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Chapter 108 Biological Side Research

Chapter 108 Biological Side Research

The holes in the cattle of these companies are nothing else,
It is the bovine rumen artificial fistula.

As we all know, cattle have four stomachs, which are rumen, abomasum, money belly and beef louver.The largest volume is the rumen, accounting for about 4% of the volume of the four stomachs.

The main purpose of installing rumen fistulas for cattle is research to help improve the digestive health of more animals, and it will also help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and curb global warming.

It's true that around 20% of the world's methane emissions come from ruminants.

"You know, raising cattle is actually a technical job." Hans shrugged his shoulders and pointed to his side.

Lynn looked over, and saw a trained lizard help the crowd, put his hand into the cow's stomach, and pulled out a wet yellow-green unknown object from the tube.
It looked unappetizing.

"These cows" Lynn hesitated to speak,

He suddenly remembered someone.


When meeting him for the first time, Lynn knew that he was a talented student from a shantytown.
But according to him, he was too casual in his choice of major,
I chose a very funny major,
Then there would be no room for him in the city.

Lynn felt it was absurd at the time,
Anyway, this is also a college student in the city, but he still can't get along in the city, and is reduced to the end of going out of the city to work as a coolie.
Even if you choose the wrong major, why do you end up here?
But Lin En didn't know the situation in the city after all, and he could only express his emotions casually about these things.

He recalled Romit's claim at the time that he had studied agronomy.

Agronomy is a comprehensive subject category. Lynn heard from the other party when chatting,
Agronomy also includes a large number of disciplines such as cell biology, animal biology, insect biochemistry, entomology, biochemistry, plant pathology, botany, and plant nutrition.

It seems that if you learn well, you can be sent to the shanty town zoo as a tour guide.

Students in shanty towns can’t do real high-tech research. Most of the agricultural students really leave the city and work in greenhouses outside the city. It is far less than the turn of the freshmen from the shantytowns to come.

in a sense,

Grundfos is just about to expand its territory to the crossfire area, and by the way, it has provided many jobs.
Romit himself has to thank the company.

Otherwise, you will be unemployed.

"I don't know if his agronomy knowledge can be used in the farm," Lin En thought, and secretly made up his mind to ask him to come over to guide the work after this period of time passed.

There is also a large piece of cultivated idle land around the farm. If some crops can be improved, or some technical help can be provided, the development of the Lizard Gang will be smoother.

After chatting for a while, Lin En returned to the black market in the Northeast Bazaar, and found the AIC booth with ease.

"Boss Lin, we haven't seen each other for a long time. I've heard people say that you've made a fortune at Sanyuanhuikou now."

The fat man from the intelligence company was still at the booth. When he saw Lin En, he also greeted him with a smile.
"If you don't get rich, don't get rich." Lin En laughed.

"Oh, you're out of touch again. How many of those who can enter the company are not rich? I think those who are rich say they are not rich!" The fat man laughed,

Lynn said: "Hehe."

Lynn couldn't help but recall the first time they met each other,
The fat man also deliberately put on a arrogant posture, saying that the threshold fee should be paid first, or we can talk about it,
He couldn't help shaking his head.

In such a short period of time, many people's attitudes have undergone a 180-degree reversal.

After a little bit of pretentious greeting, Lynn took out the syringe from that day and handed it to the other party.

"This is."

The fat man frowned, and subconsciously wanted to push the syringe.

Lynn quickly stopped,

"There is some gas in it. If you smell it, you will faint. I want to know about these gases. Is there any organization that can supply them? Please ask for me."

Lin En thought for a while and said: "By the way, don't reveal my personal information. I think you should understand these moral rules."

"I understand, of course I understand." The fat man paused quickly, and took the syringe back carefully.

"Then when I get news, I will notify you as soon as possible."

After the two discussed matters, Lynn left first.

After a few days,
All the machine guns Lynn needed had already been manufactured, and they were couriered together with the mines, animal traps, superglue and other items he bought on a whim.

It took Lynn a lot of effort to move these things to the second floor of the dormitory.
Then it's remodel time.
Lynn installed a machine gun on the ceiling of the second floor from the landing,
Lynn pressed a button on the remote,
The ceiling opened with a bang, and a gun head protruded from it.

Lynn nodded in satisfaction.

He also installed a retractable machine gun in the sofa.

Lynn pressed a button on the remote,
The surface of the sofa was torn open, and a gun head protruded from it.

Lynn nodded again with satisfaction.

These machine guns are linked to the combat computer and have not been activated yet, so even if the guns are poked out, they will not actively attack.

Lynn hollowed out the sofas in each dormitory, and made the same inside,

There is also the installation of mine.
While Lynn was working in full swing, Romit had a new harvest in the dormitory.

Romit took off a pinhole camera from a corner of the dormitory.

His mood suddenly sank to the bottom.

What the hell is going on?

Lynn was jingling outside early in the morning, as if installing something, which made him very uneasy.

"This pinhole camera could not have been installed by him."

What kind of person would peep into the privacy of the same sex?

Romit swallowed, he quietly opened the door, wanting to see what Lynn was doing,
As soon as he opened the door, he fell into a state of sluggishness.

Lynn took a landmine and slipped it under some dirty rug.

Romit: "?"

He immediately closed the door tightly, terrified and afraid to make a sound.

His conjecture seemed to be completely wrong.

This person doesn't look like a pervert, more like a pure psychopath.

But at this moment, his cell phone rang.

The crisp and cheerful ringtone made him feel like falling into an ice cave.

As soon as Romit took out his phone, he saw the contact name popping up on it.


He suddenly felt creepy,
"Dong dong dong."

A knock on the door suddenly rang in my ears,

Lynn knocked on the door!

Romit dared not speak, his heart beat faster now,
"Dong dong dong."

The knocking on the door became more urgent,

Romit bit the bullet and opened the door.

Lynn looked at the other person's expression, and asked a little strangely: "What's wrong with you?"


"Oh" Lynn nodded: "There may be a military exercise on the second floor in two weeks, so don't come out casually, it will be very dangerous, if you want to go to work these days, you can slide down with a rope. "

"I will send you the locations of mines, sentry machine guns, superglue, electric shockers, flour, flashbangs, gasoline, flamethrowers and special slip solutions later, although they are still inactive, but you should pay attention to avoid them , don't ruin my delicate arrangement"

(End of this chapter)

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