Chapter 109 The Kaleidoscope Is Oozing Blood (Subscribe)

Today is the weekend, and Hinata didn't rest, as usual, she came to the root organization base before dawn to watch intelligence and handle official business.

Knowing that the two water-stop kaleidoscopes that were put into Hashirama's corpse were oozing blood, Hinata hurried to the scene, opened her eyes immediately, and focused on locking.

I saw two eyeballs that had been taken out and placed in a container, and were still oozing blood bit by bit.

"When did you find out?" Hinata said.

"4 minutes ago." The branch member who was in charge of looking after the eyes said.

Did not enter the room, but stood outside, separated by a thick wall, watching with supercilious eyes, Hinata guessed and thought: "Is this too full?"

After waiting for more than an hour, the eyes stopped bleeding. God knows where so much blood can flow from the two eyeballs.

Considering the problem that the eyes will explode, if it explodes in the eye socket, it is not a joke.

First use the chakra line technique of puppetry to establish a connection with the eyes at a distance, inject chakra into it, and then find animals with chakra to help with the experiment.

After making sure her eyes wouldn't explode and it was safe, Hinata called Lai Hinata Moyu to implant one in her and try to see the effect.

Moyou, who is very interested in the kaleidoscope and wants to awaken it, is very willing to help out based on the principle of increasing experience.

"Huh!" Mo You said in surprise, "Isn't this the same kaleidoscope pupil technique from before? Why is it cooled down! And the pupil power consumed is actually full! Is this another person's awakened kaleidoscope?"

"It's the pair from before." Hinata said: "As for how to shorten the cooldown and replenish the pupil power, keep it a secret."

Moyou was silent for a while, but still couldn't hold back, she asked, "Whose eyes are these?"

"Do you think we took it from your genius?" Hinata said, "Ask Uchiha Itachi, he will decide whether to tell you."

Soon, Itachi came to the root organization base, and of course, his chakra cave was sealed.

Hinata gave him a water-stop kaleidoscope: "Go and do that."

Itachi closed his eyes silently, and said calmly: "I need a reasonable name, otherwise it will be difficult to see the target."

"What name?" Hinata said.

"Envoy." Itachi said.

"The envoys sent to the ninja villages all set off as early as the day before yesterday." Hinata nodded: "You go now, join them there, and then show this ring to the leader of the team, he will fully cooperate your actions."

Itachi took the ring, and felt that it was made of precious chakra metal, and judging by the weight, it was greatly concentrated chakra metal.

Glancing slightly, the outer side of the ring was engraved with ancient ancient characters, Hinata, and the inner side was Hinata.

Without further ado, Itachi set off immediately.

"The leader is a die-hard fan of Konoha. It is very difficult to deliberately lose this battle." Hinata smiled slightly.

Konoha has produced many geniuses, and there are not many geniuses who can surpass Itachi. It is quite rare. Hinata believes that with Itachi's intelligence and ability, this matter cannot fail.

After the general meeting, there are small meetings, and after the small meetings, I sit in the office, busy from morning to night, and even when I return home, I am still busy all day long.

Hinata could do nothing about the fact that more than a dozen ninja forces of unknown origin were operating in the country and looting.

When the news came back and people were sent, those people had disappeared, there were no clues, the witnesses were all dead, and the bodies were burned.

What makes Hinata feel the most uncomfortable is the undercover agents, spies, and spies that make up the intelligence network.

In places that have been looted, other people are likely to survive. These people who belong to Konoha have suffered heavy casualties.

Danzo has done similar things in the past, sometimes in the country of fire to eliminate undercover agents whose identities have been leaked from other countries, and sometimes to go to other countries to remove undercover agents whose identities have been leaked from other countries.

This is the reason why the intelligence network burns money. From time to time, a batch of poor quality ones are cleaned up, and the gap must be filled as soon as possible.

This is not the participation of one or two forces, but the joint promotion of more than a dozen forces, large and small.

Referring to the past, Sandai and Danzo's practice, Hinata also sent an elite team out to eliminate undercover agents who belonged to other countries and confirmed their identities.

Not only the leaves are cut, they have to be cut, and cut together.

How many people will die in this process, I can only say that this is a number that makes Hinata silent, and it also strengthens her determination to overthrow the old class, establish a new order, and unify this continent.

To end the endless open and secret wars, so that more outstanding geniuses can grow up without dying, not only to let the aliens come and go, but it is best to fight back and plunder the achievements of alien civilization.

The goal has already been established.

Before, now, including in the future, what we need to do is to find a way to achieve it, and move forward stage by stage.

Taking in Naruto, taking in Sasuke, and unifying the various families in the village, these higher-priority things have already been done, and the next big thing before Hinata is to attack Yunyin Village.

Everything else has to give way to this one.

Konoha Prison.

Jiraiya, who sealed off the chakra lair, brought some food and wine to visit Sandai, and told him about what happened in the village recently and the information he inquired about.

"Leading the villagers to plant the land and participate in the work of building houses. This day's foot is really a straw bag. I don't even know that my daughter has made it empty."

"Stay in Hokage's office all the time, rarely go out, and don't see members of the branch family. What does Seiji mean by this? I don't know if the status quo of the Hinata family is maintained by the branch family?"

"Could it be that he was angry at that idiot son who died on the battlefield? Heh, that's all he has."

"Hinata Hinata, what exactly does she want to do? There is a lack of information, so I can't figure it out at all. If you go and find out more information, it's best to get the expenditure records of Hyuga's family and the village."

Ignoring the chattering Danzo, Jilai also filled up the wine for the third generation.

"With the curse of the bird in a cage imprinted, the branch family doesn't have the guts to set aside the main family. If it's not Seiji and Nizuzu, then it must be Hinata who has the final say, and she is in charge." Three generations said.

"It's been almost a month. I go to work at the root organization base every day. What are you busy with? I don't see too many changes in the village. It's just developing normally step by step."

"I only told you about the cram school, and there is no new news. It's really strange."

"Jiraiya, think about it again, if there is anything unusual happening, don't just focus on the village, the scope can be expanded, such as the daimyo's side, or other countries."

"Daimyo sent a group of ninjas to leave the village to protect him." Jiraiya said.

"His treasury was stolen half a month ago. It's okay to increase his sense of security. Other countries have frictions with ninjas from various countries. This is usually the case. It's quite normal."

"Which country has the greatest friction with?" Sandai said.

Ji Lai thought for a while and said, "It seems to be the land of thunder."

(End of this chapter)

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