I don't want to be a star, I became popular

Chapter 231 Yeyoushen has no cultural background and doesn't like superficiality

Chapter 231 Yeyoushen has no cultural background and doesn't like superficiality

It goes without saying that "What I Miss" and "Invisible Wings" are all earth hits.

The former still comes from unpopular singers.

The latter is one of Angela Chang's masterpieces.This 2006 work won an award in 2007 and was softened, and even this award-winning trend continued until 2009.

Not only that, but in 2009, the essay titles for the college entrance examination in a certain city were all "I Have a Pair of Invisible Wings".

It can be seen how popular this song is.

Just right,

This song is very suitable for Li Qingyao. Isn't Jiahua Entertainment hiding Li Qingyao in Banxue? Then use this song to help Li Qingyao open up the situation on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

What are lucky shards?
After Mystery Pack Fragments and Inspiration Fragments, there are now Lucky Fragments.

Zhou You checked the attributes immediately, and found that the Lucky Fragment, just like its name, is a consumable item that can bring luck attributes.

The effect lasts for 5 minutes after use.

You will get lucky during these 5 minutes.

Will buying lottery tickets win the jackpot?

Zhou You thinks he can give it a try. After all, besides buying lottery tickets, there seems to be no place where lucky fragments can be used.

Acting. Eyes?

Zhou You's acting skills can't be complimented!

Now I finally got the acting skills, but this time the acting skills and eyes are limited to eye scenes.

After acquiring this skill, Zhou You's mind moves, and the skill equipment is activated instantly.

Zhou You felt that his eyes were hot.

Then he turned on the front camera in his hand and saw himself in the picture, his eyes seemed a little different from before.

deep feeling!Immediately enter the affectionate mode, a pair of eyes can take away a woman's soul.

Profound!Immediately gives a feeling of unfathomable.

tenderness!Mom is so gentle that I want to hit myself.

The so-called play in the eyes probably refers to the current state of traveling.

Finally, there is the complete collection of Chopin's Nocturnes.

This is a big gift package, Chopin's nocturnes are all here... Well, "playing Chopin's nocturnes" won't seem obtrusive.

This lottery draw is very popular.


The next day, Big Fish Entertainment received an invitation letter from the annual literature festival.

Invite writer Ye Youshen to attend the annual literary festival.

This thing seems to have an award too.

But Zhou You didn't want to expose his vest, so he said to Zhang Yao, "Just go and help me get the award back."

In the afternoon, Fan Jian from the Golden House also got news that the "Internet Literature Project" has taken shape. Fan Jian is willing to cooperate and hopes that the two sides can discuss it in detail.

Zhou You said that it is best to sign a non-disclosure agreement and related "creative clauses" before discussing in detail... because the idea of ​​serialization and charging by chapter will definitely be brought out during the conversation.

Conversations can fall apart.

After the other party knows the core content of the project, it is also possible to pull a team to work on it.

Take precautions.

"I know the boss." Zhang Yao said.


Daxia Publishing House is busy with the publication of "Ball Lightning".

the other side,
The new sci-fi work "Heaven and Earth" by the great sci-fi author "Yu Shuyuan" who is in charge of publishing by the competitor "Kyushu Bookstore" will also be released soon.

This is a science fiction mythology novel.

The familiar myths are presented in the form of science fiction, and the logic is self-consistent and the imagination is quite rich.

Kyushu Book Company and Daxia Publishing House have always been rivals.

Daxia Publishing House is the largest state-run publishing house with an official background.

Kyushu Book Company is the largest private bookseller in Xia Kingdom.

Kyushu Bookstore's biggest dream is to surpass Daxia Publishing House and become the largest publishing house and bookstore in Xiaguo.

In order to achieve this goal, Kyushu Bookstore has worked hard.

Seeing that the gap between the two is gradually narrowing.

Kyushu Book Company is about to catch up.

But last year, a nocturnal god popped out of nowhere!

Relying on his own strength, Ye Youshen managed to close the situation where Kyushu Book Company was on the verge of tying, and widened the gap again.

The financial report for the previous fiscal year has come out.

Daxia Publishing House's revenue is more than Kyushu Bookstore's, mainly from the sales of Yeyoushen's books.

For this, Kyushu Bookstore was full of fire.

They wanted to poach Ye Youshen, but because they didn't have the contact information of Ye Youshen, through Big Fish Entertainment, Zhang Yao never gave a positive answer.

So in the new year, Kyushu Bookstore has only one goal!
Kill the Night Walker.

This kill can be dug over.

It could also be to use the huge resources of writers in the hands of Kyushu Bookstore to crush Ye Youshen to death.

Kyushu Bookstore's pace of becoming the number one publisher in Xia Kingdom cannot be affected by a night wandering spirit!

Shang Jianbo, editor-in-chief of Kyushu Book Company, is reporting the situation with his boss Wei Chengfeng.

Shang Jianbo: "Yeyoushen has no plans to change publishers."

