Chapter 15 Intensifying efforts (for collection)

Hyuga home.


He tested his daughter's strength by himself, and the result surprised Nizuzu. Heck, he didn't see how her strength, speed, and nerve response have risen so quickly after she has practiced and exercised.

The most outrageous thing is the combat experience, so sophisticated that it seems to be a Jonin who has experienced life and death battles.

As far as the daughter's physique is concerned, the only thing that is different from ordinary people is the amount of food she eats. She is still the type who doesn't get fat no matter how much she eats. Is it related to eating?

Get strong?

How about trying it yourself?
"It's okay, I'm going back." Hinata dropped these words and planned to leave. She met Naruto for the first time today and helped Naruto improve his diet. She is very happy, and she should be able to eat two more buckets of rice tonight.

"Wait a minute." Rizu called Hinata to stop.

"Huh?" Hinata was puzzled.

"What kind of ice cream did you make? The business has been booming recently. How much did you make?" Rizu said.

"It's okay, I'm not interested in money, and I don't know exactly how much I've earned." Hinata said.

"Not interested!" Rizule said: "Then let me take over the management, strive to become bigger and stronger, earn more money, of course, the money will be yours in the future, I just help you temporarily keep it .”

Don't promise, don't promise, don't promise, the day difference watching the game, expressionless, anxious, kept talking, and at the same time secretly scolded the elder brother for being shameless, even wanting to pick the fruits of his daughter's victory.

"No." Hinata said.

"What?" Rizu froze.

"I'm not interested in money, but it doesn't mean that my money should be kept by others," Hinata said.

"Others..." Rizu's face darkened: "What's yours is mine, and what's mine is yours, why make a distinction like that."

"In short, I don't want it." Hinata said: "If Father insists on using my money and disregarding my wishes, then don't blame the future. I won't provide you with old age when you are old."

pretty!Rizai was so excited that he almost clapped his hands, fortunately, he held back.

"This, this, this!" Rizu trembled, looking at the back of his daughter leaving, feeling unbelievable.

Isn't it said that the daughter is the father's caring little padded jacket?
How did he meet such a heart-piercing hammer...

"If she wants to keep it, let her keep it. Originally, she paid for it herself. You didn't pay for it. How dare you ask for it now," said the grandfather.

"She is only so old, what should she do if she is cheated with so much money?" Rizu stiffened his neck and said, "I am doing it for her own good, and it's not just her money. "

"In this way, the tax rate should have increased, but why has it decreased instead?" Grandfather wondered.

"I've checked, the branch family invests a lot of money and takes small shares, but the actual distribution is not much at all." Rizu muffled: "The salary that Hinata distributes to the branch family is pitifully small, enough for three meals a day If you can afford it, how can you collect this tax?"

"So ruthless!" Grandpa was dumbfounded, and looked at the day difference: "Don't talk about it, you won't get any benefits, what are you trying to do?"

"Hinata is the main family, it should be." Riza said calmly.

The salary on the book is indeed small, but the bonus that is not kept on the account is high. This bonus is an extra reward given by Hinata. Everyone tacitly keeps this secret, and dare not let the patriarch and elders know.

"Hinata pays the least amount of money, occupies a large number of family members, and gets the most income. After the money is over, we won't get a cent. Why don't you think I'm in a hurry." Rizu sighed.

"Then tell Hinata again, she is so sensible, she must be able to make sense." Grandpa said.

"If you want to talk about it, you can talk about it." Rizu said with a dark face: "If she really doesn't give me a pension, I'll find someone to reason with."

It was silent for a long time.

Just when Rizu couldn't sit still and was about to say goodbye and leave, Rizu suddenly said: "Yes, it can be like this, I will make another similar one, imitate Hinata's existing model, and grab all the business, Hinata earns a lot of money. I won’t move the money I received, and everyone will compete fairly, which is reasonable, right?”

With the same equipment and the same people, if he invests more, he can't imagine how it will fail. After all, Hinata's success story proves that it is feasible.

"Good idea, I'll follow suit." Grandpa smiled.

"Richa, do you want to vote?" Rizu asked.

"I want to vote too, but unfortunately I don't have the money." Said Riza regrettably.

"It's okay, I'll lend you some, we brothers, if we have money, we can make money together." Rizu said.

time is money.

Nizuzu quickly summoned the members of the branch family and arranged the work.

I wanted to appeal to everyone to invest, but Hinata had already squeezed out everyone, and had no money to invest, so Rizuo had no choice but to give up.

After the meeting was adjourned, all the branch family jonin, plus several representatives elected by the branch family ninja, secretly got together.

"Don't I need to reiterate it? The next thing." Rizai said.

"It's not easy to do things well, but it's too easy to do things badly and mess things up on purpose." One of the branch family members said with a smile.

"Increase the price, delay the delivery time, and even more extreme, put fingernails, hair, and cockroaches directly in the meal. If you can make money in this way, I will take off my head and kick it as a ball." Another representative of the split family ninja said seriously.

"That's it." Riji nodded: "But don't go too far, if you make a big deal and let my brother know, it will be a big trouble."

"Should I report this to Hinata-sama?" the housemaid who helped Hinata with her homework asked.

"It must be reported." Rizai said without even thinking about it: "Our goal is to support Hinata to take office early, not to betray the clan."

Hearing what Richa said, everyone in the room unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

The reason why they dared to harm Rizu's interests was because the next head of the clan was Hinata, and their loyalty to Hinata was not considered a betrayal of the clan.

If even Hinata had to keep it a secret, no one would dare to continue. Thinking about the fate of betraying the clan, one would be afraid.

Let him freely enter and leave the main house, meet Hinata's branch maid, and report to Hinata, while the others waited silently, not knowing who started it, and chatted about their recent income.

When it comes to this, everyone can't help showing bright smiles, no one else, Mr. Hinata is really generous.

Everyone wanted to work with Hinata, and worked hard without complaint. They even felt that they did not do enough, and that the work and the bonus they received were not equal. On the contrary, they were worried that Hinata would lose money, so they worked harder.

More than half an hour passed, and the maid from the branch family returned, and everyone silenced, waiting for the result.

"Please step up your efforts to make Father feel the pain." The branch maid said: "Master Hinata said so."


"Master Hinata and Master Nizuzu, is there a conflict?" Someone asked cautiously.

"That's not something we should worry about." Rizai coughed dryly: "It's better to say, this is better. If Hinata and my brother are of the same mind, then what's the point of us doing all this?"

 Asking for collection, asking for follow-up, asking for recommendation tickets, all kinds of asking, if the grades are too poor, then it will be a problem even signing the contract, let alone putting it on the shelf, kowtow

(End of this chapter)

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