Start with a prosthetic shop

Chapter 105 Combat Computer

Chapter 105 Combat Computer
On this day, Lynn was drawing circles in the dormitory.

A few days ago, Telvin and his team left engineering laser cutters and other tools in their bags and handed them over to the younger brother for safekeeping. They thought they would take them with them when they went back, but they didn't.

The bag was also seized by Lynn.

There are quite a lot of things in the bag.

The laser cutter, which Telvin uses to silently cut window panes,

Lynn experimented.

It seems that this thing can only be used to cut glass, because the temperature of the laser center is certain.

Lynn took out another syringe from the package, which contained gas that could stun people, but there was only a small amount of gas left in it, which could no longer stun people.

There is also Telvin's own mobile phone, and there are no important files in the mobile phone.

There was also a strange card inside the package, with a line of incomprehensible words written on it:
"Squatter Thieves Guild, member."

Lin En felt a little speechless. It was understandable that the mysterious hacker had introduced him to the Programmers Guild before. For programmers, it is still necessary to set up a platform for communication.

"What is this Thieves Guild?"

and also
Lynn took out an identity card from Anning City from his bag.

This means that Lin En has initially qualified to immigrate to Anning City, and the remaining task is to prepare a little Anning, and then he can start from scratch and enter the big city to work hard.

"An Ning City, it's really exciting."

Lynn couldn't help feeling a little fascinated,

When I went to the cafeteria for lunch, I ran into Romit by chance.

Romit looked a little uncomfortable, but he quickly overcame his emotions and began to secretly ask about Lynn's family background, trying to get some clues about himself.


Lynn was taken aback,
Few people ask about their own past.

He casually made up: "The impression is a little blurry now, but I vaguely remember that I actually came from a strange world called Nebula M78, and everyone in it is very friendly."

This is a casually made-up story, obviously Lynn doesn't want to tell the outside world about his life experience.

Romit originally wanted to concentrate on recording it, but this time, there is no need to remember it.

But he was not discouraged, and still said: "Oh, that's it—then what are your hobbies? Oh, I mean hobbies."

Lynn froze for a moment, as if suddenly aware of something.


He remembered the scene of himself wearing a color-changing leather jacket and shooting with a prosthetic breast.

So he said:


Romit felt very strange. It was a very strange thing for a person without any hobbies. He was more inclined to think that Lynn was deliberately covering up some inappropriate hobbies.

"Really do not have."

Lynn shrugged, "I'm a mechanic, and I don't have any hobbies on weekdays. At best, I just tinker with these machines, and then, uh, learn."

Immediately, Lin En said: "You might as well tell me your story, tell me about your previous life, to be honest, I am very curious about the life in Anning City..."

"As you know, the lifelong dream of many crossfire people is to get the permanent residence registration in Anning City and move to live in Anning City, but I don't have any deep feelings about this, I just find their thinking very puzzling."

"What is the charm of this city that can attract so many people?"

When asking someone for personal information, you should be prepared that the person being asked is likely to ask a rhetorical question like this.

Romit was taken aback.

With a somewhat unnatural expression, he said: "How about this city... I have lived in a shanty town since I was born, and I have never been to other areas in my life, so I can only tell you what the shanty town brought me. feel..."

"Life in the city is indeed a bit more interesting than in the company. There is Internet and more entertainment venues. But I feel that it is safer in the company dormitory. Of course, the premise is..."

Romit's words stopped abruptly.

He swallowed the rest of the sentence.

The premise is not to be neighbors with Lynn.

"It's safer in the company's dormitory?" Lynn laughed loudly: "Are you kidding, as far as I know, the city's defenses in Anning City are solid.

There have been many animal hordes in the firefighting areas in history. These animal hordes may be large in scale, but they have never really threatened the safety of Anning City."

"Do not."

Romit shook his head, hesitantly said:
"The most unsettling creatures have never been wild animals."

"It's someone else."

"It's hard for me to describe the scene in Anning City to you, but generally speaking, it is indeed safer than the firefighting area, at least no one will kill people in the street.

There are tons of skyscrapers going up into the sky, but that's mostly background panels, and I don't actually live in that kind of place."

"In that city, there are bizarre events happening every moment, and these bizarre events and bizarre characters constitute urban legends one after another in Anning City. The talk after tea and dinner has disappeared. Only a very small number of urban legends and characters will be remembered for a long time and turned into legends."

"Urban legend?"

Lynn frowned: "Are you referring to ghost stories? There are still ghosts in Anning City?"

"Probably not." Romit said cautiously: "But I'm actually not sure. Some well-known tragedies seem to be done by ghosts, but the school told me that there are no ghosts in this world."

"Just some ghost-like people."

Lynn was silent.

He is not in a hurry to move to Anning City now,
If you want to move, at least you have to do enough homework on the situation inside.

The two chatted for a while and parted ways.
Only then did Romit realize that, at some point,
On the contrary, he was told a lot by Lynn.

In the dormitory, Lynn is researching automatic control technology.

Since he put forward the "three-step" strategy some time ago, he has been studying works in related fields,
After studying the theory for a period of time, Lynn already had some ideas in his mind.

"If you want to enter the second stage of automatic control technology, let all the components listen to my command, it is not impossible."

Lynn's eyes flickered.

A combat computer is required.

It was also the last auction item when I went to the auction with the president.

Connect all the components under the automatic control network to this combat computer, and the automatic control technology can be improved to a higher level.

Then the premise is,
Have a basic combat computer.

What if I don't have a computer?

What if I don't have money?

How to make money?

Lynn immediately thought of the Evolution Society.

When he was in the northeast market, he made money by running shops. When he first joined the company, he made money by entrusting the company. Now that he has connected to the local area network of the entire crossfire area, he can of course be entrusted by the entire sphere of influence of the Evolution Society.

It took a few days to do a few complicated manufacturing tasks, and Lynn successfully exchanged for a combat computer.

On this day, Lynn went to pick up the courier.

However, apart from the brand-new combat computer, there was also a strange letter in the mail.
(End of this chapter)

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