Miss Konoha Hinata

Chapter 183 Valuable Intelligence

Chapter 183 Valuable Intelligence (Subscribe)

From morning to night, 24 hours a day, this barrage has never stopped, it has been swiping.

After Hinata's test, close the window until the next time it is opened. During this period, the barrage will not be refreshed, which is equivalent to missing a lot of barrage.

Knowing this, Hinata kept the window open, anyway, she was the only one who could see it, and the addition of such a window in front of her had little effect.

You don’t have to stare at the window all the time, just keep the window, and the refreshed barrage will not disappear. You can go back and look at it at any time, and just look at it occasionally.

In the days that followed, Hinata returned to her original rhythm of life, and the work was handed over to the shadow clone. At most, the space projection was sent to observe the scene, and the affairs that required the main body to participate were quite rare.

Hinata stays at home, eating and drinking as much as she wants, watching movies and novels, often playing games with Ying and Hanabi, and in her own name, receiving unlimited ninja coins of the ninja level.

Finally, take the time to watch the barrage.

There are many helpful seniors. Basically, every question raised by a newcomer will have a group of people responding and giving answers.

Then, according to Hinata's patient observation, some of these newcomers who asked questions disappeared because they never posted barrage again.

Hinata Hinata, who did not enter the list, is dead or alive, which cannot be confirmed, and Hinata is not sure whether these newcomers are still alive.

She hoped that everyone was well. Otherwise, it would be difficult for her to feel safe with so many seniors who had lived for a long time as hunters.

However, thanks to the questions from these newcomers and the enthusiasm of the seniors, Hinata has obtained a lot of valuable information.

"Newcomers who need chakra, in the ancient country of Loulan, the dragon vein chakra buried deep in the ground should not be missed. It is the lifeblood of the earth. The reason why the country of wind is thousands of miles yellow sand is due to the loss of dragon vein chakra."

"Sooner or later, the earth will be abandoned. Compared with Otsuki's home planet, the earth is too far behind, there is no comparison."

"Drain the earth's energy, and the ten-tailed sacred tree will bear a chakra fruit. If you eat this chakra fruit, you will be immortal like Otsutsuki Kaguya, even if the ten-tailed tree is taken away. I won't die."

"Kaguya's Jiugouyu reincarnation eye is a must. The heavenly palace that resides in it has a wide space to accommodate Baijue. The most important thing is the infinite monthly reading. If you want chakra, the infinite monthly reading is a must." few."

"There are also people in the Otsutsukimoto family who have the Jiugouyu Samsara Eye with the pupil technique of infinite moon reading, but they are not strong enough. If you go, you will be given it for nothing. Therefore, Kaguya's Jiugouyu Samsara Eye cannot be bypassed. You must Start."

"The vast majority of people on Earth are ordinary people who cannot refine chakra. Those who can do so are another matter. Those ordinary people, it is best to transform them all into Baijue."

"The Otsutsuki family has existed for an incalculably long time. The methods they have concluded are undoubtedly the best solution, including Bai Jue."

"Turning people who are naturally unable to refine chakra into Baijue, in this way, we can create a world where everyone has chakra."

"This is all for the benefit of the Kimoto family. Don't be psychologically burdened. Unlimited monthly reading allows people to enjoy a perfect life in the illusion world and die without any regrets. This is a good thing for everyone."

"Yeah, think about the beggars who don't have enough clothes and food to eat. Living is also suffering. It's great to feel the happiness of dreams come true in the world of illusion."

"Don't forget about cloning and artificial humans. These two technologies can be realized through technology. As for the creation of humans by yin and yang, forget it. One or two is fine. If there are too many, it is a waste of chakra."

Did these guys destroy the earth and most of humanity in order to become stronger?Seeing these bullet screens, Hinata remained silent.

"Anyone who needs information about Otsutsukimoto's family can click me. There is a lot of content, and it needs to be conveyed through private chat."

This is a question asked by a newcomer about how to get a lot of chakra, and many of the answers given by the seniors are repetitive.

Hinata was indifferent.

"The huge Tenseigan is only useful in the early stage. In the middle and late stages, the whole thing is useless. There is no Tenseigan Chakra mode. It can only be used as a backup source of Chakra. The key is then, you will not be short of Chakra."

"Giant Tenseigans can be mass-produced. Use Moon Otsutsuki's corpse tissue to activate the Dirty Reincarnation Resurrection, and then use Reincarnation to resurrect perfectly. Gouging out their white eyes to fuse the giant Tenseigans, repeat as many times as you want. "

"It is not recommended to mass-produce the giant Tenseigan. This thing is useless in the middle and late stages. In the early stage, you frequently resurrect the dead, which will alarm Otsuki Hagoromo. That guy is an invincible existence in the early stage. It is best not to meet or deal with it."

"You have to eat at least three Chakra fruits from the Ten-Tails God Tree before you can ignore and break the seal of the Six Paths and Earth Explosion Star. Before that, don't mess with Otsutsuki Yuromo."

"Otsutsuki Hagoromo is disgusting, just because you are too strong and unrestrained, he will take action, using the hands of Naruto and Sasuke to seal you, without Naruto, Sasuke, he will do it himself."

"Enn, I was sealed more than 100 years ago, and he even took advantage of me doing something fun and unprepared, and suddenly launched a sneak attack, which caused me to be sealed for more than 30 years, and I was able to escape by relying on the system."

"If you don't want to experience the six realms, newcomers to Earth Explosion and Sky Star should not be too ostentatious, low-key is the kingly way, and after eating three chakra fruits from the Ten-Tails God Tree, go to Yuyi."

"Drain the energy of the earth, here is one, and then go to other different spaces to find other planets with life, devour and absorb energy."

"Don't look at the small size of the earth, there are countless different spaces, or infinitely many. Without a clear map and coordinates, you may not be able to find them if you find the year of the monkey."

"If you need detailed routes and coordinates, you can click me to trade. The price is negotiable."

This is the answer given by a group of seniors when a newcomer asked whether the giant Tenseigan could be mass-produced.

"Ziyuan has great potential. If you want to train her, you can refine the sprites into chakradan and give it to Ziyuan."

"The sprite and the shrine maiden are originally one. After being united, Ziyuan can gain the strength close to the super shadow on the spot, learn some practical ninjutsu, improve the combat experience, and become a super shadow powerhouse."

This is a newcomer who has captured many girlfriends, and asked the growth status of each girlfriend, and the answers given by the seniors.

Shion's evaluation was actually the highest, surpassing Tsunade, Terumi Mei, and Sakura. Seeing this, Hinata didn't hesitate, called the branch, and sent someone to the kingdom of ghosts to pick up the shrine maiden Shion.

(End of this chapter)

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