I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 230 Internet Literature, 5 consecutive draws

Chapter 230 Network literature, five consecutive draws
Li Qingyao felt warm when she received the news from Zhou You.

Drunk mother has fallen asleep.

She felt that it was not easy for her mother, and she had to protect herself from drinking at the wine table, just to protect herself from being bullied.

Meng Bosheng will not suffer from being dumb.

Han Jingwei is not a good stubble either.

Li Qingyao could foresee that her future in Jiahua Entertainment would be difficult.

But she didn't regret it, and she didn't blame her cousin Dong Cunli... On the contrary, Dong Cunli's "heavy punch" made her feel quite safe.

But she is also worried that her cousin will be involved in a lawsuit because of this.

Anyway, I was a little annoyed... She didn't look for Mr. Tree Hole this time.Instead, he replied to Zhou You's message, "Thank you Zhou You, I really don't know how to thank you."

Zhou You: "We're all friends."

Li Qingyao: "Yes."

Li Qingyao said very little today.

Zhou You didn't care either.

After going through the songs in my hand, there is no suitable work for Li Qingyao for the time being.

Wait a little longer... see if you can get it in the lottery.

If it doesn't work, just upload the inspiration fragments.

Zhou You turned on the computer and sent the manuscript of "Ball Lightning" to Zhang Yao, asking Zhang Yao to contribute.

Zhang Yao went to bed early tonight.

When he saw Zhou You's email, he had already woken up in the morning.

"Fuck!! The boss is writing a new book?"

He didn't even bother to wash his face and brush his teeth for breakfast, and finished "Ball Lightning" in one sitting.

"Ball Lightning" has a total of 18.6 words.

Zhang Yao's reading speed was moderate, and he spent two full hours reading it.After reading it, I found that the time for "going to work" has passed, and I have to be "late" to go to the company.

Fortunately, he is the boss of the company.

It's okay to be an hour or two late.

Quickly pack up and rush to the company.

The staff greeted him and said hello.

"Morning boss!"

"boss Zhang."

"Hello, Mr. Zhang."

At the same time, some people were whispering, Mr. Zhang usually came to the company before us, why did he come so late today?

It's getting late... Zhang Yao said in his heart.

After asking the assistant to pour a cup of coffee, Zhang Yao turned on the computer in the office and started working.

Just about to send "Ball Lightning" to Hu Liang of Daxia Publishing House, but at this moment, Zhang Yao's cell phone rang.

It's an unknown number.

Zhang Yao frowned slightly, and answered: "Big Fish Entertainment Zhang Yao."

The other party also spoke quickly, "Mr. Zhang, hello, I am Fan Jian from the Golden House."

Fan Jian?What a bad name... Of course Zhang Yao just complained in his heart.

He is very familiar with the Golden House.

Xiaguo's largest reader exchange website.

Fan Jian seems to be the founder of the Golden House... Zhang Yao opened the webpage and typed in a quick search, and it was true.

"Hello, Mr. Fan." Zhang Yao didn't know the purpose of the call, so he didn't ask any further questions, and waited for the other party to speak.

After a while of pleasantries, Fan Jian finally stepped into the topic, "That's it, our Golden House plans to open an online reading section recently, and is inviting well-known writers and works to settle in. We want to invite Teacher Ye Youshen to station in the station for development, but because we don't have the contact information of Teacher Ye Youshen, we only have I can call you here..."

Zhang Yao understood what Fan Jian meant.

After hearing Fan Jian's words, he said, "I have to ask Teacher Ye Youshen about this matter."

Fan Jian: "Can you give me the contact information of Teacher Ye Youshen?"

Zhang Yao: "Mr. Ye Youshen is afraid of society and doesn't like to be disturbed."

Fan Jian: "Then trouble Mr. Zhang to ask for me."

Zhang Yao: "OK."

Fan Jian: "Thank you."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yao was not in a hurry to release "Ball Lightning".

Read online?