Wei Chengfeng: "What's the reason?"

Shang Jianbo: "I'm afraid of trouble."

Wei Chengfeng: "It's just their excuse."

Shang Jianbo: "I heard that Daxia Publishing House is busy publishing the new book of Yeyoushen. It seems to be a science fiction novel."

Wei Chengfeng: "What a coincidence? Find out the release time. The two of us are fighting in the ring. Let's see whose fist is stronger, Ye Youshen or Yu Shuyuan."

Shang Jianbo: "That's needless to say? Yu Shuyuan must be better! Mr. Yu is our ace writer. In terms of qualifications and strength, Yeyoushen can't be compared with him."

Wei Chengfeng smiled, "Let's do this first, to frustrate Ye Youshen's spirit. You young people, you need a little beating from your seniors."

Both Wei Chengfeng and Shang Jianbo looked forward to it.


Yu Shuyuan soon learned that Kyushu Book Company hoped that his new work could teach that "Night Tourist" a lesson.

But Yu Shuyuan didn't take it to heart.

In his eyes,

Ye Youshen is not a writer of the same level as him at all.

at Blue Star,
Because writers, entertainers, etc. have a distinct hierarchy, the phenomenon of seniority ranking is even worse than that on Earth.

Yu Shuyuan is the representative of seniority.

Blue Star has many old qualifications and old antiques, and it is also a common phenomenon here that literati have been dismissed since ancient times.

So Yu Shuyuan did not regard Ye Youshen as his opponent.

Kyushu Bookstore wanted to use his new book to hit the up-and-coming writer Ye Youshen, and he also felt that there was nothing wrong with it, so let's hit it.

He has seen Ye Youshen's work, and to be honest, he doesn't like it very much.

"Ghost Blowing Lantern" and the like are just selling gimmicks.

The writing is still immature after all.

Moreover, Ye Youshen didn't dare to show his true colors. In Yu Shuyuan's eyes, this was a sign of Ye Youshen's guilty conscience.

I'm afraid it's an idiot in private.

The days passed by.

Daxia Publishing House began to promote "Ball Lightning".

"Yeyoushen's New Year masterpiece! "Ball Lightning" is coming!"

Below the slogan is the cover of "Ball Lightning".

The cover is a blue ball lightning flashing blue current.

Then put a red "Science Fiction" label in the upper left corner!
"Yeyoushen has published a new book?"

"This time it's sci-fi? Damn it!! Changed the subject again."

"I still like to watch the Tomb Raiders series... Can you write more about the Night Tour God? I've been listening to it lately!"

"I just want to ask if there is any subject that Yeyoushen can't write about?"

"The Kyushu Bookstore next door is also promoting a new sci-fi book!! Is it the Kyushu Bookstore and Daxia Publishing House who are picking it up this time?"

The audio copyright of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" has been sold.

It has been made into audiobook content.

The popularity of audio books is no worse than that of the physical book sales of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern".

When "Ball Lightning" was warming up for promotion, Kyushu Bookstore also followed up with the promotion of Yu Shuyuan's new science fiction work "Heaven and Earth".

It caused quite a stir on the Internet.

"Yu Shuyuan also released a new book? Are the release dates of the two books still on the same day?"

"Fuck! Isn't this bullying?"

"Obviously this is a war between the two major publishers!! Night Tour God has become a victim."

"My first sci-fi novel meets the new book of a sci-fi tycoon!! This is too bad luck."

"Night Tour God is very unlucky."

"Why do I feel that Ye Youshen is being targeted? I haven't heard of Yu Shuyuan's new book before. Now that he has released the book, Kyushu Bookstore immediately started promoting it."

Readers feel that Yeyoushen is determined this time.

After all, Yu Shuyuan is a master-level writer in the field of science fiction.

And Yu Shuyuan is also the vice president of the Writers Association.

His qualifications and abilities are all higher than those of Ye Youshen.

When Daxia Publishing House saw that Kyushu Book Company released Yu Shuyuan's "Heaven and Earth" on the same day, it immediately became popular.

"What does Kyushu Bookstore mean?"

"This is clearly aimed at us!"

"I heard that they have been trying to poach Ye Youshen, but Ye Youshen didn't agree with them because he thought it was troublesome, so now they are suppressing Ye Youshen, right?"

"Shameless!! Use the great sci-fi writer to overwhelm the little author!"

"We are not small night wandering spirits."

"Okay, Yu Shuyuan is young!"

"Kyushu Bookstore is not moral! Let's not be moral either!!"

When Zhou You saw the pre-heating of Yu Shuyuan's new book, he simply looked through the comments and didn't take it seriously.

To win or lose with Yu Shuyuan?

No need.

As long as "Ball Lightning" can make money, as for whether it can be compared with Yu Shuyuan's work, or even surpass it...Zhou You is not interested.

On Li Qingyao's side, with Meng Bosheng's recordings and the assistance of professional lawyers, Li Qingyao has made great progress in the termination of the contract.

