Start with a prosthetic shop

Chapter 106 First Preparation

Chapter 106 The First Level of Preparation

Lynn carefully took out the combat computer in the package, and was just about to go back to the dormitory to unpack it, but when he picked up the package, he found a letter hidden underneath.

Lynn was taken aback.

Who will send me a letter?

He thought of Hans, Sunny and many other old faces in an instant, but then he denied these thoughts.

Now is the information age, why not use mobile phones to make calls?

Back in the house, Lynn put the combat computer first, then opened the letter.

The envelope was opened.

Lynn took out a crumpled piece of paper from it.

I saw that it said:

"Dear Mr Lynn,

Hello there.

After about three weeks,
We're about to launch an all-out attack on your house.

"Fourteen Thieves"

Lynn: "?"

Lynn froze in place.

He didn't expect to receive a letter of challenge from a thief one day.

Killing the members of the Fourteen Thieves Group was a last resort. Although he knew that there might be troubles coming to his door, he wanted to change to a dormitory to avoid it, but he still didn't expect that this famous group would go all out!

Isn't it common sense, shouldn't there be a slightly more powerful gift experience first?

Why did the big boss personally lead all the little bosses A up?
"I thought I was catching a thief, but I didn't expect to stab my old nest." Lin En's expression changed.

How to do?
To run, or to keep?

Lynn thought about it, and decided to stick to the dormitory.

If you run, you won't be able to go anywhere. There are so many people in Sanyuanhuikou, even if you change a few dormitories, you will still be discovered.

I can never go back to the Northeast Bazaar, the defense there is not as tight as here,

You can't even go out to wander. Now that there is chaos outside, something might go wrong.

Although I don't know what the other party's psychology is, the thief is so graceful, and he gave himself a period of time to prepare
Of course, what Lynn didn't know was that this letter of gauntlet could not be completely regarded as a symbol of the opponent's underestimation of the enemy.
There are some deep thoughts and plans of others.

Lynn took a deep breath.

Decided to enter the exciting preparation stage from now on.

The first step in preparing for war is to strengthen the defense system of the dormitory.

In the previous conflict with Telvin, Lynn found some shortcomings in the defense system exposed,
The biggest disadvantage is that you actually need to have a head-on conflict with the enemy!

Frontal conflict represents danger.

This is totally intolerable.

Now that the basic combat computer has arrived, the most urgent task now is to manufacture some heavy firepower weapons on the second floor of the dormitory, and then connect them to the combat computer, so that killing the enemy can be easier.

Just like the hidden sentry machine gun at the gate of the Grundfos branch in the Northeast Bazaar!

How to do this thing?
The first step is to get a machine gun out,
The second step is to connect the machine gun with the combat computer, and then create a folding module and hide it on the ceiling.

After three days of research, Lynn successfully connected a pistol to the combat computer.

Lynn fixed the silenced pistol in a certain position and entered instructions on the computer.



The pistol fired bullets and hit the target in front of him.

Lynn nodded,

But the pistol was still inaccurate.

Lynn had a little understanding of the accuracy when he was making the three-eyed man. At this time, he reproduced the previous idea and installed a gyromagnetic laser generator on the head of the silencer pistol, and then monitored An optical identifier is also installed on the

In this way, the pistol has the ability to automatically turn,

But monitoring can't actually identify who is a person, that requires high technical skills, Lynn actually took a trick,

As long as it automatically recognizes the moving target in front of it after activation, points the muzzle at the moving object, and then shoots, that's it.

There is not much difference between the two in actual use.

The next step is to follow the gourd painting and replace the pistol with a machine gun.
Now there is a question before Lynn,
What kind of machine gun is used?
This machine gun cannot be a very common model on the market, because it needs to be adapted to the basic combat computer, which means that an additional automatic control module must be added when designing.
"If I do it myself, it would be too troublesome and waste too much time," Lynn thought. For him, every minute is precious.

In desperation, Lin En thought of Uncle Chen and Easley.

He chose to seek help directly!

Facts have proved that Uncle Chen's design is very good, it can be said to be a masterpiece.If it weren't for that strange prosthetic chest, he might not have been able to kill the seasoned Telvin so easily.

Easley also has a lot of experience in the field of automatic control,

Lynn contacted the two and discussed in detail the matter of making a machine gun.

In one afternoon, Uncle Chen gave a design drawing of a six-barreled machine gun. After checking the firepower, Lin En planned the space a little bit and inserted the automatic control module, but heard Easley's voice floating over .

"Where is your machine gun going to be installed?"

"Of course it should be installed on the ceiling and made in a form that can be folded, so as to ensure the concealment." Lynn explained.

"Oh." Easley nodded, "Did you accept the commission from the arms company? Or was it ordered by some force, Tianxiameng or the company?"

"No, it's the Fourteen Thieves."

Lin En said, what he said was actually the truth.

"Oh, that's it." Uncle Chen understood, but he was somewhat puzzled in his heart.

These six-barreled machine guns are very bulky and basically can only be fixed in a certain position to shoot,

And thieves are a group that needs mobility very much, why do they need this kind of weapon?

Of course, he just thought about it in his heart, and he wouldn't ask about such matters related to commercial secrets.

Easley scratched his head,
He seemed to understand something,
So he thought for a while and said, "Actually, hiding a machine gun in the ceiling is not a very hidden design now. This set was still a rare thing before the company came, but now."

"Almost a major force has adopted this defense system, and the intruders are likely to be prepared for it."


Lin En was taken aback, and said: "I finally came up with this design, is there such a bad street?"

"Pretty bad." Easley said: "Because it takes time to extend the gun from the ceiling, to be precise, you have to lift the ceiling cover first, and then bang to extend the gun, which takes at least two seconds time.

With this space, only civilians who are completely unaware of what is going on will stand there."

After an explanation, Lynn also felt that it made sense.

But he is a master at observing words and expressions, looking at Easley's expression, borrowing the donkey's way of going down the slope, he said:

"Then I wonder what your opinion is?"

"Hahaha." Easley laughed three times, and said: "It's better to use the manufacturing method of smart home to hide weapons in various furniture. We only need to place enough furniture to build a hidden and strong Front"

(End of this chapter)

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