Chapter 16 Redemption (for collection)

One person, one spoon, one bucket, the bucket is full of meals.

"It is well known that a daughter is like a father. Hinata is so edible, which proves that I also have a certain potential."

Talking to himself, Rizu scooped up a spoon full of rice, which was mixed with shrimp, crab meat, sea cucumber and other nutritious ingredients, imitating his daughter's voracious swallowing, and kept stuffing it into his mouth one after another.

After more than 20 minutes, nearly half an hour.

Hinata, who was reading a novel in the RV, got the news that her father was hospitalized.

Why did he end up in the hospital?In astonishment, Hinata rushed to the hospital immediately, and saw her father on the hospital bed with a swollen belly, as if she was pregnant.

"Really, father, you should also be more restrained. No matter how delicious the meal is, if you finish this meal, you won't be able to eat it later. Do you need to eat yourself like this?" Hinata was speechless.

"Hehe, your father wants to..." Zao Wei said with a light smile.

"Ahem." Rizu interrupted: "Today's food is really delicious, I can't help it... just this one time, not another example."

Noticing the fruit basket on the cabinet, Hinata took it and washed it diligently. When she came back, she asked her mother if she wanted to eat it, but she shook her head and said no.

Looking at his father's appearance, he knew that he couldn't eat it, so Hinata didn't ask, and started eating on his own.

The apple was crisp and tender, and it made a crackling sound when you ate it. It was enough to listen to it, and said: "It's none of your business here, go back."

"How can I do that, my father is hospitalized, I want to stay here with me, and I won't go anywhere." Hinata shook her head.

Hearing this, Rizu couldn't help but feel a burst of warmth in his heart, this daughter is very filial after making troubles.

In a blink of an eye, the fruit in the fruit basket was swept away, and Hinata, who had nothing to eat, lay down on the two chairs side by side, with Erlang's legs crossed, reading a novel.

In front of his daughter, Rizuo couldn't behave too embarrassedly, but he was really uncomfortable, so he winked at his wife.

Zao Wei nodded, and said to Hinata: "Mother is here to take care of you, it's fine, you..."

"Wrong, wrong, wrong." Hinata shifted her attention, and said seriously: "Mother, your body needs recuperation and rest the most, and besides, there is a separate family, and there is no need for me to do anything. I am here to be a father. Partner, it's super easy."

In a few words, he sent his mother home with a strong attitude, and told her to fall asleep on time.

I haven't been dumbfounded for a long time, but my daughter is doing it for her own good. To be honest, I am still very moved.

Back in the ward, Hinata asked his father what his orders were, Hizuru was silent for a moment, then shook his head.

After ten o'clock, close to eleven o'clock, after eating supper, Hinata went to the bathroom to wash up contentedly: "Then, good night, father."

Lying down on the stool, he quickly snorted.

In the dead of night, in the dead silent ward, you can hear the dropping of needles, Hinata's snoring and teeth grinding sounds are very clear and piercing.

After listening for nearly an hour, Hizuru, who couldn't fall asleep anyway, hurriedly dispatched the branch maid to take Hinata home.

As soon as his daughter left, it was a much quieter day, and he felt that his stomach was not so uncomfortable. Thinking of the suffering he had suffered this day, he sighed aloud, and thinking of the money he was about to make, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

Suddenly, Hizuru frowned, but thought of Uchiha.

Since Uchiha Shisui was sacrificed and handed over, Uchiha has become a powder keg, bombing whoever he touches, but generally they are civilian ninjas with no background, or civilians who are not even ninjas.

Thinking about it, as the Hyuga family is one of the few big families in Konoha, Uchiha should not come to target them.

three days later.

The Hyuga branch, which has no tasks, is as busy as ever. The difference is that it is divided into two teams. One team hangs a sunflower signboard and belongs to Hinata, and the other team hangs a moon signboard and belongs to Nizuzu.

The caravan is the same, the staff is the same, it is difficult to distinguish without looking carefully.

When it first opened, everyone didn’t dare to go too far, raising prices, putting hair, nails, cockroaches and so on, it’s easy to be discovered by Japan’s foot, so it’s just a normal job.

But, the enthusiasm of the branch members who work for Hinata and those who work for Nisatsu is very different.

The former, in full swing, went all out.

The latter, passive sabotage, do everything possible to catch fish.

It was on this day that something happened.

In Konoha Village, Uchiha, who served as the security team, wanted to arrest all the branch families involved in the work, fine them, and confiscate work tools in the name of disturbing the order of the village and prying into the privacy of others without authorization.

The day messenger who received the news first hurriedly took people to the RV where Hinata was.

"Hinata! Are you okay?"

Hinata poked her head out of the car window, shook her head and said, "I'm fine, uncle, but what are these people here for?"

"It's fine, just stay in the car, don't come out, uncle will deal with it." Richa said.

Needless to say, the other branches, Jonin and Chunin, have spontaneously surrounded the car.

"I obtained the permission before, and you also took the benefits. Now, what does this mean?" Rizai said in a deep voice.

One of Uchiha's leaders sneered and said: "That was then, and now is now, I didn't know that you put your eyes on it, received reports from the villagers, and it was confirmed that it was true. It has developed to this point, it is your own fault. I found it."

"We just lock the menu with blank eyes, and don't mess around with other secrets." Sunzai said: "We can let the jonin of the mountain clan peep into our memory to prove this."

"That's Anbu's work, not our responsibility." The Uchiha team leader spread his hands and said casually: "We are only responsible for arresting people, fines, and confiscating work tools."

Riza clenched his fists: "What if we don't want to."

"You can give it a try. I'm actually looking forward to your resistance, really." The Uchiha team leader smiled and took out an official document with the signatures of Uchiha Fugaku and Sarutobi Hiruzen on it, and stamped: "In that way, you can let You're bleeding more."

There was a stalemate for a while.

The day difference is not the main family, so he can't make up his mind, he is waiting for his elder brother.

"Can you use money to redeem people?" Hinata asked while lying on the car window.

"Of course." The Uchiha team leader said with a smile: "Missy wants to spend money to redeem people? There are quite a few people, and the cost is very high."

"You can take whatever you want, just don't touch my people." Hinata said, jumping out of the car: "Afterwards, count how much money, bring the bill, and I will pay."

The Uchiha team leader was surprised, this young lady seemed to be only three years old, and she behaved like an adult.

After walking far away, seeing no outsiders around, Hinata lowered her voice and said, "Keep an eye on that person just now, and when he leaves the village next time, sneak after him and knock him off."

After hearing these words, the Jonin of the branch family cheered up and said in unison: "Yes."

 Asking for collection, asking for follow-up, asking for recommendation tickets, all kinds of asking, if the grades are too poor, then it will be a problem even signing the contract, let alone putting it on the shelf, kowtow

(End of this chapter)

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