This mode is quite interesting.

The Golden House has gathered a large number of reading lovers in Xia Kingdom, and has a huge user base. They launch online reading, which will be explosive.

This is a solid project.

Zhang Yao immediately contacted Zhou You.

At the moment Zhou You is eating breakfast.

He ate breakfast with the speakerphone on and asked, "What's the matter, you called me early in the morning?" For non-urgent matters, Zhang Yao usually sent WeChat messages.

He only calls for urgent matters.

Zhang Yao talked about the opening of online reading in the Golden House.

"We're going to do web articles." Zhou You said.

"Internet text?" Zhang Yao didn't understand.

Oh forgot, there is no such thing as online writing in this world... online reading has always been there.But they all directly synchronize a completed book to the online reading platform.

Serial web novels like Earth have yet to appear.

"It means Internet literature." Zhou You said.

Zhang Yao said that he heard this word for the first time, and praised: "The boss is knowledgeable, knowledgeable, and forward-looking."

"Stop sycophanting," Zhou You said, "You first find out their patterns, and then report to me."

"Okay." Zhang Yaoxin said why I forgot to ask about their mode just now.

Probably preconceived, thinking that their online reading is the same as online reading on other platforms.

Zhang Yao quickly asked.

Half an hour later, he called Zhou You back.

This time he asked very clearly.

The path of Gold House is the same as that of other online reading platforms, no different.

How is that different from going the publishing route?
Zhou You said, "I told you to remember."

Zhang Yao immediately took the pen.

"Go and discuss cooperation with the Golden House. The Golden House and Big Fish Entertainment will build an online literature website together. We will invest in a small share, and Yeyoushen can also cooperate with it to provide content. What we create is the concept of universal creation and universal reading... "

Zhou You talked about the earth network literature.

Including serialization, paid reading and other modes.

Zhang Yao was stunned when he heard that, as expected of the boss, his mind was turning so fast.

Hearing what the boss said, he instantly felt that this business model was quite feasible.

Serial mode... Isn't this the filming and broadcasting in the field of TV dramas?No one reads the novel, immediately eunuch! !It costs nothing.If someone reads it, write it longer.

The most important thing is the creation of all people, which lowers the threshold of creation a lot.

This is likely to set off a reading revolution.

The more Zhang Yao thought about it, the more excited he became.

"What about the novel "Ball Lightning"? Should it be published by Daxia Publishing House? Or should it be submitted to the Golden House?" Zhang Yao asked.

"Let's go with the actual book." Zhou You said.

The length of "Ball Lightning" is not suitable for serialization.

It's better to take the publishing route and let readers enjoy it all at once.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yao sorted out his thoughts, wrote a plan, and then contacted Fan Jian: "Mr. Fan, I want to talk to you about cooperation. When is it convenient, let's meet and talk?"

Fan Jianting was an easy-going person, and without any hesitation, he made an appointment to meet at the Jinghai Hotel in the evening.

Fan Jian thought that what Zhang Yao was going to talk about was the cooperation between Ye Youshen and the Golden House. When he arrived at the restaurant, he had three rounds of drinking before he learned that he was eyeing the Golden House.

Zhang Yao told him that Big Fish Entertainment has been preparing for a project called "Internet Literature", just in time to hear that Golden House is planning to intervene in online reading, so it is better to join forces.

Where is Big Fish Entertainment making preparations... It was clearly thought up by Zhou You today.

Fan Jian heard Zhang Yao talk about the outline of the online literature project, and found it very novel.

Of course, Zhang Yao did not throw out the core content such as serialization and charging by chapter.It just throws out the idea of ​​writing for all, reading for all, and supporting more popular writers.

"We have been raising funds for this project. When you called me today, I was taken aback. I thought you were working on the same project as us, so I called you again to ask about the model."

"Your Golden House has a traffic foundation, and we, Big Fish Entertainment, have a mature project proposal. If we do it separately, we will undoubtedly become competitors of each other in the future. We will work together to become bigger and stronger, and our plate may be even bigger."

