny car.

Until the butt of the car disappeared from sight, Qian Qiuyuan said: "Meng Bosheng is not a character to be easily provoked. As the leader of Jiahua Entertainment Creation Department, if he offends, Li Qingyao will find it difficult to get along in Jiahua."

Zhou You didn't think there was anything wrong.

The conflict between Li Qingyao and Jiahua is not limited to this.

It will be a matter of time before they break up with Jiahua.

After returning home, Zhou You sent a message to Li Qingyao, "Meng Bosheng, just treat him as a fart and let him go."

"Mr. Xiaoyao will take care of the repertoire for the Spring Festival Gala for you."

Zhou You intends to help Li Qingyao.



Second more.

The author intends to solicit votes for himself: monthly pass, monthly pass, monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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