Miss Konoha Hinata

Chapter 184 The Promise with Ziyuan

Chapter 184 The Promise with Ziyuan (Subscribe)

After a few days of observation, Hinata became more and more convinced that there was something wrong with these seniors.

Every now and then, people click on their barrage, saying that they want to trade, and the topic is as close as possible to Otsutsukimoto's family and the different space route, these two directions.

If you want to get information, you must click on the barrage, and you can chat privately to communicate, you can't get it from the barrage.

According to the information of the Otsukimoto family, which has the coordinates of the planet of life in a different space, Hinata was also very moved, but she gritted her teeth and held back.

No matter what you say, you can't take the risk of contacting those suspicious seniors when your safety is not guaranteed.

I underestimated the three generations of the Hinata family, and now they are still serving as free labor in Konoha Prison, plus a banner to attract people who are hostile to the Hinata family to join them.

He didn't take the Hyuga family to heart, and the daimyo of Fire Country, who was careless, became a puppet who had been emptied of name but had no real power.

With these two lessons learned from the past, Hinata will not be careless in saying anything, will not underestimate or underestimate opponents, including the existence of suspected opponents.

On this day, Hinata was sitting cross-legged on the sofa, sucking the chakra in the ninja coins, eating snacks, and watching a movie at the same time, from time to time, she glanced at the fast-refreshing barrage floating in front of her in the window.

Suddenly, some new functions were added, and the mobile phone that could not play games rang an incoming call.

"Master Hinata, the maiden from the kingdom of ghosts you want to see, Shion, has been brought back."

Hearing what the other person said, Hinata rolled her eyes, and quickly focused on Ziyuan's position, which was waiting restlessly on the chair in the lobby on the first floor.

Shion and Hinata are very similar in hairstyle, face shape, figure, and even some actions in the plot.

It makes people wonder if the production team was lazy, changed Hinata's clothes, changed the voice actor, changed the hair color, and moved out the pupils.

Apart from their differences in personality, the two have a high degree of similarity in other aspects.

"The witches and sprites are originally one. The former holds the power of sealing, while the latter holds the power of destroying the world. When the two are combined, they are the real complete body. The difference is whose consciousness disappears and whose consciousness remains. , as the leader."

Thinking of obtaining information related to Shion from the barrage, Hinata asked the branch maid to bring Shion up.

Soon, Ziyuan, who was the same age as Hinata, only 12 years old, appeared in the living room of Hinata's residence on the top floor.

Stepping on the unbelievably soft carpet with bare feet, the feet felt very comfortable, and the air was fragrant. Being in such an environment, the tension in Ziyuan's heart dissipated a lot.

The housemaid cleaned up the trash on the coffee table, and then took out a large pile of snacks from the storage scroll and placed them on the coffee table.

After questioning, she learned that Hinata didn't drink tea, so the branch maid bowed and left with two bags of garbage.

"Come on, come and sit here, treat this as your own home, take whatever you want, you're welcome." Hinata smiled.

Zi Yuan walked over hesitantly and sat down cautiously.

Hinata tore open a bag of French fries, handed it to Zi Yuan, unscrewed a bottle of orange juice, and poured a glass for herself and Shi Yuan.

"It's been a long journey, you've worked hard, let's have a drink." Hinata said.

There was no adult present, Hinata looks super cute, and she looks very similar to herself when you look closely. These factors made Ziyuan not nervous. She picked up the cup and touched Hinata lightly. Seeing Hinata drink, she also Followed by a sip.

"It's delicious!" Ziyuan's eyes lit up after only one sip, and she drank the cup quickly: "What is this? It tastes a bit like orange juice, but it's much better than the orange juice I've ever had."

"Drink more if it tastes good." Hinata said.

According to the family investigation, the ghost country where Ziyuan is located is too small, too remote, backward in all aspects, and economically depressed. To put it bluntly, it is very poor.

Since only witches can seal monsters, the attitudes of various countries towards the kingdom of ghosts are very delicate.

There are many people who do not believe that sprites can destroy the world. Believe it or not, it is better to have a witch than to have no witch. No one refute this.

To prevent the kingdom of ghosts from developing and sharing the cake with everyone, the big names of all big and small countries agreed to secretly curb the development of the kingdom of ghosts.

To prevent witches from turning to a certain country and becoming a part of that country, causing unpredictable consequences, everyone tacitly forbids witches to leave the kingdom of ghosts.

Speaking of which, Shion is a bird in a cage just like the priestesses in the kingdom of ghosts in the past.

"How do you feel about this village?" Hinata asked.

Ziyuan was stunned, and subconsciously looked at Hinata: "A village? This is a village!"

"It's a big city in scale, but it's still a village in name," Hinata said.

"That's it." Ziyuan felt confused, thinking of what Hinata said just now, and asked her how she felt, she thought for a while and said: "It feels like it's okay, there are tall buildings everywhere, and there are so many people that they will give up the road." The level of clogging, the food is super delicious.”

"Compared to your home, which is the country of ghosts, how is it better?" Hinata said.

"Then it must be here." Ziyuan said without thinking.

"Since you think this place is good, it should be no problem to move here and settle here, and treat this as your new home," Hinata said.

Ziyuan hesitated and said: "This, this, maybe not, I still like the ghost country, that, I am used to living there, um."

"Habits can be changed. When you move here, you may not get used to it at first, but you will get used to it gradually." Hinata said.

Ziyuan suddenly felt that the orange juice was not fragrant: "Why do you do this? I have my own responsibilities in the ghost country, I can't leave there, please don't force me, let me go back."

"One year." Hinata raised her index finger: "You will live here for a year first, after that you can go or stay, it's up to you, I will never stop you."

"Just one year, keep what you say, and don't change your mind." Ziyuan said.

"Changing your mind is a puppy." Hinata said.

"I hope you keep your word." Zi Yuan said hesitantly.

"I'm not lying to you, do you want to pull a hook?" Hinata said.

"Yes!" Ziyuan said immediately.

Hinata was happy.

As the saying goes, it is easy to go from frugality to extravagance, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. After experiencing the prosperity of Konoha, and then returning to the poor life in the land of ghosts, it is no wonder Ziyuan can bear it.

One year later, in the plot, Otsuki Mokura-shiki traveled from the future through time and space and returned to the past, the timeline of his debut.

Capture Urashiki alive, and get the Otsutsuki family's Chakradan refining technology from Urashiki, Hinata can release the sprites, refine the sprites into Chakradan, let Shion take it, and create a combat power close to Chaoying master.

What is missing is actual combat experience, plus a few practical and commonly used ninjutsu.

For the sake of himself after Infinite Moon Reading, his combat power can become stronger. Hinata attaches great importance to and cherishes every ninja who can refine chakra, let alone a well-trained super shadow-level powerhouse like Shion.

That must be recruited.

(End of this chapter)

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