"What does Mr. Fan think?" Zhang Yao kept fooling around.

Fan Jian was very moved.

But he didn't agree immediately, "I need to think about it and open a board of directors."

Zhang Yao: "Wait for the good news."

The matter is over, and the meal is almost finished.

Zhang Yao paid the money to send Fan Jian away, and reported the situation to Zhou You, "Fan Jian's heart is moved, this matter probably has something to do with it."

It wasn't until the next day that Zhang Yao remembered that "Ball Lightning" hadn't been sent out yet.

So it was immediately emailed to Hu Liang, the editor of Daxia Publishing House.

Hu Liang is planning to ask Ye Youshen for a manuscript.

After all, it is now a new fiscal year.

The performance indicators for the new fiscal year have come down.

Promoted to deputy editor last year.

If you do well this year, you might be able to become an editor-in-chief.It all depends on Ye Youshen, a great writer.

In Hu Liang's heart, Ye Youshen is the father of the gold master and his great benefactor. If he is lucky enough to see Ye Youshen in the future, he must be very grateful.

This year's literary festival should invite Night Tour God, right?
Hu Liang fell into reverie.

After a while, I opened the email, downloaded the attachment and read it.

"Ball Lightning?" Hu Liang knew this physical phenomenon.

Ball lightning, commonly known as rolling mines.Usually occurs during thunderstorms, as spherical lightning.

Ball lightning is more harmful. It can fly freely in the air near the ground or travel against the wind with the ups and downs of the airflow.It can enter through open windows and doors, most often through chimneys and into buildings.It can even slide on wires, sometimes hover, sometimes disappear silently, and sometimes explode when it hits an obstacle.

With "Ball Lightning" as the title of the book, Hu Liang couldn't figure out the intention of Ye Youshen.

Continuing to read the introduction before the main text of the manuscript, my eyes were attracted by the word "science fiction" in the column of genre.

"Sci-fi? Yeyoushen tried new themes and switched to a new track?" Hu Liang was quite surprised.

Ye Youshen wrote reasoning "The Devotion of Suspect X", wrote the healing series "Jieyou Grocery Store", opened the suspenseful genre of tomb robbery "Ghost Blowing the Lantern", and not long ago there was a fairy tale "The Little Prince" suitable for all ages...

Every theme is different! !

It is difficult to classify Ye Youshen as a writer.

Now he's writing sci-fi again?
I really love to toss.

"Let's read the manuscript first." Hu Liang quickly started reviewing the manuscript.

The story begins with the "overture" my birthday.

"It's a thunderstorm night, the whole universe seems to be composed of dense lightning and our hut..."

This description is very interesting.

I don't know what kind of story will be next.

Continue to read, ball lightning appeared in the prelude, and the parents of the protagonist "I" were hit by the ball lightning and turned into two piles of white ash.

At the beginning of the chapter, Hu Liang was caught directly, and he secretly yelled "Fuck".

The story quickly entered the college stage of "I".

Hu Liang sank in unconsciously.


Let’s talk about Zhou You, the filming of the MV for “Sugar” has already started, and Zhou You flies around Xiaguo every day, from one city to the next.

Every time, he appeared at the fans' wedding scene in a way that people didn't expect, and sang a song "Sugar".

at the same time,

Zhou You is also featured on Weibo every day.

Because Zhou You's appearance at the wedding scene will inevitably cause a sensation, it is normal for everyone to shoot a video and post it on the circle or short video.

"Damn it!! Zhou You really went to raid the wedding venue for dinner?"

"It is said that it was for shooting the MV"

"Then this MV is too creative."

"Randomly draw lucky viewers?? Huh!! Why didn't I get drawn!! Envious."

"If he comes to my wedding venue!! My husband and I can have a litter of cubs."

"He came to my wedding for dinner! I dare to have a football team."

