Chapter 56 Huahuo: Wow (Favorites)

In this period of time, there is no movie theater in Muye Village, you only have to go to a big town, and you can count on one hand the students who actually went to the movie theater to watch the movie.

Ino, Shikamaru, Choji, the three families have always shared weal and woe, even when they go out to play, they form a group together, which is lively and saves money.

Having grown up so big, Sasuke, who has never been out of the village once, saw a projector and a movie for the first time. While being shocked, he stared intently without blinking his eyes.

Even he is like this, let alone other students.

"It's great, I can watch movies at home." Ino enviously said, "Where did you buy this thing that plays movies? How much is it?"

"I don't know." Hinata shook her head.

"This is what your family bought, how could you not know." Ino was puzzled.

"When I buy things, I don't care about the price, I just buy it if I like it." Hinata whispered.

"..." Ino.

"If you're interested, I'll ask for it for you." Hinata got up, slipped out quietly, and asked about the price of the projector from the maid who was guarding outside the house, and then slipped back quietly, sitting next to Ino .

"How much?" Ino asked.

"980 million." Hinata said, "If it's cheaper, you can get it for about 200 million. If it's second-hand, you can get it for more than 800 million."

In the future, as the level of technology increases, the price of projectors is bound to drop sharply. In this era, it can be called sky-high.

Shikamaru couldn't help coughing, seeing Hinata looking over, he hurriedly covered his mouth, lowered his head, and used the classmates around him as a cover.

Ino, who was young and didn't have a clear concept of money, did some calculations, 100 taels was the price of her meal, and it was more than 900 million. How many meals can she eat?
After reaching the conclusion, she was a little uncertain whether her father would buy her such an expensive thing.

After watching two movies in a row, Hinata has watched it many times. Hinata turned off the projector with a slap, grabbed the pillow from where she got it, and threw it on the sneaky Sui, Shikamaru always avoided her face: "Don't watch it! Let's have a pillow fight!"

In Shikamaru's heart, the alarm bell was ringing loudly, so many people didn't want to hit him, but he was the first to hit him, that's not good!He hurriedly rolled on the spot and came to the door nimbly.

"Don't go, let's play together." Hinata grabbed Shikamaru by the back collar, lifted him up with one hand, like carrying a doll, and threw him back on the soft sofa in the corner with ease .

At the same time, the doors and windows were wide open, and many pure white square pillows were thrown in by the maids and guards, and then the doors and windows were closed tightly again.


"Look at the trick!" Hinata grabbed the pillow and threw it on the face of the classmate beside him without looking at it.

Sasuke, who was knocked to the ground, was stunned, and was greeted by many pillows.

"Oops! She's really eyeing me!" Shikamaru, who didn't want to participate, but wanted to verify an answer, was hit fourteen times in a row, each time by Hinata, and he immediately regretted coming here .

His father's younger brother, who was eaten to death by his mother, didn't dare to resist at all. He didn't want to make the same mistakes again.

"Ah! My stomach hurts so much! I want...I want to go home...I want to see a doctor...Ahhh!" Shikamaru clutched his stomach, fell to the ground and rolled.

It came out so suddenly that it scared the other students.

It was obvious at a glance that he was pretending to be Hinata, and said to the outside: "Come in a medical ninja, show him quickly."

Immediately, a hidden jounin who was proficient in medical ninjutsu pushed open the window and appeared next to Shikamaru in an instant. After the inspection, he said in a daze, "En? No problem, he is in good health."

"Look at him in such pain! How can he be okay?" Hinata anxiously said, "Give him treatment quickly! There are plenty of medicines at home, don't be afraid of spending, use the best medicine, and give him two injections first!"

Seeing Hinata's secret blinking, Hidden Jōnin quickly understood, and looked at Shikamaru with malicious intentions. If the lady wants to treat someone specially, she must use the biggest needle, and this kid will definitely feel it. pain.

Shikamaru was carried away on a stretcher, and the rest of the students looked at each other in blank dismay.

Soon, Shikamaru was sent back again, sweating profusely, with tears in his eyes, walking with a limp.

"Is it all right? If it's not all right, I'll give you a few more injections." Hinata asked with concern.

"Okay, okay! I have no problem at all! Then what, let's continue with the pillow fight!" Shikamaru shuddered and said hastily.

Seeing Shikamaru going out lying down and walking back, everyone felt relieved and envied Hinata even more. There is such an excellent medical ninja at home, so I feel safe.

He played until almost eleven o'clock. Considering that he would have class tomorrow, Hinata hurriedly called a stop, and it was time for a break.

There is a bathhouse at home, the space is very large, divided into men and women, there is no need to line up, it can be done at once, and everyone is sent to take a bath, Hinata sneaks into the kitchen, eats supper, and at the same time makes up for tonight's meal.

Eating with everyone, I only ate so little, which made her hungry enough.

"Master Hinata."

Hearing the maid's whispered reminder, Hinata looked in the direction she was pointing, and saw Hanabi lying outside the door, looking at her eagerly.

"Oh! My lovely sister! What time is it, why are you still up?" Hinata was startled, put down the spoon in her hand, and ran over to pick up Hanabi.

"Sir, why don't you come and play with me?" Huahuo grabbed her sister's clothes and said childishly.

"Didn't you just talk about it when you came back from school? My sister has to entertain my classmates tonight, so I don't have time." Hinata said, "Huahuo should sleep with my father and my mother."

"What is a classmate? Don't, don't, don't!" Huahuo grabbed her sister's clothes with all her might, crying as soon as she said it.

"Classmates are classmates, they are sister's friends, and when Hanabi grows up, there will be many classmates." Hinata said: "Be good, sister will play with you tomorrow."

"Wow!" Huahuo cried out vigorously, shaking her head vigorously: "No, no!"

Hinata is big, this sister is too willful, and the father and mother are really serious, how can they get used to her like this.

The Zong family has a lot of large houses that are vacant and unoccupied. It is a piece of cake to accommodate 26 classmates.

Hinata, who was full after eating and taking a bath, came to the door of the girl's room with fireworks in her arms. Before entering the door, she whispered: "Be good, don't cry anymore, you know?"

Hanabi nodded.

Knock on the door first, and then open the door when something is prepared inside.

Sitting in a circle, chatting, eight girls including Sakura and Ino all looked over.

"Cute! Who is she?" Ino's eyes lit up.

"My sister." Hinata smiled and said, "Quick, say hello to everyone."

Huahuo stared at these classmates, snorted, turned her head, and buried her head on her sister's shoulder.

"Ahahaha." Hinata said with a dry smile, "She has never seen outsiders, so she is a little shy."

 Seek collection, seek follow-up
(End of this chapter)

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