Chapter 110 This Is What Hokage Should Do (Please Subscribe)
Walking out of Konoha Prison, Jiraiya felt very heavy.

Three generations, Danzo, and the two agreed that the Hyuga family was going to move Yunyin Village, and seeing the foreshadowing and preparation, it didn't look like a small fight.

Root Organization Base.

The appearance has not changed, she is still so cute and beautiful, but her temperament has matured a lot. Hinata sat upright and looked at a speech. When she heard footsteps approaching, she put down the speech and looked up: "I just went to visit the third generation. Come to me directly, what's the matter?"

Unlike the relaxed and calm Hinata, the guard team increased to 30 people, and they were vigilant, staring at Jiraiya steadfastly.

"You want to fight Yunyin Village?" Zi Lai also said.

"No?" Hinata said.

"We already have the best territory and enjoy the best resources, so why take the initiative to start a war?" Jiraiya said sadly: "Shouldn't we try our best to avoid war? Once a war starts, how many people will die, how many people will die?" Families are suffering!"

"I'm very busy, so I don't have time to teach you." Hinata said, "Go and copy the rules of the will of fire [-] times."

"You are still young, and you have never seen the cruelty of war!" Jiraiya said loudly: "If hell really exists, it must be a place where wars raged. What do you think of life? You can't take so many people life to play war games!"

Jiraiya's voice became smaller and smaller until he could no longer hear him. The four guards who took Jiraiya out quickly returned and stood at their positions to protect the young lady.

"I've been working with me for almost a month, and I've come into contact with so many things. From your perspective, what do you think I'm doing?" Hinata said casually.

"Draw nutrients from Yunyin Village and strengthen yourself." Shikamaru said without raising his head: "One is wealth, and the other is population. This is certainly harmful to Yunyin Village and the Kingdom of Thunder, but it is harmful to us Konoha It is a great benefit.”

"This is your own understanding, or your father told you." Hinata said.

"Myself." Shikamaru said: "My dad's intelligence level is far inferior to mine, even so, he still supports the attack on Yunyin Village."

No wonder it is not supported.

As a consultant, Shikahisa Nara can get a lot of the spoils he won. He is not doing charity. He spent so much money to buy the position of consultant, so he has to earn back several times the money.

"Go home tonight and ask your dad to teach Jiraiya a lesson and tell him to recognize his position." Hinata said: "He is a Konoha ninja, not a peace ninja."

"Yes." Shikamaru nodded.

"Okay, that's all. Give it to my father, let him take the time to memorize it." Hinata said.

Outside the wall of Muye Village, a large area of ​​trees has been cleared. According to the planned plan, a group of people are working hard on this open space, building residential buildings, markets, hospitals, and schools.

As one of them, wearing a cloak with Five Daime Hokage written on it, he raised his hammer to hit the ground on his foot, repeating silently in his heart, I am Hokage, and I am leading outsiders to make money for the main family, I am Hokage, and I am leading outsiders Make money for the family.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for him to convince himself to work hard here.

"Master Sunzu."

Hearing someone calling himself, he looked up and recognized that it was one of Hinata's guards who often ran errands to deliver letters, Hizuru said listlessly: "What's the matter?"

After receiving the paper from the guard, he said weakly: "What is this, don't tell me it's a movie line? If there are only a few lines in my exclusive movie, believe it or not, I will vomit blood on the spot."

"This is the speech that Hinata-sama confirmed." The guard noticed that there was no one around, and whispered.

"After Nizuzu-sama memorizes it, Konoha Ninja, who was badly injured by Kumo, will be sent back. At that time, at the gate of the village entrance, speak out this speech in the loudest and most emotive voice. "

"Oh?" Rizu cheered up, and watched from beginning to end seriously, feeling his blood boil, and his excited hands were shaking: "This, this, this! This is what Hokage should do!"

Commanding the wind ninja to assist the fire ninja to burn bricks, leading the water ninja to irrigate the farmland, encouraging the thunder ninja to generate electricity, and urging the earth ninja to help build houses. He has had enough of these things, and none of them are worthy of his Fifth Hokage Distinguished status.

Throwing down the sledgehammer with a slap, the wind was blowing under his feet, Fei Ye seemed to rush home, closed the door, carried the speech on his back without distracting thoughts, and carefully figured out how to interpret the emotions in it, how to express his own anger.

"No reason!"

"Too deceiving!"

"I can't bear it anymore! I don't need to bear it any longer... Ahhh!"

With Huahuo, she just came back from the children's clothing store that her eldest daughter opened for herself, and she was about to take a nap. Zaowei went back in the afternoon, when she heard her husband's movement in the room, she rubbed her ears, thinking that she was hallucinating.

I am sure I heard correctly, I have not been full of curiosity for a long time, I want to get closer to see Huahuo, all the way to the yard of the eldest daughter, enter the house, and take a nap here.

in the afternoon.

The setting sun is like blood.

A group of Konoha ninjas came back from the north. At the entrance of Konoha Village, they were too exhausted to run and tripped over a stone.

"Medical ninja... call the medical ninja! Help! Help! Help him...he's going to lose it!"

In the crowd, several Konoha ninjas stepped forward to help, but were stopped by another Konoha ninja who knew medical ninjutsu: "Don't touch him, judging from his injury, if he moves, it will cause serious problems, and I can't cure him." , we have to wait for the medical treatment to come.”

Soon, the Fifth Hokage and Hinata Hyuzu who got the news arrived with a group of people, along with Medical Jōnin.

After treatment, the wounded's blood stopped temporarily, but the danger to his life has not passed, and he needs to use the best medicine for further treatment.

"The ideal state is of course to recover as before, but the probability is less than [-]%." The medical doctor said: "It is more likely to be paralyzed, or even become a vegetable."

"Cure him at all costs. I want him to recover and stand in front of me again." Ri Zu calmly said: "If he is really paralyzed, I will raise him."

The medical treatment is to take the injured to the hospital on a stretcher.

Rizu looked at the other Konoha ninjas who fell to the ground exhausted, and asked softly, "What happened?"

One of them struggled to take out a piece of information from his bosom, Rizu took it and read it, trembling all over, he tried his best to control it, but couldn't.

"It's unreasonable! Do you really think that we, the Land of Fire, are easy to bully? Provocations and robberies over and over again, over and over again!" Rizu shredded the information in his hand and threw it to the ground.

"Our concession, not only didn't let you accept it as soon as it was good, it was enough, but it intensified and went too far..."

"Too deceiving!"

(End of this chapter)

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