The female fans are actually more able to live than who...

Zhou You went to eight weddings in total.

Including the scene with Wu Xing and Li Jingwen, there are nine games in total.

It's been a long time.

On Wu Xing and Li Jingwen's side, they directly asked them to send the video shot by the cameraman.

Hmm...Of course Zhou You didn't really go to eat and drink.Every couple of the bride and groom, when he went to Cengfan, they all wrapped a red envelope of "a happy marriage for a hundred years".

These brides and grooms have posted the red envelopes of Zhou Youbao, "I can't bear to spend it in this life."

The eight wedding tours are popular every day.

After the eighth wedding, the MV was edited overnight, and "Sugar" was released the next day.

No surprises!

"Sugar" went straight to the top of the chart.

After this "Cengfan Reorganization", Zhou Youwei's fans exceeded 6000 million.

During this period, Zhou You has been paying attention to Li Qingyao's situation.

After beating Meng Bosheng and Han Jingwei that time, of course Meng Bosheng would not write songs for Li Qingyao again.

Not only that,

He had a grudge against Li Qingyao, and he also had a grudge against Zhou You.

Han Jingwei casually found a reason to fire Dong Cunli.

However, Dong Cunli still worked as a driver for Li Qingyao, but without the employment relationship of Jiahua Entertainment, Jiahua Entertainment no longer paid him wages.

I don't know what tricks Meng Bosheng and Han Jingwei used, Li Qingyao was suspended from many announcements. There was originally a new album planned for this year, but the company also postponed Li Qingyao's new album plan due to insufficient funds.

Instead, he began to praise Nie Xiaoran, the Queen of Heaven.

Song Ya, who wanted to replace Li Qingyao before, was also trained again.

Li Qingyao was left alone.

Hmm... It can even be said to be half-hidden.

If the roster for the Spring Festival Gala hadn't been confirmed, Jiahua Entertainment would not be able to get involved, otherwise Li Qingyao's qualifications for the Spring Festival Gala would probably be taken away.

Fortunately, Jiahua Entertainment doesn't have that much energy yet.

Meng Bosheng did not change his mind.

He didn't go to the company for several days, and he didn't go until the injury on his face faded away.And I found Li Qingyao in private: "Now you have no room for development in Jiahua. If you want to get the notice again, you can sleep with me for one night, and I can help you settle it with a word."

Li Qingyao's current situation was obviously caused by Meng Bosheng.

Although Li Qingyao is not good at handling interpersonal relationships.

But she is not the temperament to be bullied.

A mother can restrain her and manage her in many ways, but not everyone.

Li Qingyao looked at the other party with a cold face, and shook the phone while stepping back, "I recorded everything you said just now."

Turn around and leave.

Meng Bosheng wanted to catch up.

But this is in the company, how much he should pay attention to the impact!
I didn't see her using her mobile phone just now... When is she?Meng Bosheng couldn't figure it out.

With Meng Bosheng and Li Qingyao in the company, the phone's voice memo is always ready, and the volume button is set as a shortcut key, so you don't need to look at the phone at all, you can directly record the voice memo by pressing it.

Li Qingyao is also happy in the days when there is no announcement.

Dong Wenshu has been communicating with lawyers recently, trying to find a way to get Li Qingyao to terminate the contract with Jiahua Entertainment at the least cost.With this voice memo, things go much smoother.

This matter has been put on the agenda.

Traveling around has accumulated a lot of living points.

Remaining life points: 55 points

Five consecutive draws!
【Congratulations for winning the song "What I Miss"】

[Congratulations for winning the song "Invisible Wings"]

[Congratulations on getting lucky fragments*1]

[Congratulations on getting acting skills. Eyes]

【Congratulations on getting the complete works of Chopin's Nocturnes】



There are fine-tuning in the last chapter, you can go back and take a look.

Wulian Kneeling: Asking for a monthly ticket, asking for a monthly ticket, asking for a monthly ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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