Chapter 55 Filial piety (for collection)
Hyuga home.

Hinata raised her cup and said, "Everyone, you can eat as you want, drink as you want, jump as you want, scream as you want, there are no rules here, if you want to get on the roof, I'll move a ladder for you. Anyway, let it go and play.”

Without the presence of adults, they don't understand the horror and power of the thousand-year-old clan like the Hyuga family. Commoner children have no scruples, and they really listen to Hinata, let go of eating and playing.

"My God! What is this! It's terrible! Can this thing be eaten?"

"What is this monster that looks like a spider! The shell is so hard! How can I eat it!"

"This drink is really delicious! I'm so envious of Hinata, I can drink such a delicious drink every day..."

Seeing Hinata approaching, Shikamaru quietly moved to the side, hiding behind Choji.

"Is it delicious?" Hinata asked.

Choji, who was devouring his mouth full of food, couldn't speak, but just nodded vigorously.

"That's great." Hinata smiled and said, "You were crying all the way and couldn't tell, and you thought you hated me."

Ding Ci shook his head hastily, it's too late for him to like Hinata now, how could he hate it, and he was crying because he came here and missed his father's promise to eat barbecue until he vomited.

Compared with the sumptuous delicacies of these five tables, the barbecue is nothing.

"Come on, don't be too polite. After you've finished eating, there's more. Hey, why don't you eat it? Doesn't it suit your appetite? I'll ask the kitchen to cook what you like."

"No, it's delicious, I like it very much, it's just..."


"Can you pack it? I, I want my father, mother, and grandpa to eat such a delicious thing."

"What kind of bag do you pack? If you want to eat, eat fresh ones. Where do you live, I will send someone to your home."

"Really, is it okay? I, I, I also want to give it to my parents." Because her forehead is too wide, she has some low self-esteem, introverted, and timid. At this time, she mustered up her courage and said.

"It's all, it's all there." Hinata followed suit.

Those who can enter the elite class, no matter how bad they are, will not be so bad. There are no big talents, but there are small talents. In the future, if it is suitable, they can be sent out to be a middle-level or grass-roots manager.

Cast your net wide, sure.

There, there were two people who were not very happy and looked sullen.

Even Zhi Nao, who has a very low sense of presence, hooked shoulders with the classmates around him, and chatted very deeply. Only these two people had long faces, sitting there and eating, serious.

Ignore them, the love-hate entanglement between Indra and Asura is too normal, if these two people don't make something happen, it will be abnormal, Hinata is holding a glass of juice, sitting next to Sakura naturally , this is her main target tonight: "Is it delicious?"

"Yes!" Sakura nodded quickly.

"Eat more if it tastes good. It's best to finish it all, then I'll be happier." Hinata smiled.

"I..." Sakura whispered, "Actually, I've eaten a lot, and I'm full."

"Don't eat when you're full. Don't force it. If you eat too much, you will suffer from indigestion and discomfort." Hinata said, "I invite everyone to play together for fun and joy, not for pleasure. suffer."

"Then I won't eat?" Sakura hesitated.

Hinata nodded.

Sakura put down her chopsticks, didn't dare to look at Hinata, lowered her head and rubbed the corner of her clothes, and after a while, she said in a small voice, "Excuse me, where is the bathroom?"

Just looking for a chance to be alone, when Sakura said this, Hinata put down the cup: "I'm going too, let's go, I'll take you there."

We're going to the bathroom, don't follow, outside the yard, seeing Hinata coming out, the guards who are about to accompany them, when they heard Hinata say this, they looked at each other, opened their eyes one after another, and locked the area near the bathroom, making sure it's okay, Only then did he stop and close his eyes.

"To avoid misunderstanding, don't move around." The captain looked up and said to the three Anbu who were hiding in the tree, monitoring and protecting Naruto.

This kind of warning tone made the three Anbu feel unhappy.

Dozens of people are still dangling at the stage of Chunin, not even a special Jōnin, who gave you the confidence to speak to us like this?
On the other side, after going to the bathroom and standing in front of the sink, Hinata pretended to be curious, and said puzzledly: "Why do you have your bangs done like this, I think it's more suitable for you to tie them with a hair tie."

"No, yes, I." Sakura whispered, "My forehead is not pretty."

"Have you been injured? Or are there any strange marks?" Hinata asked.

"No, just, it's just that." With an embarrassed face, Sakura said: "Wide, it's too wide."

"I'm sorry." Hinata moved her hands, fixed Xiao Ying's face, and told her not to move, then pushed her forehead bangs aside: "It's not wide."

Not as strong as Hinata, Sakura, who couldn't resist, said in a panic: "Stop! Stop! Don't do this!"

Hinata took out a hair band that she had prepared in advance from her pocket, put it on for Sakura, then straightened her hair, straightened her face, and faced the mirror: "Look, how cute, how can it not look good?"

Sakura's prototype is said to be AB's wife, let's not talk about her temper and personality, first of all, her appearance cannot be bad.

In the settings, Sakura's appearance is very high. Of course, no matter how tall she is, she can't surpass Hinata. In terms of figure alone, Hinata beats Sakura by more than a dozen blocks.

Mistaking Hinata for teasing herself, Sakura cried.

Hinata didn't mean to stop, and patiently said in a gentle tone: "Believe me, I don't bother to lie, say yes if yes, say no if no, come on, take a serious look at you in the mirror, our aesthetics Isn’t the outlook much worse? What looks good to me, could it be that it’s ugly to you?”

Gradually, Sakura stopped crying and stared blankly at the person in the mirror.

"How is it? Isn't it beautiful?" Hinata said.

"Secretly, but you will find it strange. If you show yourself so generously and confidently, maybe some people still don't like you, but that's perfectly normal. You're not money, so why should everyone like you? you."

"You don't live for those irrelevant people who hate you and don't like you. You live for yourself, for your parents."

In the plot, the four of Otonin came to pick up Sasuke and leave, but Sakura was willing to give up everything and let Sasuke take her to escape together, a speechless love brain.

If you lose your partner, you can find them again. Parents are the most important relatives.

Hinata values ​​Sakura's talent, but there is a premise that she must be filial to her parents, no matter how good she is, she doesn't want someone who is not filial to her parents, for example, a certain big weasel.

Back at the party yard, I found that except for Choji, everyone else was full, sitting in a daze, talking in a whisper, Hinata waved: "Let's go to the movies."

 Seek collection, seek follow-up
(End of this chapter)

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