Li Qingyao's studio is also in preparation.

Named "Flying Bird Studio."

Blue bird, flying bird... the indissoluble bond between Li Qingyao and the bird?
Zhou You: "Do you like birds very much?"

Li Qingyao: "Yes, I often imagine myself as a free little bird, flying in the sky and perching on the branches."

Zhou You: "That's it."

Zhou You thought of Prison Bird for some reason... "It just so happened that Teacher Xiaoyao wrote a song for you, which happened to be about birds."

Zhou You sent "Invisible Wings" to Li Qingyao.

Li Qingyao fell in love with the song the moment she saw the lyrics after receiving it.

"Every time I wander and be strong in loneliness, every time I am hurt, I don't shed tears..."

Li Qingyao resonates with this song very much.

She said that she only sang this song, and all the profits from this song belonged to Teacher Xiaoyao.

She also said that in the future, as long as it is a song written by Teacher Xiaoyao, she will not ask for a penny of sales income.

Because she really didn't know how to thank Teacher Xiaoyao.

Zhou You didn't know what to say for a while, so he agreed with a hum. "Okay, you go first, I'll feed my fish."

"Okay." Li Qingyao said.

She didn't say thank you this time, because Zhou You once said that there is no need to say thank you between friends.

"Ball Lightning" was officially released in bookstores two days later.

Still no signings, press conferences or anything like that.

On the contrary, Yu Shuyuan held a new book launch event and signing event.

In addition to his loyal book fans,

There were also many media reporters present, taking pictures and interviewing.The media reports are a kind of publicity for the new book, and at the same time, it also shows the best style and status of Mr. Yu Shuyuan.

The atmosphere at the book launch was very lively.

After the reader's question session, the reporter conducted an exclusive interview with him.

"Teacher Yu, can you tell me about the source of inspiration for "Heaven and Earth"?"

"Which character in the book does Teacher Yu like the most?"

"Teacher Yu..."

All kinds of problems came one after another.

Yu Shuyuan blurred out in the way of listening to Jun's words as if listening to one's words.

Finally, a reporter asked:
"Teacher Yu! What's your opinion on the up-and-coming writer Ye Youshen?"

Yu Shuyuan gave a very specific and clear answer to this question.

"Broad but not refined." Yu Shuyuan said.

"Can you expand on it?" the reporter asked.

At this time, the camera was shooting at Yu Shuyuan.

Yu Shuyuan commented on the cutting-edge writer Yeyoushen!

This topic should not be too strong.

Yu Shuyuan didn't shy away from it, saying, "I've read Ye Youshen's works. Since last year, he has indeed been a best-selling author, but his writing is too commercial and doesn't have much cultural heritage..."

"Literature is not a dinner party, it is a technology! An artistic technology!"

He even rewrote the opening chapter of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" to rate Night Tour God.

It's ironic.

"Write one thing at a time, and another one at a time, without delving into a subject! Such a writer can only write superficial things, things that cater to readers, and there will be no great development."

"I don't like shallow people."

As soon as his "speech" came out, public opinion was immediately set off.

Readers have opinions.

It presents a two-sided situation.

Of course, Yu Shuyuan's book fans support Yu Shuyuan, saying on the Internet:
"Teacher Yu is right! The God of Night Tour is just a sensationalist."

"I can't even read his works! What the hell are they writing?"

"Look at the speed at which he writes books, one book a month or two! Writing a book requires meticulous care and careful work. He wrote it in such a hurry just to make money! What kind of good work could it be? ?”

"I used to think that Yeyoushen's book was pretty good. After hearing what Teacher Yu Shuyuan said, I found that Yeyoushen's works are really not very good. It's because I'm too shallow, and I need to improve my cultural literacy. Only in this way can I distinguish between good and bad works."

"Teacher Yu Shuyuan has said so. He is professional and authoritative. He proves that Ye Youshen and his works are not very good."

Yu Shuyuan is a master writer and the vice chairman of the Writers Association!

Many people would believe what he said.

Hmm... To put it bluntly, they are a group of people who don't use their brains, and are easily fooled by the so-called authorities and experts.

They trust the experts!
Believe in authority!
But geologist is no longer a commendatory term.

Expert advice is good, but please don't give advice!

Some readers were led astray by Yu Shuyuan, and began to abuse Ye Youshen with some ugly words.

The loyal fans of Ye Youshen were quite annoyed by this, and fought back!
"Fuck you brainless!"

"Yu Shuyuan is an idiot!! Ye Youshen's works have no cultural background? How about "Little Prince" and "Jieyou Grocery Store"? Can you, Yu Shuyuan, write such a work?"

"This old guy is just jealous of the talent of the Night Tour God!"

"Everyone supports Ye Youshen!"

"Hehe, since you said that the night wandering spirit is not good, let's see the truth in the works! Let's see whose books are best-selling."

Readers on both sides started a war of words.



Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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